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Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

Page 121

by Michael Murphy

  “Don’t worry. Never happens. He hasn’t been home early in years.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that. People can change their behavior in less time than you might think. All it takes is a solid whack to the back of their head to see what they stand to lose if they don’t pay better attention to things.”

  “I suppose you could be right,” David said. “But isn’t the risk part of the adventure? Isn’t it part of the thrill?”

  “I don’t know. Is it?”

  “Perhaps we’ll just have to try some rather bold encounters to see if that might be true,” David said.

  “I don’t know,” Gray said. “With so many people watching everything….”

  “But there are always some places we can try out where no one will walk in unexpectedly and find us.”

  “Such as?” Gray asked.

  “Such as right here where we are. Such as your office downstairs. You know, that oval thing. Such as the theater downstairs. Such as the gym upstairs.”

  “You are an innovative person, aren’t you,” Gray smiled up at David. “But right now I need you to focus on something old and tried and true.”

  “What? You?”

  “Don’t make me change my mind,” Gray warned jokingly.

  “Not likely, my dear, now that I’ve returned to the Promised Land.”

  As David started to move, all joking became impossible as his senses were overwhelmed with stimulation coming from his penis. As the hot slickness of Gray enveloped him, David felt his eyes start to roll back in his head, his mouth drop open, and a groan uncontrollably escape his mouth.

  “Oh… my… God,” David whimpered. “My…. God. How I’ve missed this. How I’ve missed you,” David whispered. He raised his head, tears in his eyes, and looked down at Gray. “Please don’t ever leave me again.”

  “I promise,” Gray whispered to David, “provided you help me.”


  “Good. Now get busy and fuck me.”

  Chapter 21—Do-Over

  MUCH TO David’s surprise, one morning over breakfast a few days before Christmas, Gray said, “Let’s go away.”

  David glanced up from the newspaper to look at Gray. “Go away where? When?”

  “It’s been an exhausting year, we’ve been through hell and back, and we both could use a break. So let’s get out of town and go off by ourselves for a break. I know we hadn’t planned anything and weren’t scheduled to do anything big for the holiday, but what do you say? Would that maybe sound appealing to you?”

  “Yes. What did you have in mind?” David asked. Since it was cold and gray and dreary in Washington, David said, “Something with sun and warm temperatures would be nice.”

  “Absolutely,” Gray said.

  “The only questions are what and where,” David said.

  “How about Hawaii?” Gray asked.

  “That would be wonderful,” David said. “But it’s kind of late to be thinking about a trip, isn’t it?”

  “Not necessarily,” Gray said. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” David answered hesitantly.

  “Don’t worry,” Gray told him with a chuckle.

  “You’re making me nervous,” David told him.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got an idea. I do sometimes get them. Give me an hour to see what I can do,” Gray said as he dashed out of the room.

  True to his word, Gray was back in about an hour, this time smiling up a storm.

  “What are you so excited about?” David asked suspiciously.

  “Go pack a bag. We leave for Hawaii tomorrow morning.” Gray took off to start packing his own bag, with David trailing after him.

  “How should I pack? How much work stuff are you planning to do while we’re there?”

  “Just throw some supercasual stuff into a bag. We won’t be doing any state dinners or anything like that. We probably won’t be going anywhere at all formal, and I’m not planning to do any entertaining. We’re going for sun and fun.”

  The following morning, Gray and David boarded Air Force One. As soon as they were onboard, the plane door was closed, and they were airborne within minutes.

  “Merry Christmas, my love,” Gray told him. “In ten hours or so, we will be walking off this plane into sunny, warm weather. The forecast is for some good beach-walking weather. For ten days, the dark, gloomy, gray days of Washington and everything connected with it will be but a distant memory.”

  “I thought you couldn’t get time off to go away before next summer?” David asked.

  “We’ve both worked hard, so I figured we’d earned a break. And I wanted to spend some uninterrupted time with you telling you how much I love you.”

  “Thank you, Gray. I’m practically speechless.”

  “I wanted some time alone with you, and Christmas seemed like the perfect opportunity. We can’t go for three weeks like we had wanted last summer, but we can spend seven or eight days there, if you’re willing to. No meetings are scheduled, no visitors are planned. I have to have the one daily security briefing, but that has to happen every day regardless of where I am. Otherwise, nothing except for you and me.”

  “Yes!” David told him enthusiastically.

  Much to David’s surprise, Gray did not follow his usual pattern of leaving the presidential cabin to go into his office as soon as the flight had leveled off. Instead, he remained in the cabin with David. They spent the entire ten hours in flight from Washington to Honolulu alone, cuddled together on the sofa, reading and napping. Gray did not admit any aides, did not accept any briefing books, and did not take any questions or phone calls.

  Even more surprising to David, a couple of hours into their ten-hour flight, Gray, in effect, hung a sock on the doorknob to their cabin, and locked the door, and they checked one more location off their “Places to Have Sex” checklist. It was remarkable that neither of them had been members of the Mile High Club until that day. But when they decided to join the club, they did so with great gusto. Afterward David said, “You know, it was a wonder that the Secret Service didn’t break down the door to check on you. You were… um, how to put this? Rather vocal.”

  “What can I say? I liked what I was experiencing. And after bursting in on us once uninvited, I think they learned that we sometimes have sex.”

  “And you sometimes react vocally,” David added.

  “You too, my love.” They cuddled together naked for an hour after sex. “We should spend one entire day of our vacation naked,” Gray said as they lay together.

  “I would be willing,” David said with a smile.

  “Deal. May it be so,” Gray said, trying to sound grand and imperious. They finally had to put their clothes back on as they started to descend into Honolulu.

  It was only when they had landed and were in the car and on the road that David asked, “Where are we staying?”

  “The agents helped me to find a place that should work well for us. And if not, we have a couple of back-up places in our back pocket―all checked, vetted, and known entities. I’ve seen pictures, floor plans, agent reports and evaluations, and the reports were glowing. I gave them a lengthy checklist of things I needed to know about before I could make a decision.”

  “You did all this yesterday morning in an hour?” David asked suspiciously.

  “Well, no. We did all of that some time ago. I didn’t know when, exactly, but I wanted as much advance work completed as possible so that when the opportunity arose, we could move fast.”

  “Wise man,” David said admiringly, which made Gray smile happily.

  When the car pulled into the circular driveway, David and Gray could see that the house was large. From the outside it looked tasteful but unassuming; from the inside the place was absolutely spectacular. The instant they stepped through the front door and started down a short hallway to the living room, they could both see that an entire wall of the space was window—floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the ocean. Pristine beach stretched
to both the right and the left of the house.

  “Wow,” David said again. “This place is incredible. How can we afford this?”

  “Let me worry about that,” Gray said.

  “Don’t do anything illegal,” David cautioned quietly.

  “That’s not the way I work,” Gray reassured him, telling David what he already knew. “Let’s get changed and settled in.”

  While they were changing clothes, David caught Gray by surprise after he’d removed his shoes and pants, pushed him back onto the edge of the bed, worked his briefs off his hips until his dick popped out, and proceeded to blow Gray in a positively spectacular fashion. It didn’t take long at all for Gray to be thrashing and crying out as he ejaculated in David’s throat.

  “Welcome to Hawaii, Mr. President.”

  “What was that for?” Gray asked, still panting as he propped himself up a bit on his elbows. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining.”

  “Good thing,” David smirked. “And to answer your question, isn’t it a custom to get lei-ed when you arrive in Hawaii?”

  “I do believe I’ve heard that phrase before. Yes. I’ve just always seen it done with flowers.”

  “I’ll pick up some so we’re ready for the next time. You know, though, that this means we have to do it again until we get it right.”

  “I can handle that,” Gray said throatily, still experiencing hints of afterglow.

  “Good. Now, up and at ’em,” David ordered as he pulled Gray to his feet.

  Dressed in shorts and T-shirts, David and Gray took a walking tour of the house where they were to stay during their trip. It was all absolutely spectacular, but David kept coming back to the living room with its floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall windows that looked out over the ocean. When they got outside to the covered patio area, David had a new favorite place. The landscaping was such that they could see the ocean and hear the waves crashing against the shore in the distance―but with the added benefit that the landscaping prevented anyone from seeing them.

  This particular house came with something between a butler and a houseboy―David wasn’t entirely sure what title to use. Whatever term worked, he appeared and offered them each a frosty yellowish drink.

  “What’s this?” David asked.

  “Mai tai, a local favorite.”

  “One of my personal favorites, as well,” David agreed. “Oh, nice,” he approved after taking a sip.

  They pulled off their shirts, lay on two lounge chairs that were beside each other with perfect views of the ocean, drank their delicious tropical drinks, and held hands. That afternoon their butler kept their glasses refilled and periodically produced a variety of delectable snacks for them to sample.

  “This view is absolutely perfect,” David said admiringly as he looked out at the majestic Pacific Ocean below their location.

  Gray smiled at David and squeezed his hand in acknowledgment.

  “Glad you like it.”

  “Like it? I love it,” David confirmed. “I don’t want to leave.”

  “Don’t think about that today,” Gray said. “That’s something to worry about tomorrow.”

  They both, at the same time, quoted Scarlett O’Hara: “After all, tomorrow is another day.” They burst out laughing at having said the same exact words at the exact same moment.

  They had come full circle and returned to their starting point stronger and more prepared for the road ahead.

  Originally from rural upstate New York, MICHAEL MURPHY grew up walking through fields of corn taller than most people, riding horses, and driving on dirt roads. For more than thirty years, he has lived in Washington, DC where there aren’t many dirt roads or horses.

  His biggest influences when growing up were his two grandmothers. Both were ferociously strong women who were widowed young while they still had children at home. Neither remarried, but they picked up the shattered pieces of their lives and built new lives for themselves. They taught him that the underdog could come out on top if he or she just tried.

  Those women loved to read and to tell stories, so it just always seemed a natural thing for him to want to do the same. When he hit a major milestone birthday he realized that there were fewer years left in which to do things than there had already been. He made a bucket list, which had writing a book at the top of the list. With his twentieth book now in the editorial production process, that dream has been realized and has been one of the highlights of his life.

  Visit his website at to learn more about him and his writing.

  Published by


  5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

  © 2017 Dreamspinner Press.

  Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me previously published by Dreamspinner Press, May 2016.

  The New Boy previously published by Dreamspinner Press, December 2015.

  Beautiful boy previously published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2015.

  Rattlesnake previously published by Dreamspinner Press, August 2015.

  The President’s Husband previously published by Dreamspinner Press, January 2016.

  Bundle Cover Design

  © 2017 Paul Richmond.

  Five Times My Best Friend Kissed Me Cover Art

  © 2016 Garrett Leigh

  The New Boy Cover Art

  © 2015 L.C. Chase

  Beautiful boy Cover Art

  © 2015 Aaron Anderson

  Rattlesnake Cover Art

  © 2015 L.C. Chase

  The President’s Husband Cover Art

  © 2016 L.C. Chase

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-63533-565-1

  Published May 2017

  v. 1.0

  Printed in the United States of America




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