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I LIKE THE WAY YOU HURT: A Dark Interracial High School Bully Romance

Page 5

by Lorrain Allen

  “You hillbilly red neck son of a…”

  “Hello, you must be Ms. Cocoa Matthews. How are you? I’m Mr. Green, the Headmaster here at Montgomery Academy. Michael has told me so much about you. Please step into my office. I would like to have a quick conversation with you prior to class starting.”

  I look just past the three assholes to see a short, portly, balding gray-haired man wearing glasses.

  “I am,” I reply. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Green.”

  “I see you’re making friends already. Fantastic!” Mr. Green smiles at us then turns on his heel to walk in the direction of his office.

  As I follow Mr. Green to his office, I give the motherfuckers behind me the finger over my head.

  Mr. Green holds the door for me to walk in first, and then closes the door after he enters. He walks around a big oak-wood desk and takes a seat in a large, comfortable brown leather chair. He motions for me to sit in the chair across from him.

  “How’s your morning going so far?”


  “Have you read the student handbook?”

  “I flipped through it. Why?”

  “You’re not in dress code.”

  “What am I missing?”

  “Your hair.”

  “What about my hair?”

  “It’s a violation of the school grooming code.”

  “How so?”

  Mr. Green is starting to look nervous. He didn’t expect me to question his accusation.

  “My hair is well-kept and styled in box braids. Please show me where in the student handbook this style is listed as a violation.”

  The school bell rings, indicating the start of first period.

  “Well, let’s not worry about that. Off to first period, I don’t want you to be late to your first class.”

  This day can’t get any worse.

  Cocoa looked so fuckable in her school uniform. I’ve been thinking about her body ever since Saturday. I’ll break her spirit, it’s inevitable. It’s what I do. I want to hurt her so fucking bad with my hands and my dick, the things I want to do to her are sick because I’m fucking sick. Another person would’ve run home to mommy in tears by now.

  Just then, Cocoa walks through the door, she’s late for class. I watch her from the back-corner desk that I claimed when I entered the classroom.

  “You better have a good reason for being late to my class,” says Mr. Barnes.

  “I do, the Headmaster wanted to speak with me for a few minutes.”

  “The only seat left in the back is by Maverick,” Mr. Barnes says, pointing in my direction.

  When Cocoa’s eyes connect to mine, her face registers shock for a split-second, before anger overtakes her features. She frantically looks around, hoping to find another free seat. There are two seats to every long rectangular table.

  “Take your seat, class has started already.”

  She reluctantly walks to the back of the classroom to take the vacant seat next to me.

  “You’re having the worst first day ever, aren’t you?” I whisper to her as she takes the window seat.

  “Fuck off.”

  “You must feel fortunate to have the opportunity to be educated with your betters.”

  “Kiss my ass, bastard.”

  I run my fingers up Cocoa’s thigh. She immediately grabs my wrist to stop my progress and attempts to push my hand away. I dig my nails into her thigh.

  “Ouch, you’re hurting me. Move your hand.”

  “Do you have something you would like to share with the class, Cocoa?”

  I release her thigh.

  “No, Mr. Barnes.”

  “Good. Okay, class. The person sitting at the table with you will be your partner for a physics project due October twenty-first. What you and your partner choose as the subject is completely at your discretion. This project will be thirty-percent of your final grade.

  “Well partner, I’m sure it’ll be nice working with you,” I say.

  Cocoa looks horrified. I bet she’ll stay after class is over to speak with Mr. Barnes about switching partners.

  The bell rings. First period is over. Not surprisingly, Cocoa doesn’t move from her seat.

  When I’m the only student remaining, I walk to the front of the classroom to speak with Mr. Barnes.

  “Mr. Barnes, is there any way I can be assigned another partner?”


  “Maverick and I don’t get along, so I think it’s in both of our best interests if we don’t work as partners on this project.”

  “This is a good opportunity for you to gain real life experience. In your career, you may have to collaborate with a co-worker you don’t get along with. You and Maverick will have to work through your differences if you want to receive a good grade. Now, enjoy the rest of your first day of school.”

  Enjoy the rest of my day? I wish I never got out of bed this morning.

  “You, too,” I mutter, walking out of the classroom.

  Maverick is standing against the wall, watching me when I step into the hallway. He probably heard me talking to Mr. Barnes, but I don’t give a fuck. I walk past him like he doesn’t exist. I can feel his eyes on me, so I chance a look over my shoulder to see that he is, in fact, still watching me with a look I can’t identify. I spoke too soon when I said my day couldn’t get worse. I can’t believe I’m stuck with him as a partner. My final grade in physics depends on him, which really sucks ass. I wonder if we have any other classes together, God I hope not.

  My next classes are uneventful. I’m starting to think that I’m the only minority in this school. I haven’t encountered a friendly student yet, everyone treats me with indifference, and I know it’s because of them. When I find my way to the cafeteria, I’m happy to discover some diversity.

  The cafeteria is huge, with chairs stationed at round tables. I walk over to the lunch line to await my turn to be served. I scan the cafeteria to determine where I’ll sit. I’m happy to see that Montgomery Academy is more diverse than I originally assumed. Of course, I see Queen Bimbo and her group of minions sitting at a table together. Next to their table sits King Asshole, the Prince Assholes, and a few other guys. I spot the table where I’ll sit. That table has the most diversity. I choose lasagna and salad, with garlic bread, for lunch.

  I pick my tray up and walk over to the table.

  “Hi, my name is Cocoa. Can I sit here?”

  “Sure,” says a very energetic boy.

  I critique his mannerisms, and the sound of his voice lets me know he’s definitely a flaming hot Cheeto, in other words, he’s gay.

  “Thank you,” I say, sitting down.

  “My name is Jamal.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Jamal.”

  Jamal is tall and lanky, with a dark complexion. He has a little stubble on his chin.

  “This is Kate and Lucy.”

  “Hi,” they both say in unison, but nowhere near as enthusiastic as Jamal’s greeting.

  Kate is white with freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks. Unruly brown curls frame her face and light blue eyes. Lucy is of Asian descent, and she has chin-length, straight black hair.

  “Are you sure you want to sit with us?” asks Kate.

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “We’re the rejects, the poor scholarship students. There are several other scholarship students attending here, too,” says Lucy.

  “You sure you don’t want to sit over there?” says Jamal as he jerks his head in the direction of the asshole.

  When I laugh, Jamal looks at me like I’m a crazy person.

  “Trust me, that ship has already sailed,” I tell him.

  Jamal places his elbows on the table and then rests his chin in his hands as he leans towards me. “Do tell,” he says.

  So, Jamal is a little gossip.

  I tell him everything.

  “Damn, girl,” he says at the conclusion of my story.

  “You should stay quiet,” says

  “That’s not my style. I’ll always defend myself.”

  “You’ll only make things worse for yourself,” says Kate.

  “It’s cool, I’m a fighter.”

  “It’s only fair that I prepare you for the people you’re fighting against. You see the light blonde? That’s Victoria, she’s their leader and captain of the cheerleading squad,” says Jamal.

  Oh no, I guess I won’t be trying out for the cheerleading squad after all. I know she would never allow me on the squad.

  “She’s a bitch with a capital B. She’ll make your existence hell at this school. The only one who can control her is Maverick. She makes herself look like a fool, chasing after him. Everyone knows that he doesn’t want anything to do with her, but she keeps trying. The dark blonde is Lori, her bark is worse than her bite. She’s just a lost little girl looking for scraps to eat. You don’t really have to worry about her. Black hair is Rebecca, and in some cases she can be more horrible than Victoria.”

  Well, those bitches haven’t met someone like me.

  “Maverick runs this school. Everyone fears him, and anyone who doesn’t should have their head examined. It’s better to stay out of his way because being on his radar won’t end well. He’s just not someone you fuck with. His father is the local judge.”

  Jamal is talking about the fucker as if he’s a god.

  “Red hair is Phoenix. He’s not as bad as Maverick, but it’s still not good to be on his bad side. His father practically owns every building and house in this town. Black hair is Demetrius. You don’t want to fuck with him, either. His father is a plastic surgeon in Charleston. Those three are the richest kids in here. The students around them are a part of the in-crowd. It’s not a good idea to fuck with any of them.”

  “Well, I guess it’s too late for me.”

  “It’s not, just don’t fight or talk back. They’ll leave you alone, eventually,” says Lucy.

  That’s not going to happen.

  I change the subject. “I guess I can’t try out for the cheerleading squad like I planned. I’m interested in being a part of the school paper, though. Can someone point me in the right direction?”

  “Lucy and I will be in charge of the student newspaper this year. Lucy is the photographer and I’m the writer, but we’ll still need another writer and editor,” Kate says with a beaming smile.

  “Perfect! I’m interested.”

  “We meet after school on Mondays and Tuesdays to discuss upcoming articles.”

  “Okay, where should I meet you after school?”

  “On the second floor, room 205.”


  When the bell rings, we all get up to leave.

  “I have creative writing next.”

  “Me too, we can walk together,” says Kate.

  We say our goodbyes to Jamal and Lucy then walk to class.

  My day was finally looking up until P.E. I was happy to see that Jamal and I would be taking the class together until the three wicked witches of the east walked in the gym. My gym clothes consist of a standard black t-shirt and red shorts, mandatory for all students. Mr. Williams has everyone completing routine exercises outside on the field to have a better understanding of each student’s physical strengths.

  I’m running from one end of the field to the other when I’m roughly pushed from behind. I hit the ground face-first. I didn’t see who it was. I manage to rise to my hands and knees, then sit on my butt. Damn, my head hurts. I know one of those bitches did it. Jamal is by my side in a few seconds, helping me stand.

  “Are you okay?”

  ‘I think so. Who pushed me?”

  “I honestly didn’t see who did it.”

  “What happened?” asks Mr. Williams as he approaches.

  “Someone pushed me from behind.”

  “I don’t see any bruising. Shower and go to the nurse’s office.”

  I leave the field. The nurse gives me a clean bill of health.

  I meet Kate and Lucy in room 205 after school. It’s not a classroom, more like a small conference room with a long oval table in the center with chairs surrounding it. To the right is a square table situated against the wall with a computer stationed on top. The room also has a printer.

  “Lucy, tomorrow go to football practice to take pictures while players are in motion. We’ll have to schedule a time to interview key players by Friday. The pep rally and homecoming dance are on September nineteenth, with the first game of the season the next evening. I want to get the first school paper published as soon as possible,” says Kate.

  We speak more logistics then call it a day, leaving school. It’s time for me to head to the pizzeria for my first shift.

  I was a fucking mess at football practice today. I was repeatedly being tackled and dropping the fucking ball. I know it’s all her fucking fault. I couldn’t get her out of my mind.


  Her thigh felt so damn supple and soft. I wanted to bury my face between them. The sound of her melodious laugh across the cafeteria did something to me. I don’t understand the feeling that she stirs within me, but I know I hate her for it, and it makes me want to hurt her more.

  Dee and Nix are waiting for me when I leave the locker room after my shower.

  “Mav, what happened in practice today, man?” asks Dee.

  “Get your shit together, you know we go against the Jaguars on the twentieth,” adds Nix.

  “You don’t fucking think I know that?” I snap.

  “It’s her, you couldn’t take your eyes off her during the whole lunch period,” says Dee.

  I don’t respond to that.

  “I’m going to Mary’s for dinner. You guys going?”

  “Yep, I could eat a big fat Stromboli right about now,” says Nix.

  “Cool, I’ll meet you guys there.”

  I walk towards my black Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk. I open the door and throw my gym bag on the passenger seat, climbing inside. I close the door then start the engine to make the twenty-minute drive to Mary’s.

  Dee and Nix are already there when I arrive. I park in the first unoccupied spot I see then exit my jeep. We walk to the entrance together. I step inside and meet the golden eyes of Cocoa, who’s standing behind the cash register.

  Fuck, I just can’t get away from this girl.

  Her smile vanishes when she sees who enters the building. Remembering she’s at work, she plasters a fake smile in place.

  “Hello, welcome to Mary’s Famous Pizzeria. How may I help?”

  She would run away screaming if I told her how she could help me. I don’t answer. I just stare at her.

  Dee clears his throat.

  I still don’t open my fucking mouth.

  Nix steps in front of me.

  “We’ll have an extra-large pepperoni pizza, two meat lovers Strombolis, and three large cokes.”

  “Dining in?”


  “That’ll be $38.45.”

  Nix takes out his debit card to pay.

  “Sign the first receipt, the second is for you to keep. I’ll get your drinks now and bring your food when it’s ready.”

  I watch Cocoa from where I sit. This is starting to become a pattern. She brings our drinks over.

  The food arrives twenty minutes later.

  “Do you guys need anything else?”

  “I see you’re getting accustomed to serving your betters,” I say. “It’s good that you so easily accepted your lot in life.”

  She shoots me a death glare then walks off.

  Fucking Harry keeps touching her waist, lower back, shoulders, and leans over her unnecessarily. I start to see red.

  When we finish our meals, we leave. I’m about to enter my vehicle when I see Harry on the side of the building taking a smoke break. I walk over to him and give him one punch in the gut. I put all my weight into the blow. His cigarette leaves his lips as he falls to the ground. He’s coughing uncontrollably. Spittle shoots from his mou

  “Mav, what the fuck?” asks Dee.

  I kneel down close to Harry’s ear.

  “Keep your fucking hands off Cocoa, you piece of shit. Don’t try to get her fired or report this. If you do, I’ll fuck you up. I know you’ve heard about me.”

  I stand then walk towards my jeep.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Mav? Why did you do that?” asks Nix.

  “He knows why.”

  I get in my car and drive off, not giving a fuck what my friends think about what I did.

  When I reach the second floor leading to my bedroom, I see John pulling his girlfriend, Christine, down the hall by her hair, their backs facing me.

  “No, John, please not tonight. I’m still sore from the last time,” Christine cries.

  “Shut up, bitch. You’ll go in this fucking room every night if I want you to. If you’re a good little whore tonight, I’ll go easy on you.”

  Christine cries louder.

  My father drags Christine into his torture room and closes the door.

  I’ve been in that room plenty of times. My earliest memory of entering that room includes my father beating and sexual assaulting my mother in front of me when I was five years old.

  “John, please. I’ll do whatever you want, just let Maverick go to his room. I don’t want him to see this.”

  “No, he’ll watch so that he can learn that the only place a woman belongs is on her knees.”

  “John, please,” my mother cried.

  I stood in the middle of the large room, afraid of everything I saw around me.

  John smacked her so hard that the sound of her body hitting the floor reverberated through the room.

  “Mommy,” I cried as I ran to her, kneeling beside her.

  Blood was pouring from her mouth.

  I felt a searing pain as my father dug his hand into my shoulder and flung me back like a rag doll. I hit the wall, leaving a crack. I started to cry when I fell to the floor. John was by my side in several long strides. He lifted me by my neck, my legs suspended in the air.

  “Shut the fuck up. Crying is not an option. Disobedience is not an option.”

  He released his hold on my neck, and I crumpled to the floor.


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