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Fair Game (The Rules #1)

Page 24

by Monica Murphy

  We have a system and it works. I never minded divvying up the duties before. We trade off monitoring every Thursday through Saturday night. Sometimes one of us has to pull double duty, when we used to stay open on Sunday night too. I’m thinking with the new semester, I’d rather close on Sundays permanently. I might be busy and not want to deal. You know, because I’ll be a senior. And I’ll be hanging with Jade.

  You are running waaaay ahead of yourself asshole.

  I lean my shoulder against the wall, wishing Gabe and I could hide out—or I could leave. Honestly, I’m resentful. I’d rather be anywhere but here. It’s slow tonight, the tables aren’t even close to being full and Gabe is with me. Why do we both have to be here?

  “You finally fucked her, didn’t you.” Gabe says it as a statement, not a question and I turn to look at him, ready to throw down those, you better not talk about her like that words. Though really he didn’t say anything rude.

  So I keep my mouth shut.

  “I did,” I say quietly, my gaze meeting his. I really don’t want to talk about this, not here. Anyone passing by could hear us and I don’t want Gabe giving me a bunch of crap.

  Besides, I don’t want to share any dirty details with my friend. I have before. Not gonna lie. Hell, we’ve compared notes, given each other high fives, toasted our good fortune and discovery of good pussy.

  But I can’t say anything like that about Jade. She…means something to me. What, I’m not quite sure yet. No way can I tell Gabe how much I love the way she smells. How the sound of her moans makes my body quake. The way her pussy clasps around my dick and squeezes so tight I swear I’m gonna blow like an inexperienced kid…

  I have a boner just thinking about her. Jesus.

  “You really like her.” When I offer a jerky nod, Gabe continues. “That’s good, man. I’m glad.”

  Okay, I didn’t expect that response. “You’re glad?”

  “Sure.” Gabe shrugs. “If she makes you happy, I’m happy. I’ve never seen you pursue a girl so aggressively like this one. I figure she must be something special.”

  My heart squeezes. Look what she’s done to me. I’m such a fucking sap. “She is,” I agree quietly. “I can’t even put my finger on why.”

  I’m a liar. I like how she looks at me. The things she says to me. She’s feisty one minute and sweet and sexy the next. I like pushing her beyond her boundaries. I fucking love the way she tastes. She makes me smile. She makes me laugh. Yes, she’s a challenge and I like that too. She doesn’t care who I am or what I have. She’s never once asked me about my family or how much money we have. Nothing like that. Sometimes it’s like she can barely tolerate me and I sort of like that too. It’s weird.

  But it works. I don’t want to mess it up. We’re still too tentative, our relationship is still too new. One wrong move, one wrong thing said, and I could seriously screw this up. I can’t afford to do that.

  “I’m happy for you man. This is fucking tremendous.” I wonder if he’s been drinking. Tremendous is not a normal part of Gabe’s vocabulary. “Me? I’d rather bang a bunch of chicks through college and then deal with real life when I’ve graduated. A relationship can wait. I never thought I’d say this but with the way you’re acting about this girl, I’m thinking you might be ready. Which is fucking unbelievable but whatevs dude. What the fuck ever,” Gabe explains, a crooked smile on his face.

  Yeah. I think he’s been drinking. We have our own self-imposed rules. We don’t get trashed while on duty during gambling nights. But a few beers are usually harmless.

  “You really think you’re happy banging a bunch of chicks through college?” I ask incredulously. I’d pin him as lonely but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he’s not. Perhaps he likes the man-whore rep he has going on, the one I’m now dying to shed.

  “Real life is barreling down on me. I have one more year of college and then it’s responsibility time.” Gabe’s voice and expression are grim. “I need to have as much fun as possible my senior year. This one is pretty much a bust. It’s been good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s over and done with. This summer I’m stuck with the fam, hanging out with them.” He snorts. “And that’s gonna suck.”

  “Where you going anyway?” His family started in oil, though they’ve moved on to a variety of investments that has yielded them extremely high returns. He’s originally from Texas, though I don’t know when Gabe last spent any specific amount of time in Texas. He hates it there. He much prefers the climate of the central California coast, not that I can blame him. I like it too.

  He rolls his eyes. “Practically down the damn road. We’ll be staying in Santa Barbara for the summer. My parents rented a house there.”

  “Nice.” The Walkers never do anything half assed. If they’re going to summer in Santa Barbara, they’ll do it in style. “Big mansion right on the beach?”

  “Probably. I don’t know. I assume it’ll be some obnoxious house with fifty rooms and twice as many servants.” He hangs his head, talking down to his shoes. “I’m sure I’ll find some rich bitch to fuck for the summer. What else is new, right?”

  Damn, he’s sort of bringing me down. I remember last summer when he spent it with his family in the Hamptons. That’s exactly what he did—found some lonely housewife whose husband only came to visit for the weekends. Gabe regaled us with stories about fucking the chick every which way he could get her throughout the summer. Blonde and stacked, in her thirties and lonely as hell, he claimed he’d had a great time.

  I don’t know though. It sounded sort of…sad. Not that I ever said that to him.

  “Why do you go?”

  Gabe lifts his head. “I don’t have much choice. They force me. Claim that we’re one big happy family and we need to spend as much time together as possible before I go off and get married.” He makes a face. “My mother already has a few girls lined up that she thinks are perfect candidates. Like they’re running for political office or something.”

  They are. Anyone who marries Gabe will need to have the most pristine reputation ever. He’ll probably need to find a virgin to meet his parents’ approval, like that’ll be easy.

  “That’s why you’re lucky,” Gabe continues, his tone wistful. “You like a girl, you go after her until she’s yours. Now you’re going out with Jade and you don’t have your family breathing down your neck, asking what her bloodline is, who she’s related to, if she’s up to their standards. This is why I fuck around, dude. I will never measure up. The girl I might fall in love with someday? Swear to God, I’ll pick out a chick I know they’ll hate just to piss them off.”

  “My parents are just as big of snobs as yours are,” I reassure him, and it’s the truth. Mom won’t be truly happy unless I’m dating a girl with a perfect pedigree. If Mom doesn’t come from old money, then by God I should find someone who does so at least she’ll become related to old money.

  My family sucks balls.

  “Seriously. It’s bullshit. You ever think of running away? To like, the Virgin Islands or some such shit? Or maybe New Zealand? Yeah, New Zealand works, because that’s about as far as I can get from my parents. They’d never come see me out there,” Gabe says, staring off into the distance. “I came into my trust fund. I have my own money. They can’t control that.”

  But they control every other part of his life. I think my parents are bad—and they are, there’s no denying it—Gabe’s are ten times worse.

  My phone buzzes and I check it, a smile curling my lips when I see who it’s from.

  Hi. :)

  I shake my head, typing my reply.

  That’s all you got for me? No hey big stud? No can I come over later and fuck your brains out?

  No response for a while. Makes me wonder if I made her mad. Though how can she be mad with me? I’m the one who made her come three times last night.

  “Are you sexting your girl?” Gabe asks.

  “Of course not,” I scoff, though I’d like to.

  You really want me to call
you big stud?

  Hell yeah. Don’t you wanna stroke my ego?

  Isn’t your ego big enough?

  Then maybe you want to stroke my cock instead?

  Again, there’s no reply for a few minutes. I think I push her too hard. Hell, I know I push her too hard. It’s like I can’t help myself with her. I love getting a reaction. And she’s always good for a reaction…

  “I’m gonna grab another beer,” Gabe says, pulling my attention from my still unanswered text. “You want something?”

  “Nah.” I’m loopy enough as it is. Drunk off Jade. Tired from last night. The minute I’m off duty I should go crash out in bed and catch up on sleep.

  But sleep is for the dead. I’d rather try to get Jade to come to my place later.

  Gabe takes off and I check my phone, pleased when a text appears at that very particular moment.

  Didn’t your cock get enough stroking last night?

  I smile. Glance around, make sure no one’s paying any attention to me. Hell, my cock is twitching right now just reading her response.

  There’s no such thing as enough cock stroking where you’re concerned. What are you doing?

  I’m in bed.

  My cock doesn’t just twitch. It happily rises to the occasion.

  What are you wearing?

  Shorts I got for free at VS and a tank top.


  Victoria’s Secret. They say PINK across my butt.

  I think I’m breaking out into a sweat.

  What color?

  God, you’re a perv.

  Tell me.

  Pink shorts, white tank. No bra. Thin material. As in you could probably see my nipples if you look close enough.

  I’m definitely sweating. Her next text makes me laugh.

  I can’t believe I just said that.

  I love that you just said that. Let me pick you up when I’m done.

  Won’t that be too late?

  It’s never too late for us to get together, right?

  She’s contemplating my suggestion. I can tell. I glance around the room again, notice that absolutely nothing is happening at this very moment and I wish like hell I could just walk out of this place. Despite Gabe being here too, it’s definitely my night for duty so I need to stay. Fucking sucks but I’m here and not about to shirk my responsibilities.

  Damn, just thinking that sentence, I know would make my father proud. Well, as proud as he can be with me running an illegal gambling house. He’d shit his pants if he knew. He’d never believe my explanation that it’s a practice run for me to take over the family business later.

  But I’m already in bed.

  All thoughts of my father evaporate as I imagine Jade in bed. All cozy and warm, her hair a mess and all that soft, smooth skin exposed.

  You don’t have to change on my account. I’ll text you before I come over.

  What time do you think?

  Around one? Is that okay?

  Please say it’s okay. God, please say you don’t mind.

  Gabe approaches, a beer bottle dangling from his fingers, irritated look on his too pretty face. The guy needs to be punched square in the nose to mess up all that beauty he has going on. He is way too good looking for his own good. “You should get the hell out of here. There’s no point in the both of us staying.”

  My jaw drops open. Golden opportunity has just landed in my lap. “No way dude. It’s my night.”

  “I have zero plans and from the way you’ve been tapping on your phone, I’d guess you have an eager girl dying to see you.” My friend isn’t too far off the mark, though it’s more like I’m the eager one dying to see her. “Just go. I owe you. How many times have you bailed me out before?”

  Too many to mention, but I don’t keep track of all that shit. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” Gabe says firmly. “Now go.”

  I check my phone to see I have a message from Jade.

  But that’s so late. Maybe we should do something tomorrow…

  “Thanks G,” I tell him sincerely, reaching out so I can pat him on the shoulder. “I definitely owe you for this.”

  “Then I’ll definitely come collect.” He grins. “Go have fun getting naked with your girl, you lucky bastard.”

  I tap out another text before I exit the house.

  Change of plans. Can you be ready in ten minutes?

  I pop out through the double doors of my dorm hall as soon as I see Shep’s car pull up in front of the building, running down the steps in my furry slippers Mom gave me for Christmas. It’s almost eleven o’clock on a Saturday night but no one is really around and I’m glad. Last thing I want to do is draw attention to myself, especially in this get up.

  Jogging toward his car, I open the passenger door and slide inside, slamming the door behind me. I drop my cell phone in the cup holder in the center console and glance up to find Shep staring at me with a look on his face that can only be described as unabashed hunger.

  “Did you just run all the way to my car while not wearing a bra?” he asks, his voice hoarse.

  I start to laugh. Boys. They’re such pigs sometimes. “Yeah, I did. Do you have a problem with that?”

  He reaches for me, his hands going directly to my boobs, kneading them, brushing his thumbs across my hard nipples and making me whimper. “Not at all. Keep up the good work, Frost. If I had my way, I’d make sure you never wore a damn bra.”

  I shove his hands away and point at the steering wheel. “Drive.”

  “So demanding,” he mutters, flashing me a knowing grin before he throws the car into drive and pulls away from the curb.

  I settle back in my seat, trying to calm my accelerated breaths, resting a hand over my chest. I’m sitting in this luxurious car that reeks of Shep in the best possible way, wearing the clothes I normally wear to bed. Not only am I braless, I’m panty-less too and I’m sure Shep will appreciate it when he makes that little discovery.

  “So you got off, uh, work early?” I ask, trying to make conversation, anything to fill the tense silence in the car. Not that we’re uncomfortable with each other, no way. But there’s this awareness between us that’s like a low hum, and it pulses through me, comes alive in my blood, vibrates just under my skin. It makes me itchy and anxious, like I want to lunge across the center console and grab him. I can’t do that though. I could cause a freaking car accident and kill us both. All for what? Because I can’t resist his kissable lips? His gorgeous face? His oh-fuck-me-I-need-more-of-it-now body?

  Yeah I need to get myself under control.

  So talking. Making conversation is good. Keeps me focused, and him too. That way we don’t make a grab for each other and put our lives at risk.

  “Yep. Got off so I can assist in getting you off,” he says with a leer.

  I laugh. I can’t help it. He says the cheesiest things sometimes. “Who says I want to get off?” Ha, all I can think about is getting off. Specifically, Shep getting me off.

  He sends me a look. “You come into my car looking like that? Wearing hardly any clothing? Trust me, before the night is over, you’ll be getting off. Most likely more than once.”

  A thrill runs through me, settling like a pulse between my legs. “Sounds promising.”

  “Oh, it is. I can guarantee that.” He resumes his attention on the road, his fingers curled tight around the steering wheel. “Gabe was there tonight. He said I could go, that he would cover me.”

  “Oh. That’s nice of him,” I offer, my voice soft. I chance a glance at him, checking out his outfit. He’s wearing black shorts that hit him at the knee and a pale blue button down. Preppy looking, without being too over the top. I can only assume he dresses up a little for the job? I guess they take that place pretty seriously, which is insane because what he’s doing is illegal and truly, I shouldn’t be involved with someone like that.

  But here I am, sitting in his car. Gladly. Knowing he’s going to take me back to his place and get me naked in minutes.

nbsp; I can’t freaking wait. I’m so excited I’m practically bouncing in my seat.

  “Gabe’s a good guy. One of my best friends,” he says.

  “You’ve known him a long time? Or only since you came here?”

  “Since high school. We went to the same prep school. Miss Derringers School for Wayward Boys.” He starts to laugh and shakes his head. “It really wasn’t called that but it should’ve been. We were both troublemakers.”

  “I’m not surprised,” I say dryly. I’m sure he was the epitome of trouble when he was younger. Sometimes he still is. He has a devilish streak inside of him that I can’t help but find appealing.

  “Enough about me and Gabe.” Shep reaches out and settles his hand on my thigh, sliding his fingers between my legs. His touch is like a brand, hot and possessive. “I’ve missed you.”

  I can hardly believe he’s saying such a thing. He’s really missed me? “You saw me this morning.” When he drove me back to my dorm room at the crack of dawn, giving me such a warm, wet, spine tingling kiss I’d hardly been able to walk up the steps of my dorm hall, my knees were so weak.

  “That was hours ago.” He gives my thigh a squeeze and I feel it everywhere. “How was work?”

  He would’ve made me stay with him all day, but I had to go in to Light my Fire at noon. I had a five hour shift and normally they go by fast, especially on Saturdays. The weather was perfect, which usually means a beautiful day draws in a lot of downtown shoppers and tourists eager to explore the little shops.

  But all I did was mope around and think about Shep. Mull over what happened between us the night before. Daydreamer extraordinaire, that was me, to the point that my boss Enid called me back into her office and asked what the hell was wrong with me—direct quote.

  How could I tell her that I was sick? She’d think I was crazy if I told her I had Shep flu. Though really it was a Shep hangover but that doesn’t make any sense either…


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