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The Penthouse Secrets: A NYC Billionaire Romance Trilogy Boxed Set

Page 29

by Amanda Horton

  In return, Diane seemed to have taken a shine to him. “C’mon boy,” she said, scratching his ears. “Let’s go for a short walk and leave your master for a while. He’s acting weirdly.”

  Nomad bounded ahead, forcing Diane to hurry after him.

  “Traitor!” Leon muttered under his breath as the two disappeared. He was relieved Nomad had taken to Diane. In the past, Nomad had only two reactions to women. He either ignored them completely or growled menacingly.

  Instead, Nomad had become a part of Leon and Diane’s morning ritual. He barked excitedly when Leon appeared from his bedroom. He picked up his leash, holding it between his teeth, until Leon tied it around his neck. As soon as he opened the gate, Nomad hurtled out of the villa. By the time Leon reached Diane’s apartment, Nomad would be there, settled serenely between her feet.

  He opened his notebook, and tried to do some work. It soon became obvious that he couldn’t concentrate. His mind always wandered back to Diane. He wanted so badly to get a glimpse inside her head and know exactly what she was thinking.

  As her wariness towards him disappeared, Leon discovered many things about her. She had a wonderful sense of humor. She was generous to her staff. She understood the complexities of running an empire and whenever he was preoccupied with problems from the club, she gave him space to deal with it.

  And the conversations they had... Leon tried to imagine having a meaningful discussion over blaring music with the girls he met at dance clubs. Impossible! Already he couldn’t imagine wasting his time on another frivolous encounter. Diane had opened his eyes to so much more...

  But does she think of me at all? Leon groaned, running his hands through his hair. I need to stop this! After his divorce, he’d gone through similar head games, trying desperately to deduce his ex-wife’s actions. It had ended in headaches and confusion. I can’t get lost in a woman’s games again. He knew he liked Diane but could he risk his heart not knowing how she felt about him?


  Many hours later, Diane stretched at her desk. It had been a long day. A crick had formed at the back of her neck.

  Leon worked nearby. At her movement, he looked up and their eyes met. He smiled and resumed work.

  Diane continued to watch him. Lately, she’d notice him watching her. At first, she shrugged it off, thinking she was just imagining it. But the thought kept creeping back, bringing with it a warm glow. Don’t tell me I like the idea? Diane bit her lip. She had to admit she enjoyed Leon’s attention. He made her feel like a desirable woman.

  She pressed on her muscles hoping to relieve the soreness from her shoulder.

  “Allow me.” Leon approached. “As a footballer, I know all about stiff muscles.” Before she could protest, he started rubbing her back.

  He was so fast that Diane suppressed her urge to jump from the chair. Just as quickly, she relaxed. Leon’s fingers expertly ran over her muscles, easing the stiffness. Soon she’d relaxed enough to enjoy it.

  “I didn’t know one of the perks of this partnership was a back rub.”

  “Stay still.” His arm crossed her shoulders holding her prisoner.

  Diane felt the knuckles of his other hand slide down her spine. It felt good…except his nearness was intoxicating.

  “Thank you, I feel so much better.” She squirmed out of the chair and away from his touch. She headed for a small refrigerator pretending to search for a bottle of wine as she tried to gather her composure. “Join me in a glass of wine?”

  “I would be delighted.”

  She handed him the drink and sat down on a sofa. Thankfully he sat across from her instead of by her side. If he came any closer, she would have struggled to keep from reaching for him.

  Diane flushed. What is wrong with me? She was seriously contemplating touching Leon. Haven’t I learned anything from my marriage to Bruce? Passion has no place in my life! She was a virgin when she first married William Hawkins. She was naïve, believing what they had was the norm in all marriages. William was passionate about work. Unfortunately, that passion didn’t extend to the bedroom.

  With Bruce Simpson, it didn’t take long for her to realize she wasn’t sexually attracted to him...or that Bruce was more attracted to her wealth. They slept in separate bedrooms until they divorced.

  But Leon…Leon confused her. He contradicted everything she thought she knew about herself. He was like a heat, a glowing coal that wanted to be fanned until a spark ignited and set her on fire.

  So what’s stopping you? Diane sipped her wine slowly. His comment about finding a young man? Has he ever considered being with an older woman like me?

  For a moment, she dared to contemplate it. Leon pulling her into his arms, running his clever fingers over her body... A thrill went through her. She longed for his touch... And then she felt a chill. I’ve been so closed off for so long I see trivial things and make them significant.I was lucky to find love once. I doubt that I’ll ever find love again. I’ll die alone—but until then, I have my work.

  She put down her glass.

  Leon looked up in surprise. “Finished already?”

  “There’s so much to do.” Diane returned to her desk. As Leon followed suit, she found it hard to concentrate. She attacked her work with more tenacity but was unable to banish the memory of Leon’s touch from her mind.


  The days leading to the groundbreaking were unnaturally hectic. Diane called for more meetings than usual. Her waking hours were so full that she fell into bed exhausted every night.

  Leon was away for a couple of days. “Two at most,” he assured her. It was an urgent matter that needed his attention. He never mentioned the specifics and Diane didn’t ask. He promised to call in case she needed help.

  Two days passed and she didn’t hear from him. On the third day of Leon’s absence, an unfamiliar emotion assailed her. She missed him.

  Perhaps he’s in the company of another woman. That could be the reason for his silence. The idea left her cold. With a shudder, she turned away from the window. She was jealous. This is why foolish old ladies like me shouldn’t fall in love!

  She buried herself in more work, but the suspicions stayed lodged in her chest like viscous glue. She was short-tempered, snapping at her staff.

  As Ana left the room in tears, Diane sighed, massaging her temples. I need to apologize. It’s not her fault... It’s my deluded wonderings and me. Why shouldn’t Leon sleep with another woman, hell—with ten other women if he wanted? She didn’t care. Taking a deep breath, she went in search of her secretary. While he is off playing, I will be making sure everything’s perfect when we start work on William’s facility.

  Nomad’s barking in the distance announced Leon’s return. Diane hated the way her spirits instantly lifted. But her pride wouldn’t allow her to show how badly his absence affected her. She greeted him politely, keeping her emotion off her face. “I’m glad to see you’re back.” Inwardly, she hoped for some explanation for his extended absence.

  “Did you miss me?” Leon asked with provoking familiarity.

  “Not really.”

  After a few hours, it became obvious that he wasn’t going to explain his absence. Diane’s irritation returned.

  Ana hesitatingly announced a phone call from the project manager. Diane took it grimly. After a few minutes, she slammed down the phone in disgust.

  “What happened?” Leon asked.

  “What’s wrong with your country?” Another second and she’d be tearing out her hair. “Do I live in a different time zone to the rest of you?”

  “Calm down and tell me what happened.”

  “A delivery was due hours ago,” she fumed. “The manager keeps making excuses about it being on the way and it is still not here. His story changes every single time.”

  “Let me take care of it.” Leon reached for the phone.

  “No! It’s alright.” Diane was embarrassed by her outburst.

  Leon waved her hand away from the phone. “When was
the last time you’ve been away from the house?”

  Diane brushed her hair out of her face. “I can’t remember.”

  “That’s it.” Leon snapped his fingers. “Tomorrow you are coming with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t care. You’ve been here for a couple of weeks. Have you seen any of the sights my country has to offer?”

  “Not really,” Diane admitted. “There is so much work to do. I just can’t leave and take a drive with you.”

  “The work will still be here when we get back. As your partner, I am declaring that you will take a day off with me.”

  The prospect of spending the whole day with him was exciting. Her irritation vanished. “Okay.”

  When Ana next stuck her head through the door, she seemed astonished to see Diane back to her usual self. Diane gave her a smile, apologizing for her outburst. Hopefully Ana wouldn’t suspect Leon had anything to do with her sudden cheerfulness.

  Chapter Six

  Diane was eager to get out of the house. Wearing a white camisole paired with ripped designer jeans and peep toe wedges, she grabbed a straw hat and headed for the gate.

  Leon waited behind the wheel of a black Jeep Wrangler. He paired a Ray-Ban wayfarer original that covered half of his face with a baseball cap that was on backward.

  Diane rolled her eyes.

  “What?” Leon asked.

  “You look like a juvenile with that silly style.”

  Leon feigned hurt. “I thought I looked rather cool.”

  “Nope.” Diane laughed as she shook her head.

  Leon tossed the cap to the back of the jeep. “I wanted to impress you with my grasp of American fashion.”

  “Unluckily for you, an art aficionado is never impressed by an imitation.”

  Leon ran fingers through his hair then started the engine. He drove down the road slowly until they reached the turn then headed in the direction of the city.

  Diane looked out the window. “Where are we going?” She envisioned somewhere remote in the outskirts of Barcelona. Instead, they seemed headed into the city.

  “Have you ever been to the market?”

  Diane choked. Was he kidding? She stole a glance in his direction. She couldn’t tell with his eyes hidden behind the glasses. “No. Magdalena does all the shopping.” She wanted to tell him to turn back and bring her home.

  He burst out laughing. “It’s not that kind of market. It’s called La Boqueria and it’s one of the best markets in the world. You’ll find everything in one place—fruit, vegetables, fish, and seafood. We’re having breakfast at El Quim.”

  Diane’s worries were for nothing. La Boqueria was unique and the menu of El Quim was outstanding. Small plates of tapas were brought to the table. A tasty omelet, prawns in cava with fresh eggs on the side, freshly caught fish grilled to perfection, and of course, a generous amount of Spanish-grown olives, stuffed with a variety of fillings.

  “I’ve always wondered about tapas and the variety of choices,” Diane remarked. “But when you compare this to a cup of coffee and a slice of toast, you wonder why the rest of the world doesn’t do breakfast like this.

  “Tapas are not considered just food in Spain. We view tapas as a way of life,” Leon replied. “Here, try the cava.”

  “Isn’t that wine?” At breakfast? Diane hesitated before taking a sip, and then realized it tasted just like champagne. It had the same effect of making her feel light headed and happy. She looked around her. The restaurant was filled with Spanish families, gesticulating as they talked. The waiters exchanged banter with the guests and the cooking staff. The vibrant Spanish lifestyle was felt everywhere. “William would have loved it here.”

  Leon scowled. He signaled the waiter for the bill and ushered her out of the market.

  Why on earth is he upset? Diane glanced at Leon. His handsome face was marred by a frown. Perhaps he was worried about the groundbreaking? “We can go back to the office if you’re worried about the facility’s progress,” she started.

  Leon shook his head. “No. I promised you a day off, and I mean to see that you get it.”

  He took her hand as they made their way back into La Rambla, a street in central Barcelona popular with tourists. Diane didn’t mind if they walked all the way to the moon. There was something intimate about their entwined fingers as Leon guided her through the crush of foot traffic.

  They strolled through tree-lined pedestrian malls and quaint flea markets with wares spread out on the sidewalk. Leon pulled her towards one particular structure. It wasn’t until they were inside that Diane recognized the art and murals. They were inside the Erotic Museum, Museu de l’Erotica.

  She fought hard to keep a straight face as she gazed at raunchy images and displays of medieval sex toys that supposedly enhanced sexual pleasure. To Diane’s eyes, they looked more like instruments of torture. They passed a wall displaying photos of men and women in various stages of orgasm and sexual positions that boggled the mind, while old pornography played on a TV screen. It was a unique history of sex in the romantic city of Barcelona.

  Leon was particularly absorbed over a painting of a woman with her legs wide open. Diane flushed and tugged at his arm. It was like trying to pull a boulder. “C’mon,” she urged in a stage whisper, “there’s an interesting array of pickled penises in the next room.”

  They were both giggling like morons as they emerged into the sunlight. Diane was acutely aware of Leon’s arm at the back of her waist as they sauntered onwards to another edifice.

  “Not another erotic museum!”

  Leon’s eyes twinkled. “This is more you.”

  Diane was thrilled. This gallery was more her style, having contemporary art exhibitions from artists all over the world. She gazed at painting after painting, drinking in the art. It was enough to make her forget everything else around her. Almost everything. She felt Leon’s fingers clasp hers and turned toward him.

  “We should get going,” he said.“I want to show you something really special.”

  They walked back to the Jeep and headed out of the city. Soon they were traveling along a dramatic coastline of rugged limestone cliffs. They reached a charming old town with cobbled streets and centuries old towers dotting the cliffs.

  Leon parked the car and escorted her up a hilly incline to a narrow opening in a wall. Diane glimpsed the irresistible blue Mediterranean in the distance. She gazed at the opening with alarm. Am I going to fit through that?

  With Leon’s hand protecting the top of her head, she managed to squeeze through. A staircase hewn into the rocks led them all the way to the top. It was hidden and difficult to get to, but the view was breathtaking. The sea displayed various shades of blue from turquoise to azure. It was the most serenely beautiful panorama Diane had ever seen.

  Leon stared out at the ocean.“I come here when I want to be alone.”

  Diane made no reply. He brought me here. It is a special place for him and he shared it with me. That has to mean something.

  She was a woman torn into two. One part of her, a huge part, the Diane she was familiar with, was terrified to acknowledge the strong attraction she felt. She could no longer doubt that Leon was attracted to her. The entire morning was proof of that—and the knowledge terrified her even as it excited her.

  Another part, one she never knew she had, urged her on. It was so new she didn’t know how to process it. What she felt was tempestuous and uncontrollable and had no regard for whatever the future might bring.

  Kiss him. Make the first move.

  I can’t. It’s not appropriate. Let him make the first move.

  Diane moved away as if she could silence the warring voices in her head. She headed nearer the edge of the cliff. The smooth terrain gave way to smaller rocks and stone pebbles that made her wobbly and unsteady. The outsole of her wedges caught against a protruding rock making her lose her balance.

  She hurtled closer to the cliff edge, arms flailing as she struggled f
or control. She glimpsed the shoreline below. Her life flashed before her eyes. Diane knew she would die.

  Strong arms suddenly pulled her back to safety like a vice around her waist. Leon carried her away from the cliff, releasing her when they were a safe distance away.

  Diane couldn’t speak. Her heart thumped like a jackhammer inside her chest. She couldn’t shake the image of the sheer drop. Her body felt hot and cold in a delayed shock reaction. She swayed as a violent tremor run up her spine.

  Leon caught her before her knees gave way. He wrapped his arms around her trembling body. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now.”


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