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Candy Cain

Page 4

by C. L. Scholey

  “Maybe so, but it don’t pay the bills.”

  Candy knew better than to ask him if he wanted her help. Instinctively, she knew he was one who would think an act of kindness was instead an act of pity. Feeling somewhat helpless and at a loss for words, she placed a soft hand on his shoulder, said good night, and went to bed.

  Chapter 5

  Candy awoke abruptly as she rolled into the center of the indented mattress when Cain crept in beside her. She groaned as half of his body lay on top of her, and determined, charity or not, the man was getting a new bed from her as a Christmas present. This had to be the most uncomfortable thing she had ever slept on.

  “Cain, my arm,” she yelped as it caught under him.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  He shifted, pushing her to aid her out of the bed ditch. His frozen foot settled onto her warm calf, and she scooted away from his icy touch. He continued to offer her assistance, pressing against her back and behind, and after giving her a final shove, he knocked her sailing onto the floor. She hit the wood with a loud bang and groaned.

  “You’re always pushing me over,” she squealed in annoyance and darted to her feet, rubbing at her buttocks and elbow.

  Candy stood before him clad in his T-shirt, which was way too big, his socks, which were sliding down to her ankles, and her underwear. She began shivering.

  “Well don’t just stand there quivering like someone’s naked pet toy poodle, get into bed,” he demanded.

  “I thought you were sleeping on the couch.”

  “The couch is too small for either of us, and too damned lumpy.”

  He pulled back the covers and Candy noted he was nude. “Aren’t you cold?” she asked.

  “Well, I will be if I sit here flapping the covers, waiting for you to decide whether or not to be a prude.” He emphasized his words by waving the covers.

  Candy crawled into bed beside him, and lay carefully to one side. Cain pulled her into his arms, and they slid slowly downward.

  “Well, we’re back in the middle of the bed again. I feel like the ground beef in the bottom of a taco,” she complained.

  “Then let me be your topping.” He was on top of her in seconds.

  “Cain,” she said grouchily as he squished her beneath him.

  The heat of him enveloped her everywhere and Candy determined he’d come to bed with a purpose in mind. His hard erection pressed against her belly.

  “This time I can make you ready,” he said; she wasn’t certain if it was a threat or a promise.

  Candy could hear the raging blizzard smashing tree branches into the sturdy little cabin. The comforting snaps and crackles of the fire from the next room were welcome. There was no chance of them succumbing to cold. They weren’t trapped in a freezing car, and there was no threat of death looming over them. Yet she wanted him, uncouth, annoying jerk though he was. For some reason the irritating traits were endearing now.

  The more Candy came to know him, the more she learned of him, the more she liked him. Perhaps in time, he would open up about his family. She roamed her hands over his broad back, trailing them deliciously over his powerful muscles in unspoken answer. The hard smoothness of his sculptured behind teased her fingertips and she sighed with pleasure. Cain was so perfect. His physique was something a god would envy. She heard him groan deeply, right before he rolled over and kissed her.

  Candy returned his kisses, allowing his probing tongue access. His taste was sweet, like the maple syrup they’d had on their pancakes. His mouth explored hers leisurely. With some difficulty, he slipped the t-shirt over her head. Candy moaned as his mouth closed over a breast, suckling. His teeth grazed over her nipple. Then, true to his word, he moved to make her ready.

  His large muscled body slid down hers, lower, lower, burning a searing path with hot, hungry kisses. Candy quivered in anticipation; she clutched her fists into the quilt. She jumped in shocked surprise when he yelped loudly.

  “What happened?” she asked with concern.

  “Sorry, the metal of the bed is damned near freezing, and it touched a place where nothing that cold should ever touch.”

  “Are you all right?”

  “Oh, I’m fine, but perhaps when I’m done you could return the favor and make me ready…again.”

  Candy chuckled, and then gasped, as his mouth invaded her. His tongue turned searing, as it delved deeper into her heat. His lips roamed over her folds until he reached the spot he sought. Candy arched her back as he found her nub and began teasing her relentlessly. She moaned and writhed, wanting to get away, wanting him to continue. A large finger explored her. The use of his hand and mouth made Candy come undone. She cried out, and felt warm wetness flow.

  Cain moved sensuously back up her body. His kisses fell everywhere, until he reached her mouth. Candy was panting, begging him to love her, to fill her. Her hands lowered to feel him. He was once more hard, hot, and she rubbed his long length.

  “Let me feel you,” she whispered.

  “One day I’m going to make love to you where there are no restrictions,” he ground out.

  Candy felt him struggling for a moment to gain a firm handhold on the ancient mattress.

  Instead of trying for another awkward position while on such an unruly bed, he thrust himself deeply within her, howling in ecstasy. She was ready for him. Candy met his thrusts. Her legs rose to wrap around his waist.

  The ancient bed beneath them squeaked and groaned in protest. The sides surrounded her. The feeling of being trapped within an inanimate object was oddly disturbing. With some dismay Candy could feel the bed begin to move around the room. She hadn’t realized it was on wheels. Cain pounded within her. They banged into the night table, the lamp and picture toppled over. Still Cain thrust with urgency.

  They inched their way to the dresser, bouncing off it as though in a bumper car. They careened off the far wall. Her eyes widened in surprise; she felt like she was experiencing an earthquake. He was unshakable. Cain moved harder, faster. The sensations he caused engulfed her. Candy gave in to her own growing needs.

  She buried her head into his chest, becoming oblivious to anything but Cain and his thrusting. He was all power and strength, and still loving and gentle. The combination was intoxicating. All else ceased to exist; only he mattered.

  They came together as one, he roared a release, she cried out her ecstasy. Her breath slowly went from a heavy pant to quiet even breathing. Cain lifted his head to gaze around the room. It looked like they had been robbed, the cabin room trashed.

  “Uh, Candy?”


  “We’re under the window. The bed wasn’t under the window before.”

  “I know, Cain. Go to sleep.”

  * * * *

  It was with relief when Candy sat in the truck heading down the bumpy, slippery road for town. The blizzard had given way to a beautiful day filled with sunshine. The new-fallen snow at mid-day was in mounds everywhere, as workers dug vehicles and streets out. Everything looked dusted over in powdered white icing sugar. It was breathtaking. Candy had smiled while thinking all Cain’s cabin had needed were a few gumdrops and colored sprinkles and it would make the perfect gingerbread house.

  Cain drove Candy to her car and she was amazed. At first they had some difficulty finding it. The hidden vehicle was a lump, a completely covered over, inconspicuous lump and undetectable from the road. Until a thaw came, no one would ever have found her; she would have frozen to death all alone.

  A classy coffin indeed.

  The eerie thought made her shiver. Candy realized she was partially to blame for the accident. Driving and talking on her cell was a dangerous combination; she had been weaving and trying to control the vehicle in such terrible weather conditions one-handed. Cain didn’t have to stop for her. He didn’t have to offer her a ride. He could have driven away, leaving her to fend for herself; instead, he had saved her life.

  Cain found the car trunk after some digging. Candy checked over
the parcels as they transported them to the truck. Everything seemed well enough; she could detect no damage. She was anxious to finish her shopping. They drove to the department store where they had first met. The parking lot was already plowed; she surmised this area was used to the inclement weather. Candy slid out her side of the truck. Cain informed her he had some serious shopping to do.

  “Left it all to the last minute?” she asked with a bright, teasing smile.

  He shrugged sheepishly. “I always do.”

  “Spoken like a true man.”

  Cain made haste as he ran off without her. Candy’s first order of the day was some new clothes. She’d brought hardly anything from home, needing the room for the presents, and found a quaint store she loved and bought some serviceable jeans and sweaters, socks, underwear, hats, scarf, and gloves as well as calf-high, insulated boots with almost no heel.

  She bought Cain a warm woolen black cap she knew he would wear, nothing fancy-schmancy, as he would declare. She found him a plain pair of expensive, lined leather gloves, knowing since they were plain he would assume they were cheap. And a black scarf. She felt dismayed she didn’t know his boot size or she would have grabbed him a pair.

  As Candy walked through a department store she saw a sleek, eye-catching, black leather jacket. It would look stunning on Cain, but, plain or not, he would know the cost. She bought it anyway. She would claim it was a small gift for saving her from death, so really, how could he refuse? The bed would be delivered after she left town, that way she could avoid a temper tantrum. Though, the thought of leaving somehow seemed very unappealing.

  There was something about returning to her lonely penthouse that caused a pit to form within her belly. Oddly enough it almost reminded her of the feelings she first had when she went to stay in her new lonely apartment after her foster parents’ deaths.

  Candy shook the feeling off and sighed, knowing it couldn’t be helped, although she brightened somewhat, realizing she had almost a week left to ponder her thoughts and hopefully enjoy Cain’s company. She hoped he felt the same way.

  There were other articles of clothing to be found, woman’s clothing, children’s clothing. And toys, lots and lots of fun toys that would amuse and delight the kids. Cain’s truck was large, and she went all out on larger toys, bicycles, wagons, cute little kitchen sets, and a few mechanical horses that whinnied and shook their heads delightfully.

  By the time she was finished, Candy had four men trailing her with her numerous purchases. When Candy got to Cain’s truck his mouth dropped open at the procession. He then raced to offer aid.

  “Holy shit, princess. When you shop you’re like a commando shopper or something. Take no prisoners. Did you leave anything for Santa Claus to give out?” Cain said. From his look of amazed wonder she wasn’t certain if she should be annoyed or laughing.

  Candy saw one of the men lean closely toward Cain, and heard him mumble, “No wonder you need a big truck. If my wife shopped like yours, I’d opt for a large, empty camper, or a divorce.” Candy blushed crimson.

  Cain cocked his head and eyed the man with a knowing grin. “Would you divorce something so sweet?” he asked.

  The man slapped him on the back after sending an appreciative, assessing look, toward Candy who now sported new fashionable, though sensible clothing.

  “Buy the empty camper,” the man advised Cain, both men roared with laughter.

  “I hope they have a warehouse for you,” Cain said, his green eyes twinkling with devilish merriment.

  “I need to deliver these, if you don’t mind,” Candy said.

  “Nope, I don’t mind. It’ll be kinda fun playing Santa.”

  They picked up the groceries that lay in wait and determinedly set out. One by one, the gifts and goodies were delivered to tiny, little homes that needed so much more. Candy smiled, feeling an endearing emotion as Cain’s enthusiasm grew, seeing not pity in her eyes for these people, but respect. The families worked so hard. They deserved some material happiness, some recognition. After all, her family had at one time been one of these people.

  At last there was just one home left. But Candy couldn’t deliver the items until early Christmas morning. The family was gone, visiting away from home with the deceased husband’s parents and wouldn’t arrive until late Christmas Eve.

  “My car should be out of the ditch and have had its once-over by the mechanic by now.” Candy was facing Cain. She didn’t want the day to end. Apparently, neither did he.

  “I still think that car is a stu…I mean a bad choice to drive in this weather. I worry about you getting around in all this snow; it could storm again.”

  “I’ll be fine, Cain. I can’t ask to keep you from whomever it is on Christmas you see. You’ve been more than generous with your time. I am really grateful for all your help, and so were the people we saw today. But knowing my partner at the firm, I have a mound of paperwork waiting for me back at the hotel suite. I’m afraid duty calls.”

  “I’ll drop you off at the garage,” he mumbled.

  Once there, Cain took hold of her hand. “Candy,” he began. He shuffled his feet, and he looked hesitant and worried. “Candy, would you like to…I mean…maybe we could go out sometime?”

  Candy was painfully aware he was afraid of her rejection. She could see it in his apprehensive eyes. What on earth would a rich, beautiful, successful woman, want with him, a dilapidated, old, sparsely-furnished cabin and a beat up truck that was ready for the junk pile? But she did want him. He had become more valuable to her than he could ever imagine. The thought was as intriguing as it was frightening.

  “Maybe we could do something the day after Christmas?” she asked.

  He brightened immediately, a dozen candles blazed behind his eyes. “Can you ice skate?”

  “Sure.” She didn’t have any with her, but from the excited childlike look on his enthusiastic face, it would be worth investing in a new pair.

  “Then grab your skates. There’s a little pond everyone goes to on Boxing Day. When we all hang out together we have a lot of laughs. I’ll bring a thermos of hot cocoa, and maybe we could pack some sandwiches and make a day out of it. I’ll pick you up around ten in the morning. You mentioned you are staying at the hotel in town, so just write down your room number. I’ll come up for you. We can have breakfast together. I promise, absolutely no oatmeal.”

  Candy leaned up to kiss his cheek. “I happen to love oatmeal,” she whispered in is ear. She laughed at Cain’s amazed expression.

  Chapter 6

  It was hard not seeing Cain. Candy missed him that night and found herself daydreaming about the time they had spent together. Work-related thoughts invaded her mind, she had so many legal documents Bob kept faxing her to go over and sign that she didn’t have much spare time through the remainder of the day. She felt the firm took full advantage of her over the holidays, not having any family this time of year, not having anyone all year long.

  It seemed her workload doubled, and at the end of each day she was too exhausted mentally to do anything, except sit with a dry martini and watch a few sitcoms to relax. Sometimes Candy felt her workload was tedious. She remembered in the beginning she had loved her job, the fast pace, getting the work done had been so fulfilling. Once she had made partner, it seemed all she ever did was work.

  No time for friends, even if she had any. She’d had more fun with Cain in two short days than she’d had in five years, and she had almost died while with him the one night. Candy wasn’t certain if the thought was depressing or enlightening.

  She sighed while pondering her dilemma, telling herself she was always somewhat melancholy over the holidays. She missed her old family; she missed the love and laughter. Cain had reminded her about what being around someone all the time was like. She missed that the most. Candy clicked off her television and turned out the lights.

  Strolling to the window she gazed outside; it was a beautiful, clear night. Santa Claus would have no need for Rudolf on thi
s Christmas Eve. Her foster father’s delightful words popped into her mind, “The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, gave a luster of midday to objects below.”

  ’Twas The Night Before Christmas had always been her favorite poem. Candy smiled with her sweet memories. Cain had made a most handsome Saint Nick. With thoughts of him dancing in her head, it took more than a moment to get herself to bed.

  * * * *

  Christmas morning had arrived. No work today or tomorrow. Even the unloved deserved a few days off, Candy decided. She was eager to surprise the last family with her multitude of gifts and a little something extra. More than that, she was eager for Boxing Day, the day she would see Cain.

  Candy drove carefully on the still slick roads, to the home she needed to deliver her parcels to. She had brought Cain’s, wondering if she could leave them at his cabin while he was away, since she knew where he kept the spare key. She would love for him to show up at her door in the morning wearing her gifts.

  She drove to a small, but tidy-looking home. Though it was very early, and still dark, all the lights were on. Candy had been hopeful she would be there before the children woke, but should have remembered almost no child slept Christmas Eve.

  Creeping stealthily out of her car, as not to intrude, she could see through a small window. A large tree was surrounded by four young, extremely excited children, and Candy smiled, guessing they were opening what their mother had bought them. The mesmerizing scene brought forth so many memories from her loving past. For a moment she felt a lump form in her throat. Her gloved hand splayed against the window as she collected her emotions.

  Time seemed to rewind, and she could envision her foster parents’ loving faces and her foster siblings squealing with delight on that special morning. She blinked, clearing her eyes and gained control over her emotions.

  Candy heard a deep male laugh and froze; a cold chill slid up her spine. She knew that laugh. The large man rose to his feet, and she gasped; it was Cain. Looking closer, she then recognized the four children in the photo from his night table, all hovering around him, all clamoring for his attention.


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