Here With Me
Page 24
“Who the hell is Lachlan? And you just had two totally hot guys kiss you. What is going on?” Bethany yells.
Sighing, I slip out of my shoe and dress. “I told you both, Lachlan is an ex-boyfriend. He…kissed me in the bathroom. There. That’s it.”
Heather laughs, bends over and really laughs. “Right, because that in the bathroom was just a kiss. He fucked your mouth, Laney. That was the hottest kiss ever. ‘Please, luv. Just a bit longer. I want to remember your taste. Let me taste you,’” she says in a fake Australian accent.
I roll my eyes to keep from drawing attention to my blush. It was the best kiss ever, though. My panties are still soaked. Shrugging, I crawl into bed beside Bethany. “Jesus…it was so good.”
Heather claps her hands together and jumps onto her bed. “Are you going to tell us what happened?”
I shake my head. “I’m tired. I just want to go to sleep. I mean—I just got tongue raped by two guys. Well, sort of.”
Bethany smirks and plays with the end of her hair. “He…he just kissed you. He didn’t try and come inside or jump you.”
Tears are building in her eyes. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her toward me. “You want to stop? I can easily break it off now.”
“No!” she screeches. “No, Laney. This is what he deserves. He does this to every girl he comes in contact with. Now, he will see how it feels. Please, we have to keep going. Please.” Her last “please” is breathless. She wants this so bad. How can I say no? I’ve already agreed. Regardless that alcohol played a huge part of my poorly made decision.
Damn it. Just when I thought I had an out. “Okay, we’ll do some sabotage tomorrow.”
Chapter Eight
“When you’re dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part” — John Mayer
I’m a bloody idiot. Of course she was here with someone else. I had seen him feeding her beer all night long like a damned whore. I’d also seen her pour it out into the plant behind her. Not to mention he totally misread her signs; she didn’t want to kiss him.
She didn’t, but why?
It doesn’t make sense. She doesn’t really touch him, only goes along with him, teasing him almost.
It frustrates the fucking hell out of me. She deserves so much more than him.
Mumbling under my breath, I take the stairs two at a time. I’m sure she’s already left. Judging by the empty space in the corner, they’ve both left. Shoving my way through the crowd, I look for Lucas. He isn’t the tallest bastard, so I’m having trouble finding him.
After ten minutes, I find him bent over a pool table in a back room. Fuck. Now, I’ll have to pry him away from his pool game.
I push my way toward him, tapping him on the shoulder. “Oh, hey, man, where’ve you been?” He takes a long drag off his cigarette.
Christ, I need one, too. “I need to go.”
Lucas glances up over his fag and lifts a brow. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
I shrug and mess with my hair to avoid looking at him. “I’ll tell you later, mate, can we please just go? It’s getting late anyway, and I have the Cook Off tomorrow.”
It wasn’t a stupid lie. I was worried about the Cook Off, but right now, it’s the furthest thing from my mind. All I can think about is pounding that twit’s face into oblivion.
Lucas nods, takes a long drag, and puts his pool stick down. “Sorry, boys. I’ve got plans. Hit me up and we’ll play sometime next week.”
They all mumble their goodbyes, while I’m on edge waiting to get the hell out of here.
Lucas follows me out, drops his cigarette on the ground and stomps it out. “What is the rush? Did you see her?”
I look over at him and stare.
“I take it that’s a yes?”
Shoving my hands into my pockets, which is something I should have done in the bathroom, I shrug. “Yeah, I definitely saw her. I basically shoved my tongue down her throat in the bathroom.”
Lucas laughs loudly and unlocks his door. “So, what happened? I see you don’t have a black eye. That’s always a good start.”
“No, she kissed me back for a bit, then went all nuts on me. She said she was here with someone else. Then she stormed out of the bathroom.”
Lucas sighs, then scratches the back of his neck. “Well, maybe a not-so aggressive approach would do?”
“Are we talking about the same girl?”
He smiles. “You’re definitely right. She’ll come around. We’ll make sure of it. Now, we need to get the hell home. I’m dying for a drink.”
Savannah is sitting on the couch when we get home, a dark-haired girl beside her. She doesn’t look familiar, but I have only been here two days.
Savannah jumps up when we walk in, a grin plastered to her face. She actually looks a little embarrassed. “Hi, guys.” She clears her throat. “This is Jamie, she is my friend from school. This is Lachlan and Lucas.”
The girl stands and offers her hand to both of us. She looks nervous and keeps fiddling with her jeans, which are skin-tight to her ass.
“We were just going to hang out tonight; we didn’t realize you guys were going to be home so early.”
That’s a bloody lie. She had been texting Lucas the whole damn time. I narrow my eyes at Savannah, but she avoids it by offering Jamie something to drink.
If this isn’t a setup I don’t know what the hell is. “Well,” I clear my throat, not in the mood for games, “I’m beat. I think I’m going to head to bed.”
“No,” Savannah yells. “Why don’t you guys play a game of dominoes with us? Please, one game?”
Lucas jabs me in the side and gives me a be nice look. I’m not in the mood to be nice. I want to crawl into my bed and feel fucking sorry for myself.
I groan. “Okay, one game. Then I’m off to bed. I have the finals tomorrow.”
Savannah squeals and runs into the kitchen to grab some drinks. Lucas ushers me to their extra room that they use for entertainment. “Look, Lachlan. I know you’re trying to get her back. But,” he scratches his chin, “I was thinking about something. You can bag any girl you want.” I start to protest, but he holds up a finger and cuts me off. “Just listen, okay? What makes a woman angrier than anything?”
Thinking, I shrug. “I don’t know. Cheating?”
“Close,” Lucas says, placing his hands on the table in front of us. “Seeing you with another woman. All you would have to do is show up with someone else to the Cook Off and the wedding. Then Laney will be putty in your hands, bro.”
“I don’t know,” I whisper. “It does suck pretty bad seeing her with another guy, but…” I trail off. I’ve never been conniving but making Laney talk to me seems like the only way to make this ache go away.
“Don’t think about it too much. Just do it. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to, to get what you truly want.”
Laughing, I reach and dump the dominoes onto their foldout table. “When did you become Dr. Phil?”
Lucas sighs and shuffles the dominoes around. “I’ve had to watch so much Dr. Phil, Rachel Ray, and Oprah over the last few years, that I could easily trick anyone into thinking I’m a therapist.”
“But who am I going to get? I mean I know no one since I moved.”
“You’re serious? You’ve got an amazing, hot girl sitting in the living room with Savannah now. Why do you think Savannah brought her over here? It wasn’t for her entertainment, I can tell you that. You ask her to go with you, and she’ll go.”
“Time for drinks!” Savannah shouts, bringing me back to reality.
After our shot glasses are filled to the top, we tap our glasses together and chug. I’ve already had a few drinks tonight, so this just adds to the fire. I don’t even know my score in this damned game.
We’ve been chatting, drinking, and listening to music. It’s all been a big blur. The girl next to me is cute. Not my normal type, but when I’m
single, “girl” is mostly my type. She is starting to get wasted, her speech is slurring, her eyes roaming over me, and she keeps tugging at her clothes, like she wants out of them.
“Win! Success!” Savannah yells, standing up and slamming her open palms against Lucas’s. When she falls over into his lap, he rolls his eyes and helps her up.
“Come on, baby. It’s time to get to bed. You’ve had way too much to drink.”
She laughs, struggling to stand. “No way, I’m just getting started. Who wants to play some strip pool?”
Strip pool? I snort and shake my head. “I’m all good, luv. Maybe tomorrow night.”
Savannah pokes her lip out and runs her hands over Lucas’s hair. “I guess we’ll have to find something else to do, huh, Lucas?”
Way to be conspicuous. He tugs her up over his shoulder and shakes his head. “We’re heading to bed; obviously lightweight can’t take too much liquor. Remind me to never let her go drinking with friends. She’ll come home pregnant.”
I wave them away and then realize Jamie and I are both sitting at the table. She is swaying back and forth, smiling at me. I raise an eyebrow, the alcohol starting to really pump through me. “So, luv, you planning on going home tonight?”
Let’s just get to it. No beating around the bush, it’s not really my style.
She picks up a piece of her hair and runs it across her full lips. She is really hot. Barely said two words tonight, but like I said, she is really hot.
“Nope.” She pops her lips at the end, making my dick hard.
“Well then, luv. Follow me.”
Chapter Nine
“Louder, louder the voices in my head
Whispers taunting all the things you said” — Kelly Clarkson
Work study is the last thing on my mind today. But, because I have to, I go over every student’s work that comes in. Most of the time they want me to do it for them. Well, I’m not. I mark all over this guy’s Emily Dickinson essay. It doesn’t make any sense.
“Here.” I slide it to him.
Chewing on his gum, he glances down at the essay. “What the fuck, girl? I thought you were supposed to help me with my paper. This is tutoring, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” I say, slamming my novel closed. “Exactly, tutoring. I’m showing you your mistakes, now fix them.”
He grunts, sliding the paper back to me. “Yes, fix it.”
Ugh! Narrowing my eyes, I stand up and slide it back. “Do your own work. I’m not doing it, kid.”
He tugs on his football jersey and stands up, hands on the table. I know it’s stereotypical, the football player always needs help. But, if the shoe fits…
“You’re going to help me. I have to make an A on this paper. Now, help me.”
I go through this at least once a day. Sighing, I walk over to my desk and sit back down. I am not doing his work for him.
“Look, girl. I’m not going to ask nicely again, help me with my essay.”
“I said—”
“Hey,” I hear, then a sharp intake of breath. I glance over my shoulder at Aiden. He is standing by my desk, flowers in one hand, and the other twisted into the football player’s shirt. “She said she isn’t doing it for you. Now, fucking beat it before I beat the fuck out of you.”
The football player jerks away, flips us off, and scurries out the door.
“Thank you,” I say, dodging the glances everyone in the room is giving me. “What’s up?” I ask. Because, I’m not really sure why he’s here.
Aiden leans against my desk and hands me my flowers. His blond hair is brushed out of his face, showing his big, brown eyes. “These are for you. Sorry about the asshole. Do you have a lot of boys do that?”
I take the flowers and press them to my nose. They smell great. I sit them aside and glance up at him. “Yes, almost every day. I’m not here to do their homework, only help. But…” I trail off.
Aiden presses his lips together and plays with the stapler on my desk. “Well, let me know next time. I’ll beat some ass if I need to.”
I almost laugh, but I keep my mouth closed instead. “I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the flowers. I’m just getting ready to go to my next class. I guess I’ll see you later.”
“Wait,” Aiden says, brushing his fingers against my arm. “I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie at my dorm tonight? My roommate is always at his girlfriend’s house. We’ll be alone.”
I swear I hear an evil laugh in my head at alone. You know, the Plankton laugh. I almost wither into ash in front of him. “Um, actually Jacks and I have to go to the Cook Off at the YMCA for extra credit tonight. Maybe another night?”
He frowns. “Well, why don’t I go with you tonight? Then we can watch a movie afterwards?”
Damn. I have no good excuse to get out of this. “Um, sure. If you want—”
“Oh, I want to. What time do you want me to pick you up?”
“Six thirty,” I mumble. “I’ll see you then.” I’m out the door before he can answer.
“Um, why are you carrying around those flowers?” Jacks asks.
I slam my tray down. I’m so glad to be out of class. Some guy picked on me the entire time about having flowers. What grade are we in again?
“Because I haven’t had a chance to go to my dorm room to drop them off,” I growl.
Jacks presses his lips together in an attempt not to laugh. “I meant—why do you have the flowers, anyway? Does this have to do with you pretending to be interested in Aiden? Or is it the Australian guy this time?”
Tossing a fry at his face, I sling my backpack into the empty seat to my right. “It’s my pretend boyfriend. He brought them to me at work study.”
Jacks snorts and then covers his forehead with his hand. “Oh, my. You’re just a regular dream come true. You seem so excited to talk about your boyfriend! I wish you were my girlfriend.”
Smiling, I gesture toward his food. “Eat. Caveman.”
Jacks is talking about some girl that had been, deliberately, giving his professor a crotch shot when I hear a cough behind me. Jacks is staring behind me, one eyebrow lifted and a smile crawling up his face.
I turn. Aiden is staring down at me. His eyes keep shooting back and forth between me and my bag in the chair next to me. “Oh,” I say, grabbing the bag and letting him take a seat.
Aiden plops down, shoving his bag beneath the table. He glances up and his hand shoots out. “I’m Aiden, Laney’s boyfriend.”
Boyfriend? I almost yelp. I am not his girlfriend. But, for some reason, I don’t correct him. Oh, that’s right, I’m supposed to be happy about this.
Jacks smiles. “I’m Jacks, Laney’s partner in crime. It’s nice to meet you, bro. Boyfriend, huh? Well, congratulations, Laney.”
Evil. Jacks equals evil.
“Lucky me,” I say, before taking a sip of my Coke.
“So, Aiden. How did a guy like you end up with my friend here? She is kind of secretive about her love life. So, excuse my surprise.”
Aiden scoffs under his breath. I guess not shouting it to the world hurts his feelings. “Well, I met her at a party last week. I was getting her a drink and she bailed on me.”
“How charming,” Jacks says.
Aiden opens his mouth but stops when someone taps his shoulder. A tall girl with humongous boobs is standing behind him. “Hey, Aiden,” she says slowly, her voice sounding like syrup. It even makes me shiver.
“Hi, ummm…” he trails off. Obviously he doesn’t know her name. But she stands there anyway, looking back and forth between the three of us.
“Danielle. My name is Danielle.”
Aiden snaps his fingers and nods. “Oh, yeah. What’s going on? Do you need something?”
I feel sorry for her. She keeps looking at me, wanting an answer to why I’m sitting by Aiden. He finally groans and gestures toward me. “Danielle, this is my girlfriend, Laney.”
God, I wis
h he would stop calling me that. Her eyes widen at the word “girlfriend.” She doesn’t say another word before she turns and disappears into the craziness of the cafeteria.
Yes, that wasn’t awkward. Aiden sighs, jabs his fingers over his shoulder, and shakes his head. Like that explains exactly why she was standing there. We all know the real reason. He screwed her.
“What time are we going to that Cook Off again?” Aiden asks, continuing to eat.
Jacks drops his fork and glares at me. I give him a small shrug. “Six thirty,” I say. “You don’t have to pick me up. I normally ride with Jacks.”
Jacks raises his hands in surrender. “Not a problem. I can just meet you guys there. You two can have some alone time.”
I almost grab my fork and jab him in the eye. “You’re dead,” I mouth to him.
Aiden reaches out and slaps Jacks’ hand. “Thanks, bro. We’ll see you tonight.”
Jacks salutes us before he walks out of the cafeteria. A weight presses down on my shoulders as soon as he leaves. Sitting with Aiden alone is different from sitting with him with Jacks.
I feel an arm wrap around my waist, and I tense. “This is great. We should definitely eat together more often. Your friend Jacks is nice. Is he gay?”
I snort. “Because he is friends with a girl he has to be gay? No, Jacks isn’t gay.”
Aiden bites his lower lip and gives me a quick nod. Obviously, he doesn’t like Jacks being around me if he isn’t gay. That’s all the more reason to do it.
Bethany slams her hands down onto my bed. “What are you doing? I did some digging today and found out that you sat with Aiden at lunch. Why didn’t you tell us? We could have been watching.”
I close my econ book, because I’m obviously not getting any more homework done. “Calm down, Bethany. He just came up and sat with Jacks and me. What was I supposed to do, excuse myself to call you guys?”
Bethany juts her chin out and waves her hand, like that was exactly what I was supposed to do. “Yes! What happened?”