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A Mate For Seth

Page 21

by Selena Scott

  So, he pulled Sarah off of him and tugged her to her feet. He yanked her closer to stand between his legs, his cock smashing against her thighs as his arms came around her and he crushed their mouths together.

  “I want you on your back.”

  She almost scrambled to comply, her eyes as heated as her mouth was delighted. She’d lit a fire within him and Seth wasn’t sure it was in his power to put it out.

  It was a new idea. Taking.

  He’d always been so ungodly terrified of it that he’d never let himself consider that taking might be super fucking hot.

  Sarah laid on her back on the bed, her breasts tipping lustily to the sides and Seth’s mouth watered as he stood over her. He hooked his thumbs in her panties and dragged them down her legs.

  “Spread.” Was that his voice sounding two decibels too low and as gravelly as if he’d taken it outside and beaten it?

  She immediately complied, bending her legs at the knee and planting her heels as wide as she could.

  He could only stare at the shiny pink heaven between her legs. She looked soft and warm and wet and everything Seth wanted to lose himself in for the next few hours. He could just barely catch the scent of her wetness and it was damn near close to destroying him.

  She’d had sex before and those dudes hadn’t done every single thing they could to keep her? What the hell was wrong with people?

  “More,” he grunted, barely even knowing what it was that he was referencing. He wanted more of it all. More everything.

  As he watched, she slicked one hand down, between her breasts and over her flat stomach. To his eternal, burning delight and lust, her hand went between her legs. Seth watched, hypnotized, as she used two fingers to spread herself open for him. To show him absolutely everything.

  Here he was taking and there she was giving it all up. What had he ever done to deserve this?

  And more importantly, when had his cock ended up in his hand? He pumped himself as he looked at her, his chest massively compressing and expanding with each breath he could barely control.

  And then he was on one knee on the bed, leaning toward her, crawling forward toward nirvana. Sarah still held herself open which meant that Seth could keep one hand on his cock when he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to her pussy.

  Normally, he would have spent a lot of time kissing her everywhere. Her thighs, her mound, along the seam of her. He would have opened her slowly, starting at her clit and working his way methodically through her pleasure.

  But the second his mouth touched her, Sarah’s heels dug into his back. “Take it, Seth, just take everything you want,” she gasped.

  And he was gone.

  He slowly, thoroughly, inexorably, pushed his tongue into her tight channel. Sarah’s legs clamped around his head and he unhanded himself to grip her hips, pull her more tightly against his mouth.

  Seth lapped at her, going further into her with each stroke of his tongue. When he’d gone as deep as he could, he kissed his way up to her clit and gently stroked over her in messy patterns. First one finger and then the next pressed inside of her.

  He was lost to the cyclone of making love to her, but he was still a perfectionist at heart, he couldn’t just throw all technique out the window and expect results. So, he curled his fingers inside of her, searching for her g spot. When he found it, he petted her there like she deserved everything he had to give.

  “Fuck!” Sarah shouted and her heels dug even harder into his back. Her hips were moving of their own accord against his face until he dropped his free forearm over her hips and held her down. “Seth. Yes. Just like that.”

  She grabbed a hank of his hair and nearly yanked it out of his head but that didn’t surprise him. It only fueled him further. She was a tough woman and she fucked as hard as she lived, apparently, demanding as much from her partners as she did from herself.

  Seth kept with her, sucking and stroking, his cock grinding into the mattress until Sarah’s body bowed tightly, all her air expelled and Seth could feel each one of her ten perfect toes pressed against his back.

  They both fell slack at the same time but Sarah didn’t stay that way for long. She slid out from under him and crawled across his bed, slamming through his nightstand drawers.

  He knew what she was looking for but could barely find the oxygen to tell her where to find them.

  “If I don’t find a fucking condom in the next ten seconds,” she griped.

  “Then what?” he asked, a smile on his face.

  She turned back to him. “Is that a challenge?”

  He grinned, rolling on to his back. She fell halfway over him, her hip on his shoulder and her mouth at his hipbone, his dick bobbing in the air as if it were begging for his attention.

  “Tell me where the condoms are,” she said, as she sucked him into her mouth with a bright, hard pressure.


  “Seth…” she swallowed him down and then popped off of him. “Tell me where your organized little brain thought the best place for them would be or else I’m going to…” she took him all the way to the back of her throat and his hips came off the bed.

  “Fuck,” he panted again. “They’re in the—they’re in the—stop doing that for a second so I can think.” His hand naturally found its way back into her hair and she came up off his dick smiling.

  “I’m guessing you’ve stashed them someplace extremely logical, but also more discreet than a nightstand drawer. That would seem much too crass to you.”

  Later he would marvel at how well she seemed to know him, but right now, it was all he could do not to come all over her face. Which sounded like fun, but also like maybe something he didn’t want to do the first time they ever hooked up.

  “Sock drawer,” he gasped. “Close enough not to ruin the mood to get them but also unexpected enough for Raph not to know where they are if he wants to steal my stash when he’s too lazy to buy his own.”

  Sarah laughed and immediately rolled away from him, standing stark naked in front of his dresser, rifling through the drawers. She came back a second later, already tearing open the condom.

  She crouched next to him, gripping him and sliding the condom onto him while Seth hissed through clenched teeth.

  “What are you gonna do now, Seth?” she asked. “Are you gonna lay me back and fuck me sweetly? Are you gonna put me on top? Or are you gonna give us both what we want and take it all?”

  She was goading him and he knew it, but he couldn’t stop himself from rising to the bait. Seth reared up and grabbed her around the waist. He gently pushed her down so that she lay flat on her stomach on top of the covers. He pushed her legs open and marveled at the sight of her toned, golden body, laid out for the taking. He hadn’t paid nearly enough attention to her ass yet. It was perfect, round and pert and strong.

  Seth leaned down and bit her ass, making her yelp and laugh. He spread her wide and kissed her from her spine all the way down to her pussy. She squirmed and moaned and gripped the bedsheets as he did. When he found her ready, even wetter than she’d been when he’d first gone down on her, Seth sat back on his heels and held the base of his cock with one hand.

  “You want it, Sarah?”

  “I want it.”

  You want me inside you?” He trailed one hand over the perfect globes of her ass, kneading and grabbing her.


  “Just like this? You want me on top of you just like this?”

  “God, yes.”

  Well, that was all the confirmation he needed. Seth kneed her legs open even further, grabbing her by the waist and dragging her toward him. He positioned the tip of his dick right at the opening of her heat before he settled his weight over her. His elbows rested on the bed on either side of her shoulders, his chest to her back, his mouth a breath away from hers where their faces twisted to be close to one another.

  “I’m gonna take it, baby,” he whispered into her panting mouth.


  Seth pushed forward, into her, inexorably. The fit was tight, but he knew, without a doubt, that he’d fit her perfectly if he was patient enough.

  And Seth could be patient. He could wait for the good parts. In some ways, he’d been practicing his entire life. He just hadn’t known that he’d be rewarded so well for it.

  A string of words he’d never remember left Seth’s mouth as he slowly worked himself into her tight sheath. Sarah’s lips moved under his and he gulped down her exhales. And then he was fully inside her, flush against her.

  “More,” she whispered. “More weight. More everything.”

  He let a little more of his weight push down onto her and she moaned and arched against him.

  “Everything, Seth,” she whispered again.

  And he couldn’t stop himself from doing just that. He’d tried so hard to hold parts of himself back, but she demanded everything from him, and he couldn’t deny her.


  Sarah was in the zone. As a professional athlete, she was no stranger to the zip of adrenaline in her veins, the moment greeting her like a fire bursting to life, to knowing in her gut that she was in the right place at the right time. But she had never felt anything like this before.

  She didn’t usually believe in spooky stuff, but she wondered, for a moment, if she and Seth had known one another in another life or something. Because though the feeling of him, like this, was shockingly new, something within her recognized him. Knew him. Was almost disconcertingly in tune with him.

  In this position, with her on her stomach and him on her back, he couldn’t push himself that deep inside of her, but the weight of his body, his fingers lacing with hers, his breath in her mouth, all of it created the deepest intimacy she’d ever felt.

  She’d asked him for more, but how could she have ever known she was asking him for this?

  Sarah spread her legs even further for him and he sank another inch into her, grunting at the contact. He whispered her name into her skin and started to move.

  It was a slow, methodical rhythm that he started and it was just so Seth that she was overcome with it, filled to the brim with his neat, thorough strokes.

  His hands opened and closed against hers, like he was searching for something, digging through the sheets for some kind of sanity she was certain he wouldn’t be able to find.

  Suddenly, he was pulling out of her and rolling away, onto his back, his chest sawing up and down with his breath, his hands reaching for her, dragging her on top of him. She knew what he wanted. She wanted it, too.

  Sarah scrambled up to straddle him and this time, was able to take him in in one, smooth stroke. Instantly, his hands slid up her back, hugging her down flat so that they were pressed hard against one another.

  His chest hair scraped her breasts and she slid her teeth along his collarbone to show him how it felt, to show him exactly how she felt. His rhythm faltered below her and he grunted, so she did it again.

  They were hugging one another unbelievably tight, their skin slick with each other’s sweat. Seth’s chin came up high and when Sarah raised her head, she saw that his eyes were fuzzy with passion. It sent a thrilling jolt of electricity through her. She wanted to wreck him, just a little bit, but wreck him nonetheless.

  She tipped her weight to one side and his expression cleared, immediately understanding what she wanted. He rolled them, she opened, her arms around his neck, her ankles clasped at his back. His hands went straight to her scalp and his forehead dropped to hers.

  He said something to her that she didn’t hear. She was too caught up in the skin-on-skin of it all. She bit him again, on the soft part of his neck. It wasn’t a nip, it was more primal than that, just another way to hold onto him. As tight as she could. His hand tightened in her hair, tugging at her at the same moment he thrust hard, harder than he had before.

  Sarah released him with a gasp and a light in her eyes as she let him arch her head back. She expected him to fall on her neck. To bite her in return. Instead, his lips were a hot, gentle slide against hers, the flutter of his mouth a poignant contradiction to the kick of his hips, the aggressive slide of their bodies up the bed.

  When she felt the headboard at her head, his hand was instantly there, protecting her and shoving them both back down a few feet. He changed the push of his hips, he ground down on her, breathing hard and both of them sweating for their lives. She arched hard, searching for her pleasure as hard as he was. And that's when they found it.

  They hit a place, a grinding rhythm that made them both gasp at the same time. It must have been as good for him as it was for her because his eyes dilated and his lips pulled back into a feral smile.

  “You feel that?” he asked.

  “I feel it.” It was perfection. Their hips knocked together as he rode her and she rode him back. She was certain her fingers would leave bruises on his shoulder blades and even more certain that he wouldn’t care. He’d take it just like she was taking it.

  “Seth,” she moaned. “Oh, Seth. I’m gonna…”

  “Yes.” His hand tightened in her hair as his hips worked against her. “That’s it, baby. Give it up. Give it to me.”

  “Just like—just like—Seth!” Sarah’s body raced toward the light and broke through the clouds all at once. She saw nothing, tasted nothing, heard nothing. She was spinning hard through white light that picked her up and shook her. She was alone in her pleasure, but only because Seth was letting her lose herself in it. He wasn’t demanding anything of her. He was simply grinding and giving and not letting up.

  Sarah collapsed backward, gasping for breath and seeing spots. Her body trembled and an emotion rose within her so quickly that she couldn’t stop it, or even identify it. She was squeezed down tight with feeling, a tenderness for Seth so sharp that all she could do was breathe through it, squeeze him with her legs and watch while he reared up. He gripped the headboard with one hand and used the leverage to get even deeper into her than he’d been before.

  He said her name once, twice, ten times, the bed shaking beneath them, a bead of sweat rolling from his forehead, down his neck, his teeth bared like an animal. She’d never known such passion. Never seen anything like this.

  His eyes rolled and she watched as the passion took him under. He surged forward, into her, against her, attempting to get closer than even before, to knit himself into her inexorably. She felt every one of his muscles tighten, heard the uncontrollable groan of pleasure leave his mouth. She felt him shake his pleasure into her. And then she opened her arms to him and let him collapse right onto her.


  “Where are you going?”

  She grimaced a little, hopping into her underwear. It was fifteen minutes since he’d found the energy to roll to one side off of her. She’d gotten up to go to the bathroom but now she was getting her clothes on. He was inordinately confused by this.

  “There’s actually a meeting I really wanted to go to. I’m not ditching you, I swear. You could actually come with me if you wanted.”

  He felt fuzzy and worn out and syrupy. “A meeting? It’s the middle of the night.”

  “Seth,” she laughed. “It’s 8:45 pm. The meeting’s at nine at that event space over by all those coffee shops.”

  “It’s only 8:45?” He hauled himself up and squinted across the room at the clock. “How it that even possible?”

  “Dinner was at six, we stayed for, like, an hour, and then we came back here and fucked each other’s brains out for an hour and a half. That’s how that’s possible. If the fucking part had lasted any longer, I think I would have foregone the meeting, but as it is, I think I can make both things happen.”

  “Meeting?” he asked again, just as blearily as the first time. Pleasure and heat still thrummed through his veins. It was a Friday night. He simply couldn’t make it make sense that she was leaving bed to attend a meeting.

  She slid her bra on and cocked her head to look at him. “I would invite you to join again, but s
omething tells me you’ll be better off with a few hours rest.”

  “You definitely wore me out.” His brain played a high-speed replay of the events of the last hour and he couldn’t help but press a hand over his skipping heart. He thought for a second. “If you leave me here and I get an hour or two of a nap, you could come back and wear me out again.”

  She grinned. “I like the sound of that. Very much. Consider it a date.” She leaned across the bed and kissed him soundly. “Now, where the hell are my clothes?”

  “Your dress is in the hall. I’ll grab it.” He hauled his naked ass out of bed. “What was the meeting again?”

  “Citizens Taking Action Against Rogue and Unregistered Shifters. I guess they call it CTAARUS.”

  Everything within Seth froze solid. His blood was like a long line of icicles racing through the tunnels of his veins. He didn’t breathe. He didn’t even let his foot drop back down onto the floor of his hallway. Her dress was pooled on the ground in a shaft of moonlight, looking like a puddle of dark black blood. He stared unseeingly down at it.

  The woman he’d just slept with was about to attend a meeting for the group of people who literally tried to kill him just a few nights ago. If they knew who and what he was, they would shoot him in his sleep, animal form or not.

  Sarah was going there.


  He couldn’t make it make sense in his head.

  “What?” he asked hoarsely, mechanically picking up her dress and padding back into the bedroom. “What did you say?”

  “Yeah. I heard them the other night. The full moon. I heard them up in the hills, the gunshots. And then I see on the news that a mountain lion has been shot and killed and basically dragged through town the other morning?”

  “I heard that, too.” His heart beat like a mallet against rock. He felt faint.

  “Well, I refuse to be taken by surprise like that again. I figure that it’s best if I’m on the inside. The meeting is open to the public. We need to know what those maniacs are planning for the next full moon.”


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