The Rays and the Initiations
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Differentiation processes, learning under, 266
Direction, centre of use, 691-692
Direction-Will, definition, 469
Directive, words for disciple, 691-692
accepted, private life stages, 542-543
definition, 107
duty, 298-299
hallmark, 127
individual. See Individual disciple.
knowledge that he is Life Itself, 107
potential hazard, 156
recognition of being Father aspect, 102-103
revelation of essential unity, 298-299
symbol, 470, 471
task, 303
vibration, stimulation of lesser person or group, 545
active in 1944, 189
initiation, 15
new demands for, 115
probationary, many, acceptance, 15
probationary, groups, rules, 18
Rules, for. See Rules.
senior, advancement, 16
training, See Training.
working, two major divisions, 128
Discipleship, new, teaching on, 251-252
Discipleship in the New Age–
Volume I, success, 209
Volumes I and II, instructions, 254
Discipline, self-imposed, 125
of the soul, 127
physical, value, 128
Diversity in unity, required by group, 212-214
aspects, three, related by antahkarana, 467
intention, reservoir, 717
nature, dualism, true and illusory, 472
approach to humanity, emphasis, need for, 301
definition, 74
first aspect, association with first Ray, 714
quality, definition, 204
revelation, 469
Djwhal Khul. See D K., Master.
left behind, 71-73
of evolution, symbol, 177
of initiation, 41-43, 347-348, 351, 366
symbolism, 42-43, 71
fifth initiation, 356
first initiation, 352
fourth initiation, 352, 353-356
group initiation, entrance, quotation, 344-345
second initiation, 352-353
sixth initiation, 356
third initiation, 117, 352, 353
Way of Higher Evolution, 352, 356-366
Dual life of disciple, 434-437, 535-536
Dualities resolved, 264
Dweller on Threshold, final form, 103
planetary purpose related to revelation of love, 728
preparation for new humanity, 654
East and West, linking unit, 254
Economics of reconstruction of Europe, 586
aid by Ashram of K.H., 586
effect of Mysteries, 332
in New Age, 121-122
Education in the New Age, introductory book, 444
Educational movements, goal in New Age, 121-122
Educators at end of century, use of terms of bridging, 474
“Effect” and “result”, distinction between, 442
Ego, definitions, 475
Eight, numerical value, 80-81
1875-1890, teaching preparing for New Age, 255
Eighth initiation, Transition, 531-532, 535, 656, 660, 699, 736-737
energy of aspirant and door, synchronisation, 351
interplay of spiritual energy, effects, 737
dynamic, direction at seventh initiation, 733
mystery, 331, 351, 394-395, 735
Elementals, nature of, 9
Emergence, point, 623, 634
control, demonstration, 577
nature, receptacle of intuition, 278
Endocrine system, centres, control and direction, 669-671
animating soul, 445
descending, ascension, effects, 14-18
fusion causing inflow of spiritual will today, 473
impact upon forms, results, 75
let loose within realm of Maya, 186-187
lower, transfer to heart, 678
manipulation by Masters and initiates, 404-405
astral, of solar system, work with, 401-405
between Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity, circulation, 159
buddhic, from Sirius, at heart of every atom, 415
channels to accepted disciple, 543
direction in conformity with Plan, 149
five types making man conscious human being, 450
fusion with force, 57
generated by disciple inducing revelation, 708-709
handling by initiate, 149
human, reoriented, flow in application of Plan, 371
inflowing into planet, effects, 13-14,15, 16, 17
monadic, work with by initiates, 65, 184
most potent, 591
concrete knowledge, functions, 589-592
divine love, working in group consciousness, 349
harmony through conflict, 602-641
intuition, 445, 711
life implemented by will from Aquarius, 230-231
seventh Ray, use by initiate, 183
Shamballa. See Shamballa.
Sirius, use in training initiates, 415
soul, impressions on concrete mind, 592
will. See Will energy.
part played in inducing revelation, 708-714
projection into realm of intuition, 446-447
radiant, effects and use, 545
relation to force, 378
source in four planes, 358
spiritual, electrical interplay, 737
supernal in manifestation, 556
thoughtform making, 590
transference, organ 5-6
transmission process, 735
transmitters, 689
transmutation, 5-6
type expressed by seventh Ray, 567-575
use and misuse, consideration, 4-5
use, selective, results, 550
Errors in interpretation, 436
Esoteric sense, use, 26
Eternal Now, 308, 437, 697, 701
body, 10, 339
levels of activity, 178
plane, work, 182, 187, 191
planes, cosmic and physical, 178, 180, 360, 391
cosmic, 202, 696, 722, 727, 736, 737
forces in Israel, 429
Forces, violent attempt and failure, cause, 413
nature of, hint and clue, 350
relation of Shamballa to, 144-145
definition, 35
mutual, production, 470
fire, 91-92
Hierarchy, 135-136
magnetic response of Triad, 454
response from bright centre ahead, 79-82
will aspect, 105
Evocative centres, human, hierarchical, Shamballa, 79
definition, 642
goal, two-thirds of humanity, 484
history on Earth, 419
human, 6, 297, 466-468, 548
nature of, 732
normal, goal, 497
of form, 608
of will, 652
See also Higher Evolution.
activity, three stages, 372
development, divine intent, perception of, 124
process, 6-7, 14, 177, 359, 363, 372, 589, 655, 703
progress, 236-237, 240, 244-245, 363
pushing forward along Lighted Way, 519-520
rhythm permeating every atom, 336
> Existence–
Being, Essential Life, Dynamic Energy, Electric Fire, 438
definition, 737
in externalising Ashrams, 17
with incoming forces, 112, 231
Express, injunction to initiate, 286-287, 292-297, 315-316
Externalisation of Hierarchy, 111, 112, 136, 271, 334, 367, 382, 410, 655
Extraverted life of disciple, 548-549
Eye doctrine, 457-458
“Eye of God”, 516
“Eye of the needle”, 115-116, 117
Failure, uses, learning, 678
“Faith is the substance . . .”, 444
Fanaticism, freedom from, requirement, 127
aspect, description, 464
revelation, 475
symbolism, 86
Fear, economic, ending, 571
Fellowship, definition, 277
and second, numerical aspects, 593, 601
all veils rent, 178
attainments, 81
door to Way of Higher Evolution, 356
facility in using light, 643
five-pointed star, 176
higher correspondence to first, 719-720
interior perfecting, 153
liberation into atmic awareness, 361
Ray energy, 643-653, 688
real name, meaning, 391, 424
relationships, 535, 593, 601
revelation of nature of life in form, 732
symbols, 531
use of will, 689
word received, 312
Fifth-degree initiate–
177, 310, 359-360, 549, 564, 644-645, 650-653
See also Master.
at all levels of divine expression, 65
baptism, 675-676
by friction creating obstructing door, types, 352
clear cold, point, 174
connotation of first aspect, 217
of dedication, invocation, 682
of group life, transference into Triad, technique, 219-220
significance, 82
solar, guardian of door for first four initiations, 352
solar, relation to electricity, 352
eighteen, injunction to group, 96-104
three, electrical nature, 351
First initiation–
ceremony, 531
concern, 535
demonstration, 588
energies, 352, 671, 678
given publicity in future, 123
goal and reward of mystical experience, 666
indications, 663
of humanity, 333, 584
preparation for, requirements, 126-127
preparatory to third initiation, 663, 687
reactions attending, 569-570
requirements, 126-127
seeing light, 83
significance, 667-669
First-degree initiate, appellation, 116, 313, 567-575
Flood, culmination of Atlantean war, 603
Fohat, work with, 401
changed into energy, mode, 248
fusion with energy, 57
receiving from Master or disciple, temporary, harmful, 32
vortices, 550
active today, cleansing and reorganisation, formula, 191
control by, release from, 149
nine, transmutation into divine energies, 456
obstructing, evocation, 14-15
ocean, Life aspect of planet Earth, relates initiate, 97
of Evil, attempt and failure, cause, 413
responsive to and conditioned by energies from Hierarchy and Shamballa, 359
twenty-one, 645
blotting out, 112, 171
death, 493
field of experience for soul, 129
origin, 55
self-created, of Master, 439
uses known by initiate, 472
Formless planes, 471
all, linking and vivifying into one whole, 449
control by, 9, 10
in three worlds and Spiritual Triad, 308
inadequate, destruction, 76, 306-307
sustaining, all, wise use, 127
Forty-nine years, every, event, 721-722
Four, numerical relationship, 178, 476-477
Four Freedoms, 70
Four Noble Truths, 695
Fourth initiation–
agency of antahkarana, 491
and death, 103,104-105
Atma or pure Spirit in control, 225
central position, 699
complete realisation of relation, 455
consummation at, 244
Cross concerned, 692-703
culmination of series of renunciations, 341-342
destruction of causal body, 310, 437, 493
disappearance of causal body, 279
energy, 353-356
first aspect dominating, 506
fusion with personality, 598
governed by fourth Ray, 701
importance, 696
interior perfection, 153
knowledge conveyed, 248
liberation, 132, 697, 700-701
of Jesus, 192-193
passing, effect, 475
point of light developing into five-pointed star, 176
preparation for, 101
process, purity of vehicles, 698
relations, 535, 603
Renunciation, Ray fourth, 602-641
response to third aspect of first Ray, 650
Rule XI, 215-217
significances, 692-703
soul and causal body gone, 101, 106
symbology, 176, 665
training for, use of Sirian energy, 415
Fourth-degree initiate–
attainments, 225
awareness focussed in Monad, 316
discovery of true nature of death, 105
effects of Ray energy, 585
focussed orientation, 650-651
functioning on buddhic plane, 699
impressions from Shamballa, 549
knowledge of himself, 105
revelation of purpose, 714-715
work on buddhic levels, 359-360
Frameworks, work within, 152-156
France, characteristics, 428-429, 627-628
Free will–
energy, underlying significance, 566
liberation, 610
man’s, recognition, 722
principle, growth, 251
unimpeded, exertion, 640
capacity for, 614
from limitations of matter, problem, 679-687
keynote, 684
of the world, 284
principle, manifestations, 416-417
violation and ultimate victory, 679-682
of nine initiations, 685-687
result of Detachment, Dispassion, Discrimination, 685
From Bethlehem to Calvary, book, 687
“From the point of Light . . .”, VII
Full Moon–
June, every year, 88-89
periods, teaching, 254
Full Moons, May and June, 1943,
preparation for by Hierarchy, 76
definition, 265
essential, producing points of tension, 542-555
means of liberation, 216, 466-467
of manifested world, 542
of Master’s consciousness with that of disciple, 542-549
of energies, 563-565
points, creation, 537, 541, 542
points, successive, 537, 538
progressive and recognised, 601
energy from, 268, 424-425
ictory, 89
Gethsemane experience, 93, 722-723
Germany, characteristics, 189, 621 624-625, 626
appearance on astral plane, 188
disappearance, 174
dissipation, 64, 181, 577, 682-683
freedom from, complete, production, 599
in Russia, 428
mastered, 264
none on cosmic astral plane, 283
product, 443
work with by Master on Second Path, 402
Glamour-making tendency and astralism, 112
Glands conditioning brain, 431-432
God is Fire, 82-88, 226
and will-to-good, 573-574
energy, release, 578, 615
expansion, 50
fostering in masses, importance, 109, 110
human, focussed expression, production, 647
of Master, 645
secret purpose of planetary Logos, 645
to all forms in three worlds, 608
work, 254
Gospel story of Christ, symbolical meanings, 313-315
Great Bear–
energies, relation to energies of Pleiades, 405
relation to our solar system, 405, 422-423
Great Britain today, 428, 430, 624, 626-627, 631, 632
Great Invocation, use, 616
Great White Lodge vs. Black Lodge, 14
accepted, 49, 57, 58, 72
activity and initiation, significance, absorption, 261
antahkarana. See Antahkarana group.
aura, means of protection against potency of Master, 545
awareness, 17, 128, 365, 668
brought together, factors, 210
burning ground, 218
causal body, 218, 221
clear cold light, 73, 77
composition, 213-214, 224
awakening, 18
Cross concerned, 694
emotional, new, 579
transition to, 259
understanding, 249
unfoldment, 35
emphasis on in New Age, 137
endeavour, aim, 26
enterprise for service, 343-344
feeling apparatus, 218
finding, 58
forms, destruction, 306-307
functioning of initiate, 137
fusion and service, keynote of newer meditation, 252
grasp of necessity for utilisation of force of destruction, 210
identification with will or purpose of Monad, 32-33
identified with soul, 129