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A Billion Reasons Why_Billionaire romance

Page 8

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  Two days after they returned, Maali ended up being taken to the city in an ambulance. For years she had managed her Type 2 diabetes, giving up smoking and trying to eat more fruit and vegetables. Even walking into town until it got too much for her. Now, it seemed, her body was starting to give up the fight. Her kidneys had stopped responding to the medication, and it was becoming harder to keep her stable.

  Ellin and Ryan bought her home after a week, knowing how precious the time together had become.

  The fragility of life only bought her and Ryan closer, emotionally and physically. He claimed every part of her heart and soul but after being away from home for almost two months, he needed to go back and reclaim his job.

  “I love you, and we will figure things out. I just need to go back and make sure I still have my job and home.” Promises made while lying naked in her bed, their bed.

  “I’ll miss you,” she had traced his long body with her fingernails, “I never thought I’d feel this way.”

  “Believe me, if I didn’t have to leave, I wouldn’t. I never expected to find a desert princess underneath these billion stars,” her breasts tingled to his touch. “Now that I’ve found you, I never want to let you go.”

  “Then, don’t go. Stay here. We can live off the land – and my paintings.”

  “Shhh,” he silenced her with kisses, “I’ll be back here, in this house and bed before you know it. Then, we’ll return to the city, together for your study. You know Maali will kick your butt if you don’t go back and finish.”

  “All I want is to be here with you,” he needed no encouragement. Finding her ready for him, they made love for the last time before he left. Despite knowing his body so well, Ellin was surprised at how furiously he took her, drove himself inside her. Claiming every part of her for himself.

  As if it was their first time.

  She suppressed the unpleasant thought, as if it was their last.

  He loved her.

  “You off then,” Maali liked this young man who had stolen her grand-daughter’s heart. He worked hard, respected country and culture.

  Yet, there was something about him that didn’t fit well. And these excuses about needing to go home. Every time he opened that damn phone to check his emails, his face darkened until he hid behind a blank mask. Ellin didn’t see it – too innocent and in love.

  The boys didn’t want to see it because they liked Ryan and respected the way he treated their sister. There hadn’t been marriage talks, yet, but they would come.

  Perhaps. She only hoped she would live long enough to bless them well and even long enough to meet the children sure to come.

  “Maali, you are looking stronger,” she allowed him to kiss her cheek.

  “About time you called me, ‘Ipmenhe’. I’m thinking of you as a grandson – and you never know …” she paused to give him the space to show his intentions.

  “I love her.”

  “But there is a complication?”

  “Nothing for you to worry about. I need to go back, sort out some things and then I promise I’ll come back for her.”

  She believed he meant it in the moment. “Last boy who went away found a reason to stay away.”

  “I could never stay away from her,” he squeezed her hand, “Or you.”

  “What is it you’re hiding from her?” Damn it, she was running out of time – and from the panicked look on his face, he did have secrets. “Married? Kids?”

  “No, nothing like that. The truth is I love her, but I need to sort things out.”

  “Is she going to like what you need to sort out?” A strength she didn’t know she still possessed gripped his wrist. “Don’t you lie to an old woman.”

  “I need her to know I love her more than she will hate me. If I could tell you, I would, but I need to …”

  “Sort things out first,” she finished.

  “No, I need to tell her first. In my own way and so I can make her understand.” She accepted the truth where she found it. He loved Ellin and wanted to do right by her. Whatever it was, Ellin would need time to forgive, even maybe a grandmother’s advice to push her in the right direction.

  The dreams with her sister and parents were getting stronger. She didn’t have much time before the call of the other side was stronger than her love of life. The boys would be fine, they had each other and would find themselves and comfort within their culture.

  Ellin, her precious girl had been a gift of light since the day she was born, Ellin needed this man as much as he loved her.

  “Ryan,” again that subtle wince when he heard his name. “You’re a good man. Come back for her and I’ll make sure she hears you.”

  “About bloody time you returned from Siberia,” Derek said, grabbing Mason’s bag from the airport carousel.

  “Andamooka Gorge is hardly Siberia. I’m back, I’ve read the emails – what else couldn’t you put in writing?”

  It was only twenty minutes from the airport to his house, but enough time for him to understand the gravity of the mess Softli found itself.

  “They know they made a mistake – they need you back as CEO, not some business genius who doesn’t know a customer from his calculator.”

  “How badly do they want me back? And is it too late to turn things around?”

  “You saw the reports. Most of the clients who have jumped ship are only starting the transition process. If you come back, reach out to them, I’d say most will give you and the company a second chance.” The red light gave the friends the chance to share a look, “If you want to come back. I’m with you all the way, but you need to be straight with me. Do you really want to come back.”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Yeah, well, something tells me you might have other things – or a special someone – on your mind.”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “The good ones always are.”

  “If I come back, there will be conditions.”

  “The Board expects that.”

  “Who on the Board is driving the push to bring me back?”

  “Susannah is the strongest voice, but everyone is united.”

  “And the CEO – does he have a clue?”

  “Did you, before they pushed you out the first time?”

  “Nah.” Mason thought for a moment, suppressing yet more guilt that came with deceit, “I want to feel bad for him, but how dare he come in and destroy my company.”

  “It isn’t your company – until you get back in charge.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. Prep me.”

  “Susannah and Warren are at the house, they have set up a war room. Jade is on her way. She’ll work on the promotion campaign – making sure you are the media darling again. Working the markets to show them you are back and they can have confidence in Softli. The whole Steve Jobs/Apple angle. Warren is pulling together the list of staff who have left, who we need back and how to get them.”

  “How is Susannah?”

  “She’s holding up. Never easy to have stuff on the front pages. Given my history and marriage, I’m the last person she wants to talk to.”

  “Does she need to be involved in all this – what if she wants time out for herself?”

  “She lives for this type of fight. Don’t worry about her. She is working the Board members and rounding up clients. There is a 100-day assault plan being put in place to get Softli back on track – from the moment you become CEO again.”

  “Look, after the meeting, I need to go back and sort out some things.” Mason hesitated, “I met someone, but she doesn’t know who I am.”

  “Where has she been living – under a rock?” Derek snorted, “You were plastered all over magazines and social media?”

  “I changed a few things, my hair, name.”

  “That’s a bit drastic. Don’t worry about it – as soon as she finds out you come with a billion dollars and harborside mansion, she’ll forgive you anything.” Derek was full of smiles and his corpor
ate bravado as they pulled into his driveway.

  Seeing his house for the first time in weeks, Mason was struck by the difference between this million-dollar house, almost a mausoleum, and the ramshackle home he left in the desert. He missed his new home and the never ending quest to dust the red earth from all surfaces.

  The white marble stairs, the clean lines and large rooms were everything she would hate.

  “Problem is, that’s what she’ll hate me for,” he shrugged, first save his company, then his relationship.

  “It worked!” The joy and excitement jumped down the telephone finding the ache in his heart. He wanted nothing more than to see her but with his hair now cut and colored and fresh suit and tie, there would be no hiding Mason.

  “Of course, it worked! I wrote the program.”

  “I love how you think it is all you, the whole thing worked. We launched the program as part of the exhibition and the media have gone wild. I’ve been getting phone calls and emails from schools all over the country wanting to subscribe to the learning program. They think that teaching kids to read and write in a second language will help them with their normal English.”

  “That’s great,” this should have been their day, their time to celebrate together.

  “So, how is that project going? The one you needed to finish before the big Board meeting?”

  “Fine,” he looked through the glass doors to where his war room was in full swing. “I think we have almost nailed it.”

  “Be the change, Ryan. I can see the leader inside you. Be a voice inside Softli and make them listen.”

  “I’m only one man,” if only she knew the truth, he needed her beside him. Loving him.

  “But you are a good man Ryan and I believe in you. Either make them listen to you or find a better company - someplace where it isn’t run by a billionaire baby.”

  No matter what he said, it came down to the money. She hated the thought of one man having so much money – and yet it was the money that had given him the freedom to walk away and find her.

  “I love you,” when they were together, it had been the most tender and honest thing to say. Now, the reality of the depth of his lies, the words sounded hollow even though they were still true.

  “Love you more,” the call ended with her blowing kisses.

  Lacking a Quorum

  “It’s the most anticipated Board meeting of the reporting season,” Clyde Parker announced to the breakfast TV audience.

  “You must be talking about Softli, again,” Danielle fluttered her eyelashes. “And the return of the dreamy Mason Winters.”

  “After being dumped by his Board three months ago, he walked away from the company and left them to reshape it.”

  “How did that turn out for them, Clyde.” Danielle’s face was replaced by screen shots of plummeting share price and sales revenue.

  “I’m not going to sugar coat it for you Danielle, the pictures are not pretty. Clients are leaving, staff are leaving and the shareholders who put their faith and money in Softli are expected to be out in droves today.”

  “What do they hope to prove? Surely, they can just take their money and run off to another investment?”

  “That’s not how the system works. No one can sustain the sort of losses that Softli has made. Not if there is hope that it can turn around.”

  “So, is Mason Winters coming back to Softli?”

  An old photo of Mason graced the screen.

  “For the sake of his company, I hope so, Danielle, I truly hope so.”

  “Turn it off,” Jade ordered before turning to the breakfast meeting. Mason and his most trusted supporters were finalizing their strategy, not only for the Board meeting but for the next three months.

  “Softli has been in a nose-dive for months. We will turn it around in the next 100 days. The publicity has commenced, and by noon, the markets will have started to respond to hope. I’ll release an announcement that Mason will be giving an impromptu address to the gathered shareholders at half past one. That gives the media enough time to do their thing but doesn’t give the CEO enough time to respond.”

  Everyone nodded knowing today had been planned down to the minute.

  “From the moment I put out the announcement, all phones get turned off. I don’t want anyone being contacted by the CEO or his lawyers. Injunctions can get messy as can the threats.”

  “What about the other Board members?” Susannah asked.

  “They only know that the company is in trouble. Everyone we have spoken to are scared about what the losses mean for their own personal wealth, and their reputation. They want Mason back but don’t want to admit to making a mistake in losing him. By the time we walk into that meeting, they will know that not only do they want him back, but the markets and shareholders want him back even more and they won’t have a choice.”

  “Clients?” Mason asked. “When do I start making calls?”

  “We’ve made up a list and booked phone calls with the managing director of the top ten shaky clients and the top ten clients who have started walking. You will talk to each of them in the first two hours after the meeting. We have drafted individualized announcements for them to issue, either reaffirming their commitment to Softli or wishing you well but unfortunately they are now contractually committed elsewhere.”

  “They will do that? Issue our releases?”

  “Absolutely,” Derek assured the table, “They need to answer to their own shareholders.”

  Only when she needed to give the cab driver an address did Ellin realize she didn’t know where Ryan lived.

  A small, little detail that never mattered. Until she wanted to surprise him with a visit.

  Waiting another month for him to sort things out was impossible. She loved him, wanted to share her news with him.

  Gran helped her out with airfares so she could fly from Alice Springs to Sydney instead of taking the bus to Adelaide and then flying.

  “Lady, I can keep driving towards the city, but eventually you need to give me an address.”

  “Can you turn up the radio, please,” one of the news reports caught her attention.

  “Shareholders are gathering to hear from the reclusive billionaire, Mason Winters, who is expected to address their concerns about the failing company results at an impromptu address in a little over an hour,” Ellin closed her eyes. Ryan would be there – or at least close by. If she didn’t know where he lived, she could at least meet him at his office. She had no other options. Get to his office and then call until he answered.

  “The Softli office, please.”

  “Are you one of them protesters?”

  “I guess I am,” she sat back, counting down the minutes until she could be in her lover’s arms again.

  “Are you ready?” Jade asked him, straightening his tie.

  “Not at all, but do I have a choice?”

  “Are you going to ever tell me about her?”

  “Eventually. I hope you meet her and will convince her I’m not the evil ogre she thinks I am.”

  “Mas, no one who knows you could ever see you as evil.” Once her touch meant something to both of them, now it was the touch of a friend.

  “Again, remind her of that when she hates me. Everything I’m about to do today is part of everything she loathes.”

  “Ready?” Derek interrupted. “The crowds have massed and are waiting for the prodigal son to speak.”

  “Any backlash?”

  “Phones are off – but we only have to get you in front of the microphone. Once you start speaking, there is nothing he can do.”

  “How do I get to the podium?”

  “How else?” Jade laughed. “We will drop you off at the back of the shareholders, and you will make your way through them to the stage. Once they see you, no one will be able to stop you from talking to the crowd. The media will love it and I’ve made sure there will be cameras capturing all the fear in their eyes about what is happening to their life savings, all the
way through to how much they will adore you when you agree to come back.”

  “Risky – what if they rip me to shreds?”

  “Let them – then the news is how much Softli has changed in the three months and how you want to avenge their pain.”

  “So, I’m your lamb to my own slaughter.”

  “Call it a win-win. You either speak and the Board meeting goes our way, or they tear you to shreds and when you walk into the Board meeting there will be no doubt you are willing to put your body on the line for the company.”

  “Okay,” he took a final look in the mirror. Nothing resembled the Ryan he left in the desert. Except for the hole in his heart and the missing love at his side.

  Ellin joined the back of the protesters. She expected them to be raging at the inequality of wealth, he got so much from the sale and now they were losing the little their shares were worth.

  Instead, as she moved through the bodies and home-made placards, she became surprised they were all clamoring for the return of the Mason Winters. The guy leaves the company to count his billions, and all they want is for him to return. To save them.

  Stupid people, she thought.

  Between the protesters and the security personnel, there was no access to the offices. No way she was going to be able to get through and see Ryan, not until the messiah gave his speech and everyone went back to their boring lives.

  “He’s here!” She could barely make him out through the crowd.

  “Look, he’s back!”

  “Where? I can’t see him?”

  “Not at the front – over there!”


  “Move, he’s coming through the crowd.”

  Just like that, Ellin felt the crowd of protesters quieten and part to allow Mason Winters to return to the company he built. The man they trusted with their life savings, had returned. Before she saw him, she heard the outpouring of respect and gratitude as they welcomed him.

  Never before had she been so close to someone making a rock star entrance.


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