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The Rays and the Initiations

Page 88

by Alice A Bailey

  appetites, control by, freedom from, 126-127

  life, regulation, 669-671

  plane, changes, result of subjective causes, 12

  cosmic, 15

  dense, use in attack on veils of Maya, 190

  focussing of will-to-good and sense of universality on, 588

  work on, type of energy used, 183

  substance, dense, not a principle, 377

  Physico-astral plane, source of energy of senses, 592

  Pineal gland–

  and pituitary body, relationship, 575

  region of initiate, 257

  relation to brain, 431


  Age, characteristics, 109

  Age, end, changes resulting, 551

  cycle, characteristics, 676-677

  energy opposed to incoming energies, 234-235

  Pisces, influence, 578-579

  Pituitary body–

  of initiate, 257

  relation to brain, 431


  concern, 307

  cooperation with, 246

  definition, 376

  divine creative, motivated, 469

  divine, nature of, publicising, need for, 134

  externalisation of Purpose, 703

  hierarchical, guidance by, 599

  hierarchical, light on, 645

  implementing, 307, 376, 717

  knowledge of given to humanity, 229

  of creation, consummation, 4

  precipitation onto physical plane, 712

  purpose aspect, impression on mind of disciple, 549

  reflective concentration upon, 294

  what lies behind, realisation, 177

  Plane and state of consciousness, synonymous, 435


  body of light-substance, 184

  centres, connecting cables, production, 474

  centres, three, needed relationship, 257

  life on seven subplanes of cosmic physical conditioned, 360


  esoteric, use in astrology, 253

  seven, of solar system, energies, work with, 159

  seven sacred, Logoi, divine will, 106

  Pleiades, energies, relation to energies of Great Bear, 405

  Point within circle, point of tension, liberation from three worlds, 56

  Political field, work of Master M., 586

  Politics, situation today, 613

  Power, right use, demonstration after third initiation, 714

  Powers, radiatory and magnetic, 337


  aspect of etheric energy, 352

  higher correspondence, 376

  Prayer, definition, 70

  Prevision allied to intuition, 131

  Principle of–

  Cleavage, 600

  Conflict, 604-614, 617-623, 637, 640

  Decision, 608-609

  economy, 264

  freedom, 416-417

  Harmony, 621, 639

  liberated Being, 609

  limitation, 564

  privation, 600

  Sharing, 612-613

  Probationary Path–

  goal, 113-114

  no longer on, indications 469

  preparatory to acceptance into Ashram, 225

  requirements, changes, 114

  Programme planned by Hierarchy prior to Externalisation, 707-708

  Project of Master, 643

  Proof of–

  having right to be initiated, 174

  interrelation of units of divine life, 134

  spiritual realities, necessity, 134

  Prophecies regarding–

  Aryan Race, 499, 592-593

  Avatar’s response to sound, 93-94

  Christ and Master K.H., 398

  Christianity, 296-297, 614

  churches, 135

  close of this century, 287

  coming of Avatar, 257

  creative art, 244, 572

  culture and civilisation, 87, 135, 574

  development of thinking principle in man, 648

  dissipation of glamour, 238

  disclosures of Mysteries, 331-332

  education, 121-123, 133, 221, 324

  externalisation, 382-383

  fourth initiation of humanity, 614

  humanity, 191, 237-238, 367, 369-370, 594-595, 597

  incoming first Ray, results, 649-650

  mankind, in Old Commentary, 332

  Masonry, 332, 418-419, 533-534

  Masters, 330

  meanings of death, 101-102

  mystery of electricity, 331

  nature of Will, 101-102

  New Age, 88, 109, 111, 120-121, 123, 133, 134, 191, 238, 287

  New Group of World Servers, 120, 368

  new world religion, 75, 594

  principle of sharing, 613

  psychology, 594-595

  religion, 238

  restoration of Mysteries, 330

  revelations, 74-75, 257, 648

  right human relations, 637

  sex relationship, 572

  Shamballa, 382, 660

  sixth Root Race, 659

  Solar Logos activity, 654

  teaching by D.K., 255

  work of Hierarchy, 238


  at eighth initiation, 726-727

  of Christ by Masters, 655

  Psychic unfoldment, future, basis in knowledge, 450

  Psychics, errors, 436

  Psychism, higher, forms, distinction from intuition, 447


  esoteric, era, inauguration, 628

  human, investigation, 594

  thoughtform area of consciousness, 594, 601

  Pure reason, 27-28, 73, 537, 588, 599


  energy, 84

  of second initiation, 675


  at fourth initiation, 698

  physical, 125

  preceding third initiation, 688


  and plan, distinction, 85

  and Will, distinction, 69

  custodian, head centre, 714

  definition, 50

  divine, 124, 333, 567, 729

  externalising itself through Plan, 703

  manifestation by use of will, 714

  of Deity, mental proposition required, 270

  of God, implementing Plan, 307

  revelation during five initiations after fourth, 714-715

  “Purpose itself am I”, 517


  Quality, development, 166


  R., Master–

  Ashrams, 169, 170, 586

  effect of Aquarian energy, 232

  supervision of development of forms, 170


  connection with three Buddhas of Activity, 272

  first three human, correspondence to first three initiations, 664

  Radiant energy, application and control, 545


  of Hierarchy, 375

  of initiate, 261-262

  production, 375

  Raincloud of knowable things, 229, 717

  Rapport of disciple, 441


  crisis points, 369

  energies, egoic, use, 502-503

  process of initiatory activity,


  energy, effects, 595, 601-602

  effect on humanity today, 593

  inflow during third initiation, 688

  influences, 597

  Masters on Second Path, 401


  activity, incoming, results, 649-650

  aspect, characteristics, 410-411, 502

  association with first aspect of divinity, 714

  connections, 85, 642, 643-653

  destroyer aspect working through mineral kingdom, 120

  effect on humanity today, 646-653

  inflow during fifth initiation, 688

  Lord of, work,

  quality, highest known divine, 645

  related to Shamballa, 373

  souls, choice of Ray Path, 420

  three aspects, 191-192, 645


  effects, 605, 637-638

  importance, 605

  out of full incarnation, effects, 244

  impacts, effects via soul, 585

  incarnation, results, 646

  incoming, effects, 569

  limitations, liberation from, 391, 392

  Lords, evolutionary unfoldment, 419

  Lords, seven, work and meditation, 733-734

  monadic. See Monad, Ray.

  Love-wisdom. See Love-wisdom Ray; Ray second.


  Harmony, control by Love-wisdom, 614, 617-618

  Harmony in modern world, 620-637

  personality, subordination to Ray of soul, 57

  right human relations, 611

  Path, training for, 420-421


  demonstration, 7

  expression, 378

  of seven initiations, 338

  seven, brought into expression, 85


  choice of Ray Path, 420-421

  control of fourth Ray, 604

  inflow during seventh initiation, 688-689

  Lord of, 269

  lowest aspect implemented by second aspect of first Ray, 647

  transmission to planet at seventh initiation, 689


  aspirants, characteristics, 502

  energy, use by initiate, 183

  functions, 384, 571-572, 672

  incoming, 551


  characteristics, 676-677

  energy, effects, 581-584

  energy of idealism and devotion, 575-589

  governing astral plane, 578

  period, factories characteristic, 572

  power lessening 551

  third, Decision Initiation, 653-656

  type, effect on work, 338


  cyclic appearance, contribution to evolutionary process, 419

  minor, true nature, 567

  of Aspect, 558-559, 560, 641-656

  of Attribute, 310, 558-559, 560

  personality and soul, of modern nations, 623-632, 634

  second and fifth, relationship, 593


  energies from planet to planet, 406

  relation to initiations, 557-566

  subrays of second, 387, 397

  teaching by Master D.K., 252

  three aspects contacted, 644-645

  three major, concern with group initiation, 345-346

  Rays and Initiations, book–

  instructions, dates, 324

  purpose, 82, 161

  Ray approach, 423

  Real Man, emancipation, 10

  Realignment of lower sheath, 7


  new state, recognition, 47

  process, first stage, 470-471

  Reason, door into Shamballa, 139-140

  Rebirth, Wheel, 92


  ideological, essential qualities, expression, 579

  of group member by world or Master, reaction toward, 211-212

  Reconstruction, need for, 255

  Recording agent, 442

  Redemption, planetary, science, key, 735-736

  Refusal Initiation, ninth, 609, 656

  Registrants of the Purpose, work, 69, 70


  definition, 520-521

  effect of Mysteries, 332

  New World, prophecies, 75, 254, 284, 318, 521, 594

  Religions, three major world, intimately related, 254


  Ascension, Revelation, 718-719

  Great, preparation for, 224

  Initiation, fourth, 605, 607, 609, 614, 639

  Renunciations, progressive, 341, 342

  Repolarisation of entire lower man, 3-6

  Reservoir of–

  energy on inner and etheric side of life, 274

  life, lesser lives return to, 96-104

  Responsiveness to vision conveyed by ashramic group, 443

  Resurrect, injunction to initiates, 286-287, 312-315, 317-319


  from cave of personal life, 495

  initiation, 93, 163, 391, 567, 656

  meaning, distorted and true, 317-318

  on physical plane, 286

  Reveal, injunction to initiates, 286-287, 297-305, 316

  Revealers, great, 329


  accorded to Master, key, 646

  all of life, 452

  at fifth initiation, significance, 643-644

  concern, 298

  continuity, 203

  for which all men wait, 74-75

  graded, and balanced sequence, 174

  induced by Will 714-718

  inducing, part of energy, 708-714

  initiation of, 391, 643-653

  mechanism, possession, 337

  new, in future, 114


  divine intention, right timing, 717

  divine purpose after fourth initiation, 714-715

  divine purpose at third initiation, 349

  divinity, 469

  nature of divine Purpose at fifth initiation, 567

  Nirvana, 472

  oneness of all life, 299

  relation to light, 74

  right interpretation, necessity for, 718

  source, 331

  underlying purpose, 241

  Rhythm, unified, 148, 155, 161, 163

  Right human relations–

  attainment, factors, 88, 277, 394, 573-574, 584, 637, 641

  cannot be stopped, 573

  establishment by Christ, 578, 615, 619

  establishment, concept of harmony, 621, 640

  goal of all earth endeavour, 737-738


  ashramic, 379

  of Hierarchy, 370

  Roman Catholic Church, sin, 622-623

  Roosevelt, F D., word “freedom”, 687

  Rule, occult meaning of term, 25-26


  application, forms, 26, 36-38

  for disciples and initiates–

  I, group significance, 27-48

  II, 48-67

  III, 67-88

  IV, 88-110

  V, 111-123

  VI, 124-132

  VII, 132-147

  VIII, 147-167

  IX, 167-178

  X, 178-207

  XI, 208-225

  XII, 225-247

  XIII, 247-285

  XIV, 285-319

  for group initiation, obedience to, results, 227

  fourteen, for applicants, disciples and initiates, 19-24

  lesser, in time and space, 124-132

  of work within veils of Maya, 181

  XIII and XIV concerning work in Hierarchy in Aquarian Age, 238-247


  sin, major, 595, 622-623, 679-680

  today, 428, 429, 430, 630-631, 632, 633, 679



  nature of, true, 129, 468, 492, 699-700

  of fourth-degree initiate, 699-700

  of planetary Logos, 564

  Sanat Kumara–

  Advisors, 267

  Ashram, 238, 252

  daily life implemented, 246-247

  description, 367

  head and heart centres linking, 273

  heart centre, development, 381

  initiation, 550-551, 690-691

  initiatory process, 542

  knowledge of nature of divine purpose, 714

  Life Plan, 130

  name, 248, 273

  overshadowing, 392, 415

  potency, 205-206

  presence due to Will, 392

  purposes, 241, 242, 362, 394, 660

  quality, primary, 387
br />   reason for evolutionary creative process, 717

  relationships, 205, 206, 414, 422, 652

  request for great Lives from other planets, 398

  sounding of O in O.M., 207

  success, 412, 413

  transfer on three Crosses, 693

  transfiguration, 260

  Saturn, triangle related to, 269

  Saul of Tarsus, rending of veil of Maya, 193-194


  mark above aura of group as it toils in Pisces, 227-230, 233-235, 239

  task completed, 476

  Saviours, World, accomplishments, 526-528


  new esoteric, development of sense of synthesis, 121-123

  of Enlightenment, emphasis on life aspect, 221

  of the Mysteries, foundational courses, 262

  preparatory, 123


  effect of Mysteries, 332


  Antahkarana, 40, 450

  comparison, 131

  Impression, 371, 398, 407-408, 543

  Invocation, 220

  Invocation and Evocation, 67, 69-71, 76, 147, 470, 523, 524

  Invocation and Evocation.

  See also Invocation and Evocation.

  Magnetic Rapport, 471

  occultism, 594

  Service of Plan, 34

  Social Evolution, 470

  Sound, 67

  Sound. See also Sound.

  Tension, 520

  Tension. See also Tension.

  thoughtform area of consciousness, 594, 601

  Scientific discoveries, work of Master Hilarion, 586

  Searchlight of mind, turning in two directions, 446


  divine aspect, expression, instrument, 216


  antahkarana building, 483

  Baptism in Jordan, Ray, 575-589

  ceremony used, 531

  concern, 535

  demonstration, 588


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