Book Read Free

Mara McBain

Page 13

by McCade's Way

  “Oh! Good morning,” she said, a blush flooding her cheeks.

  “It’s about to get a lot better,” he said.

  His hand trailed up her side under the sheets taking her nightgown with it. She shivered as his fingers danced over her ribs. A grin tugged at his lips, and he suddenly rolled her underneath him. The heat in his gaze did funny things to her as she struggled to think straight or even breathe. She bit her lip as she felt the searing length of him against her thigh. His eyes drifted shut for a moment as he rubbed against her. A low growl rumbled from him, and his hand dipped between her legs to stroke her most private places. It was amazing how that snarl could be threatening in one context and so arousing in another. Whimpering, she writhed as his fingers worked their magic. It was hard to remember to be embarrassed when something felt that good.

  Lips closing over a nipple, Trey suckled her breast with zeal. Gen clenched her teeth as his tongue flickered over the tight nub he coaxed. Kissing across her chest, he treated the other breast to the same wicked attention. Tentatively, she threaded her fingers through the thick tangle of his hair, pressing his head down pleadingly until she thought she could take no more. Her lips parted in protest as he pulled back and slid back up her.

  His mouth swallowed her cry as he captured her lips and thrust into her in one movement. Her hips arched off the bed. She fought to breathe through the initial feeling of being split open, knowing in moments his invasion would feel heavenly. Trey extended his arms, rising up over her as his hips started to rock. Gen shyly stroked the strong planes of his back. A contented sound rolled from his throat, sounding like a tom cat’s purr.

  A keening cry ripped from her as his thrusts deepened. Fingers biting into the swell of his firm backside, she urged him to take her harder. Her head snapped back and forth on the pillow as she fought the intoxicating pull of pleasure. One of his hands gripped her hip, holding her steady as he drove into her, his face a mask of concentration and need. His name exploded from her throat in a hoarse plea, her body spasming violently around him. The bed springs squawked discordantly as he slammed into her, head thrown back as he sought his own release. She clung to him, little squeaks escaping her with each hard lunge of his hips. Above her, his lips moved in a silent appeal, and she strained to read the words before his passionate roar drowned out all else.

  He collapsed over her, pinning her to the mattress. His powerful chest rose and fell like a bellows. For a moment, she couldn’t breathe. Just as she was about panic, Trey managed to push up on one elbow. His hand shook as he swept his sweaty mane back from his face. His tongue ran over lips parted with the pant of his breath.

  “Sorry, baby,” he gasped.

  She smiled as he lowered his forehead against her chest, still fighting to regain his air. Running her fingers through his hair, she carefully worked through the tangles, enjoying the sensation. His lips brushed her breast, and she kissed the top of his head. When he looked back up at her the shy, crooked smile was in full evidence. Her heart twisted. Damn but he was a handsome man and even more so when he smiled.

  “You should smile more often,” she whispered.

  His head cocked slightly to the side, as if he was considering her words. His eyes drifted shut as she stroked his hair. The throaty, purring noise was back. It seemed to take an effort to force his eyes open again.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’re very handsome when you smile.”

  “Compared to the rest of the time?” he asked, a frown drawing his brows together over the bridge of his nose.

  Gen’s mouth opened, but no words came out. She shook her head at him, trying desperately to force words from a throat suddenly dry as dust. Trey’s frown cracked, and he started to laugh. The warm sound washed over her. Dear God, if there was anything more beautiful than that lopsided grin it was the music of his laughter.

  “What’s that silly smile for?” he asked, grinning down at her.

  “I just found something I like even better than your smile,” she admitted.

  Her husband actually blushed. Shaking his head at her, he still smiled as he winked. “I’ll never understand women, but if it makes you happy.”

  “It does,” she confirmed with a giggle.

  “I aim to please, Mrs. McCade,” he said, giving a roll of his hips before moving off of her.

  “You’ve hit the mark so far.”

  That got another chuckle from him as he stood. “Come on. If we shower together it will save time.”

  “I better hurry. Cole will be waiting for breakfast,” Gen said, glancing at the clock as she fumbled for her robe.

  “Doing the morning chores solo will take him a little longer. We have time for a shower,” Trey said, wrapping her in the crook of his arm as he headed for the bathroom.

  Wrapping the denim and flannel coat tight around her, Gen stepped off the porch. Her breath vaporized in front of her face. Shrugging off the chill, she turned back for her husband. He had told her during breakfast that he wanted to go for a walk, but that was all he’d said. Her couple of questions had been met with silence so she’d wisely bit her tongue. Jumping off the porch, Trey took her hand and started around the house toward the pasture.

  When they reached the fence, he let go to put a hand on a thick post and clear the obstacle in a practiced leap before reaching back to sweep her over. He held her high over his head for a moment. Looking down at him, she felt like she could fly. She couldn’t hold back a little giggle as she threw her arms wide and he spun in a circle. He was going to make such an amazing daddy someday. He let her slide down his body, but when her feet touched the ground, he pulled her close and continued walking.

  She liked the way he kept her close. His warmth was a blessing in the autumn chill. Horses wandered over to nuzzle at Trey’s pockets in hope of a treat, but he just rubbed soft muzzles and scratched their ears as they walked. Gen wanted to ask where they were going, but was reluctant to break their easy silence. They cleared the far fence the same way they had the first one and followed a worn path through the trees. When a pretty white farmhouse came into view, she smiled. This had to be the original McCade home.

  The sturdy farmhouse had the same inviting wraparound porch that Trey’s home had, this one with large flower boxes that sat empty at the moment. The yard and house appeared to be well cared for, and the barn had gotten a recent coat of paint. An orange tabby curled through Trey’s legs as they walked up the steps, and she was reminded of his purr. She smiled as they bypassed the front door and followed the porch around to enter through a side door.

  As she’d anticipated, they stepped into a roomy country kitchen. Decorated in blue and white checks with large East facing windows that let in the morning sun, the room exuded warmth and charm. Her fingers slid along the worn butcher-block island counter, imagining the hands that had smoothed its scarred surface over the years. Trey used his boot to hook a stool hidden under the counter’s edge and sat down. Gen smiled looking at that large, capable hand laying where she could picture his smaller one over the years.

  “What’re you thinking?” he asked, breaking their silence at last.

  “You look so natural here,” she said softly. “I was just picturing you as a little boy.”

  He nodded, stroking the wood under his palm. His look was far away. “I spent a lot of hours right here, helping Mama, doing school work, or just talking about my day.”

  Gen stepped closer, letting her hand rest on his hard thigh. “You miss her a lot.”

  He nodded unnecessarily, his eyes narrowing as he stared out the window. When he didn’t say anything, she gave him a little space, taking the few steps to peek into the foyer and through to the living room. Though his fieldstone home was larger, it seemed Trey had stayed very true to what he was familiar with in laying out his home. Both houses exuded warmth that spoke of a close knit family and invited visitors. Her fingers followed the stripe of wallpaper in the tidy foyer. Where Trey used a deep wine that was ric
h and masculine all at once, his mama had decorated in shades of blue.

  “You know, when my daddy married my mama and brought her back here from Texas, she didn’t know a soul other than him,” Trey said slowly.

  Gen turned from the doorway. He was watching her. She held her breath, wondering where his thoughts were going.

  “They started this farm from nothing, just the two of them. Her family was half a country away and his turned their backs on him because he chose a path they didn’t approve of. They didn’t have anyone else to rely on but each other. That and a lot of backbreaking work forged a bond between them. They were partners, lovers, and best friends. They had the strongest marriage I’ve ever seen,” he said, his voice dropping into the deep bass that made her knees weak.

  He took off his Stetson and laid it on the island beside him. She bit her lip as he spun it on its crown. When he looked up, she knew she was lost. His eyes burned into her.

  “I want that, Gen.”

  “I want that too,” she whispered before she could stop herself. She bit her lip. Did he mean with her? Could she really be what he wanted? He held his hand out to her, and she took it shakily.

  “We have to start with honesty, darlin',” he said, inordinately interested in watching his thumb stroke the top of her hand. He cleared his throat. “While I didn’t lie to you, I haven’t been completely honest either. I let you believe a lie.”

  Her lungs burned, and her stomach started to churn again as she waited. What could a man like Trey have to tell her that he would be worried about? He wet his lips and took a breath, his gaze still fixed on their hands.

  “Catherine didn’t die,” he said softly.

  Confusion washed over her. Not dead? Cold dread knotted in her chest. Catherine was still alive. Was he still married? Her knees trembled as she felt her new life slipping away. She shook her head in pleading denial. His hand tightened on hers and he looked up, desperation in his eyes that she’d never seen there before.

  “Please give me a chance to explain,” he whispered hoarsely.

  Hesitating, she searched his face. Dizziness washed over her. Her whole life could fall apart with his next words, but she owed him at least a chance to speak before she crumbled. She focused on the lips framed by his soft golden goatee and nodded.

  He bowed his head for a moment and rubbed at the back of his neck. His eyes were haunted when he looked up. He shook his head.

  “I thought I could be what she wanted. I tried,” he said awkwardly. “I would’ve done anything for her, but none of it was right. She was ashamed to be a farmer’s wife. The new house wasn’t fancy enough. I needed a haircut. I didn’t fit in with her friends, but she had her heart set on me for reasons only God knows, and I thought I was in love.”

  He paused and, for a moment, she thought he was done, but he shook himself from his memories and continued.

  “She wasn’t used to physical labor,” he snorted. “Hell, she wasn’t used to work at all, but I didn’t expect her to help on the farm. I bought her a little Buick Coupe and she spent a lot of time in town. Her friends were there, and she loved to socialize and shop. We had a woman come in that cleaned the house and started meals. My mama couldn’t understand it, but I just wanted Catherine to be happy. Then, one day, I went into town to get a part for the baler and saw her coming out of the hotel with another man. Seems I was okay to pay the bills, including the hotel,” he said wryly. “But she was looking for something I couldn’t give her. I filed for divorce.”

  “Oh thank God,” Gen breathed. She blushed, covering her mouth as Trey’s eyebrows shot up. She closed her eyes, shaking her head. Dear Lord had she said that out loud? She hit her knees, hands resting pleadingly on his thighs. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that,” she said desperately.

  Trey stared down at her, bemusement stamped on his handsome features. “How many different ways are there to mean that?”

  “I thought you were married.”

  “I am married,” he said dryly. “To you.”

  “Which I am sure you are regretting at the moment,” Gen mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up again.

  “You got that wrong, darlin',” he said, pulling her up into his lap. “There’re things I regret, but you ain’t one of them. I made a lot of mistakes the first time around and I’ve made my fair share with you, but if you’re willing to try, I think we can have that marriage we were talking about.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, Gen leaned in for a kiss. “That sounds like the best offer I’ve had since you asked me to come to Virginia.”

  Chapter Ten

  Hip pressed to her husband’s in the truck, Gen enjoyed the sun streaming through the windshield as they made their way into town. With work slowing down on the farm, Trey had decided to make the trip that he’d mentioned the week before. Their supply list was staggering. He’d caught her trying to pare it down and growled at her to let him worry about money. It had been the first hint of displeasure from the big man since throwing his uncle out, and she’d hurried to soothe things over. The last several days had been heavenly and she wanted nothing to change that. She didn’t know if it was getting rid of house guests or their heart-to-heart, but Trey had been a lot more relaxed.

  Thanksgiving was coming, and he’d reassured her that though it would only be the three of them, he wanted her to put on a full feast. She couldn’t deny her excitement. This would be her first chance to prepare a holiday meal on her own and to do it for her new husband, in their beautiful home, was going to be idyllic. Trey had a turkey all fattened up, and she had already been eyeing the pumpkins in the cellar, her mouth watering at the thought of making pies.

  Trey parked the truck downtown within easy walking distance of most of the shops. Gripping her list, she waited for him to get out. When he didn’t move, she glanced up in askance. His brow furrowed over his nose, a glower darkening his handsome features.

  “Remember what I said about other men.”

  “I’m not Catherine,” she said softly.

  He glared down at her, and she fought the impulse to cringe. Maybe yes, sir would’ve been appropriate in this case. She swallowed hard and was just getting ready to offer an apology when he finally spoke.

  “You’d best pray you’re not.”

  The chill in his voice froze her in place as he slid out of the truck, slamming the door shut in his wake. She blinked, trying to slow the hammer of her heart. Taking a deep breath, she peeked at her brother-in-law who sat silent beside her.

  “Good thing big brother doesn’t think of me as a man,” he whispered with a teasing wink and climbed out the passenger door, holding it open for her.

  Biting back a mixture of hurt and anger, Gen regarded the list in her lap, making no move to get out of the truck. Mutely, she extended the list toward the open door.

  “What’re you doing, little sister?” Cole asked softly.

  “I’m staying where he left me.”

  Cole rubbed the back of his neck in a gesture so like his brother. He glanced toward the back of the truck where Trey had been delayed talking to the banker.

  “I don’t think he’s going to like that.”

  “I didn’t like having the truck door slammed in my face.”

  Cole winced. “I understand, and I actually agree with you, but I’m not sure now is the right time to make your stand. How about you slide out of there and you and I head into the store and make him follow, huh? That way if he doesn’t like it, he can just blame me.”

  Gen bit her lip and finally glanced over at Cole. He offered her a big, boyish grin that was really difficult to deny. Maybe she was overreacting. He tilted his head toward the store in invitation, blue eyes sparkling. Shaking her head, she took his hand and let him tug her across the seat. Stepping up onto the sidewalk, she pulled the collar of her old wool coat a little closer and patted the twist she’d secured her hair in.

  “You look beautiful.”

  Snapping her head around, Gen l
ooked at her husband in surprise. The look on his face took her breath away. She felt the blush begin to creep up her neck. His moods were dizzying, but she couldn’t deny how his words affected her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, taking his proffered arm and trying to ignore Cole’s eye-roll.

  “The pleasure’s all mine, darlin',” he said, steering her toward the grocery. “Let’s get the staples out of the way so we can spend the afternoon shopping for the more enjoyable things.”

  Gen stroked his bicep to draw his attention. “Honestly, with the things I found in your mother’s closet, I should be set for the winter. I thought I was going to need sewing supplies, but I found her mending bag. It had everything I needed and even some extra material.”

  “I’m glad you could put some of it to use, but there are still things I would like to buy for my wife.”

  “Please don’t waste your money on me. I have never seen a man work as hard as you do,” she said, tugging on his arm until he stopped.

  “A man works to take care of his family. I promised you I would take good care of you and I will,” Trey said, his jaw setting in a stubborn jut.

  Gen blew out a sigh of frustration and stepped in front of her husband, resting her hands on his forearms to try and hold his attention.

  “Taking good care of me is relative, Trey. I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about Catherine, other than she was a complete fool to let a man like you go. I’m not her. You need to judge me for me. Stop and think where I come from. My life with you is more than I ever dared dream of. Your home that you said wasn’t fancy enough for your first wife, is a mansion in my eyes. You’re concerned that some other man will turn my head, and I can’t imagine a man that would compare with you. I pray every night that I can be worthy of you. Your distrust hurts. I love you.”


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