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Be My First: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 71

by Lauren Wood

  “I was thinking that it’s such a beautiful day that we should probably take advantage of it. I have this special spot that I would like to share with you. It’s somewhere that I have never taken any girlfriend. I just never thought that I could share this with them. I believe that you might be the exception and I would like to test that theory. I suggest that we get something to eat and the hike is a bit of an arduous climb. I hope that you have some good hiking boots.” All they really wanted to do was wallow in depravity for the rest of the weekend. He wanted to tame her desire over and over again. His intention was to utilize every room in this house until they were spent an exhausted.

  “I don’t know what he expects me to say to a proposal like that. I secretly enjoy nature and not that many people know that about me. It only shows that we have a lot more in common than we give each other credit for. It might be that not only do we have a physical bond, but there is something of a spiritual one. Losing my virginity made me a woman, but finding a man like him is priceless. I can’t imagine giving my innocence to anybody else. I can now see that I have been making Helens Life miserable and maybe it was that sexual frustration that was making me lash out for no good reason.” She squeezed his hand and smiled dreamily like that of a woman obsessed with being in love. “It would be my honor to share in your childhood memory. I don’t think that I could have said no even if I wanted to.” They were barely able to tear away from each other. They managed to take a shower separately. If they had done anything like that together they would probably never make it to his secret spot.

  When she was done with her shower, she breezed by him dropping the towel to let him see her curvaceous curves as she ran down the stairs giggling like a maniac.

  “I heard what you said to him.” Helen had decided at the last second that it was wrong to leave things up in the air like that. She’d come back to find them in bed together. She stood in the hallway and listened to them exchange words of passion and love. She knew that it was not an act. Lynn had found the one that made those butterflies in her stomach. “You have my blessing and maybe what happened was supposed to happen. It doesn’t make me feel any better about how I acted or what I said. I can only apologize and hope that you will take it at face value.” Helen had her metaphorical hat in her hand and was waiting to hear any kind of backlash or venom spewing from Lynn’s lips

  Instead of saying anything, Lynn decided that actions spoke louder than words. She was still naked, but she felt compelled to wrap her arms around Helen. They shared a moment and Lynn decided that it was time to clear the air. “I know that it doesn’t seem logical, but I think I blamed you for what happened to my parents. I let my anger for them leaving me fester into something that was ugly. I turned that anger onto the only person that I could. I do forgive you for what you said and it wasn’t like I was innocent in all of this.” “I never thought that this day would come and losing my inhibitions opened my heart and let me see that the true enemy was myself. A lot what happened to my mother and father defined me and that was a power over me that I wasn’t going to allow any longer. Helen didn’t deserve my abuse of words and the way that I acted. It was a wonder that she didn’t have any more gray hairs from the antics that I had perpetrated to get her attention.”

  “I have to say that I was a little surprised to see you with him. He didn’t seem all that trustworthy and some of my girlfriends talk about him like he’s the devil in disguise. I see the way that you both look at each other and I know that this is the genuine article. I think that it would be best that I do leave. I still have those tickets to the cruise and maybe I’ll miss out on a couple of days, but I feel a whole lot better leaving you alone.” Helen felt that they had turned a corner. “I know this is none of my business, but how exactly did you get together? I only ask, because I know that you put it out there for anybody to hear that you wanted to sell your virginity to the highest bidder. Tell me that this wasn’t the cause of that.” It really shouldn’t matter, but Helen feared that maybe that Lynn had jumped into something that was destined to fail.

  “I don’t think that I have to justify that with a response. Seeing that we are being honest, I guess I don’t have to hide things from you. All I’m going to say is that I’ve found my happiness and I’m going to hold onto it like grim death. He is the man that I’m supposed to be with for the rest of my life. I hope that he feels the same way. I’m going to have to ask him straight up. We may have fallen into bed under less than ordinary circumstances, but I feel that what we have together cannot be broken.” Lynn did not mention the $1.5 million and felt that it was in pretty poor taste. “I don’t wanna see the judgment in her eyes and the best way to avoid that is to keep things close to my vest. She doesn’t need to know all the gory details and I feel slightly ashamed that I had to resort to those measures to find the one thing that has been lacking in my life.”

  Helen could sense that she was leaving something out, but this was her life to lead in any way that she saw fit. “You may not be mine, but I feel like you’re the daughter that I never had. You know that I can’t have children and for your mother to trust me with your care was not only unexpected but quite a welcome surprise. I just don’t want you to make a mistake. The one thing that you did say that had a ring of truth to it was that it was your life. Whether this is a mistake you make or not, you either own it or you get swallowed up by it. That’s not what you said, but it was pretty much the meaning. I want you know that I have been always proud of you and I only want the best for you. I consider us family and I hope that you feel the same way.” Helen had seen a real change in Lynn’s attitude. She was no longer caustic or showing any signs of mistrust.

  “I may have rebelled against you, but I always thought of you as a role model. I want to consider you part of my family, but there’s no way that I can call you mother. That might change in the future, but for now I’d rather just continue to call you Helen. It’s not a sign of disrespect and I don’t want you to take it like that. I care for you deeply and love you more than I could ever say. You took me in when I was at the lowest point in my life and for that I can never repay you.” “I wasn’t expecting any of this. Having a good man in my life has taught me a valuable lesson. It gave me a perspective that showed me that Helen was only doing her best. It was all that I could hope for under the circumstances. I might have gone a little overboard, but I thank god that I didn’t have to essentially go through with it. I will gladly give the money back, but I get the feeling like he’s not going to let that happen.” They shared a moment and when they heard the shower turn off upstairs they knew that it was time to say goodbye.

  “I will always be there for you, but I think that part of the problem was that I had never taken the time to smell the roses. You made me see that I was alive, but I really wasn’t living.” Helen knew that she would be back, but for now she needed to do this for herself. The taxi had been idling at the curve and for some reason she didn’t pay the fare and told them to wait. She dragged her one suitcase back to the taxi and heaved it into the trunk with the help of the driver. She took one last glance and saw Lynn touching her heart and she did the same as a form of saying I love you without having to say the words.

  She felt like she was a victim of the night and seeing everything in the cold light of day was another matter altogether. She had woken up with that feeling that things had shifted. The proposal to join him on a family quest was not something that she was prepared for. She rummaged into the closet and found the necessary hiking birds.

  She realized that she was wearing only a blanket that Helen had thrown over her to cover her shame. She raced upstairs to find the dripping presence of Mitchell standing there with his member swinging between his legs. “Don’t even think about it. If we continue looking at each other this way we’re never going to get out of the house. I don’t think either one of us would be complaining about that. I do feel that I need to show you this and maybe it’ll give you a better idea of who I am.” Mitchel
l put on the pair of pants that he had worn here last night. The room smelled like sex and the way that the sheets were torn asunder only showed just what kind of sexual acrobatics they had gotten into last night.

  They were both staring at the bed and knew that it wouldn’t take much convincing to jump back between the sheets. In a moment of strength, Mitchell was able to turn her away from a possible repeat performance. “We can always come back to that later. Don’t look at it and it won’t have that power over you.” Mitchell heard the sigh of regret coming from Lynn’s lips. He kissed the back of her neck to see that her legs almost buckled out from underneath her.

  They had breakfast and they continue to stare at each other like they were ready to throw the dishes to the floor in their haste to get to one another. They had a medley of fresh fruits and fried eggs over easy. They finally cleared the dishes and then got ready before leaving the house hand in hand. He lifted her into his truck and felt that this was better than anything that had even remotely made him happy. He wanted this intimacy to continue and he was ready to share a painful memory. The only way to get closure was to see it up close and personal.

  “I know that what you did to announce your virginity to the neighborhood was a very poignant moment in your life. I want to show you the reason why I have never settled down. I wish that I could say that it was because I was looking for the right one. There’s no denying that I was engaged, but it never worked because I couldn’t be completely truthful with her. I think deep down I knew that I wasn’t in love and that there was no way that I could open up that wound.”

  Chapter 7

  Helen was behind him and looking at his ass in those jeans. She couldn’t help but to envision them coming down a little. When he bent over there was that telltale plumber’s crack. Thankfully, he was built in a way that made it easier to swallow. She wanted to reach out and trace the line down into the valley. She had seen his concentration and that faraway look told her that he was dealing with something that had no voice.

  “I want to go on record to say that last night proved to me once and for all that I do have the capability to love. I thought that I lost that and you’re about to find out the reason why I’ve never let anybody get that close.” He didn’t know how to say the words and the best way to do this was to show her and hopefully the words that he was looking would miraculously come to him.

  “The years go by too fast and we never know when our time is up. We gotta take time to enjoy life and not let petty differences to get in the way. I’m not going to pressure you and whether you tell me this secret or not is entirely up to you. I have to say that I find your willingness to share this with me enough to make me think that you might be more than the man that took my virginity.” “I thought that when we started this that I was too good for him. I see now that we were both lost and we needed each other to find our true selves. I feel different and I know that I’m never going to be able to look at him the same way again. I need him to see me as the future and not just the present.” She could hear the rushing of water and every step was making it louder by the second.

  “I haven’t been here in over 20 years. My family used to come up here all the time for family outings.” He swallowed hard and knew that saying the words would be the hardest thing that he had ever done in his life. “There’s a rift between me and my parents. We are cordial enough during the holidays, but we’ve never been able to look at each other the same way again.” They came to a clearing and the water that they had heard was of a waterfall crashing down into a pool below. The outcroppings of rocks were not easy to traverse, but they managed to make it with a little help from a guiding hand.

  Lynn was in awe and this was a hidden oasis away from the rest of the world. It was no wonder that they spent a lot of time here, but there had to be a reason for them to leave all of this behind. “I see the pain in his eyes and I only want to reach out to him to tell him that I’m here for him. Mitchell had helped me during a difficult time and I feel that I need to show that same thing in return. I trusted him with my virginity and now he’s trusting me with a very painful reminder of his past. Is this not what love is made of? I question if we have more here than meets the eye.” Lynn saw him sit down and place his hands over his face with only his eyes peeking through that of his fingers.

  He looked towards the water and he saw that day as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. It killed him to think about this, but it was weighing him down and preventing him from finding any sort of substance within any relationship. “I never thought that I would be back here. 20 years ago I lost a part of my soul. My brother Kenneth and I were fooling around and he lost his footing. I watched…horrified as he plummeted from the top of the cliff. Had he landed in the water, he probably would have survived, but instead he crumpled against the rocks. I was stunned into silence and I heard the anguished cry of my mother and father as they were setting out a picnic for his birthday. I blame myself for him falling. I was the big brother and I should’ve been looking out for him.” Mitchell felt the tears fall down his cheek and then the comforting gesture of Lynn’s hands massaging his shoulders.

  “That must’ve been awful for you and your family. You can’t blame yourself and it wasn’t like you pushed him. You were kids and you were acting like kids. There’s nothing that you could’ve done and the sooner that you put that to rest the better off you will be.” Lynn heard him sobbing and pushed his face up underneath her bosom. “I never knew that he was carrying this burden. I don’t think that anybody did. He always seemed so strong and confident, but it was always just a façade that he put on to please people. He doesn’t have to do that with me.”

  “I blame myself, because I told him that he was a chicken. I coerced him into joining me on top of that cliff. I could see that he was scared out of his mind, but I continued to needle him until he took the leap of faith. I should’ve been the one that fell and he had only begun his young life. I would give anything to go back and take his place. I know that I can’t and that forgiveness starts with me forgiving myself. People have been telling me that for as long as I can remember. I’ve never been able to see clear to do it. I have you to thank for letting me open up and tell you of my darkest day” Mitchell could hear her heartbeat and wrapping his arms around her gave him a comfort that came from knowing that she wasn’t condemning him for his actions.

  They stood there together and eventually they began to shed their clothes. They were soon naked and then rushing into the water to frolic in the buff.

  “This place might hold a terrible memory, but maybe we can make better memories that will overshadow that one.” They waded in the water up past their waist with the sun beaming through the trees like a blessing to their union. “I love this place and will not let you wallow in some kind of depression. This place is something that should never leave you with feelings of regret and loss. You should always celebrate Kenneth’s life.” “I can feel his cock nudging between my legs. He’s rubbing against the lips and I know that all I will have to do is hook my leg and wrap it around him. I see no reason to wait around and this will prove to him once and for all that this place should have no power over him.”

  Mitchell felt the heat of her hole and despite those painful memories; his cock began to emerge like a periscope over the surface of the water. She grabbed him and he could feel that moment of indecision was over. He abruptly grabbed her by the hips and lowered himself to a crouching position with his cock poised and ready to pierce her womanhood. He didn’t get a chance. Her smile informed him that she was up to no good. She took a deep breath and in that moment he realized just what exactly he was in for.

  Lynn dove down under the water, holding her breath and then opening her mouth over the tip of his cock. There was already that salty flavor and she was more than happy to coax more from the cavity of those balls. “I’ve never done this before. I thought about it several times, but I’ve never been in a position where I was willing to try it on anyone. Mitchell
is not just anyone.” She bobbed her head back and forth until she had no choice but to surface to catch a breath of air.

  His face had this beaming smile as he lifted her and let the buoyancy of her body float on the water surface. Her legs wrapped around him and his cock soon found its way into the gripping vise of her sex. “Being this close to you means more to me than you can ever know. I have been secretly wealthy for a long time without anybody’s knowledge. I’ve invested wisely, but my biggest investment of all was letting you into my life.” He was buried deep and there was something magical in the air. He looked up for a moment and he thought he saw his younger brother giving him a salute from the top of the rocks. He blinked and then he was gone. It was almost like he was given his life back.

  “You captured my heart and it doesn’t hurt that you have a tight little body. I love that you have more to offer than the average woman. You wear your weight well and I have to say that most of it situates nicely with your breasts and your ample heart shaped ass. You want me to fuck you. I can see it in your eyes, but I want to hear it. Tell me and anybody else that can hear your voice that my cock is everything that you want.” He saw her lips part and was waiting for that moment where she was never going to be able to hide her feelings again.

  “I have your cock and your heart. What more can a woman… ask for. I do want you to fuck me and make love to me underneath the sun and in this water. My wet pussy hungers for your meat and my body begs you to make it cum over and over again. Fuck me… Fuck me… make my wet pussy sing your name. Never will I have another man’s name on my lips. Never will I have another cock that even comes close to what you give to me every day.” “My massive thighs clinch him and I make sure that he’s not going to try to escape the imprisonment of my greedy little hole.”


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