Eco's Heart

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Eco's Heart Page 5

by ChaShiree M.

  “Mmmm.” I roll back over as Eva stretches her leg over me. Her leg comes from underneath the blanket and immediately my cock takes notice.

  “You woke?” I ask her, whispering in her ear as my hand makes its way up her thigh to her slippery cunt.

  “Mmmm…Yes.” She mewls out, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “Hold on to the bars and don’t let go. If you let go, I stop and spank you. Understand?”

  “Yes Eco. I understand.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I let her response sink into me. I am not sure if she knows, but she is a bit of a sub and fuck if it isn’t sexy as hell. It further reiterates to me that she was made for me.

  “Good girl. I have been hours without your tight cunt. This is going to be quick, baby. Just need to get my morning load off. Plus, I heard women are more fertile in the morning.” I turn the music on by talking to the sound system. The song that comes on is perfect for what I am feeling right now. Filthy by Justin Timberlake comes on and I grab one of her legs in both arms and slide my cock inside of its new favorite place.

  “Ahhhh...mmmm…” she moans, her eyes closing, rolling to the back of her head.

  “You feel that baby? You feel how good we fit. How my cock molds to your tiny little hole and drags along its walls, etching myself into you. Shit! This pussy is mesmerizing.” I slam in and out, taking time to rotate and hit her rough spot over and over.

  “ECO!” She yells, her arms shaking as she tries not to move them. This is also the reason for her not moving. I need her to know I will catch her. I lean over her middle, pushing her legs further back, my cock filling her womb, nudging it open and backing out bit by bit. I do this a few more times, reveling in the sounds of pain and enjoyment she is keening as her body breaks out in sweat and her cunt, once again, bathes me in her smell.

  “Let go, Eva. Feel the connection baby.” I whisper in her ear right before biting it. Gritting my teeth, I move out of her, my finger finding its way to her clit.

  “Oh God. Oh. I can’t...I can’t...I need.” She’s fighting it and I don’t like it. I remove her arms from the headboard and hold them down against the mattress with my own. I lean into her ear and whisper.

  “You have been waiting for me. Haven’t you, Corazón?” Licking up the side of her neck, letting the sweetness seep into me.

  “Yes.” She moans. Undulating under me as my hands hold her down.

  “Good girl, Tesoro. Now you get to feel the reward. It’s ok to break, Eva. I will always put you back together.” I pull out and slam back in, going straight for her womb and she screams out her release, calling my name. I love it when she says my name while in the throes of her ecstasy.

  Sooner than we are ready for, we both have to get up. “So, you are going to campus, today right? To meet with the guidance counselor about last minute enrollment?” I like to know where she is at all times, even though there is always someone following her, making sure she is safe.

  “Yes. I also have a meeting with one of the professors about an internship at one of the labs in town.”

  “Sounds great baby. Just make sure you give Carlos the information so he can give it to me. We are going to drive in together and then he is going to drop me off at my meeting with a couple of directors. He will be back around to grab you.” when we are going over our days, I never leave room for her to argue or change anything. Her safety is more important than my own life.

  “Can I ask you a question Eco?”

  “Of course, baby. You can ask me anything. Whats up?” I put my coffee cup down, sensing this is serious.

  “Are you sure you are happy here, away from all of the...from the life you are used too?” I knew this was going to come up again.

  “Come here.” She walks into my arms and lays her head on my chest. “I am more than happy, baby. I have you. You are all I need, no matter what else. This has been my choice from the moment I saw you. I love you, Eva. Nothing else will ever matter more than you.”

  “I love you too, Escobar.” I have been saying it to her, every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Waiting patiently for the moment she says it back. Nothing could have prepared me for how I would feel hearing it from her mouth.

  “Aww shit baby. It's about damn time.” I laugh, kissing her, letting her know, I know how hard that was. “Come on love. Carlos is downstairs.” We get our stuff and head out the door. Dropping her off first, I get out of the car and walk her to the door, mostly to let everyone know who she is and who she belongs to. I make it back into the car right as the phone rings.

  “Papa. How is everyone?”

  “Everyone is...good Hijo. As good as can be expected. I am wondering when you are going to come home.” Shit. I have been dreading this conversation, but it has to happen sometime.

  “I am home, Papa. Eva and I are going to be living here. I bought a production company. Now I know what you are going to say, but this is what I want. I always knew that when it was time for me to have a family, I wanted them out of the life. This does not mean I am leaving, just that I won’t be right there. You need me, I am a private plane ride away.” Phew. I take a deep breath as I let it all out. He is entirely too quiet for a minute, making me a bit nervous. I may be grown, but in Cuban families, your parents are still your elders.

  “I cannot say I am happy about this, Escobar. But I also know I have to honor your wishes. Just don’t forget who you are and where you come from. This is your family. This will always be your family. Me entiendes?”

  “Yes Papa. I understand. Is there anything going on I need to know about?”

  “Popov is becoming more of an issue. Your brothers have it under control right now, but you might be needed soon, son.” Fucking Popov. That bastard. I am sure he is losing his shit since I killed his son. Fucker should have kept his hands to himself.

  “All you have to do is call, Papa.” We hang up shortly after and I feel lighter. Unburdened somehow, I decide to call the realtor. I’m done waiting for everything.



  Two Weeks Later

  Lately, Eco has been a bit distant. I can’t help but feel that maybe he is regretting his decision to leave his family. I don’t blame him. I have been feeling guilty as well for voicing my dislike of the business, but I just won’t budge. As much as I have come to love him though, I will let him go if I have to. I have come to love our life her in LA, especially school. The university I am in is excellent and has access to so many different opportunities. Not to mention, I have met some pretty cool ladies here, that I have come to respect and enjoy hanging out with. So, for that reason alone, if he needs to go back to his family and life, I won't be joining him. I will be staying here. I find myself, however, a bit distracted by this issue and I am done. I need to know what is going on with him. Hence the reason I came home from school early today, so that I can confront him before he leaves for the office. I open the front door and there he is, all 5’11” sexy inches of him, sitting at the breakfast bar with a bagel and coffee, reading the newspaper.

  “Hey baby. What are you doing home so early?” He asks me, getting up to greet me. He leans over to kiss me and I can't help but let him. No matter what is on my mind, or if I am upset, the moment he is in my face and I inhale him, I melt. It pisses me off.

  “I needed to talk to you about something.” I say walking across the room from him. I need space so I can get this out.

  “What happened? Is something wrong?” My heart beats a bit faster seeing how concerned he is. Knowing how much he loves me, and believing him when he says it, makes me feel a bit better that maybe the issue is not with me.

  “You have been distant lately. Not really yourself, Eco. I need to know if you are having doubts and regrets about us being here.” I am trying not to fidget. I don’t want him to know how much this is bothering me. The idea that he might want to leave me. I never wanted to be this girl, but here I am. One month in his embrace, his aura, touched by him, loved by him, destroyed
by him and I am no longer able to control myself.

  “Come here.” He scoots the stool back to make way for me between his legs. I go to him, like a bee to honey. No ability to resist. “I will never, for the rest of my life, regret anything we have together. I love this life we are building together. I am sorry that I have been a bit...vacant. I am just a bit worried about my family that’s all. The organization, your parents included, are having a bit of trouble with the Russians. A particular family to be exact. So, I am just a bit preoccupied. I never intended for you to feel like it was your fault, my love. Forgive me?” He asks leaning in for another kiss. I had a response for his apology, but all is forgotten the moment his lips touch mine. His hands go to my head and I can't stop the moan that leaves me. His tongue seeks mine out, demanding that it plays with his, hide and seek tongue hockey, if you will.

  “Fuck baby.” He says putting his forehead to mine. I am too busy trying to chase his mouth back down to realize he is trying to calm us both down because we have things to do today. “I love it when you’re all flushed and shit.'s ok. We will finish this tonight.” He says, kissing me one more time before he gets up from the seat.

  When I have finally come back from Eco-ville, which is what I call the place I go to when he touches me, I remember we were having a serious conversation.” Eco, if you need to go back to Jersey, go. I can stay here.” I am serious. I might not want anything to do with the life, but I am well aware of it. Not to mention, knowing my family is involved, what else can I say?

  “Oh sweetness, that is not how this works. When I move you move, just like that.” He winks at me as he says it and for a moment, I stand there with my mouth open. Did he just...”

  “Did you just quote Ludacris?” I ask the bewilderment more than noticeable. I mean, seriously. Who is this man? He never ceases to surprise me. Daily.

  “Well yeah. He is one of the greats.” He looks at me with a duh expression on his face.

  “I realize that. But I didn't know you listen to rap.”

  “Not all rap, baby. Just some. Like Tupac, Biggie, Ludacris, Busta Rhymes, Missy Elliott, Eminem, Snoop Dogg. That’s about it.” That’s it? He says like he didn't just name a shit ton of rappers I would never have put in his purview.

  “Wow! Just when I think I know you.” I say shaking my head, smiling.

  “So, what are your plans for today?”

  “I have my TA hour today at noon, which I have to be leaving to get back to. Then I am meeting the girls at two for a late lunch. For the hour between I will be in the library.” I love light days like this.

  “Sounds good baby. I have a meeting in an hour to begin production of a new Die Hard movie. That is at one. It should last a couple of hours. How about you and I go out tonight. Maybe dinner and a movie?” The giddiness overtakes me at the thought of a date. We go out together, at least once a week, but it never stops making me excited.

  “Sounds good.” I lean up and kiss his cheek, before walking out the door to meet Carlos at the car. Still not used to the whole driver thing, but it makes him happy so, whatever. Who knew this would be my life, just a few short weeks ago. More than that, who knew I would love it?



  “The fuck!” I yell throwing all my shit off my desk at home. Where the fuck is she? It’s four in the afternoon and Eva is supposed to be home already. I called her phone at two-thirty, to ask her how long her lunch was going to last, and she didn’t answer. When I called Carlos to ask him where they were, he informed me that she jumped into a car with one of her friends and before he could follow them, they turned the corner and disappeared. He is lucky I don’t blow his fucking brains out. His one job is to watch her. To make sure she gets to where she wants to go, but also to make sure she gets back. When he can no longer do his job, he is useless to me and therefore, dead.

  As for little miss disappearing act, she better have a good explanation. I am about to lose my fucking mind. I pick up the phone to call her one more time before I send Lothario after her, and I hear the door open. Putting the phone down, I lean up against my desk, arms crossed and wait for her to come to me. She slowly walks into the room, chewing on the side of her lip. She better fucking look remorseful.

  “Where the hell have you been Eva?” I don’t have time to play with her.

  “The girls and I went lingerie shopping and I wanted to surprise you, but I knew if Carlos took me, he would tell you. So, I decided to not utilize his services today.” She says it with her head raised and her shoulders back like she a right to decide when her safety is unimportant.

  “You decided. Is that right?” I ask unfolding my arms, walking toward her slowly. I am trying my fucking best not to turn into a raving lunatic right now.

  “Yes. I decided. I am an adult you know. I get to make decisions for myself.” Is she fucking serious right now?

  “What did you just say to me?” I am standing directly in front of her, watching as she swallows and steels her shoulders back trying to not look unsure. So, fucking beautiful and so wet, I can smell it. Apparently, this little confrontation is making her ready for me.

  “I said, I get to decide. You are not my father, Eco. I don’t answer to YOU!” She enunciates the last part, voice elevated. If it weren’t for the fact that I am beyond any and all rational logic, I would be impressed by her strength. Too bad I’m not right now. I reach out and grab her by her neck, pushing her back into the wall. My hand putting a little pressure around her throat. I lean into her ear and growl.

  “Just for that, I’m going to make you call me Daddy.” Her body quivers as her hands begin to shake. “Get on your knees.” she tries to swallow as she does as she is told. Her eyes turn glassy as she licks her lips in anticipation. How the hell did I get so lucky to have found the woman so perfect for me. Not bothering with pulling my pants down, I unzip them with one hand, my other still around her throat, as I remove my cock from the slit. Running my hands up and down my shaft, I smack her across the face with it a few times, her warning that this is not going to be...careful. “Open your mouth.” I can read the defiance in her eyes, even though it is encased in a vision filled with lust. Slowly she opens, her way of letting me know she is fighting it. Good. Makes it more fun.

  I don’t bother warming her throat up. I slam it to the back of her neck, making sure to force her head down my snake, relishing in the gagging as her saliva spills out of her mouth. “Breath through your nose, Eva. It will make it easier for you.” Shit. I lock my knees to keep from buckling as her throat gags around my cock, squeezing it, making my eyes blurry. “This is what happens when you make me worry. Your lack of regard for my heart where you are concerned stops now. Fuck! Swallow my cock baby. That’s right. Work that throat and swallow. Son-of-a-bitch!!” I pump in and out, my anger becoming second to my need to coat her throat in my life, reminding her she belongs to me. “From now on, you go nowhere without my prior knowledge and approval. I will need the names and address of all your friends. They need to be vetted and… oh shit, you better swallow every fucking drop. BREATHE EVA!!” I yell out, not wanting her to pass out. But fuck if I can stop now.

  I look down and notice her hands are in her panties, working her greedy little cunt and hell if it doesn’t piss me off. She looks like every man’s we dream, working herself as she chokes on my rod. Her chest heaving, trying to handle both her lack of oxygen and the need to cry out from her touch. Perspiration, creating a sheen over her face. Jesus. So fucking beautiful. But she does not get to enjoy this. “Move your motherfucking hands, Eva. This is not for you.” I grunt, pushing my cock back into her throat. I close my eyes, using the picture she just made though as my inspiration. I pump in and out, one, two, three more times, each time seeing the outline of my cock in her throat, before I blow. “Ahhhh...fuck! Shit, shit, shit.” Once I am sure she has gotten all of it, I remove my cock putting it back into my pants as she gasps for air, hands on the floor, heaving over and over. She looks like an in
vitation, if I wasn’t still so pissed. “Did you hear what I said to you?” I ask her gripping her chin.

  “Yes.” she barely gets out with her hoarse throat. Fuck that.

  “You say Yes daddy.” I quirk my eyebrow, daring her to disobey me. Wrenching her chin out of my grasp, she simply responds.

  “Yes. Daddy.” she says the last part, with a bit of a snark but it still resonates with every fiber of my being, hearing her say those two words.

  “Good girl. Go clean yourself up.” I turn my back, about to walk back to my desk when I am hit in the head with a shoe. Turning back around, I am sure shock is on my face, she throws the other one.

  “I hate you.” She says, turning to walk out of the room. Oh, really? Well let’s make it count. In two strides I grab her hair, stopping her from walking out the office. I turn her, bent over the side of the sofa, smacking her ass over and over, nostrils flaring as she turns red from my hand. I rip her panties off and pull my pants down. Slamming inside of her, I let out a growl, damn near blacked out from how fucking wet and warm she is. My hands, never leaving her hair, pulls her neck back making sure she can see my face.

  “You hate me huh? Well your greedy little cunt loves me baby.” I say licking up the side of her neck. I love licking her face, putting some part of me on every part of her.

  “Fuck you!” She says still moving on and off my cock, not able to help how much she needs me.

  “You already are.” I let go of her hair and wrap my hand around her neck, pulling her back to my front, so I can nibble her ear and talk to her as I remind her who she belongs too. “You can hate me all you want baby. That is perfectly ok. Doesn’t stop me from loving you more than I love myself. I would shoot myself, dead center in the chest if something ever happened to you, Eva. I won’t apologize for it.” With that, I push her face into the sofa and show her just how much I don’t give a shit.


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