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Eco's Heart

Page 3

by ChaShiree M.

  “Wow!” I say, not really meaning to, but hell, it's beautiful. There is a table setup in the middle of the cabin floor, two chairs, and candles on the table. Food covered by tops and wine waiting in a bucket. He did all of this in the short time it took me to get dressed. I’m impressed.

  “I know that prime rib is your favorite, with a side of au jus, corn on the cob and jasmine rice. I asked for the wine to be served midway through, give us a chance to air out the issues.” Now I am more than freaked out. He knows everything about me.

  “Who the hell are you?” I ask him not bothering with my food right. My stomach is too upset to digest anything and last thing I want is to be the girl that christened his jet green.

  “My name is Escobar Alejándro Valladares.” He says it so matter of fact and nothing else. I know I must look nuts right now, but I am literally leaning over the table, holding onto the sides of it. My eyes, I can feel trying to pop out of my head as the impatience begins to show, waiting for him to give me something else. The glint in his eye tells me he knows he is sending me insane slowly and he likes it.

  “That’s it. That is all you are going to say?” I say, the exasperation evident.

  “What else do you want to know?” He put a piece of meat in his mouth and out of the blue I resent his ability to eat right now. My stomach is clearly upset, but I am also starving. But I refuse to eat anything until I know what the hell is going on.

  “I want to know how you know so much about me. Like the type of clothes, I wear. My size, my favorite meal. To be honest, I am feeling a little ...wait...did you say Valladares?” The panic is beginning to set in. It took a second, since I don't have anything to do with my father’s lifestyle, but I know the names of the families in the ‘Family’ and I am pretty sure Valladares is at the top of the list as the leader.

  “Yes.” His one word, one sentence answers are about to make me lose my shit.

  “Oh God!! Am I like in the middle of a turf war? Is this some sort of retribution against my dad?”

  “No! I took you because you belong to me, and I to you. I saw you a few weeks ago, one night, as you were walking to the restaurant heading to a date and my world stopped. I had no idea who you were at first, but I wanted to. I saw the man greet you at the door and I followed you both inside. After that, I followed you everywhere I could. When I couldn't, I had a guard watching you, protecting you. When you were in class, I would sneak into your condo and get to know you. Embedding your scent into my heart and mind. Once I found out who you were, I began coming up with a plan for how to take you and how to deal with your father. Just so happens I didn’t need a plan after all. So, you see, this was always going to be. Now eat, Eva. You are going to need your strength.” I pick my fork up to do as he told me to, and then dropped it back down. Screw this.

  “No. I need to know more. Like where are we going? Why couldn’t you have just courted me. Kidnapping me seemed the best option because?”

  “I am going to have so much fun taming you,” he says taking a drink of his wine that Steffanie just poured us. “We are going to LA. I have a meeting that, if everything goes according to plan, means I will be living there and so will you. I just bought a production company and I need to go out there, check it out, meet a few film directors and writers and lawyers.”

  “Ok. That seems legit enough, but that still doesn't explain the part about the kidnapping.” I mean, am I speaking a foreign language?

  “How was I supposed to go out of town and leave my future in a different state? It was time for you to take your rightful place at my side. I waited long enough.” What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I know I should be more than a little freaked out by everything he just told me, and the truth is, I am... a little. But what woman doesn’t want a guy that is obsessed with them, to move heaven and earth for them? I can really see myself giving us a shot, even though the way he went about it was a hot mess. The only problem is, his life.

  “I don’t want anything to do with the mob, Eco. My mom may be ok with that life, but me, I want no part of it. I will do the charity stuff because that is different. But anything outside of that, I won’t be involved in.” I can feel my chest vibrating. Knowing essentially, I just laid down the gauntlet. But it is for my own good. So why then, does it feel wrong?



  “I know that, why do you think I bought the production company in the first place. To move us away from there. I would never want you and our children subjected to that life.” I say in answer to her declaration. This isn’t news to me. Even before I met her, I knew I wanted my children to have a different life. I am in no way saying I had anything other than a great childhood. My parents spoiled us rotten. We went on trips, had parties, they participated in school events, all of that. To be honest, we didn’t even know there was anything different about our family until we hit high school and kids began to whisper. We didn’t believe the rumors at first. Even getting into fights over it. Then one day, my dad sat my brothers and I down and told us everything. It was understood that we were never to say anything to Ivy although when she turned thirteen, I began sneaking her to the firing range we have behind our house to teach her how to shoot. She followed me around anyway like a little puppy, so I made it count. There was no way my little sister was going to be caught unaware. She however, understood that she could never tell anyone. Once we were told the truth, our training began. As we got older and was given more responsibility, I really was able to see just what was expected of me.

  Once I realized, this was to be my life, I initially decided that it wouldn’t be a good idea to bring kids into this life. Or a wife. I had resigned myself to living my life as a bachelor and for the family. It wasn’t until I saw her, my Eva, that I began making other plans for our family. I want something different for my kids. I want them to live in a town that doesn’t fear their father. I want them to have a normal life. Be normal kids. Join the basketball team, be thespians for all I care. I just don’t want them looking over their shoulders their whole life. More than that, I don’t want them looking at me like I’m a monster. Granted, I never looked at my father like that, but you never know.

  “Really?!? That’s why you bought the production company?” She asks her voice filled with incredulity.

  “Yes, Eva. That is why I bought it. I wanted something different for us. Now, don’t misunderstand, I am not leaving the family all together. I will maintain my role, and position and should my father and brothers need me, I will go back and take care of whatever it is. But I am going to do everything I can from here. With you and the family we are going to build.” Her eyes convey her emotions as she tries to figure out whether she can believe me.

  “Your dad is ok with this?” Good question.

  “I have yet to discuss this with him. However, I am a grown man. I will do as I please. Any other questions?” Her face brightens up a bit. I am assuming it the knowledge that she can ask me anything that has opened her up. She seems to blush and put her head down before she lifts it and whispers.

  “Why do you call me Goddess?” I was waiting on this question.

  “That is what you are. My Goddess. My Diosa. Much like Aphrodite, you will be the only one able to command my heart. My life’s worth is solely wrapped up in you. You are everything that is worth anything to my very existence. So, what else should I call you?” I ask her looking at seriously. I may be coming on a little string and sound a bit, I don’t know, soft, but for her, I would become plush. She shrugs her shoulders, clearly not sure what to say so I use as an opportunity to end the topic. “Anything else, Eva?”

  “Not right now. I’m sure I will later though.” she says as she puts food in her mouth.

  “I have no doubt, my love. I, however, have questions for you.” I love when she fidgets. It lets me know I affect her too. She begins playing with her hands and though it turns me on, watching her squirm and her pulse in her neck begin to beat faster, I want us to be able to talk w
ithout all the ticks. Grabbing her hand, I bring it to my mouth and kiss it. “Cálmate mi amor. Let’s just talk. Tell me something, anything about you, that I might not know.” I continue to kiss her wrist, trying to make her pulse slow down.

  “I don’t know. Umm...I love dogs. I have always loved dogs. My mother is allergic, so we were never allowed to have one, but I have always wanted two dogs. One big and one small. Preferably a husky and a teacup yorkie.”

  “Dogs, huh? That could be arranged.” The smile that spreads across her face, stuns me for a moment. I simply stare at her, amazed by the beauty she is. I vow at this moment to see that smile every day. No matter what I have to do. “Tell me something else.”

  “I want to develop a cure for childhood cancer. That is my dream. Well one of them anyway.” See. She is perfect.

  “What do you mean one of them? What's the other one?” Here she goes fidgeting again. Maybe I should just take her right now and get it over with. I can feel my cock swelling as I think about it.

  “My other dream has always been to be a mom. Despite who my father is, my childhood was amazing. My mom was wonderful and present and loving and believe it or not, so was my dad. When I was old enough to understand everything around me, I wasn’t so sure bringing kids into the world was wise, but it is still a desire that has never left.”

  “Glad to hear it because I plan to have you knocked up every chance I get. Will it be hard for you to transfer to school here?” I hate to interrupt her education, but fuck if she has any other choice.

  “No. Actually the college has a campus here. That is, if I decide to stay.” She tries her best to frown at me. So fucking cute.

  “Glad you think you have a choice,” I chuckle as I get up to get myself something to drink. She huffs and folds her arms sitting back. Shaking my head and laughing at her, I pull out some work and decide to look over some documents about my new business. The rest of the flight moves swiftly and without incident and we get off shortly after. When we make it to the hotel, she walks quickly past me toward the desk and I almost run into the bellhop as I watch her ass move. I hear her asking for a separate room as I make it to the desk and when the manager looks at me, I don't say anything. I don’t need to. He has been well versed on this visit and he is aware she is my everything.

  “I’m sorry Madam. That won't be an option. Now, you and Mr. Valladares have the top penthouse suite. If you would follow your concierge to your private elevator, I will send the bellhop with your luggage.” She huffs and walks toward the elevator, refusing to look at me. I find it humorous, considering every time she looks at me, her pupils dilate, and she licks her lips. Seems my woman would rather deny herself. Hmmm. We will see about that.

  The elevator lets off into the penthouse and almost immediately she begins whining. “Why can’t I have a separate room? Just because you kidnapped me doesn’t mean…” she doesn’t get to finish that sentence as I back her into the wall. Cornering her, my arms serving as immovable stone pillars, I lower my face to hers.

  “How long are you going to pretend that your pussy isn’t weeping because I haven't touched her in hours? That she isn’t dripping down your leg, trying to entice my cock to bust her open and pounded my name into her very fragile, sweet walls. How long are you going to act like you don’t want to choke on my cock and gag your love for me through your nose? You don’t want to bathe my face in your cunt juice baby? Is that what you’re saying to me?” Running my nose up the side of her, I can smell her body’s response to everything I just said. Making sure she can feel it, I rub my jean covered cock against her middle and relish in the moaning mewl that leaves her throat, ending in my name

  “Eco.” She whispers, grabbing my shirt.

  “That’s what I thought. Now be a good girl and go get in bed. It has been a long night/morning and we have a meeting with a few execs in a few hours and we both need our rest. Do as you are told, and I promise, everything you want inside these pants will be granted to you.” I kiss her and lead her to the bedroom. On shaky legs she takes off her skirt and climbs in under the covers. Once I am down to my boxers, I pull her into the front of me waiting for her to stop being so stiff. Once she relaxes, I kiss the back of her head and drift off finally, for once, content.



  I am not sure how long I sleep for, or why Eco doesn’t wake me, but when I finally roll over, I note he is no longer in the bed beside me and oddly enough I have a brief moment of panic. My heartbeat goes up and my hand immediately goes to my chest. ‘Get a grip girl’, I say to myself. Getting out of the bed, I walk toward the living room when I hear music coming from the middle. Walking that way, I notice there is a set of stairs leading down. Geesh. Who knew penthouses had more than one floor? Following the pounding of the bass and such, I open the door and sweet Mother of God, the man is delicious. Watching him as he does pushups, Sucker For Pain with Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa and Imagine Dragons playing in the background, I literally have to wipe my mouth to remove the drool that has dripped out of it. He is like that delectable morsel of chocolate that you know is bad for you, but you also know you are going to eat it anyway. Yeah. That one. The sweat dripping off him is like a roadmap, beckoning me to follow it, up and down his body, licking every evidence of its travel from his body. Holy fuck! I squeeze my thighs together. “You going to just stand there gawking at me, or did you need something.” Damn! I didn’t notice him get up. I have got to get it together.

  “Sorry. I am just shocked to hear this type of music coming from your iPod.” There. I covered pretty good if I may say so myself.

  “Oh, and what music did you expect?” He walks up on me, licking his lips as he smirks. He knows I can’t answer that. I would have no idea. Hell. He would probably be shocked to know I know this music. Damn it!

  “It doesn’t matter. What time are we leaving? What should I wear?” I should just stick to safe topics.

  “Dinner is in a little more than an hour. There are plenty of dresses in the closet. I am going to go take a shower.” He leans down and I swear when his mouth touches mine, I hear trumpets. No other part of him is touching me except his mouth, but I feel it all over my body. His tongue caresses mine, sensually and without pretense. Our mouths dance with one another and for a brief moment, I almost forget how we met. This, this is how I always pictured the man that owns me would seduce me. Wait. What? Did I just say own? Shit! This is getting really dangerous to my sanity. He pulls back from my mouth and my instinct is to follow his and continue. However, I stop myself. He simply looks at me, his eyebrow up. “Want to join me?” Why the hell do I want to say yes?

  “No. I…t-took one already. Remember?” What is this man doing to me?

  “Suit yourself. See you in a few.” He walks off and suddenly I feel like I have just run a marathon. My shoulders sag as I try to catch my breath and regain my composure. When I finally feel able to walk, I go back to the bedroom and try to decide on a dress. I usually listen to music to calm myself down and now is no exception. Pulling out my IPOD I go to my press shuffle. Of course, the first song that pops up is, Bad Things by Machine Gun Kelly and Camila Cabello. How fitting. Focusing back on my closet, I try to decide between a dress and a business suit. I mean it is a business meeting, but I sort of feel like it is our first date and I know it is fucked up, but I want to give this a try. So, I choose a blue bodycon dress, blue being my favorite color and all. I look at it on the hanger and can feel the butterflies in my stomach taking flight.

  I have never worn something like this before, and I feel positively giddy. The front of the dress has a keyhole in the middle of the chest. I use the term keyhole lightly. Its big enough to fit his hand down. Given I am blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it, with size ‘D’ boobs, the cleavage it shows cannot be ignored. I am pretty small everywhere else, except my ass. It's not like Nicki Minaj big, but it's big enough. I put on a pair of white and blue stilettos, pull my hair up into a bun. Having not packed myself, I do
n’t have any jewelry, so I just keep on the earrings I always wear and the necklace de la Caridad de cobre. The Patron of Cuba. I got for my baptism.

  “Baby you…” he stops talking and I turn to face him. I find myself standing in front of the vanity dresser, with the urge to fidget under his scrutiny. “Fuck!” He says rubbing his hand down his face. “The hell I’m supposed to take you out looking like that with nothing to show I own you?” Oh God! I can feel the haze coming over me as his words make me shiver. I stand there, barely, chest heaving up and down, watching as he licks his lips, mere moments from begging him to take me. Apparently, no need. He walks further into the room and I step back a bit. When I bump into the dresser, my breathing begins to speed up, knowing there is nowhere left for me to go. “Get on your knees.” He belts out, his voice gruff and hoarse.


  “Get on your fucking knees, Eva. What the hell did you think would happen, when you put this motherfucking dress on? You got my tits on display and my ass all wrapped up tight, showcasing the rotundness. I need to put my claim on you somehow before we leave this house and there is only one way I know to do it.” My legs shake as my knees bend to do as he commands. It never occurs to me to resist his bidding. This is the part of me that calls out to him. The part of me that I still don’t understand but hell if I want to fight it now. Here on my knees, my body feels lit up like a blazing inferno. The back of his hand rubs my face as the intensity of his eyes sends me soaring. When his thumb grazes over my lips, my tongue snakes out and licks him. Mistake. He pushes it further into my mouth and all I want to do is stick my finger in my thong. Oh fuck. Needing him to feel the out of control feeling I am currently experiencing, I nip his finger.


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