Eco's Heart

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Eco's Heart Page 4

by ChaShiree M.

  “Ss... shit!” He hisses. His other hand pulls his cock from his pants and nothing else exists. “Suck it,” is all he says to me and I am a goner. My mouth opens. No hesitation, no shame. I simply engulf him. My tongue dances around his cock as I breathe through my nose, savoring the salty, fresh taste and smell of him. “Fuck baby!! Yes. Suck this monster.” He says, as he grabs the back of my head and begins moving his cock in and out of my mouth. I find myself moaning, the vibrations flowing through me and straight to my pussy. “Shit. Moan like that again.” I do. He rams it further into my mouth, touching the back of my throat. He begins to move faster, in and out over and over. Every time he taps the back of my throat, I have to remind myself to breathe. “One day, soon, I am going to stick that snake in your esophagus. I am going to choke the shit out of you with this beast baby. And you are going to take it.”

  I can’t resist it anymore. My hand goes into my thong, flitting across my clit as I slide it into my pussy. “Look at you. So fucking dirty and beautiful giving yourself over to me. Move those fingers in and out of my pussy baby. But you cannot cum.” What. I stop moving my hand and mouth, trying to figure out how to respond to his declaration. “You heard me. You do not have my permission to cum. That is for me to do, tonight when we get back. Now suck.”

  What is it that his words to me are turning me into a flowing river? I move my mouth on and off, moaning and sucking, licking and nipping. My hand slipping and sliding through my juices. “Keep your mouth open for this deposit Eva.” He says right before he yells his release into my mouth. His salty essence splashes into my mouth and I want nothing more than for it to keep happening. It’s when it hits my face and drips down into my cleavage that I know I am lost to him. “Rub it into your tits. I want you to go smelling like me.” I do it, like a fucking zombie, high off his cream. He lifts my hand that was buried in my pussy and sucks the fingers into his mouth. “I will never get enough of your sugar baby. Now let’s go. We are running late.” He lifts me off the ground, kisses me and we walk hand in hand.

  His meeting went well. At least I think it did. I couldn’t really tell you because the whole time I was in some sort of daze watching him conduct business. Him in a suit and tie, versus the him that came into my room and took me, trance invoking hot. Both of him. From the bits and pieces, I was able to jolt myself awake for I gathered that the sale went through, the building is already in prime shape and he has a few meetings setup over the next few weeks with directors and such to hear pitches for movie ideas. Now I have to admit, I find this quite humorous and perplexing if you will. Nothing about what I have sensed from him would suggest he knows anything about movies or watched them for that matter. Well, maybe other than the Godfather and Goodfellas. Both good by the way. But what do I know? We don’t really know anything about each other. Yet another reason this whole situation is crazy.

  “You ready to order?” He asks. I look up and realize the waiter is patiently waiting for us. We had appetizers with the lawyer and such. He said dinner was just for us.

  “Uh, sure. I will have the salmon with the purple rice and asparagus. Can I have a side of Italian dressing please for the side salad.”

  “Very well ma'am. For you sir?”

  “Yes. Give me the porterhouse, with the baked potato, steamed cauliflower and a side of steakhouse.” The entire time he was placing his order his eyes were on me. It feels like he was calling me the steak. Phew, man. I need a fan, some ice, Antarctica, something. I need to talk about something. Anything.

  “So, a producer, huh? You know much about movies?” I insert as much sincerity in my voice as I can. I want him to know I am serious.

  “Yes. I have always had a fascination with movies. For as long as I can remember. When I was a little boy, we would go to the show, and when it was over, I was just as intrigued by the rolling credits of who did what as I was with the movies. If given a choice when I was younger, this would have been number one for me.” I did not expect that answer.

  “So, what is your favorite genre?”

  “Not mobster movies like you think.” He smiles as he says it and my whole world is turned upside down. His smile, his genuine smile, is quite literally breathtaking. I would do anything to see this part of him every single day. Oh man. I am in such trouble. “Horror movies are my absolute favorite. Then war, comedy and finally action.”

  “So, no romantic movies?” I tease him. No man I know would admit to liking romance. We stop talking for a bit as our food comes and we eat. Eventually he answers my question.

  “It's not that I don’t like it. It’s quite simply that none of it is realistic. It's all fake transformations or choices the characters would never really make in real life. I would rather live it, then watch someone else pretend to have it.” Well shit. When you put it like that? “The better question is; are you willing to see if we can have it?” I knew it was coming and somehow, I am still stunned by it. “We are going to have something entirely different than our parents, Eva. I swear to you. Just give me a chance. Give us a chance.” My mind keeps spinning, looking for reasons to say no. Anything I can use to try to negate why it wouldn’t be a good idea. But when it comes down to it, he has already got me. In ways no man has ever gotten me. True, he is in the same life as my father and it is definitely not what I want for myself or my child. But he seems serious about changing it. I want to try. With him.

  “Ok Eco. I will give us a try.”

  “Very good. Let’s go.” He pulls me from my seat and out of the restaurant in what feels like seconds. The whole way back to the hotel his doesn’t speak. He doesn’t even look at me. His hand stays firmly on my thigh sending spikes of heat through me. It isn’t until we are off the elevator, in the foyer of the penthouse, that he finally releases himself.

  “Go upstairs, remove your clothes and lay on the bed. I will be there in a second. I need to gather myself so your first time I won’t hurt you. Go!” He bellows, turning his back to me. My pulse is kicking up, anticipating what is coming. I do what he says, not bothering with the pretense. Taking a second to look at myself in the mirror, I try to see what he must see. I hear him moving around downstairs and it forces me to lay back like he said.

  No idea how long I am like this, goosebumps forming across my body. My pussy is throbbing waiting for him. When he finally walks into the room, my breath catches. “Fucking delicious, you laying there, waiting for my instructions. I bet you don’t even know what that means. Do you? The way you acquiesce to my demands. So fucking sexy. I am going to break you tonight.” Jesus. His voice becomes deeper, more filled with desperation as he walks further into the room, removing his clothes as he goes. As he removes his boxers, my mouth begins to quiver remembering what I did for him before the dinner. Heat, spreads it's way over my whole body, causing a flush I know he can see. I close my eyes trying to calm my palpitating heart. The bed dips and my heart says fuck calm and tries to beat out of my chest. “You smell like mine. Do you remember why that is, Eva?” Oh hell. He wants me to talk. I try to swallow, hoping it will moisten my throat, so I don’t sound like an 80-year-old smoker.

  “Yes. I remember.” Oh shit. He licks the spot where his jizz landed and holy hell that is hot as fuck.

  “You taste like mine too.” His mouth lands on mine and everything around us begins to move. Our tongues, soulmates, craving one another, mating as the rest of my body prepares for him. My hands move of their own volition, around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I can feel his cock, as it rubs against my flooding pussy, trying to entice him. I spread my legs wider, allowing him to hit my clit as we both move against each other, our mouths dueling for dominance. I know I won’t win, but fuck if it isn’t a heady feeling.

  “I need to taste you again baby,” he says, pulling his mouth from mine. He begins to move down, his mouth latching on to my nipples as he goes.

  “Eco.” I breath out as his begins sucking and licking each one over and over, making me feel delirious. I grab his hair, pu
lling it hard, smashing his mouth into my chest not wanting him to stop what he is doing. His hands continue to move down the path his mouth will eventually follow. When his fingers touch my pussy, I am lost. He pops my nipple out of his mouth, kissing each one once more, before moving down toward his destination. His kisses my stomach and looks up at me.

  “Our babies are going to grow in here. Beginning tonight.” He says, rubbing my stomach before his knees hit the floor. Why should those words make me want to cry? Maybe because I have always wanted a family and now, here I am faced with my opportunity. “Oh baby. So pink, Sweet and tight.”

  “Ahhh!!” I scream the moment his mouth touches me. I am so sensitive, from the buildup all night. He licks me over and over. Always stopping to suck my clit, sending lightning bolts of electricity through me. My head rolls back and forth as he sticks his tongue inside of me, rotating it around, causing the dam to break and the river to flow through me. I can’t find the right words. I simply thrash my head around trying to come down, to find my center. Something.

  “I can feel your cherry trying to keep you pure. Nothing is going to stop me from breaking you tonight, sweet Eva.” Oh my. I want that. He moves back up my body and he simply looks me in the eyes, his hand holding his cock to my opening, while his other hand raises my legs higher up his hip. “MINE!” He growls before he shoves his snake inside me, taking what was left of my innocence and instilling my need for him in one invasion. I cry out, the pain unexpected, and without recourse. My head falls forward, burying my cry in his neck.

  “Shh. It’s ok baby. I’m sorry. It's better to get it over with. I’m sorry. It’s ok. I won’t move until you say.” He is kissing me all over my face as he says this. Truthfully, it stopped hurting seconds after he did it. I just like having him hold me like this. Finally, tired of waiting, I squeeze him a bit, testing out the feeling and holy moly, the sensation is out of this world.

  “Shit. Fuck. Don’t do that again Eva, if you’re not ready for me to move.” He says, his face scrunched up as he tries to control himself.

  “It’s ok, Eco. You can move.” I tell him as I squeeze him again.

  “Thank fuck. I don’t know how much longer I had it in me.” He begins kissing me again moving in and out of me, slowly at first. I am not sure how much of him is inside, but I can feel him, touching every part of me as he moves.

  “Mmmm. So good, Eco. Yes.” I tell him, needing him to know. He is so big and thick. My walls are barely able to hold him.

  “Shit baby. So fucking tight. Fucking diamond pussy.” He leans over me, inciting me to kiss him all over his chest. Something inside of me is shifting and I don't want to fight it. I hear him open and close something as my body, squeezes him, gushing cream all over the bed, dripping down my ass. Suddenly, his grabs my left hand and slides something cold on it. I look down and see a stunning, cushion cut diamond on my hand.

  “I am not asking. Say ‘ok Eco.’” He looks at me and I see the truth of his words. This is going to be my life. Fuck it, Eva. You want this life. Admitting the truth to myself with no lingering doubts, I do the only thing I can.

  “Ok. Eco.”

  “Good girl. Now hold on. This is going to be quick.” On that note, he grabs my legs, puts them together, up to my ears and begins to pulverize me. There is no other word for it. I can feel him in my stomach, knocking against something, equally as tight. My vision is no longer clear as I scream and beg over and over for him to take me, use, make me.

  “Fuck, Eva. I know I should take it easy, but I don’t think I can.” He’s sweating profusely. I watch as it drips off his forehead, onto my chest, branding me, soaking into me, giving me yet another part of his DNA. I need to come so bad. But I am afraid. I can’t help but somehow feel that once I do this, let him release inside me, tattooing me from the inside out, there is no going back. There is a part of me, that is holding on, crying because the pain of not letting go is almost unbearable, but the pain of being hurt after this, is more so. Though my heart is screeching, keening in the forever that will be us, my mind is rebuking it. He stops moving, intently looking into my soul. Like a statue I freeze, not sure what is happening, but I know whatever it is, I will never be the same. Almost like he can read the very core of me, he bends down, mere centimeters from my lips, so close I can taste the breath of him, of me, my juices that still coat his mouth and face. He stills grabs my face and with only words, he wrecks me.

  “Te amo mi Eva.” I can’t wipe the tears from my eyes fast enough. Looking at me, right here and now, like I am everything to him, I believe him. I know it’s crazy, but I do. The funny thing is, I think I love him too. I don’t say it to him, but his declaration is the last thing I needed apparently. I fly apart, clinging to him like he is my lifeline.

  “Ahhhhhhhh.” I scream, not bothering trying to hold it in.

  “Fuuuuuuck!” are his final words as he joins me over the precipice. We lay there, holding one another, whispering words of adoration. His, more finite and full of promise. Mine, a bit more obscure and full of trepidation. I am just nodding off when his phone rings. “Shit. It’s my sister.” He has a sister? He gets up out of bed not bothering with his clothes and I, for one, am fine with that. The view is outstanding. Crap. I need to go to the ladies room. I am not looking forward to whatever this is going to feel like. Getting out of bed gingerly, I make my way around the foot of the bed walking slow and with my legs far apart when surprisingly my phone rings. Damn. It’s my dad.

  “Hola papi. Qué pasa?” I don’t normally speak Spanish, but occasionally, when I talk to my father I do.

  “I am calling to find out where you are. You were supposed to be here for dinner tonight. Did you forget?” Crap. Yep. I forgot.

  “Aye. I am so sorry Papi. I am not in town right now. Tell Mami I am so sorry.”

  “Not in town? Where the hell are you?” I didn’t catch it at first, but the more he talks, the more he sounds like he is fishing for something. Hmmm.

  “In... LA.” I whisper, not ready to deal with this.

  “Eva, what the hell are you doing in LA?” He asks sounding outraged, but there is still...something.

  “Look, Papi it is a long story. I promise I will tell you but right now, I have some stuff to figure out. I am fine. I’m safe. Ok?” God, let him just say ok.

  “If you are sure Princesa. Just remember that I love you and everything I have ever done was with your best interest in mind.” Now I know something is up. He is acting weird like he does when my mom catches him sneaking Pastelito, which he is not supposed to have due to his blood pressure.

  “I love you too Papi.” I am going to get into whatever it is with him later. I have to get ready. He hangs up and I can’t help but sag against the wall. One crisis averted. For now. Now to go to the restroom without dying. Ugh. Shit that burns. I think as I finish up. Walking back into the room, I see Eco is already back.

  “Everything ok?” I ask him getting back in the bed.

  “Yeah, everything is fine. Come over here so we can get some sleep.” The way he says it makes the hair on my neck stand up. I can’t tell what has upset him, but something has. I scoot over to him, not sure what to do, when he pulls my back to this front and wraps his arms around me. “It’s nothing to do with you baby. You are perfect. Everything I thought you would be and then some. Just some family shit. Ok?” He kisses my neck, causing me to shiver as I answer him.


  “Good girl. Now, you need to focus on this wedding. I am only giving you two months to plan it. That's it. No more. I have waited long enough for you. Not willing to wait any longer. As it is, you are going to be bred walking down the aisle.” He says it with a chuckle, kisses my neck one more time and then nothing. He freaking falls asleep. Meanwhile, I am left wandering; how the hell am I going to plan a wedding in a state I know nothing about with no family, in two months? Asshole.



  2 Weeks later

  Rolling over, I
lay there, staring at my sleeping beauty, wondering what has her smiling in her sleep right now. The past two weeks have been good. Great actually. We have been spending all of our time together, going out, and house hunting. I let her know in no uncertain terms that we are not staying here a minute longer then we have to. Laying on my back, I put my arms behind my head as I think about the call from my sister a few weeks ago, the night I put my stamp on Eva.

  “Eco! What the hell!” She yelled at me over the phone.

  “Ivy what’s wrong?”

  “Really?? That’s going to be your answer. What’s wrong? I thought you were the one I could trust.” Oh brother. The drama.

  “Iv’s would you stop with the drama and tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “Oh, you are going to act like you didn’t know dad was planning my future for me. Down to who the hell my husband is going to be? You going to tell me that?” Shit. I forgot he also has someone for Ivy. Damn it. If I wasn't so obsessed with Eva, I would have told her if my mind was right.

  “Shit Ivy. I am so sorry. I have been so preoccupied with my own shit little Sis. Listen, do you need me to send for you and hide you for a bit?”

  “No. I got it. Look, I know you have your own situation. I am sorry I am acting like such a brat. I just...I just was not expecting this. If you need me, I’m here for you. I love you Ec.” I take a second to remember the sweet little girl she was. She used to follow me around everywhere, sucking her thumb, pulling on my clothes. She was so stinking cute.

  “I love you too Iv’s. Call me if you need me.”

  That was the last I have heard from her. I have been calling, but she hasn’t been answering. My parents say she is fine, but something about the situation still doesn’t feel right. I might have to make a trip home to see for myself.


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