Be My First: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance
Page 26
Officer Cameron had gone down the hall leaving the patrol officer to handle the protection duty of the one witness that really didn’t have much to say. She was very thorough in her statement and they even had what constituted to be something of a signifying mark. There was a tattoo of an anchor on the person’s right wrist, but that could’ve been a figment of her imagination during the attack. He would leave no stone unturned, because he was a professional and it didn’t matter what his personal feelings about Judson were. This woman deserved his undivided attention and he was damned well going to give it to her.
Judson went back into the room and saw that Samantha was not exactly immune to what was going on outside those doors. “I get the feeling like you heard everything. I have no idea how that’s possible, but maybe that might be your superpower.” He was trying to make light of a serious situation, but could see that his attempt at levity was not breaking through the anger that was coming off of Samantha in waves. “It’s not my fault that you got hurt and you should feel lucky that I was there.” He was trying to turn things around in his favor, but he was vividly aware that he was the cause for her misfortune. “Is there anything that I can do to make it better?” He heard her whisper and thought for a moment that she was trying to say something and couldn’t.
Moving a little closer, he came within earshot and then she grabbed him by the hair and forced her tongue down his throat. He was a little shocked by her behavior. This was out of character for the same meek and mild young thing that had come to him on the practice field. It appeared that her overture of passion was a little unexpected. He wanted to tell her that it was wrong, but the kiss felt like it was perfectly natural. It made him feel that they were already lovers, but the only thing that they had done, so far was consummate their relationship with more than just a kiss.
With her other hand that wasn’t holding onto his hair, she twisted the curtain to give them a little bit more privacy. She had promised herself that she was going to make his life a living hell, but then she realized that she had only one life to live. There was no sense in fighting these feelings and it was time to pursue them on a more extreme level.
Judson knew that she was acting on pure adrenaline and probably was trying to live out some long overdue fantasy in her head. He should have done something to prevent this, but the feeling of her hand grabbing his hair and using it, as a makeshift lever to keep him in place was more than enough to make him want this. He tried to pull away, but it was not with much force and certainly didn’t stop her from sealing things with a kiss.
Finally coming up for air, she was able to breathe deeply and look into his eyes to see that he was visibly stunned by this latest course of events. “I need to show you that not all women are in it for the sex. I find you interesting and you’re somebody that I can talk to easily without feeling like I am putting on airs. We may fight like cats and dogs, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t care about each other.” “I don’t know if I’m getting through to him, but maybe catching him unaware was the best way to go about it. I’m still not sure if we can make a future together, especially with this Damocles sword hanging over our heads. The person will realize that I did not succumb to my injuries and most likely will try to finish the job.” This is not like me and I feel like I have jumped into somebody else’s body. I should be trying to remain detached, but we are uniquely linked by the person that did this to me.
“I don’t know what you expect from me, Samantha. I’ve never been the one woman kind of guy and I don’t think that I could be that for you. You’re only fooling yourself into thinking that I am the kind of man that can be changed. It’s not possible and even if I wanted to, I don’t think that a leopard can change its spots. I do have to say that seeing you lying there bleeding was not one of my finest moments. I actually think that I would miss you had you perished, but thankfully you didn’t. This gives you a new lease on life and I don’t think that you should waste it on somebody like me.” Normally, Judson would be all over the fact that she was showing some kind of nightingale syndrome. He didn’t feel worthy of her affections, but he wasn’t going to stop her from throwing herself at him.
“I hope that you are hearing yourself right about now, Judson. You’re not the type of man that will push a girl away, when it’s obvious that I’m going to sleep with you eventually. You are or at least you were the type of man that would stick around, until you were able to sink that nice hard cock of yours into my tight little hole. You know that what I’m telling you is true. You need to take stock of your life and maybe then we can talk about something more than the physical pursuits of the flesh. I can say that I don’t want to and maybe it’s the medication talking, but I would really like you to straddle me and fuck my mouth.” The words were out of her mouth and she really didn’t mean anything by them. There wasn’t much pain medication, but it was enough to lower her inhibitions and make her see the truth written across his face, as plain as day. “I don’t want him to do anything and I hope that he’s a man that sees that this is wrong somehow. I can’t be responsible for my actions under the influence of these drugs. He has to be the bigger man and walk away, before we throw caution to the wind.”
“This isn’t you talking. It’s the medication running through your veins and I would be a damn fool to take advantage of that. I think that it would be best that I leave and let you get some rest. Don’t worry, I plan to come back and hopefully I will have good news about who this person is that has decided to come after me like this.” Judson felt this pull and the very idea of doing what she requested was running around in his mind. He actually thought that it would be enjoyable to take her in that way, but this was the first time that she had shown him that there was more here than just a casual dance with no pants. He was regretting leaving from the moment that the door closed. He certainly didn’t see the smile on her face or the fact that she was actually thinking that maybe there was hope for him after all.
Samantha was tempted to run after him, even if her open gown in back would give the boys on this floor a cheap thrill. This was not her, but it was taking all of her will power not to succumb and do something that she would regret later.
Chapter 4
Samantha heard Nurse Able flirting with the officer at the door and then they made their way to someplace private to take care of some business. They really did think that she was sleeping, but the pills that they had given her were stashed underneath the pillow. She had already felt foolish enough that she had literally thrown herself at Judson. She knew that it wasn’t just the drugs talking.
She was lying there in the dark and then she felt something at her feet and at first, she thought that it was one of the nurses coming into check on her vitals, but then the outline of the head began to slip underneath the covers with her. Her heart was beating quickly and the breath in her body had stopped short
Lifting the sheet slowly, she came face to face with Judson and the smile of a man that knew exactly what he wanted. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but they’re going to be back any minute now.” This was her way of trying to stop him from doing something that was going to make her feel a whole lot better. “Don’t even think about doing what I think that you’re going to do.” The way that he fluttered his tongue in her direction made her vividly aware about what that would feel like underneath the Johnny gown.” I can’t believe that he came back after I tried to push him away. How fucking ridiculous is it that I should even deny myself this kind of pleasure. He wouldn’t have come back here, unless he really wanted to. He’s taking a risk of getting caught. That in itself shows me that he is serious about this.”
Judson had found himself staying close to her, in case she was in need of something that he could give her. It wasn’t, until he saw the nurse and the officer at her door doing this dance that could only end one way that made him go for it. Their flirtation had turned almost comical and then suddenly they were looking up and down the hall like they were doing s
omething wrong. She motioned for him to go down the hall with her and the officer was more than eager to comply. It didn’t hurt that this would be his first nurse. He certainly could use an all over checkup.
When the door closed down the hall, Judson found his legs moving on their own accord. His cock was hard in his pants, but he thought that it was in bad taste that he would even consider doing something like this. He couldn’t help it and before long, he was actually slipping into the room unseen. He had no idea how long he had, but he was going to make the most of the time that he did have. He saw her lying there with her eyes closed. He really did think that she was sleeping. An idea began to form and it was like a light bulb went off in his head. Grabbing the sheet, she didn’t stir and she didn’t say anything. He really did think that he was in the clear.
It was only after he was underneath the sheet that he saw her looking down at him and knew that the jig was up. It didn’t surprise him that she said that it wasn’t a good idea. What did surprise him was that she was spreading her legs and lifting the Johnny gown, so they he could see the wet laden lips of her sex. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I think that you need to tell me if that is the case. The officer and the nurse are going to be quite some time. The way that they were looking at each other tells me that they have the same idea that I did.” Judson began to take a slow journey up her leg, getting closer to the treasure of her womanhood. Her pussy was well shaved, but there was that landing strip down the middle that was almost like an arrow leading to the pleasures within.
“Please… I don’t think that I could tell you to stop. I shouldn’t even be telling you that, but I feel almost compelled.” Samantha felt this overwhelming need like that of a freight train that was bearing down on her at 50 miles an hour. “I won’t be able to stop you and I guess we both knew that this day was coming.” She was going to have to move very carefully in order not to rip open the stitches that the doctors had meticulously put in. It didn’t look like she was going to have to do much work at all, as Judson was taking the lead. “I think that it was that brush with death that made me realize that I was wasting my time. Keeping him at arm’s length was only doing more harm than good. I should have embraced the man and I have to admit that tasting his seed was a good start to making me want the whole package. I hope that he knows that once he starts, there’s no way that we will be able to finish without being simultaneous.”
Judson felt her squirm and was a little worried that she was going to put the brakes on. To stop that from happening, Judson grabbed onto her thighs and spread her like a wishbone. Her knees were open and that was a good indication to him that this was exactly what she wanted. “You’ve been through a lot, so I don’t want you to even think about lifting a finger. Close your eyes and immerse yourself into the pleasure that I’m going to give you. Let it happen and I promise that you will not be disappointed.” His hand was wrapped around his own hot flesh. The vein along the back was throbbing with this insistence to find some sweet little piece of ass to sink into. “I want to be the one to take care of you and not the other way around.” He was saying all the right things, but underneath he thought that it was just a ploy to get into her panties.
Speaking of panties, he was vaguely aware that she wasn’t wearing any. Opening her up for further inspection allowed him to see that she was already wet. He traced with one finger down that spread open blooming sexual rose. He penetrated her for a second and heard her cry out, before muffling her desire with her own hand.
“I think that you are doing this to get back at me for what I did to you. I really don’t care why you’re here and I’m just glad that you are. I was tempted to run after you… Oh god…but I think my stronger judgment prevailed. It crumbled from the moment… yes…fuck that feels, so fucking good.” She couldn’t deny the fact that he knew how to strum a little magic between her legs. “I think you know that eventually I’m going to go off, but what you don’t know is that I’m liable to make a mess.” This only fueled him and she was soon on the receiving end of a ravenous hunger that could only be satisfied by what was seeping out of her hole. “I wish that I could tell him that this wasn’t getting to me, but I would be a damn liar if I said anything of the sort. He may think that it’s his way or the highway, but maybe what he needs is a woman to finally slap some sense into him.” She could say that to herself, but what she didn’t realize was that she was becoming putty in his hand.
Judson was very aware of the way that she was moaning and it was only going to get worse. He applied pressure with the flat of his tongue and pressed up against her clit. Her eyes went wide and she lost her grip on the sheet leaving him in complete darkness. Her legs tried to move, but his obvious weight advantage had kept her exactly where he wanted her. He speared his agile digit inside her quivering lips and began to flutter it like that of a hummingbird going after the nectar from a flower.
“I warned you… I fucking warned you and now you’re going to find out for your… SELFFFFFFFMMMPPPHHH” She once again put her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide open and her body now convulsing like somebody had put her finger in a light socket. She tried to keep herself in check, but it was his tongue that was igniting the very thing that she was trying to deny. “I don’t want to tell him that this is the best fucking thing that I’ve ever felt done to my body. It would go to his head and his ego is already big enough, as it is. I know that the morphine drip is at its lowest setting, but I have to believe that it has something to you with the way that I’m feeling. I’m letting myself go and I’ve never done that before, except for when I found myself acting out of character by sucking his cock.
“I know that you can hear me and I know that you can feel that. Give me a sign that you want it and it will be yours.” His cock head was rubbing up and down the very spot that he had just vacated with his tongue. He could feel the heat and was surprised that he was able to suppress the need to fuck her. “I need you to tell me that this is what you want. Open your eyes and maybe I will have a big surprise.” He was actually giddy with anticipation. He felt those lips trying to pull him in and he was adamant to hear the words, instead of her body forcing her into something that she wasn’t ready for.
Samantha opened her eyes and saw that his face was now hovering over hers. With whatever energy she had left, she smiled weakly and then reached down to grab him in a most direct way. His mushroom tip came closer and then she felt the invading presence of his love muscle beginning to make entry. She still had a hold of the base, but she could feel his hips jogging to and fro. He was eager, but she was just, as determined to make this last for longer than a 5 minute wonder. “I can slow him down and maybe he’s not used to that, but this might actually give him an idea of what women are really after from a man. They want somebody to be considerate of their feelings and I sense that I can lead him to the Promised Land.
Judson could feel the inches slowly being surrounded by the heat of her inner walls. They were constricting and felt like he was taking the tightness of someone that had never done this before. He saw on her face that this was not a one time occurrence and then before he knew it, he was balls deep. He stayed like that for some time, when normally he would be fucking like some kind of stallion trying to get to the finish line first.
“Stay exactly like you are, until you can’t take it anymore.” She watched his face and the response was evident that he was beyond reason. That wicked little grin was soon punctuated with sharp jabs of his hips against her own. He moved slowly at first and then his speed began to build, until that bed was making enough racket that it would wake up the dead. He pushed his body up against her repeatedly, but at same time looking into her eyes and seeing the pleasure from having her hole filled with all of him. He didn’t want to admit to himself that this woman was opening his eyes to the wonders of what sex was supposed to feel like.
“I hate to…ahhh… Admit this, but you are…one of the best lovers…that I’ve ever had.” She found herself moving against him
, joining the rhythm and finding that they were working together toward a common goal. She had her legs wrapped around him in a tight vise and they were crashing against each other like waves against the shore. “I think… I think…no…no…I know that I’m going to…AHHHHHH.” Her loins gave up that just reward and then her insides began to twist around him like that of a warm massage that was meant for only his pleasure.
“You’re not…the only…ONEEEEEEE.” He had been hammering for a good solid 15 minutes. He had been with and had done his fair share of women, but this one was different. She was more accepting and wasn’t just lying there like a lump on a log. She was actually moving, despite the fact that she was injured and that was a testament to her human spirit and sexuality. When his seed expelled from his body, he thought that his head was going to explode from the top of his shoulders. This was the kind of orgasm that was only meant for those that were truly in love. He’d never felt such an instant connection and that feeling of completeness came over him and made him realize that he was not dealing with any other woman.
Samantha saw the sweat on his brow and knew that it was induced by the exertion of what he had put his body through. He had slipped from the saddle, leaving her feeling a sort of wetness on her lips. This was better than any other time and she was now cursing herself for not doing more of this. She was under the mistaken impression that guys were only after one thing, but Judson was showing that a man was capable of a whole lot more. He was the ultimate womanizer and she was slightly worried that sleeping with him was not the answer. It would only send him mixed messages. That was not her intention and she could only hope that was not the way that he was taking it.