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Heaven Sent

Page 7

by Avelyn Paige

  “Come on, darlin’. Out you come.”

  Extracting me from the closet comes with a price for the man as I kick and bite, trying to free myself from his large-handed grasp. “Jesus, woman!” he shrieks as my teeth rip at his flesh. Twirling me quickly, he pulls my back against his torso and wraps his arms tightly around my chest and broken rib. The fight leaves me as the pain floods back in. The woman walks closer to me and inspects my face. I wonder if she recognizes me from the bar, though I know I look vastly different now than I did that night.

  “Judging by the smell of smoke on you, I’m betting you’re the one whose sooty tracks we followed from the salon. The question I’m wondering is, were you the one who started the fire or were you the one that put it out? Which is it?” she asks, watching my face for what I can only assume is guilt.

  “I saved it,” I whisper.

  “Is that so?” she asks skeptically. “Did you happen to see who did it if you were the savior of my salon?”

  I know I have no choice but to answer with this brute trapping me. Let’s just hope that my answer doesn’t get me killed if these two are friends with my kidnappers. “It was a man wearing a leather jacket with orange and green writing and a white skull on the back,” I reveal, waiting for their response nervously.

  The woman’s eyes light up and instantly look at the man holding me. “You sure about that, sweetheart? Was it a white skull or a red one?” she asks as if she’s testing me.

  “It looked white from the place I was hiding,” I reply. God, I hope my honesty doesn’t end with me back in the possession of those bastards. Death is a better option if that’s the case. “It was the same symbol the men who kidnapped me wore. I couldn’t be found by them so I hid.” The man holding me suddenly lets me go and jerks me around to face him. His face is mere inches from mine.

  “Kidnapped? Men wearing those colors kidnapped you? When?” he yells while shaking me. “Why would they kidnap you? Are you one of their whores? Do you run drugs for them?” he continues to bark at me while I try to move my face away from his verbal attack. “Answer me, woman,” he yells.

  “Yes, those fuckers kidnapped me from my bed because of my roommate. I don’t know why they wanted her, but they took me as collateral instead. They choked me out and shoved me in a trunk, but I escaped and have been hiding here since!” I scream. Fuck, my verbal brain to mouth filter just spilled everything to this complete stranger. What the hell is wrong with me?

  The woman edges closer to me. I can smell her thick perfume blanketing me. The man releases me just as her hand touches my shoulder, sending me scrambling away. “What the fuck do you people want with me?” I yell. “If you’re here to kill me, just fucking get it over with.”

  “Kill you, doll?” the man says, nearly laughing with each word. “What do you think, Maj? Do you buy her story or should I call the boys to bring over the other cage to dump her body?” The woman's eyes narrow as she’s evaluating me. She walks around me like I am on an auction block about to be sold. She suddenly stops and motions for me to come closer. I do what she says and move forward just close enough that she can’t grab me.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Dani,” I stutter.

  “Well, Dani. Since you saved my salon, I’m going to help you out. Voodoo here is going to take you back to our clubhouse under my protection. I’ll make sure that you get a room to yourself, food, and clean clothes. You show us we can trust you, and I’ll even let you work at the salon to earn your keep. What do you say?”

  “You’re kidding, right? You come in here busting down the doors with this fucking linebacker manhandling me, and you think I’m just going to move into your humble abode and play happy camper? Lady, you’re bat-shit crazy!”

  “Ha! I like your spirit. Let me lay it out for you, Dani. You come live with us or you end up back with the bastards who kidnapped you. You’re far safer in our clubhouse than you would be on the streets. They’ll never look for you there. So, I’ll ask you again. Clubhouse or whorehouse? It’s your choice.”

  “You’re offering me protection, a home, food, and a job. What’s the catch? No one in this world is that nice anymore,” I ask with trepidation.

  “You helped me out so I will help you out. If you behave and keep your nose clean, we’ll make sure you stay safe and out of the Tribe’s hands.”

  I really don’t have a reasonable choice at this point. The alternative to saying no is much less appealing than being what I can only assume is her personal slave. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about the necessities. Fuck, I hope this is the right decision.

  “Fine. I’ll fucking go with you back to your clubhouse. By the way, why the hell do you call your house a clubhouse? Are you five years old?” I say, hoping my mouth isn’t about to get me into trouble.

  “It’s not just my house, baby doll. You see that guy?” she says, pointing to the Sasquatch next to her. “There are fifteen more guys just like him who live there. My husband is the president of a motorcycle club, so I’d stow that fucking mouth of yours if you still want to have a home.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I utter. Fifteen men just like this asshole. What the hell did I just sign up for?

  “That’s what I like to hear. Obedience will get you far in our lifestyle,” she says. Turning to the man, she barks more orders at him. “Take Dani here back to the clubhouse and get Ruby to help her clean up and put her into one of the guest rooms upstairs. She is off-limits to the guys at the club unless she says otherwise. She is to be treated like an extension of my family until otherwise decided, you got that, Voodoo? You make sure every one of the guys know that. Someone fucking with her is like someone fucking with me. Heads will roll if one hair on her head is harmed. ”

  Off-limits? Do I even want to ask what the other women do for these guys if she’s branding me off-limits? The man grunts and drags me out of my temporary home. Pulling me behind him to a truck parked on the street, he all but shoves me into the cab before sliding into the driver’s seat. He starts up the engine and pulls away from the salon. The man stays silent during the entire drive. We twist and turn down the streets before he passes an Upland sign. Holy shit, he’s taking me back toward the city I lived in before the kidnapping.

  “Do you guys live in Upland?” I ask.

  “Yes,” is the only response I am given before he turns to head up into the mountains. Since moving into this town, I have wanted to see Mt. Baldy. I never imagined I’d be seeing it for the first time riding in a truck with a tattoo-covered biker. Thinking about our surroundings gives me hope that once the smoke clears, I might be able to make it back home to retrieve my money and my possessions. The thought of the photo of my parents lying there in a room waiting to be stolen or thrown out sickens me. I’ve got to get back there and get them before that happens.

  Voodoo pulls onto a dusty dirt road and drives deep into the mountain side. A few minutes later, a metal structure comes into view with several motorcycles dotting the drive in front. Voodoo slams on the brakes and veers into a parking spot on the left of the bikes. He jumps from the truck before even turning off the engine. Throwing open the door and pulling me out, Voodoo walks me to the front door and shoves me into a room filled with leather-clad men and women in tiny little outfits. The room is in stunned silence upon seeing me. Looking around the room, I notice worn leather couches sit in the center of the space while beer and Harley neon signs line the walls. The worn hardwood floors under my feet have seen better days, just like some of the older men in the room. The smell of stale beer, cigarette smoke, and cheap perfume lingers in the air

  “Guys, this is Dani. She’s under Maj’s protection until further notice. Keep your rod and tackle to yourselves and leave this bitch alone under pain of castration. Got it?” he yells into the silent room. Grunts and murmured yeses fall on the room as Voodoo shoves me off toward the stairs. Ascending the stairs, Voodoo deposits me in a tiny room. “Go get cleaned up. Ruby, one of the club girls, will brin
g you shit to put on. Stay in this room until someone comes to get you. Got it?”

  Nodding yes, he slams the door behind him. The room will be adequate enough for the time being with a bed, nightstand, closet, and TV. There’s even an attached bathroom. The thought of hot water excites me. Quickly stripping off my dirty clothes, I turn on the shower and step into the hot spray. The water washes away the stress of the last few days and the filth coating my skin. I stay under the water until it runs cold. Pulling out a towel I find under the sink, I wrap it around my body and walk back out into the bedroom. A perky little red-headed woman is sitting on my bed with a bundle of clothes in her hands.

  “Ruby?” I ask.

  Jumping up from the bed, she prances over, shoving the clothes into my arms. “Yup, that’s me! Here are the clothes Voodoo said you needed. I brought you some club shirts to start off with since I didn’t know your size, sweatpants, and underwear. I can get whatever else you need tomorrow. Just write down what you need and I’ll send one of the prospects out for them. Make sure you’re specific. I don’t want Slider or Irons to bring back hooker clothes for you.” I lay the clothes down on a chair next to me and take the piece of paper in my hands, writing down my sizes and clothing preferences for her and handing it back. I doubt they’ll bring me the t-shirts and sweatpants that I want, but at least I asked. She looks over the paper and stuffs it into her back pocket.

  “Need anything else?” she asks.

  “I think one of my ribs is broken so a pain killer would be great.”

  “Holy shit, you’ve been dealing with a broken rib and you didn’t bother to mention it until now? Damn, Dani. How are you dealing with the pain?”

  “Does ignoring it sound plausible? Going to the hospital isn’t exactly easy with no money or ID.”

  “Hang on,” she says while exiting my room. Taking the chance to change while she’s gone, I strip the towel away from my body and throw on the sweatpants and shirt Ruby brought me. I’ve settled on the bed and started to doze off by the time she gets back.

  “Here, take these,” she says as she shoves two large, white, oblong pills and a bottle of Coke into my hands. Depositing the pills into my mouth, I swallow them without a second thought and wash them down with a swig of the cold pop. Placing the bottle on the side table by the bed, Ruby sits down on the side of the bed observing me. The pills quickly take effect as my vision clouds and the room starts to whirl. She remains still as I lose all ability to verbalize words. Darkness creeps along the edges of my vision as I feel my body go limp before I completely black out. Son-of-a-bitch! I’ve been drugged.

  “Come on, Hero, fuck me like you mean it!” screams Daisy as I pound into her from behind. Taking her long blonde hair, I wrap it around my wrist and pull hard which elicits moans from her as her body arches. Her ass presses deeply against my cock with each tug of her hair. “Harder!” she screams. “Fuck me harder, Hero.” If she wants a fucking beast, I’ll give her one, I think as I ferociously thrust faster into her.

  “Jesus, Daisy,” I say with a ragged breath. “If I fuck you any harder, you’ll be bruised.”

  She turns her head and her eyes beg for me to be rough with her. “I need to be punished, Hero. I want to feel like a filthy whore again.”

  “It’s going to be one of those nights, isn’t it?” I ask.

  She nods her head vigorously. “Please, Hero. I need this,” she pleads to me. Pulling out of her and releasing her hair, I shove her down face first into the bed.

  “Don’t fucking move, Daisy.”

  “Yes, Hero,” she mumbles against the comforter on my bed.

  Sliding from the bed, I walk to my top dresser drawer and pull out two pairs of roped handcuffs. Laying them on top of the dresser, I retrieve a simple black blindfold. I’m not that into this shit, but Daisy seems to like it. None of the other guys will play rough with her, so it’s left to me to set her back at ease. We rescued her from a sick and twisted fuck from a rival club a few years back. She tried to like normal sex, but Daisy likes to be whipped and choked into an orgasm from time to time. For some fucked up reason, it makes her feel safe. I put my foot down on the choking because I’m not a demented fucking bastard, but I’ll whip her when she needs it. I knew she’d need her fix as soon as I saw her after Church. Her eyes were completely glazed over as she retreated into the darkness of her mind. She had been raped and tortured by those bastards before we took her out of their club after we found her chained to a bed. Voodoo took one look at her and hauled her ass home with us. We tried to convince her to stop being a club whore, but she wanted to stay that way.

  She watches me anxiously as I saunter slowly over to the bed. “Sit up, Daisy,” I command. Laying the cuffs down, I pull the blindfold over her hazel eyes as she rises to sit on her knees. She’s a pretty girl, but her lifestyle choices have aged her face and body. She looks much older than a girl in her mid-twenties. Her breath hitches as I slide one loop of the cuffs over each of her wrists. Taking her bound wrists, I crisscross her arms against her chest, attaching the other end of each pair of cuffs around the posts of my foot board, which pulls her back down face first into the bed. The tension from the ropes pops her plump ass into the air. My fingers lightly trace down her back as I slide behind her again.

  My dick glides back into her wet folds as she stretches to adjust to my width again. My dick may not be the longest in the club, but the girls tell me I’m the widest. I’m not exactly sure whether I should be proud or sad about that, but I’m not about to go test dick widths and lengths to find out for myself. With each thrust, I pull back on her hips, forcing her restraints to tighten against her. She rotates her ass in a circle against me to let me know she’s close. Removing my hand from her hip, I smack her hard on the ass. She cries and moans at the abrupt touch and grinds on me harder. Pulling my dick out farther, I slam into her and spank her again.

  “Is that what you need, Daisy?” I ask, yanking back on her hair. “Do you like me pounding into your pussy while I turn your ass bright red?”

  “Yes!” she wails. “Make me feel better, Hero.”

  With the next thrust, I grab her hair once more and jerk it with each thrust. Running my hands down her arched spine, I caress her bright red ass now sporting my hand prints. Sliding my hand down lower, I rub my thumb around her unoccupied hole, using her juices to lubricate my finger before sliding it into her puckered hole. She screams my name as I plunge my finger inside of her with each thrust. Her cries become louder as vibrations grow in intensity around my dick.

  “Give it to me, Daisy. Cum like a good girl for your master.”

  She begins to shudder against me as I pull my finger from her and land one final slap against her ass, sending her over the edge. Her orgasm takes hold as she shatters around me. Her body jolts with each rush of euphoria. I use Daisy’s wanton body without even being close to coming myself. I know what I need in order to get there, but it only messes with my mind more each time I have to do it.

  Fuck it, I need this. Picturing my mysterious angel, I pound into Daisy four more times before finding my own release. Why can’t I just get off without having to see her face? It’s so fucked up to have to think of another woman with Daisy panting underneath me. I lean over her and pull the cuffs from the footboard, releasing the pressure on her hands, slapping her ass as I straighten up behind her.

  Releasing Daisy’s hair, I pull out of her and walk to the bathroom to discard the used condom. I don’t take any chances of some crazy club mama trying to get me to knock her up, so I always flush the condoms. Better safe than sorry in my book, but Raze hates it when he has to call a plumber out to the clubhouse because of my habit clogging up the septic system. Watching the old plumbers pull out used condoms from the clubhouse’s drains makes me sickly laugh inside. I convinced half the guys it was Raze doing it the last time it happened. He still hasn’t figured out why a trash can with a box of condoms suddenly appeared outside of his room door.

  I jump into the s
hower to rinse off the sweat and Daisy’s juices. I know she’s clean, but it’s another one of my rituals after whoring around with a club girl. Don’t need sloppy seconds from one my brothers attaching to my skin. Rinsing off quickly, I step out into the shower only to hear pounding on my door. Each pound gets louder and louder as I dry off and wrap the towel around my waist. Daisy must have hightailed it as soon as I jumped in the shower. She even put away the cuffs. Good girl, Daisy.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I bellow as I throw open the door to see Voodoo standing there. He scans me up and down then shakes his head.

  “This the way you greet all the brothers when they come to your door or is this just for me?” he asks, smirking.

  “Nope, just for you, shithead. Trying to show you what a real man’s body looks like when he takes care of himself,” I joke back.

  “Hey, don’t insult my baby beer gut. It might get offended. Not all of us have the time to work out like you, VP.” He leans his head into the room. “Smells like you just finished working out. How was the gym today?”

  “Eh, productive and a little fucked up, but what else is new?” I jest. “You going to tell me why you were working on beating down my door or did you just want to see me in the towel?” I start to loosen the towel from my waist as he jerks back.

  “If I wanted to see your dick, VP, I’d have busted in the door while you rough-fucked Daisy. Prez wants you downstairs. Got some intel today that Twisted Tribe is the one that set fire to the salon. Church starts in five minutes. “

  “How’d you determine it was Twisted Tribe? Did Ratchet pull video from the neighboring businesses?” I ask out of curiosity. Voodoo is great as muscle for the club, but he’s not exactly batting a thousand in the intelligence department.


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