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The War of Spells

Page 7

by George Mazurek

  “Yes, I can.”

  “And two dragons?”

  I nodded.

  “That may help. Rotah estimated four to five dozen dragons reside in Belron. If you can finish two or three...”

  “I can kill them all.” I said with a firm voice, interrupting him. “Alone.”

  The expression on Auger's face changed from disbelief to dread when he grasped I was not joking. He staggered backwards until he reached the table. The furniture gave an unpleasant creak when he leaned against it.

  “But... But...” He stuttered, “Why didn't you kill those from the last attack?”

  “I don't want them to know what I'm capable of. I want them to come here, the more the better. Then, I will destroy them all.”

  When leaving his office, I stumbled upon Darnis. The captain growled at me with bared teeth. Clearly, I was not his favorite.

  I transformed into a wizard and bared my fangs in a friendly grin.

  Darnis backed off with his eyes full of horror.

  I walked around him with a smirk on my face.


  The night was peaceful, the sky perfectly clear. Egis was lying next to me, snoring loudly.

  But I didn't mind. I couldn't fall asleep because images of Deadweed occupied my mind. I wished to hug her again. I wished to touch her.

  It was so...

  I couldn't find a proper word. I felt confused. I was attracted to her, though she clearly was not attracted to me. Yet, I enjoyed every moment I could spend with her. She was beautiful. Her chin and lips were so sensual...

  When I closed my eyes, it was the morning already.


  A Respite

  the next morning she didn't show up, though I waited for her at the stables for more than an hour.

  We were supposed to go for herbs again, to some other location.

  Maybe she forgot about it...

  I ascended the parapet walk to see the inner bailey crowded by archers practicing their shooting and other soldiers training with spears. I heard Deadweed had participated in the morning drills of the ranks from time to time, but she stopped when men got in a brawl because of her. According to Egis, she was the best in shooting at targets, and she even beat a few men in a fight of sticks.

  I hardly believed that.

  Finally, I found her at an outer bailey, on the other side of the keep. She was crouching, planting some seeds into wet soil.

  “Hi,” I said.

  She didn't lift her head. After a long, awkward pause during which I considered leaving her alone, she replied. “You know, that hug yesterday meant nothing.”

  I nodded, though she couldn't see it. “Sure. It's no big deal.”

  “I don't want to touch anyone. I don't want to be touched,” she went on.

  “Me too,” I replied.

  It seemed my answers calmed her down, though they were lies. She started to plant seeds again.

  “Can I help?” I asked, not mentioning our previous arrangement.

  She raised her head finally, the left eye covered with her hair. Her right eye stared at me with a hint of sadness in its corner. During a deep breath she gave me a shy smile. “Naturally. Take the seeds from my saddle bag.”

  The bag laid next to her. I opened it up to see two pockets. The left one contained only one type of seeds, and not many. The right pocket was full of seeds of a different sizes and colors.

  “Which one shall I take, those on the left or on the right?”

  “Mostly on the right. Only one from the left.”

  “I got it.”

  I squatted down beside her to watch her for a while.

  “Put the seed four inches under the surface and cover it with soil,” she started explaining. “Then tamp down the soil gently, so it can breathe and soak up water. Add a little compost and flood it.”

  I observed her palms and fingers skillfully arranging another seed.

  “You really like trees,” I said.

  She nodded her head in agreement. “Trees are like my family... I have been used to planting trees since I was able to walk.”

  I dug a hollow and planted a seed form the left pack. It was smaller than the others. I carefully covered it with soil.

  The seed was evidently important, but why?

  “Is there something special about this seed?” I asked.

  She shot me an unreadable glance. “It's an elder.”

  I nodded and finished my first seed before moving several feet aside to plant another one. We continued planting trees until high noon. It was an unimportant morning altogether.

  It took me thousands of years to figure out how important that day was...


  We left the fortress on her horse at dawn to avoid afternoon swelter. Seadweed led Livy three miles to the northeast, where forests emerged on the horizon. We stopped at the nearest trees, mostly maples, birches, and pines.

  We looked for marigold, plantain, sage, and other useful weeds growing in the shadows of the trees. She proved to be an excellent picker, filling her pouches with precious content here and there. From time to time, she hugged full-grown trees. I resorted to picking blueberries and eating them.

  She uncovered me quickly, crossing her hand on her chest. A wicked smile fleshed on her lips. “Hey! I'm working hard here and you are feeding yourself?!”

  I nodded guilelessly. “Yes, that's what I do. It's so yummy...”

  She came to me and stretched her hand out. “Don't be a miser and share!”

  I gave her a broad smile. “Sure...” I poured tiny berries into her palm. “Enjoy.”

  She hid a smile before she turned away.

  At the noon, the heat became almost unbearable.

  “Let's have a rest in the shadows.” I proposed and pointed to a nearby cluster of pine trees.

  “I have a better idea,” she gave me a smile. “There is a pool in a river, not so far away. Let's take a refreshing bath.”

  I gave her a broad smile. “Excellent idea!”


  The place at the river was simply amazing. Shielded by a canopy of leaves, water ran through small rapids a hundred feet above, before it ended in a small waterfall that carved out a breathtaking pool with turquoise waters some twenty feet below.

  Before I could fully absorb the beauty of the scenery, I heard sloshing of the water and saw her swimming toward the waterfall.

  I undressed quickly to follow her. The water was perfectly refreshing. I sank below its surface to cool my head, and when I resurfaced, I gave a sigh of delight.

  I dove twice before I crawled toward the waterfall. She was already near the falling water, enjoying the spray wetting her face with tiny droplets. She turned to me, smiling.

  “Isn't it fantastic?” she shouted, smiling.

  “Yeah!” I replied and moved under the roaring mass which drenched me in an instant. When I retreated from the falls, she burst out laughing. “You look like a soaked chicken.”

  I grinned. If I looked like a chicken, she didn't look any better, with her long honey hair completely wet as well.

  I had never seen her like that. She kept herself submerged in the water to her shoulders, so I could admire only small parts of her. The lines of her oval face and delicate chin were even more beautiful. Her wide eyes were spellbinding. And her lips were a pure invitation.

  Unintentionally, I approached her, but when I got close so I could touch her, she splashed me with water, laughing loud.

  I cleaned my eyes and approached her again with the same result. We both laughed and played the game for a while.

  “I will prepare a surprise for you,” she said with sparkles in her eyes. “Just keep your eyes closed for a minute. Don't cheat!”

  “I won't.”

  I closed my eyes. I heard her swimming around me, and then it was quiet for a while.

  “You can open your eyes!” She made herself heard.

  I obeyed.

  She was standing on the shore, dressed
and smiling.

  I screwed my face. “And who is a cheater here?”

  She gave me a complacent smile. “Isn't it a surprise?”

  “Well, not one I would expect,” I replied. “Turn around, I'm coming out.”

  She crossed her hands on her chest, not turning. Her lips curled into an impish smile.

  “I see...” I said slowly.

  She wants to see me... In the altogether...

  “The longer you stay in the water, the more likely you will catch a cold,” she said with a falsely kind tone. “And I will have to lock you in the infirmary.”

  I was immersed in the water to my shoulders, and indeed, the water seemed colder with every second that passed.

  I gave a sigh of defeat and crawled to the shore.

  When I got on my feet, I straightened up knowing I had nothing to be ashamed of. Since she discovered my true identity, I restored to my true, wizard look when we were alone.

  She was observing me closely, clearly amused.

  “I hope you don't use some spell to look better,” she commented, her gaze sliding down slowly from my face to my chest, and then to my abdomen, where it didn't stop on its way down...

  She giggled, flushing.

  “No!” I replied with as much dignity I was able to maintain.

  She chuckled into her palm again.

  I gave her a deadly glance, heading for my clothes.

  “Look,” She came rushing with an apology. “I didn't want to offend you. It was meant to be fun.”

  I didn't respond, dressing calmly. When I finished, I relaxed a little. “I'm not angry with you.” I squeezed her hand, smiling. “You don't have to explain anything.”


  We were lying on a quilt, resting before our way back. I was preoccupied with observing white clouds high above our heads. She was lying next to me, resting on her elbows.

  “I'm really sorry, Syrdan,” she said softly. “It was not a good idea.” Her blonde strands ran across her ears and cheeks, covering half of her face. “You know, sometimes we girls want to watch men a little.” She paused, her cheek scarlet.

  “Hmm,” I murmured, not looking at her, though she rested only two feet away from me. “Did I pass the test well?”

  She curled her lips and nodded, blushing even more. “Yes, you did. You are strong, impressive and attractive.”



  My heartbeat went on rushing. I turned my head to her. Her sensual, slightly parted lips were so close. She let her blouse open wide at her neck, so I could admire her soft, bare skin again, as well as her cleavage.

  I reduced the distance between us.

  Our eyes locked. I shifted above her. She laid on her back and let her arms rest in the grass above her head.

  I approached her face, her lips. She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head back a little, making her lips even closer.

  The gap between our lips narrowed, leaving no space for a breath.

  We kissed, gingerly at first.

  It was simply intoxicating. Indescribable. Her lips were soft and warm, responding fervently to my every touch. The kisses grew more and more passionate, and my hands touched her at her waist.

  And that was just foreplay...


  I hadn't even noticed how we undressed each other, parting our lips only for breathing and passionate sighing. I cupped her naked breasts and her body bended desirously.

  But in an instant, I stopped. She looked deep into my eyes, confused. “What's wrong? Are you afraid you are going to regret it?”

  I didn't have to speak a word, and she knew she had guessed correctly.

  “We are in a war,” she went on softly. “Dragons may attack anytime, even today. What if there is no tomorrow to be remorseful for?”

  What if there is no tomorrow?

  Her words whirled in my mind. She was right.

  Tomorrow we all may be dead...

  “Besides,” she continued with a roguish flesh in her eyes, as her belly and thighs pressed and rubbed against mine, “Your body clearly says yes.”

  Indeed, my virile part grew even larger with every vibrating touch of her bare, soft skin. I cleared my mind out, and let my body do what it was created for.

  After what seemed an eternity, we reached a climax together, giving a scream of bliss at the same time.


  “I want to know everything about you,” she whispered, kissing me tenderly. We were utterly exhausted, but also happy beyond description.

  “I'm afraid you won't believe me,” I teased. “Besides, it's a long story.”

  “I have enough time,” she responded with sparkles in her eyes.

  “I have a better idea,” I decided. “Give me your right hand. Fine. And touch me so that only our fingertips are in contact.”

  “What are you going to do?” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously, pursing her lips. “Some kind of a magic?”

  “Yeah... And close your eyes.”

  She hesitated for a second, but did what I asked.

  I closed my eyes too.


  I connected our minds through our arms and fingers. In a split second, all my memories, thoughts, actions, and dreams flew to her as water flees a dam.

  She gasped but stayed connected. When my life came to my arrival to Averot'h, she grew rigid for a while, before she began to shake violently. She gave a scream when I fought Ver'del, and almost fainted when Cid'rel knocked me off my tephir and drew his dagger. After the stream of my life came to an end, she exhaled deeply.

  When she opened her eyes again, she was not the same person as before.

  “Was that all true?” she whispered, not looking at me.

  “Yes, it was. Now you know who I am.”

  She kept silent for a long time. Then she shook her head and gave me a stunned glance. “Wow... That was something... I need time to process it. You were right I wouldn't believe it. You really trust me when you let me see that. You showed me even her…”

  I swallowed.

  She has seen Elisa… What is she going to do? Is she going to be jealous?

  “I have nothing to hide.” I said, trying to sound firm.

  To my surprise, she placed her palms on my cheeks gently. “You know, Elisa was right. You are the kindest, cutest, and bravest man on earth. And your soul is pure as the soul of a child.”

  I curled my lips into a shy smile.

  She leaned forward and kissed me softly.

  “You put thousands of questions into my mind, Mister Warlock,” she whispered and her hot breath made my heart rush again.

  I returned her kiss and wrapped my arms around her, freeing my passion from its chains. I laid her down on her back and cuddled her cheeks. Before my thoughts became lost in a mist of pleasure, one dreadful question resounded in my mind.

  One day, I will have to decide.

  Her or Elisa…


  That evening I moved to her. Her chamber at the keep's second floor was a small, but cozy place, with a small window to the south, one bed, one tiny table and a fireplace. But for me, it was the maximum of comfort. Only Auger, Darnis and two other captains had their own chambers.

  Spending a night with her, our first one, cuddled with each other on a narrow bed, was something I would remember till my death. She was so tired she fell fast asleep, with my hand under her head. I caressed her shoulders and hair for long hours before falling asleep as well.

  I woke up at daybreak.

  In the dim light, I saw a dark pattern on her bare skin, running from her left shoulder-blade to her spine. I moved the blanket a bit further and gasped with surprise.

  From her neck to her lower back a complex green painting, probably a tattoo, depicted a tree with branches twining around themselves and long leaves with serrated edges.

  “What's this?” I whispered, astonished.

  I touched it delicately.

  She shuffled her hands and roll
ed on her back, eyes shut.

  Shall I ask her about it?

  I decided to put the issue away for now, relishing her mere presence.


  Our morning rides became a sort of ritual.

  We were leaving the fortress before the dawn, heading to the north, to the meadows at the forest and the river. We picked herbs till the sun rose high above our heads and then took a rest in the shadows of the trees.

  Well, the rest usually turned into swimming followed by a delightful activity reserved only to lovers...

  We kept our relationship secret in the fortress, however, which meant no kissing or holding hands together, a state sometimes hard to bear. Inside the walls, we were just two healers working together. Only Egis knew the truth, because I didn't sleep in the barn any more, and he was clever enough to figure out where I had gone.

  Once, when leaving the meadow with pouches stuffed with herbs to their rims, Deadweed slowed down and raised her arms wide, lifted her chin, and squeezed her eyes shut. After a while, a white butterfly flew in and landed on her left forearm. It didn't take long and her arms were heavy with butterflies of all colors and sizes.

  It was as astonishing.

  Deadweed grinned at me, opened her eyes, and a flock of butterflies fluttered away.


  We stood high on the battlements, heads tilted to the sky with thousands of stars shining brightly in the night breeze.

  Now, that she knew the true reason behind my arrival to Averot'h, we occasionally talked about it.

  “So, what do you suppose is your task?” She asked.

  I shrugged. “I guess to fight the dragons. They are extinct in my time. And I'm probably one of the few who possess the power to defeat them. I will not know for sure until they contact me. Can you see the constellation right there?” I asked, pointing a finger to the north horizon. “The one that looks like a carriage with a long shaft?”

  She nodded, her eyes glowing even brighter than the stars above us. “Yes, I can.”

  “In my time, the four stars of the carriage form a rectangle. But here, they are skewed a little, into a trapezoidal shape. Mag'reb says stars change their location over time, but very, very slowly. I must be thousands of years in the past. But don't ask how that is possible.”


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