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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 35

by Jillian Neal

  The Haydenshire lion crest banner hung from each of the walls and on the back of the draped seats of the tables. The archway to enter the dance floor was covered in hanging Crown Imperial flowers. Pear blossom bouquets, the sign of health and hope, were on the serving tables, which contained delectable spreads of more food than Rainer had ever seen in one location.

  Each table was candlelit around huge centerpieces of lavender irises, the symbol of the Realm, which stood for faith and hope. At the last minute, Judy had requested that tiny Amaranth flowers, in a deep pink, be added to the centerpieces. They were the symbol of fidelity. The effect was stunning. The room itself seemed magical, and Rainer smiled as he watched Emily’s eyes glittering as she took it all in.

  An hour into the party, the Haydenshires made their grand entrance. Everyone applauded and whistles rang through the vast crowd as the newly minted Crown Governor pulled Mrs. Haydenshire in for the first dance.

  All of Iodex was there to show their support of the new Crown. Rainer was rather surprised that Vindico had invited Bridgette to the event. He and every other person in the room was not as surprised by that as they were that Bridgette was wearing a rather naughty nurse costume. It clearly would have been vastly more appropriate in her bedroom than it was at a costume ball. Emily’s eyes goggled.

  “What, he didn’t let her change from work before he brought her here?” She huffed furiously.

  “Come on, Em. Just ignore her. Let’s just have fun.” Rainer didn’t want to think about Bridgette or what he knew was the only reason Vindico was dating her, as it had nothing to do with liking her.

  As far as Rainer could tell, Bridgette annoyed Vindico just as much as she annoyed Emily, but she was a key to Wretchkinsides, and that was all Vindico wanted.

  Grandpa Haydenshire had shown in a tux that appeared to have been crafted in the late seventies. When Mrs. Haydenshire had shaken her head and suggested that perhaps his son being elected Crown Governor of the Realm might’ve warranted a new tux, he’d informed her that he’d paid good money for the one that he was wearing.

  With a chuckle, Rainer moved to the punch table. He accepted two cups from the wait-staff and greeted Tuttle and Vindico as they made their way over.

  “What, you didn’t want to play doctor to her nurse? No, wait, you should be her patient!” Tuttle waggled his eyebrows and laughed at Vindico who was dressed in what appeared to be an extremely expensive tux. Vindico rolled his eyes and held up two fingers as the woman pouring the punch filled two more goblets.

  “That’s not even a costume.” Tuttle continued to chide as he pointed to Vindico’s tux.

  “Sure it is. I’m the head of Iodex, in a tux.” He sneered then moved to find Bridgette.

  Bridgette’s naughty nurse costume was not the most revealing costume of the evening, not by a long shot. Emily’s mouth fell open as Lindley Vindico entered with her date. She was dressed as a Playboy Bunny, complete with the ears, bow tie, and the black get up that barely covered anything at all. Her date was wearing a red silk robe and black silk pajama pants. He was carrying an unlit pipe as he was playing, none other than, Hugh Hefner.

  “Is she fucking serious?” Vindico shook his head as Governor Vindico’s mouth fell open in horror. He spun to march over to Lindley. Vindico caught his father on his advance.

  “She wants you to get mad and freak. That’s why she does this.” He reminded his father. Governor Vindico seemed appalled by his youngest daughter’s display, and the deep disappointment etched his entire being.

  Rainer and Emily shook hand after hand. They were shocked to see the Fitzroy’s there, but he’d been invited along with the French Realm Minister. Many foreign heads of state were in attendance as well. Rainer smiled and was heartily greeted by the British Crown, the head of the British Realm, who’d been good friends of his father.

  “Hey, do we know that guy?” Logan gestured to a man, with deep black hair that was speaking to the Haydenshires. Rainer racked his brain.

  “Yeah.” He recalled suddenly. “I think that’s the Australian Caliph and his sons. Uh, Ethan, and Finn, I believe.” Rainer recalled having been introduced to the elderly man and two of his grown sons a few minutes earlier. “But I don’t think we’ve ever met them before.” Rainer shrugged and drew a sip of his punch.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, but it was weird when I shook his hand it was like I knew him or something.” Logan looked extremely confused.

  “Well, maybe he just reminded you of someone. Energy patterns can be similar.” Emily commented.

  “Yeah, Em, I’m not a Receiver. That doesn’t happen to me.” Logan reminded her sardonically.

  “Well, not all of our energies are that different. Maybe you know someone he’s related to or something?” She suggested.

  “Yeah, maybe.” He was still studying one of the Australian Minister’s sons.

  Governor Haydenshire asked Emily to dance, and everyone applauded as he led his daughter out to the dance floor. Rainer smiled as he watched her father’s pride swell, as he twirled Emily sweetly.

  “Very convincing Bogart.” Vindico smiled at Rainer as he and Fitzroy approached him. They’d been laughing at something just moments before. Fitzroy had cornered Rainer earlier in the evening to ask how long Vindico and Bridgette had been an item. Rainer’s response seemed to disturb Vindico’s best friend deeply.

  “I look better with my Bacall.” Rainer teased. Vindico laughed. Fitz definitely brought out Vindico’s best. He’d even been smiling occasionally.

  “Yeah, and I’m betting you’ll let her teach you how to whistle, as well.” He recalled the famous movie line with a knowing grin.

  “I’m hoping.” Rainer quipped as they all laughed heartily.

  “And what are you three laughing about?” Fionna Styler sauntered up on the arm of her date. She smiled broadly at Vindico. She was dressed as Audrey Hepburn. Her long chestnut locks were piled high on her head in a sophisticated twist, and she wearing a near duplicate of the famous, Givenchy, white, sleeveless dress with black flowers on the long billowing trained skirt and the bodice. She completed the look with long, satin, elbow-length white gloves, to fit the part. Save her rather olive complexion, she pulled it off perfectly. Her date was attempting to be Spencer Tracy; though, he looked nothing like him. He’d also been ignoring Fionna most of the evening. He talked nonsensically about running for one of the open spaces on the Governing Board; though, he was much too young to ever have hoped to be elected.

  “You look lovely this evening, Miss Hepburn.” Vindico ignored her question as he picked up Fionna’s hand and kissed the glove. Fionna glowed.

  “Why thank you, Officer Vindico. I heard you were going as head of Iodex this evening.” She teased.

  “In a tux.” Vindico quipped with mocking arrogance. Fionna laughed as she gazed at him. Rainer was astonished as he watched Vindico add a cocky wink to his declaration.

  The Dance

  Emily returned to Rainer after the dance with her father. She was flushed from the lights and told Fionna how fabulous she looked.

  “Why thank you, Lauren. You and Bogie look ever so nice as well.” Fionna teased. The girls began giggling excitedly. Rainer and Vindico shook their heads. The Senate Band drawled the first notes of I’ll Be Seeing You and Emily swooned.

  “Oh, that’s Nana and Paps song.” She bit her lip excitedly as Paps lead Nana to the dance floor.

  “Can I get a dance, baby?” Emily nodded and let Rainer lead her to the dance floor. Many guests were wearing tuxes and ball gowns, and had only added masquerade masks to go with their ensembles, but the evening air seemed to hold trilling magic as Rainer swayed Emily around the dance floor.

  Everyone applauded as Governor Haydenshire moved to the band, after the song was over, to make a request. He smiled adoringly at his wife, as the first chords of I can’t help falling in love with you swelled from the band. Tears pricked Mrs. Haydenshire’s eyes as she fell into her husband’s arms to danc
e to the song they’d danced to at their wedding.

  A man in a black masquerade mask stumbled into Emily as they returned to their seats. Rainer caught and steadied her.

  “Oh I’m so sorry, miss.” The man apologized instantly.

  “Oh that’s all right.” Emily stated quizzically. She shivered slightly.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Rainer decided that playing Bogart wasn’t very hard since he preferred to call Emily baby anyway.

  “I don’t know. That guy sort of felt weird.” Her body gave an involuntary shiver as she tried to look back through the crowds to see the man again.

  “Weird how?” Rainer quizzed.

  “Well, I mean, not really bad just maybe a devious thought or two. Everyone has them occasionally, but I mean I picked up on him instantly in a room full of Gifted people?

  “Security is pretty tight here tonight. You had to have the invite to get in and everyone was screened.” He reminded her as they’d both had to summon and be read before even they were allowed in.

  “I know,” Emily forced a smile but Rainer sensed that it was only to appease him.

  As the night wore on, Rainer continued to twirl Emily around the dance floor. He let his mind drift to the hotel room that awaited them.

  “So, where are we staying tonight, Mr. Bogart?” Emily whispered seductively in his ear as they danced.

  “That is for me to know and you to find out, baby.”

  “Ok,” Emily conceded as she nestled her head on Rainer’s shoulder. He pulled her tighter to him. “What are we going to do when we get there?” Her enchanting voice, hungry in her whispered breath, made Rainer ache.

  He leaned his face to hers so he could whisper in her ear. Rainer began telling her just a few of his plans for their evening. When he finished, she was panting. Her eyes begged him as the song ended. He hoped that the extremely posh hotel had followed his instructions. Rainer couldn’t wait to let Emily see the room. He’d gone all out, but his heart ached every time he remembered why the night was special and what the next day would bring. He followed Emily back to their table where Levi and Sarah were engaged in some rather heated kisses.

  The band director magnified his voice and began to speak.

  “Crown Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire would like to invite everyone to the last dance of the evening and…” the director drawled. “Our new first lady has instructed me that this dance will be lady’s choice.” He chuckled as everyone laughed. Emily grinned at Rainer.

  “So, who are you hoping might ask you to dance Mr. Bogart?” She sassed. Rainer chuckled.

  “Well, I’ve been flirting with this really hot, red-head all night, but she’s way out of my league.” Emily laughed sweetly as she stood and took Rainer’s hand. She pulled him back to the dance floor.

  “When this dance is over, we can leave.” She tempted him as he folded his arms around her on the floor.

  “Mmmm. Then let’s make it quick…” Rainer drawled. “Because I want to get you out of here and me into you.” He felt her breath quicken deliciously.

  As Bridgette had been drinking the free champagne all evening, she was in no shape to ask Vindico to dance. Rainer shook his head slightly as Vindico offered her a cup of coffee but didn’t really seem to care. Emily’s eyes goggled, and Rainer furrowed his brow.

  “I wish she wouldn’t put herself through this.” Emily gestured to her right. Rainer turned and saw Fionna offer her gloved hand to Vindico.

  Vindico nodded and gave her a flirtatious smile as he led her to the dance floor. A minute later, they seemed to have melted into one another. Vindico’s hand was slipping lower and lower down the back of Fionna’s dress with every note of the song.

  As the rather long song reached it’s final verse, Rainer’s cell phone gave its ominous alarm in his pocket. Logan’s did the same as he stopped dancing with Adeline, right beside Rainer and Emily. Every phone belonging to Iodex officers all over the room were ringing simultaneously.

  With his stomach churning, Rainer answered. Vindico apologized to Fionna as he did the same. Fionna shook her head and told Vindico it was fine, not to worry, as she and every Iodex officer’s dance partner studied them. Everyone wondered what on earth was going on.

  Rainer felt sick as he heard the State police call informing Iodex officers, either on call that evening or not, that there’d been a kidnapping. Vindico shook his head and ended the recorded call instantly. He phoned the Iodex officers that were in the office, on call that evening.

  Rainer watched as Vindico went pale and began asking questions that Rainer couldn’t hear. He and Logan edged closer as did Portwood, Ericcson, Tuttle and Ramier. Horror etched Vindico’s chiseled features as Rainer heard him demand: “Do we have any idea where they’ve taken her?”

  As his heart sunk, Rainer braced and waited to hear. After another minute, Vindico ended the call. He looked sick.

  “What’s going on, Dan?” Governor Haydenshire moved towards Vindico as well. Guests and foreign diplomats, all over the chamber room, became very curious very quickly.

  “Let’s go,” Vindico suggested as everyone nodded following him out of the chamber room and into the Iodex offices. All of the Governors followed them out along with Fitzroy, Mrs. Haydenshire, Emily, and Adeline.

  Vindico spun as soon as everyone entered the office space. Rainer’s heart raced; though, he wasn’t yet certain why.

  “Son, what happened?” Governor Vindico urged. The morose expression on his son’s face seemed to deeply concern the Governor. Vindico swallowed and shook his head.

  “They’ve taken Samantha Peterson. They’re uh…” he drew a steadying breath, “punishing the former Governor for losing.”

  “Any idea where they are?” Garrett leapt. Vindico shook his head.

  “No, and I’m not certain there will be a ransom call. Malacai got word to Wretchkinsides from prison. He told Wretchkinsides that it was her fault that he got arrested for bugging Lawson’s room. Peterson agreed when Wretchkinsides offered to fund his campaign that if Wretchkinsides would guarantee him a win that he’d do anything Interfeci wanted. Needless to say, they weren’t pleased when he wasn’t elected.”

  “Well you have to try and find her!” Emily gasped

  “Baby girl,” Governor Haydenshire shook his head as he tried to quiet and calm her. Terror washed through Rainer as he let Vindico’s words reel through his mind, coupled with the last few things he’d said to Samantha. Deep, penetrating regret washed over him. He’d said some terrible things, and he very seriously doubted, unless something dramatic happened, that Samantha Peterson would remain alive long enough for him to apologize. Fitzroy began to pace.

  “Do you know which team took her?” He quizzed as he seemed to choke over the words.

  “Cascavel.” Vindico shuddered as all of the blood in his face drained instantly. Logan and Rainer shared a horrified expression. The Cascavel cobra was one of the most vicious, deadliest snakes in the world. The man who’d taken the nickname lived up to the description.

  Vindico’s phone rang again, and he answered instantly. A hush fell over the room. He casted the cell so everyone could hear the voice on the other end.

  “Tell me we have something.” He pled.

  “Maybe,” Officer Sorenson explained hesitantly. Rainer recognized the voice. Sorenson was the head of the Non-Gifted police, D.C. precinct. “Just on a whim, I sent a team out to those warehouses out in Springfield. He picked up on several people out there, in one of the abandoned buildings, the ones by the river docks. They were all Gifted, Dan.” Vile revulsion flooded through Vindico. Emily convulsed violently as she felt his reaction. Fitzroy reached and steadied Vindico.

  “I’m sorry, Dan. When I heard who took her, I just had a hunch. Tigers don’t change their stripes. Don’t guess snakes do either.” The man offered. Suddenly Rainer understood as bile rose in his throat.

  Cascavel must’ve been the guy who’d taken Amelia, and he must’ve taken Samantha to the same loc

  “No Sorenson, that’s ok.” Vindico forced. “We’ll uh get out there right away,” he vowed.

  “Call for backup, when you head out. Don’t do this on your own, Dan.” Sorenson urged.

  “Will do,” Vindico agreed. His voice sounded distant and furious as he ended the call.

  “Dan,” Governor Vindico stepped in immediately. “Let Fitz run this one for you. You don’t need to go back there, son.” Vindico glared at his father.

  “This is my job and my team. I don’t try to tell you how to be Governor so don’t tell me how to run Iodex.” Governor Haydenshire and Garrett shared an ominous expression. Tears fell from Emily’s eyes as she shook her head, unable to believe all that had happened. Rainer squeezed her hand.

  “You have to find her.” She begged. Her eyes were swollen and red with terror and desperation in their depths. “You have to save her.” Rainer nodded, but Mrs. Haydenshire pulled her away from him.

  “Emily, he’s going to try, sweetheart.” She soothed.

  “Mom I was so awful to her!” Emily began her confession, but it drowned quickly in tears.

  “All right. Peterson realized something had happened about an hour ago, when Samantha didn’t come home.” Vindico seemed to cement himself in the task at hand, but the haunted look in his eye was far away in a distant past. “One of Malacai’s friends told her that he wanted to see her, and she was headed to Felsink; though, Peterson told her not to go. Like I said, this isn’t for money. Wretchkinside’s doesn’t like to lose, and he generally reacts rather violently.

  “Cascavel took her to the docks on purpose. He’s wanted another go with me for ten years now, so listen up,” Vindico challenged as he narrowed his eyes unable to keep the utter hatred from leaking into his voice. “He is mine,” Vindico demanded. “I’m sure he’s not alone. Take out anyone who gets in your way, but Cascavel is all mine.”


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