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Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

Page 53

by Michael Murphy

  I couldn’t remember a more enjoyable day in almost forever.

  I hated getting dressed after cleaning up the pizza delivery. I’d gotten used to being naked, for one thing. But it meant the weekend was over. I had to go back to the real world where I didn’t live with an amazing Master and great guy. It was time to go home to my empty loft and think about the workweek.

  As we rode up the elevator in my building, Mal turned to me. “It’s only two days,” he said, and I wondered what my expression must have looked like to prompt it. But when I looked into his dark eyes, I realized he was reminding himself too.

  I smiled, feeling better knowing he was unhappy too. “Yeah, it is,” I agreed. The elevator dinged and I stepped out. There were only two doors off the elevator on my floor, mine and the empty loft next to me. I waved at the metal door directly across from us. “Home sweet home,” I said, pulling out my keys.

  He chuckled as I fumbled with the door, finally opening it. I stepped aside to let him in, then kicked the door closed. “It’s not much,” I murmured, waving a hand around. The kitchen opened over a bar to the small living area. I didn’t even have a table and chairs. I ate at the bar.

  Stairs formed an L-shape against the glass wall that opened onto a tiny balcony. Under the stairs were built-in bookshelves. My small living area, with love seat, chair, coffee table, and TV, took up the rest of the main living space. The space on the other side of the kitchen held my computer and desk and another small set of bookshelves.

  “Uh… this is the grand tour,” I said, chuckling. I led him past the kitchen and showed him the computer area. “This is pretty much it. Well, this and my bedroom. Come on.” We went upstairs and I waved a hand around. My bed took up most of the loft. I had a dresser tucked in the space between the closet and railing on one side. The other had the doors to the laundry closet and the bathroom. “Not much to it,” I muttered, shrugging. “But it’s mine. Well, uh, my parents’, actually. They own it.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “They do?”

  “Yeah. They wanted to buy me a condo downtown. The Ritz-Carlton has a condo tower, but I flat refused to live there.” I shook my head hard. “It’s bad enough they bought this. My parents….” I sighed. “They come from old money. They’re not, like, filthy rich anymore. Father lost a bunch in the housing crash, but they still have plenty, can easily be considered wealthy and then some—and they maintain the illusion of that publicly. They’re all about image with their ridiculously rich friends. They insisted no son of theirs would live in some ‘plebeian’ apartment.”

  Mal blinked at me. “They said, ‘plebeian’? Seriously?”

  I laughed. “I shitteth you not.” I shook my head. “But they bought it for me as a graduation gift. Except they still own it. It’s in their name.” I shrugged and frowned. “It’s one reason I haven’t come out to them yet. They own it. And my car. I mean, my car isn’t much—that almost gave them apoplectic seizures.” I snorted.

  He snickered. “Let me guess, it wasn’t a Mercedes?”

  “Oh no, Mercedes are too plebeian too. Much less the hybrid I wanted. But I told them I wasn’t going to drive a BMW, much less be driven around by a chauffeur.” I shuddered. “So they gave in and bought the hybrid, telling their friends I was so adorable for being so ‘environmentally conscious.’ Like I said, image.”

  “I’m glad my folks aren’t like that.” He frowned. “They had trouble at first with my orientation. They just didn’t understand it. But…. Mom’s been asking me for a few months now when I’m bringing a guy around for Sunday dinner.” He smiled at me. “Guess I better tell her she’ll have an extra guest soon.”

  My eyes widened. “You want to introduce me to your parents?”

  “Yes.” He stepped closer to me and pulled me into his arms. “Dating, right? Isn’t that what you do with someone you’re dating?”

  I frowned. “I… yes, but….” I looked up at him, miserable. “I can’t introduce you to mine. If I do….” I glanced around at my loft, panic building in my chest. “I haven’t… I… I just….” I frowned, unable to look at him.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, kissing my forehead, running his hands over my back, and soothing me. “I get it. I wasn’t out to my folks until about five years ago. It’s okay.” He hugged me tight, and my heart settled back into a normal rate. “I don’t expect it. Do you… if you’re not comfortable meeting my family….”

  I shook my head quickly. “No, no! I’d love to. God, is it too soon?” I frowned.

  He smiled, this one the slightly crooked one. “Too soon according to who? Who says how fast we should go?”

  I frowned deeper at this. “Good point. I guess it only matters to us, doesn’t it?”

  He nodded. “Exactly.” He slid his hands down my back and squeezed my ass. “How are you otherwise?”

  I sighed. “Sore, of course, still.” I smiled. “The spanking yesterday certainly didn’t help it heal.”

  “Brat,” he said, smacking me again.

  I laughed. “But otherwise, I’m fine.” And I realized it was true. For not wanting to go back to the “real world,” I was feeling a lot better emotionally.

  “I want you to call me tomorrow, okay? I know you’re probably over it, but I want to be sure.”

  I leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I will. I appreciate that.” I dropped my gaze to the collar of his T-shirt. Black, like the other, but this one had a Horde symbol on it from our game. “Is… is it okay if I text you? Or… something?” I had no real experience with dating. Most of my one-night stands hadn’t even wanted to exchange numbers and pretend to see me again. But I’d heard plenty about dating “rules” and didn’t want to do anything to chase him away.

  “Oh hell yeah,” he said, pulling my gaze to him. “In fact, I thought I might set a few rules for you. Maybe come up with a task or two before Tuesday.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile for anything. “I’d like that, Master.”

  He grinned. “Good. First, though….” He dropped his arms, dug into his jeans pocket, and pulled out what looked like a long, round strip of braided leather. “It’s not much, but….” He reached up and unbuckled the thick leather collar. I felt its loss the second it was off, but he didn’t give me much chance to think about it. He put the other around me. “I figure this will look a lot less obvious. The clasp in the center is just a basic silver one but….” He fiddled with it for a moment, then led me to the mirror and turned me around. “It’s set up so I could put a lock in it when we’re together, if you want.”

  I stared at it. The round leather looked just like any other kind of thing a guy might wear. The silver catch in the center was no more remarkable than any other. And I could clearly see the two loops he could put a lock into. “It’s perfect,” I whispered. I looked at him in the mirror and couldn’t miss the possessive gleam in his eyes as he looked back at me. He brushed his fingers over the leather, then met my gaze. “Thank you, Master.”

  “Thank you, boy. It’s not a permanent collar or anything but… I promise to take care of you and your service.”

  I had to swallow around the lump I suddenly had in my throat. “I promise to serve you the best I can.”

  He smiled, that gorgeous huge one I loved so much. “I know you will, boy.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek, and I turned to him, wanting, needing deeper, more. I lost myself in it for a long moment, but finally he pulled back. “If I don’t get going soon, I’ll never leave.”

  “That’s a bad thing?” I asked before I could stop myself.

  He chuckled. “No. But I’d be late for work tomorrow, and it’s kind of a bad example if the boss is late.”

  I laughed. “True.”

  “Before I go, though. No touching yourself, except to pee or clean yourself, unless I tell you to. No masturbating, no coming.”

  I swallowed but nodded. “Yes, Master.”

  “You’ll keep yourself shaved for me. I like your smooth skin. From the neck down, got it?�

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And Tuesday night, you’ll wear jeans and no underwear for our date. The rest is up to you, but I want you naked under denim.”

  My breathing stuttered, but once more I said, “Yes, Master.”

  He smiled. “I intend to text you with orders between now and then. Do you have the opportunity to go to the bathroom when you need to?”

  “Yes. I’m not tied to my desk or anything.” My jeans were already tight, my cock swelling.

  “Good. I expect some kind of evidence when I give you orders. Pictures or something.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He slid his hand between us and cupped my now-hard cock. “This is going to be so hungry for me by the time I fuck you Tuesday night,” he murmured.

  “It already is,” I mumbled.

  “Good. I can’t wait to make it worse.” He chuckled, then kissed me thoroughly before stepping back. “I better go.”

  I struggled to gather my wits, then finally led him back downstairs.

  When we stood by the door, he kissed me again. “If you can’t do something, reply with your safeword, okay?” I nodded. “I have no problems if you can’t. You won’t disappoint me unless you directly disobey for no reason.”

  “I won’t, Master,” I promised him.

  He smiled, brushing my cheek with the back of his hand. “I can’t wait to see you again, Kyle. Good night.”

  “Good night, Mal,” I whispered. With one final kiss, he left.

  I wandered to the balcony and stepped out into the chilly December air. I stared out over the city, my thoughts rioting through my mind. I couldn’t seem to hold on to any of them for long, except that I was now an owned boy. Well, temporarily. But Mal hadn’t walked away after one scene, had left me orders and rules. He had expectations. We had a date.

  Now I just needed to make sure my family didn’t find out.

  Chapter 9


  “I FEEL like a fucking teenager again,” I said, laughing.

  “Do I want to hear this?” Cam asked. He sounded disgruntled.

  “What? Sammy not letting you have any?” I knew there was a grin in my voice, but I couldn’t resist.

  “Fuck you.”

  “You don’t play for my team,” I reminded him.

  He just snorted, waited a beat, then said, “So, why?”

  “I’ve jacked off more times in the last two days than I did the month before I met him.” I chuckled.

  Silence on the line. “I repeat… do I want to hear this?”

  “You asked, you ass.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Seriously? I mean… I get you think he’s cute and all… and, truthfully, if he didn’t have a dick, I’d think he was cute. But….”

  “Well, you know I put the collar on him Friday night, right?”

  “Yeah.” Cam sounded cautious now. “Why?”

  “Well, we didn’t take it off—except to shower—until he went home. On Sunday.” I waited.

  “He stayed the whole fucking weekend?” It wasn’t quite a shout, but close.

  “I asked,” I said, shrugging even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “And he wanted to. Best fucking weekend I’ve had in a long time.”

  He snorted. “Undoubtedly a ‘fucking’ weekend, with him. I saw the way you looked at him. Like he was a steak and you were starving.”

  “Well….” I chuckled. “I have been without for a long time.” I sobered then. “But he’s… shit, Cam. I don’t even know what exactly it is that pulls me so hard.”

  “You mean besides being cute, hung, submissive, has a tight ass, and can swallow your cock?”

  I frowned. “It’s more than that, though.”

  Another silence. “More? You’ve known him now… five days? How can you know there’s more?”

  “Jesus, Cam. Just because you and Sammy took a fucking year to move in together doesn’t mean everyone else moves at a snail’s pace.” I scowled out the window of my office, not seeing the flat landscape or clear sky.

  “There’s a difference between a ‘snail’s pace’ and a fucking tornado, dude.” Cam sighed. “Fine, whatever. So, you spent at least some time over that weekend not fucking, then?”

  “Yes,” I said, knowing it came out short and not giving a shit. “We talked quite a bit. So, yeah, there’s more than the physical, than our D/s dynamic. And….” I sighed. “It fucking irritates me that you reduce it to that.”

  Cam laughed for a long time, and I was about to hang up when he spoke. “Well, good. I was hoping to hear something like that.”

  “Asshole,” I grunted.

  “Yup. When it comes to my best friend? I will pull no punches.”

  “Which is one reason you’re my best friend. So, tonight is our first official date.”

  “Yeah? So you’re dating. Doing anything else with him?”

  “I gave him a temporary collar when I dropped him off Sunday night. Just a thin leather thing that would pass in the vanilla world.”

  “You collared him? Beyond a scene, collared? You didn’t even collar Blake.” He sounded seriously shocked.

  “Yeah, I did. Like I said, different. But… it’s the reason I haven’t stopped jacking off in two days, though.” I laughed.

  Cam groaned. “I don’t think I want to hear this.”

  “Oh, so Sammy isn’t letting you have any?”

  “Fuck you,” he grumbled, then gave in. “No. I was allowed to fuck her Friday night, but she’s kept me locked and frustrated since then. I’ve gone down on her, fucked her with her toy, but my dick’s been locked up. I’m going fucking crazy.” This ended on an almost whine.

  “You love it and you know it.”

  He didn’t reply to this.

  “She’d stop if you truly wanted her to,” I reminded him.

  He sighed. “I know. And just like her, you know I don’t want her to. Sometimes you Dominants can be assholes.”

  I laughed.

  “So… collared and dating? Well, I have to say I didn’t think I’d see the day. You’re still safe, right?”

  “Yeah. Not going to fuck with that. We got tested together yesterday.” After texting back and forth for the morning, I’d suggested it, not really expecting him to agree so soon. But Kyle had been more than happy to meet me for lunch and to go to my doctor’s office together. I certainly appreciated the chance to see him again, even for so short a time.

  “Seriously? You are serious about him. Holy fuck!” Cam almost shouted this.

  “Tell me you’re not in the office,” I said, blinking.

  “Oh hell no. I’m not interested in getting fired, thank you.” He laughed. “No, I’m outside. Can you trust him?”

  “We got tested, dude. That’s kind of the point, isn’t it? He did say he hasn’t fucked or been fucked in more than a few months, though. He was training under Nash, and Nash had him going without for a while.”

  “I thought Nash is straight?” Cam asked, sounding puzzled.

  “Yeah, he is. One of the reasons Kyle didn’t have any for a while. Poor kid was frustrated as all hell. Apparently, the last few months with Nash, the only relief he got was with his own hand. He played with two other Doms during that time and neither wanted anything but a blow job. Anyway, I got the results from the doc today. I know I came up clear, and I’m pretty damned sure he is. So, it’s all good.” My intercom buzzed and I turned around. “Hang on a sec, Cam.”

  “Mr. Tate?” My assistant’s voice came through.

  “Yeah, Sara?”

  “Your one o’clock is here.”

  “’Kay. Just a minute, thanks.” I put my cell back to my ear. “Gotta go. We’re going to see The Hobbit tonight for our first date. I like him. I think he likes me. And I’m hoping it turns into more.”

  “Well, just be careful, dude.”

  “It might be a little late for that,” I said quietly. “I’m taking him to dinner on Sunday. Be good. I’ll call you later,” I said and, not givi
ng Cam a chance to yell at me again, hung up.

  I glanced at the clock and sighed. Five more hours before I could see him. It’d been an entertaining and horny couple of days. We’d been in contact almost constantly, texting back and forth quite a bit. We’d said “good night” and “good morning,” and I’d called him Monday before he could even call me to make sure he was still feeling okay. I knew I was probably overdoing it, but I just didn’t like the idea of him possibly feeling down because of what we did together.

  After we’d met for testing during lunch on Monday, I’d given him a task. An hour later, he’d sent me the first of a series of pictures. One had his cock nice and hard, with black ribbon wrapped around his sac and length and tied in a bow just under the tip. He’d also sent me a picture of his red face. He’d confessed later how hot it’d been to know he’d been wearing something like that out of sight and that his cock hadn’t spent much time soft all afternoon. Especially since he had to go into a stall anytime he went to the bathroom because he didn’t dare have his cock out where anyone else could see.

  I’d teased him with my reply: a picture of my cum after I jacked off to his picture. A not-so-subtle reminder that I was allowed orgasm while he wasn’t.

  The good-morning text I received right after I walked into the office included another picture. His morning wood still hadn’t gone down by the time he got to work, all thanks to my orders that he edge before going to sleep. I couldn’t resist the opportunity for one last tease: I masturbated once more and showed him the result. I looked at today’s picture again, of the ribbon wrapped around the top of his sac, then worked somehow to separate his balls before going back around the top and tied in a bow. He was to have it like that when I picked him up.

  With a sigh, I set my phone aside, adjusted my cock, which was—still, again—hard, and resigned myself to a frustrating afternoon full of interviews for a new tech.

  IT TOOK way too long to get the last interviewee to shut up about himself and get him out of my office. I gave him the polite “We’ll make a decision soon,” and threw his resume in the circular file as soon as he left.


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