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The Dark Part of Me

Page 6

by Belinda Burns

  ‘Babe.’ His voice softens. He strokes my cheek and looks down. ‘What’s wrong with your arm?’

  But my tongue is dry and useless. I nod back down the hill.

  ‘OK,’ he says. ‘Show me.’

  We skid down the bank. The storm shower has ended but the incline is alive with hundreds of little waterfalls, tumbling over the rocks. The sun comes out, warming my shoulders.

  ‘Jesus fucking Christ.’ Scott spots the car, lying heavy, sinking into the soil. Its metal underbelly glistens wet from the rain. ‘C’mon, stunt-woman.’ He’s laughing as he sprints over to it. I float behind in a trance, mud squelching between my toes, the long, wet grass licking at my calves. I look up at the sky. The storm clouds scud away, leaving a sky so blue it makes me want to cry.

  When I get to the car, Scott is lying inside, his bare legs sticking out of the wreck. I crouch down on the ground and tug at his shorts with my good arm.

  ‘Did you land upside down or did it roll over?’ His voice is muffled from inside the cabin.

  I pinch the skin on his thigh, aching for him to hold me.

  He wriggles out. ‘Here. Show us that arm.’ He takes my fingers, gently pulling until my arm is fully extended. ‘Tell me if it hurts.’ He presses the soft pads of his fingers along my arm, bending down as if to listen to the bones, working his way from the wrist up to the elbow joint. Pain shoots through me, up to my neck. He frowns. ‘Yep, it’s broken alright.’ He stands and pulls me gently by the armpits, but I shake my head and lie down on the ground with my bad arm cradled into me. I’m so happy here in the sun, in the sweet-smelling grass.

  He crouches over me, brushing my hair out of my eyes. I struggle to sit up. He inches closer, wrapping his arms around me. I press my face to his bare chest, lick his salty skin. I find his mouth, falling on to it open-jawed like I’m biting into a peach. My tongue searches out the walls, the teeth, the gums, his silky palate.

  He pulls back. ‘C’mon. We better get you to a hospital.’

  I look into his eyes and suddenly the world is purple – the grass, the sky, his skin. Such a beautiful colour. With my good arm I push him down into the grass and pull off his boxers and all the time he’s staring at me, unblinking.

  ‘Oh, babe,’ he murmurs. His purple cock is pointing at the sky.

  Holding my arm stiff as an oar behind me, I dip down to lick and kiss the smooth, rounded tip of his penis. He groans, slipping back the triangles of my bikini top and twisting my nipples into buds. I crawl further up his body, straddling his thighs. With one hand, he reaches down, slides the crotch of my bikini bottoms to one side and pushes his fingers up into me. I close my eyes and tip my head back towards the sun, kaleidoscope reds and orange swirling behind my lids. I pull his fingers out of me and rear up, my pussy hovering over his dick, nudging and brushing against it.

  ‘Oh, fuck.’ He bolts upright and pashes me. Then he stops, draws back and looks at me. ‘What about your arm?’

  I push him back down again. His eyes flutter shut. I wait, one, two, three before sliding on to him. At first, it hurts. I bite hard on my bottom lip. But then, I’m spreading, opening, and he’s in me and I want to get inside him, too. Right deep inside him. A soft, dark drowning in his blood. I’m having strange thoughts of being consumed, absorbed, devoured by him.

  ‘I love you,’ I say.

  ‘I fucking love you, too,’ he says.

  I kick and shudder. My spine sways and teeters and I collapse on to him, just like I’m dying.


  It was nearly nine by the time I parked under the leopard tree a few houses up the road from Scott’s. From inside the car, I watched a pack of his old uni mates shouldering cartons of VB across the lawn. I patted some extra foundation on my scar, opened the door and stuck my legs out on the road to do up my strappies. I had a wild thought that maybe later, after the party had ended, Scott would take me down to the bottom of the backyard and fuck me under the mango tree where we’d done it heaps of times before. But I told myself to play it cool. Straightening my mini, I sashayed down the footpath and across the lawn. I knocked on the side door which everyone, except Avon ladies and Mormons, used instead of the front.

  Mr Greenwood appeared, stubbie in hand. ‘Well, hello there, stranger. Long time no see.’ He was wearing a ‘World’s Best Barbie, Mate’ apron. Since retiring from the police force, he’d aged a lot. His face was thinner and his hair white all over. He must’ve been pushing sixty. Slurping on his Fourex, he motioned for me to come inside.

  ‘So, how’s life been treating you, Rosie?’

  ‘Not too bad, Mr Greenwood.’ I scanned the room for Scott but he wasn’t around.

  ‘Call me Bill.’

  ‘OK.’ It was weird being back in the house but in two years nothing had changed. Down one end, the mirrored bar with the same old sign, ‘No Sheilas or Darkies Allowed,’ which Mr Greenwood had found at a garage sale and strung up as his idea of a joke. There was the vintage record player in the corner with stacks of LPs – Buddy Holly, Elvis, Neil Diamond – on either side. In the middle of the room was the pool table, set with Tupperware bowls of coleslaw, potato salad and mixed beans, buttered bread rolls for the snags, and two casks of Fruity Lexia wine.

  ‘Er, what’ll you have to drink, Rosie?’

  ‘Wine, thanks… Bill.’

  A ripple of male laughter drifted in from the backyard and I pricked up my ears for Scott’s voice. As Mr Greenwood squirted some cask wine into a plastic cup, I edged closer to the screen door to see if I could spy him amidst the groups of guys standing in faded jeans and T-shirts on the lawn. I spotted Bomber, and Muzza with him. They were leaning back in their chairs, sucking on stubbies, grinning from ear to ear at some private joke. Bomber looked like he’d been pumping iron – his shoulders were busting out of a retro seventies shirt – and he’d swapped his thick Italian curls for a blade two crew-cut. Muzza was just the same as before, except skinnier. His clothes hung off him as he slouched back in the chair, his John Lennon specs perched on the end of his nose. Scott wasn’t with them.

  ‘Here you go, love.’ Mr Greenwood shuffled over with my drink.

  ‘Glad Scott’s home?’ I sculled the ropey stuff.

  ‘Yeah, but after all his gallivanting he better bloody well simmer down and get himself a decent job.’

  ‘They say it takes a while to settle back in,’ I rallied, anxious to defend my man.

  ‘Nah, I’ve got one no-hoper for a son. Don’t need another one.’ He waved his stubbie in the direction of Nick, Scott’s older brother, who was setting up on the lawn with his band. ‘Sure, he’s not brain surgeon material but I always thought Scott’d make something of himself.’ He drained his beer and sighed heavily. ‘Isn’t that what he went to uni for?’

  I turned back to the pool table and re-filled my cup.

  ‘Here, chuck us another stubbie, would you, love? I’d better go fire up the barbie since no other bugger’s gonna do it.’

  I handed him his beer out of the esky. He cracked the top off against a corner brick, took a long pull and exhaled, his red cheeks deflating like a balloon. ‘Why don’t you pop upstairs and see Shirl? She’ll be tickled pink to see you.’ He prodded me in the small of my back. ‘Go on.’

  But I didn’t want to go upstairs. I wanted to find Scott.

  I knocked back the rest of the wine, which was starting to taste not too bad, and, once Mr Greenwood had gone, headed around past the mirrored bar towards Scott’s bedroom. I had a vibe he was in there.

  How could I forget the skull and cross-bones sticker, with the words, ‘SCOTT’S BEDROOM: ENTER AT YOUR OWN PERIL’ scrawled in black texta. Its childishness made me smile and a warm glow spread from my guts down to my toes. Pressing my ear against the door, I could hear music. I opened the door and went in. The room was dark save for a pulsing green coming from the controls on the CD player, which was pumping out low-volume techno. This was different. Scott’d always hated hardcore, refusing to go to clubs in
the Valley because all they played was ‘that stupid ravey shit for poofs and speed-freaks’. London must have changed his music taste.

  I stood still, my ears straining to the possibility that he might be in the room. As my eyes adjusted, familiar objects took shape – his student desk under the window, the double bed shoved up against the wall, his bookcase, which displayed sports trophies on the top shelves, and a battered collection of textbooks and muscle mags on the lower shelves. I flicked on the desk lamp and, turning back around, stubbed my toe on the sharp corner of an open suitcase. I crouched down to check out the contents: a pair of new Nikes, a sleeping bag, a duty-free bottle of scotch and a couple of French porno mags. His clothes were all new – an assortment of designer T-shirts and silky shirts, tartan trousers and a pair of y-front undies – even though he always wore boxers. I plucked an orange hooded jumper from the pile, held an armpit to my face and inhaled deeply for his smell – that salty, scalpy smell that never ponged, just grew more intense the less he washed. I pulled the orange jumper over my head with the hood up, feeling safe and alive in his dirty clothes. It was a stinking hot night, even hotter in the room, but I couldn’t help myself. I turned back to his suitcase, in case there was anything else I’d missed. In the side pocket was a packet of photos.

  A thrill of the forbidden ripped through me as I pulled off the rubber band and settled back with the snaps in my lap. Most of them had been taken when Scott first got to London. Fucking Bomber was there, hanging off him in every photo, at every landmark – Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, the Tower of London – wearing his devil grin, posing rapper-style with his fingers splayed like a tosser. You could have picked them a mile off; two Aussie backpackers fresh off the plane. After six months, Bomber had come home, but Scott had stayed on.

  Seeing those early photos slated me big-time. It should have been me, not Bomber, sightseeing around London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam with him. But then, I already had a plan. With my ten thousand smackeroonies, I’d convinced myself we could do it all over again but better, with style. Staying in nice hotels with king-sized beds and crispy sheets and chocolates on the pillows. I kept flicking through – Bomber and the Eiffel Tower, Scott and Stonehenge – and that’s when I saw her. My heart dropped to the pit of my ribcage like a dead bird falling from the sky.

  She looked half-Japanese. Late twenties. Her face a perfect oval framed by a sleek black bob and a short fringe. She was wearing a pair of white lace knickers and nothing else. Her breasts were small and white with pale nipples. Her limbs were long and gangly, her legs draped over the arms of a wing-backed chair. In the background was a tall bay window with a view of the countryside; a low slate sky threatening rain. Her skin glowed gossamer in the strange, northern light. She had a confidence, an ease, the way she lounged in that armchair. She was smiling, a knowing sparkle of superiority in her black, almond-shaped eyes, no more than a teasing curl on her lips. Yes, look at me. Aren’t I beautiful? Aren’t I sophisticated? I’m older, smarter, better in bed. I know things. What do you know about the world, Rosie?

  Nothing but BrisVegas.

  I grabbed Scott’s duty-free scotch, broke the seal and took a big, burny slug. I stared at her satiny cheek, her glossy hair, her dainty crotch. Next thing, I was tearing the photo in half, then quarters, like my hands had taken over. They kept going until there was nothing left of her, just shredded bits of leg and eye and nipple scattered on the carpet. Don’t laugh at me, you bitch. I couldn’t just leave her there so I picked up all the pieces and shoved them down the crack between the bed and the wall, hoping Scott would never find them. Then, I went back out, half-cut and hunting for my man, wearing his orange jumper.

  Out on the lawn, The Grubs were playing Beatles covers. Scott’s brother, Nick, was singing, his dreads flying about like snakes. Mr Greenwood was on the barbie, tossing steakettes on the grill, his sweat dripping onto the meat. The men stood drinking and eating snags stuffed into long bread rolls, washed down with warmish beer. The women sat on plastic chairs, arranged in a semi-circle facing the band, paper plates piled with salads, balanced on shiny knees. It was hot and itchy in the jumper and I felt lightheaded, a bit tipsy. The band sounded warped and distorted as if they were playing underwater. I trailed the border between light and dark, where the arc of floodlight ended and the green grass turned black. It wasn’t long before I spotted him. He was standing near the fence, chatting to Bomber and Muzza. He had his back to me but I knew it was him. He was wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of baggy shorts. His hair was long, tied back with an elastic band. My armpits prickled with instant sweat. The lawn seemed to tilt forwards, tipping me towards him. I was close enough to reach out and touch him. My hand floated towards his right shoulder. It landed but didn’t register. I squeezed the bone and he spun around, blinded by the glare of the floodlight. I drank him in. Stubble on a sharpened jaw. His chest meatier, harder. He blocked the light with his arm, squinting at me.

  ‘Oh. Hi, babe. You made it.’

  Babe. He called me babe.

  Leaning forwards, he pecked me, once, on the cheek. His growth grazed my face. The smell of him filled me with want.

  Say something. But my tongue sat fat as a lizard in my gob. Fuck, I wanted him. He was checking me out, I could tell.

  ‘Looking good,’ he said, giving me the once-over. ‘You’ve lost weight.’

  ‘I joined the gym.’ Scott used to say he liked my curves, but from the way he was eyeing me off it was obvious he appreciated my newer, sleeker figure. My hard work had paid off. ‘You’ve put on a bit,’ I said, jabbing him in the belly, giving him grief to disguise my rapture.

  ‘Yeah, I know. That’ll be the beer.’

  Before I could stop it, my hand shot out and stroked his sandpaper jaw.

  ‘Like it?’ His voice light and cheery. ‘I’m growing a beard.’ He fondled his chin.

  ‘It’s alright,’ I said, mesmerized by his lips. ‘You look like a fisherman.’

  ‘Most chicks complain about the prickles.’

  ‘I could handle your prickles.’

  He laughed and his eyes sparkled. I couldn’t stop smiling. Behind him, Bomber and Muzza were smirking, but I ignored them.

  ‘Hey, Woody, she’s wearing your jumper!’ Bomber gawped like a drongo.

  I looked down at the jumper like I didn’t know what he was talking about.

  Scott turned to me. ‘Where’d you get that?’

  ‘She just wants to be close to you, man. Isn’t that sweet?’ Bomber puckered his rubbery lips and made a sucking noise. I could’ve kicked his nuts to a pulp.

  Muzza chipped in. ‘I’ve read somewhere about this weird mental condition where people confuse hot and cold temperatures. They think it’s cold in summer and hot in winter. Maybe you’ve got that, Rosie.’

  ‘Yeah, right, thanks for that, Muzz, but I’m not mental,’ I said, even though I knew I was acting pretty weird.

  Scott said, ‘When we were in India, we saw a yogi walking over burning coals. They imagine the coals are chunks of ice and that’s how they do it. We made one guy show us the soles of his feet. Not one scar. It was incredible.’ The dirty little ‘we’ was there again, crapping on everything, but I pushed it out.

  Scott turned around to face the band and I stepped up beside him, acting like I was really into the music, too. He was just about to say something to me when Mrs Greenwood screeched over the mike, ‘Come on everyone. Gather around. Time to cut the cake.’

  ‘Better do what the old lady says. Catch you later.’ Scott nodded and sloped off. Bomber and Muzza followed him.

  I stood rooted to the spot grinning like a loon, the world spinning around me; a blur of green lawn and shiny, sweaty faces huddled around the cake table. It was so hot in the jumper that I could feel foundation running off my face, my fringe pasted in clumps on my forehead. I pictured my freckled scar-face next to the Asian chick’s cool oval of perfection.

  ‘Rosie, do you want some cake?’ Mrs Greenwood sang out to
me and everyone turned to stare at the red-faced girl in an orange jumper, stuck in the middle of the lawn.

  ‘Nah, I’m OK,’ I squeaked, willing my legs to function; a jerky walk, a skip, then a run across the lawn and into the house. Back in Scott’s bedroom, I ditched the jumper and re-did my makeup, wondering how long I’d have to wait till Scott and I were alone.

  I spent the next few hours downstairs, sitting in a corner of the rumpus room, drinking Fruity Lexia and watching old codgers play shit pool, waiting for the party to end. Scott didn’t come near me but I figured he was flat strap catching up with his friends – there would be heaps of time for us later. Around midnight, the old codgers went home. Mrs Greenwood marched upstairs to wash up and Mr Greenwood went to bed maggot. I headed out the back, fairly wasted by then.

  A slight breeze rustled through the tree-tops but the night was dense and muggy. It was hard to breathe. Scott was standing around with his mates, polishing off the last of the beers with Nick and the rest of The Grubs. I lingered by the doorway, waiting for him to see me and come over, but despite some intense vibing, he didn’t. The coloured lightbulbs throbbed like crazy fruit growing off the fence. I sauntered over to check them out. The red ones looked good. Plump and ripe and bursting as rampant tomatoes. But when I reached out they were so fucking hot I burnt my fingers. I ran inside and iced the poor suckers in the esky. Feeling stupid and a fair bit agitated, I carted the empty salad bowls upstairs.

  Mrs Greenwood was bustling around, wrapping the leftover bread rolls in Gladwrap, transferring the cold snags and burnt steakettes onto smaller plates for the fridge. Kirstie, Bomber’s on-off squeeze, was at the sink washing up. She was gossiping in a whiney voice to Mrs Greenwood but stopped midstream when I appeared at the top of the stairs.


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