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Page 3

by Julia Crane

  “Where’s Thad?” she asked.

  “In his room, as usual,” her mother answered, flipping her book over and turning the page.

  “Ok, I’m going to go talk to him.” Keegan chomped on the toast as she mounted the stairs. She couldn’t stop smiling, thinking about her time with Rourk.

  Just before her hand hit the door to knock, her brother yelled, “Come in.”

  “Even after all these years it’s still freaky when you do that.” Keegan opened the door and glanced around at his nearly empty room.

  It always looked strange to her that Thaddeus only had a bed and a dresser. It was never really messy in his room, either. Between the stark white walls and the blah carpet, it looked like a hotel room instead of that of a teenage boy.

  Everybody likes different stuff, I guess, Keegan told herself. She walked over and sat on Thaddeus’s bed to watch as he killed zombies on the Xbox.

  She let him blow some stuff up first before she finally spoke. “Thanks for bringing back the bond. I’m sorry I acted like a jerk earlier.”

  “It wasn’t really me. Anna did most of the work.” He didn’t bother to turn around. His fingers were flying over the controller buttons.

  “Really?” Keegan said, surprised. She stared at his head full of short, auburn hair. “Well, I guess I need to thank her.”

  “Probably a good idea.” Thaddeus paused. Keegan wasn’t sure if it was for effect or because he couldn’t speak for too long of a period and play at the same time. He went on. “She thinks you are mad at her.”

  “Ugh. I forgot to text her back.” Keegan searched for her phone in her pockets, but it wasn’t there. Must have left it downstairs. “I lost track of time with Rourk. I still can’t believe he is my chosen. He’s everything and more of what I used to dream as a little girl.”

  “He’s a good guy. You better not mess up your chance with him.” Gunshots rang from the television and more zombies fell.

  “I won’t.” She stood up to leave, and swayed. She reached out with one hand to grab the bed post and steady herself. Her head felt so light. “I’m going to go lay down for a bit. I’m not feeling so hot.”

  Thaddeus took one hand off the controller and waved it in her direction. His eyes were still glued to the TV. “Shut the door on your way out.”

  “Yeah, yeah. We all know you like your privacy. You really should get out more.”

  For the first time since she came in the room, Thaddeus actually looked up at her. Granted, it was a glare and it lasted two seconds before he went back to his game, but it was acknowledgment.

  Keegan giggled. Some things never changed. She had to admit, she did miss having her little brother around.

  Speaking of little brothers… Keegan thought, frowning. She had barely seen Warrick since she had been home. After her nap, she’d have to go find him.

  She closed Thaddeus’s bedroom door and walked down the hall to her own room. Her head was pounding. I’m probably just tired from staying up all night. And there was the time difference from Alaska, too.

  Keegan walked in her bedroom and looked around. She smiled. Her sweater was still on the back of the chair, and her brush was on the floor. Her mother had left everything exactly as it was the day she left.

  She missed being home. College was cool and all, but she was lonely in Alaska. At least Rourk would be coming to see her; that brought a smile to her face.

  She was exhausted from staying up all night. She peeled off her clothes and crawled into bed, dozing off quickly.

  Next thing she knew she woke up to a sharp pain in her chest and a horrible pain in her stomach. She felt like she was having a panic attack—or what she imagined must be what a panic attack.

  Keegan picked up her phone and texted her mom. Can you come here?

  She curled into a ball beneath the covers and took a few deep breaths, trying to get past the pain. A couple minutes later there was a light knock at the door before it opened.

  Her mom came through—a shadow in the pale hall light as it spilled into the dark room. “Keegan? What’s wrong?”

  Keegan felt a little better having her mom near. “I think I need a healing. My chest and stomach hurts. Maybe I ate something bad.”

  Her mother walked up to her bed and sat down, the bed springs squeaking. She touched her hand lightly to Keegan’s head. “It wasn’t something you ate. It’s the bond.”

  Her mother’s hand was cool and comforting. Keegan’s eyes widened and she clutched the pillow beneath her cheek. “What do you mean ‘the bond’?”

  Her mom gave her a wry smile, barely visible in the dim room. “Like everything in life, there are consequences to having a magical bond. It cannot be perfect. Rarely can you get pleasure without pain.” She shifted on the bed. “When you are separated from your chosen, you are going to experience physical pain until you are reunited.”

  “What? Why didn’t anyone ever tell me this?” Keegan pulled the blankets up to her chin with a grimace. I’ll have to deal with this often?

  “And ruin the excitement of meeting your chosen?” Emerald ran a hand through her short hair. She stared at Keegan, her brow furrowed. “There usually has to be great distance between you to cause this much discomfort. Rourk doesn’t live that far away.”

  “You’re telling me that if Rourk came back the pain would go away?” Keegan eyed at her mother skeptically.

  “Yes. The closer he gets, the more the pain lessens.” She brushed Keegan’s hair back, her eyes shiny in the dark. “I always know your father is on his way home long before he arrives.”

  “Dad is gone so much! I’ve never noticed you to be in pain.”

  “I am a healer, Keegan. My body heals itself, although it cannot heal the heart. So, my heart aches—much like yours is now—until your father comes back.”

  “Well, that’s just lovely,” Keegan said sarcastically. She pulled the covers higher with a humph. “Is Rourk in pain now?”

  “Yes, Keegan.” She pursed her lips. “You may not have realized, but Rourk was in pain the whole time you were separated.”

  Keegan’s heart skipped a beat and a flood of anger filled her. She hated that she had caused him physical pain. “Why didn’t I feel pain before?”

  “He was always close by before your bond broke. If you recall, you went into that slump once you couldn’t see him again.”

  “I can’t believe he’s been in physical pain since he left to join the military.”

  “Your father is glad for the pain. He says it makes him never forget me. Rourk probably feels the same way.” Her mother’s eyes softened. “He loves you, Keegan.”

  Keegan was silent as she processed all the information her mother had given her.

  Her mom put a gentle hand to Keegan’s face. “Do you want me to give you a healing?”

  “No. I’m going to call him. To see if he will come back. I want him to tell me that what you say is true. “

  Her mother laughed. “You always have to see things to believe them. Call him.”

  Keegan made the call and within minutes, the pain had subsided. She waited impatiently in the kitchen with her mother, pretending to drink hot chocolate. Her heart fluttered when she heard the knock from the front hall.

  Keegan hurried to let him in. She flung the door open and wrapped her arms around him. “I’m so glad you came. Were you in pain?”

  Rourk pulled back and looked down at her. “You were in pain?”

  “You weren’t?”

  Rourk’s hair was tousled as if he’d just rolled out of bed. He was wearing the same pair of pants and shirt as he’d worn the night before.

  Keegan thought he looked beautiful. But then she felt guilty for pulling him out of bed and all the way to her house in the country after neither one of them had gotten much sleep. I’m so selfish, she thought.

  “Not really pain,” Rourk answered, cupping her face in his hands. “There was a slight discomfort, but nothing like when I am far away from you.” Rourk gl
anced over at Emerald.

  She met his eyes but said nothing.

  “How much pain on a level from 1-10?” Rourk demanded, his eyes on Keegan’s.

  “I don’t know. Maybe a 6? I’m not good at measuring pain.”

  Rourk wrapped his arms around Keegan and pulled her to him before saying, “Emerald, is that normal?”

  Her mother shrugged. “No, Rourk. Not as far as I know. However, since my healing energies heal me, I never feel the full affect. Maybe we should call Katrina or Brigid. They would know better.”

  Rourk nodded. “Please.”

  Emerald grabbed her phone from the table and dialed. She smiled at Rourk when Katrina answered. “Hey sis, I have a question for you. When Drew is gone, how far away does he have to be in order for you to feel the pain of his absence?”

  Her sister was silent for a moment on the other end of the line. “Well, that’s an odd question. Hmm, I would say at least four hours away.”

  “Four hours!?” Emerald closed her eyes. “Ok, thanks, was just wondering. I’ll explain more later, but suffice it to say that Keegan and Rourk got their bond back.”

  Emerald pulled the phone from her ear and they could all hear Kat’s “Woohoo.”

  “I swear Kat, you are just as bad as a teenager. I’ll call you later.” Emerald hung up the phone and turned to face them.

  “So, this is not typical. Keegan you always have to be the exception don’t you?” Her mother took a deep breath and looked at Rourk.

  Keegan pulled away from Rourk’s embrace and crossed her arms. “Hey, I didn’t even know anything about any of this till I woke up tonight with the worst pain ever.”

  “We’re not blaming you, Keegan,” her mother said. “I’m worried this might have something to do with the black magic.”

  “Maybe our bond is just stronger than most.” Keegan smiled at Rourk.

  Emerald shook her head. “I’ve never heard of anyone’s bond being stronger than others. Elves bonds should be equal across the board. You have been around enough elfin families to know that.”

  “Well, you did say I was exceptional.” Keegan smirked.

  “I would have to agree with that statement.” Rourk rubbed the back of her neck. His calloused fingers sent chills down her spine.

  “Focus you two. This is serious. Soon you will be separated several thousand miles. What if the pain gets worse with distance?” Emerald paced back and forth deep in thought.

  Rourk dropped his hand and sat down in one of the chairs. With his elbows on the table, he let his head drop into his hands. “I can’t stand the thought of Keegan being in pain because of me.”

  Keegan walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad. It’s worth it to be with you.”

  Rourk looked up surprised. “Do you mean that?”

  “Of course I do.” She turned her back to him and plopped down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Rourk buried his head in her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Keegan. The last thing I wanted to do was cause you pain.”

  “We won’t even know how bad it is until I get to Alaska. Where are you stationed right now anyway? I guess I should have asked that earlier.” I can really be an airhead, she thought with an inward chuckle.

  “Fort Bragg, North Carolina. A long way away from where you are.”

  “Well, soon you will be in Washington, and that is much closer. I need to start looking into transferring schools.”

  Her mother glanced up, eyes wide. “I think that is a great idea! Why don’t I come back to Alaska with you so I can be there if you need a healing. I can do the distance healings, but they are not as effective. Maybe your brother can figure something out with magic to help lessen the pain.”

  “That sounds great, Mom.” Keegan didn’t want to admit it to herself, but the thought of having her mom in Alaska made her happy. She’d been so lonely and bored living so far away.

  “I need to go work on some healing remedies. I’ll see you guys later, ok?”

  “Thank you,” Rourk told her with a grin.

  Emerald just smiled and disappeared through the doorway.

  Chapter 5

  Keegan turned her attention back to Rourk.

  “What do you want to do today? I know one thing for sure. I am not leaving your side until I have to board the plane.” Rourk squeezed her hand and looked away.

  But Keegan saw the distress on his face. It was obvious that it killed him he was causing her pain. And they both knew there would be more to come.

  “I don’t really care. We could just hang out together. If you want, we can go on an actual date.” Keegan ran her hand up the side of his arm, unable to resist touching him. “I think that would be fun. We have so much to learn about each other.”

  His face lit up. “I would love to go on a date with you. Do you have anything special in mind?”

  Keegan thought for a moment. “There’s a new movie out I’ve been wanting to see. We could do a repeat of our first date.” She gave him a sly smile. “I think it will end much better this time.”

  “Pizza and a movie sounds good.” He gently kissed her forehead.

  Keegan yawned. “I didn’t get much sleep. I’m still tired. Let’s go in the living room so I can lie down.”

  Rourk sat in the corner of the couch so that Keegan could stretch out with her head on his thigh. He ran his hands through her hair, staring at her face as her eyes fluttered shut. She was sleeping in a matter of minutes.

  Rourk thought about how lucky he was. He leaned his head back against the couch and worried about being separated from her again. A sharp pain pierced his heart. He almost wished he hadn’t signed up for the human military. But, he made a commitment, so he brushed the thought aside. He and Keegan would figure something out. They had to…

  Keegan stirred. Her cheek was numb from Rourk’s leg. How long was I asleep?

  She rolled over and looked up at him. He was rubbing his eyes. “Did you fall asleep too?” she asked, giving him a sleepy smile.

  Rourk nodded. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better after a nap.” She stretched out her legs and wiggled her toes. “I’m hungry.”

  “Aren’t you always?”

  “Hey!” She swatted his arm. “Yeah, I guess I am always hungry. I like to eat. What can I say?”

  Keegan rolled to a sitting position and stretched. She stood and offered her hands to Rourk, pulling him to his feet. They moved into the kitchen.

  “I can make you something to eat if you want.” Rourk stood behind the grey granite counter. She noticed it matched his eyes.

  “Are you sure? You know how to cook?” She was skeptical.

  “Yes.” He laughed. “I know how to cook. I cooked for you at the cabin. I know you don’t recall—I made you vegetarian meals.”

  “Umm, Ok, sure. You really seem too good to be true.” Keegan smiled at him and waved towards the kitchen. “It’s all yours.”

  “Your mom won’t mind?”

  “My mom spends as little time as possible in the kitchen. She won’t care, I promise.”

  Rourk walked over and peered into the fridge. “Your mom keeps the fridge stocked.”

  “Well, we are a house full of elves with big appetites.”

  Keegan watched as he took out some vegetables. He washed and chopped the celery and carrots expertly, then grabbed the ranch dressing out of the fridge and placed it before her. “Here. Snack on this while I cook something up.”

  She picked up a piece of celery and dipped it, then smiled. “I guess I’ll keep you around.”

  Rourk walked around the counter to where she sat on the stool. “I sure hope so because I can’t lose you again.”

  Keegan bit her lip and looked up, her eyes sparkling. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Rourk leaned down and kissed her. One of the amazing slow and passionate kisses she’d come to expect from him.

  “You must have driven the girls crazy
,” she murmured as he pulled away.

  Rourk shook his head. “It’s so odd you don’t recall our time together. Keegan, you are my first and only girlfriend.”

  “What? Are you serious? You’re so hot. I don’t believe it.” Though, if she was going to be honest, she loved the thought of being the only one for him. The thought of anyone else having ever kissed him made her the tiniest bit jealous.

  “I’ve never been interested in anyone but you. Although, if Tommy had his way I would be dating half the state.” Rourk chuckled and went back to cooking.

  “Oh really—I can’t wait to meet this Tommy character.” She narrowed her eyes, pointing her half-eaten celery stick at Rourk as menacingly as she could.

  “Character is a good word for him. You’ll like him.”

  Rourk pulled out chicken and cut it into strips as the pan was heating up. Keegan found that she loved watching him cook. He looked so at ease in the kitchen, which was odd because he screamed soldier when you saw him in public. She really couldn’t wait to find out more about him.

  She smiled to herself. We have a lifetime ahead of us to do so.

  “What time is your plane leaving?” Keegan asked, crunching into another celery stick.

  He didn’t turn to look at her, but his voice was subdued. “Tomorrow at 9 pm. It was the latest flight out I could get.”

  Keegan shifted uncomfortably on the stool. “I’m leaving at 6pm. I have a long flight. And classes Monday morning.”

  He was silent a moment. “This is going to be hard.”

  “I know,” Keegan said. She sighed. “I’ve never felt this way before. I feel panicked at the thought of being separated from you.”

  Rourk looked down at the pan and moved the chicken around. “I know. I’m not looking forward to leaving you. I just got you back. It’s going to kill me to see you get on the plane.”

  Keegan realized she was choked up, and didn’t answer. Instead, she covered a carrot in dressing and ate it.

  Rourk scooped up the chicken and placed it on a bed of lettuce and tomatoes then sprinkled some shredded cheese on top. He placed it in front of her along with the dressing. “I hope this is good enough.”


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