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Conquered By the Alien Prince: An Alien Sci-Fi Romance (Luminar Masters Book 1)

Page 7

by Rebel West

  Giddy joy suffuses me. Maybe Dr. Jayya feels I’m useless here, and perhaps I worry about the same, but fuck it all, the zebb at least likes me.

  Meryke continues, her enthusiasm back. “They’re smarter than Earth horses, Cali. In the lab my colleagues have taught them simple math, even! It’s incredible. They have such gentle personalities.” She looks at the zebb beside me. “But they’re very susceptible to contaminated water.” She shakes her head. “And it’s a problem lately, because there are herds of them in the mountains, and apparently the water up there has some organisms in it that are causing some zebb to fall ill.”

  “Oh, how sad.” I look at Meryke’s guard, who is eyeing me carefully. “And actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “It’s tragic. That’s why these ones have been relocated here to the palace grounds, to heal and for us to study them. I mean them, but right now it’s us because I’m here. Oh, I could stay here forever. If I could just get used to being a freak.” Meryke laughs, but her voice is an odd mixture of desire and unhappiness.

  “You’re not a freak.” The guard’s tone is rough. His eyes glitter. “Don’t say that about yourself again, Meryke.” He gives her a stern look, and Meryke flushes.

  “It was a joke, Bassti,” she says, but her voice is forced. Does Meryke have a crush on this handsome, brooding alien?

  “It was not a funny one,” he chastises her, but his voice is softer. “You are a valued guest and a brilliant scientist. Not a freak.”

  I hide a smile behind my hand. If I’m not mistaken, this ripped-ab warrior has a crush on Meryke as well. I’ll be curious to see how this ends.

  Another zebb wanders in from the field and whinnies.

  “They like attention,” Meryke tells me. “This one is Flora. I named her that,” she adds, her cheeks turning pink, “because she’s pretty like a flower. The one who likes you, she’s Starrie.”

  Flora approaches and nuzzles Meryke, and I inch closer, hoping to get a snuggle of my own with the sweet unicorn. The animal shudders slightly as I touch its flank, then lifts its leg, which trembles.

  I frown at Meryke. “Can you tell me more about what’s going on with the zebb right now? Why is her leg twitching like that? What is it exactly that’s making her ill?”

  “She’s suffering from muscle fasciculations. It’s a paramecium called Albotons C that attacks the myelin in the zebb’s axons and dendrites, and it’s proliferating right now in the uphill streams—we don’t know why. It will pass when the serum reaches steady state in her bloodstream. We already gave these zebb sample doses of a medicine that should kill the paramecium that is making them sick. And the researchers are working on a vaccine. As well as a genetic fix, but that’s more problematic.”

  “And is it transferable to humans? I mean, Luminarians?”

  “No, Albotons C doesn’t affect Luminarians at all. The proteins that it attacks are different in the zebb, so they’re susceptible to it where other species on this planet are not. Humans, as well, are not at risk. Thank God.”

  “How are they engineering the fix?” I’m probably standing too close, but I’m literally hanging on her every word.

  “Basically it’s a serum that attacks the cell wall of the paramecium, killing it, without attacking the host body. It’s complicated because we have to ensure that the medicine doesn’t do more harm than good, but we’re very close to a fix. Of course, removing the zebb from the affected water source is a good start. Some of them get better on their own just when they are no longer exposed to the paramecium. Ones that have a larger intruder load in their bodies need the serum to recover. We’re close to developing a near perfect serum.”

  I’m dying to ask more questions, but I don’t want to give away information about my background, which is supposed to be a secret. I sigh. “Well, I wish you much success with the research. I hope all the zebb stay healthy.”

  “Thank you. Good luck with your super-secret stuff.”

  “What’s super-secret?” Another woman comes up with her own guard in tow. “Meryke! Here you are. And another human. It’s like we’re taking over the planet.” She giggles, but stops when Meryke’s guard glowers at her.

  “Shhh,” urges Meryke. “They don’t think that stuff is funny. Apparently too similar to what the rebels think, that humans are trying to take over or something.”

  The newcomer rolls her eyes. “I’m Manda. Are you loving it here?”

  “I’m Cali. Yes, it’s amazing.” I smile and extend my hand, and she hugs me instead.

  “I work with Meryke in the animal lab. And Keela.” She shares a look with Meryke, before turning back to me. “This is fantastic. Chance of a lifetime. Where are you working on? You’re the doctor with the secret mission, right?”

  I suck in my breath. Meryke’s guard speaks into his holo screen and glances at me again, and butterflies surge anew in my stomach.

  Manda blinks and touches my arm. “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. But it’s a small planet, human wise, at least. We gotta stick together. Meryke told me she met you in the med transfer.”

  “Yes, that’s where we first met.” The guard is still talking while he stares at me.

  “So what is a doctor doing here? Med research, I guess?” Manda tilts her head. “Or are you here to see a patient, or something?”

  “Just data techniques right now.” I nod. “Comparing system for retinal scans. So, ah, how long will you be here?”

  “Three months standard. You?”

  “It’s a little shorter but we may extend it if necessary,” I lie. “You know, I should probably get back. I have work.”

  “Oh, sure. Us, too. See you soon, I guess? Maybe? We should try to arrange a time when we can meet up. I’d say for coffee, but that’s not a thing here, I guess.” Manda laughs. “But if our delegations allow it, we should, right?”

  Suddenly, Allik is beside me. “Dr. Taylor.” His tone is clipped. “You are not supposed to be out unescorted. Commander Bassti notified me that an unaccompanied human was out by the zebb fields. I used a drone scanner, and lo and behold, it was you.” He scowls. “Please, we must go back.”

  “I’m so sorry. I wanted to see the zebb.” My excuse sounds flimsy compared to my promise not to leave. “Are you going to tell Loc—His Royal Highness Lock?”

  “He has been informed.” Allik’s voice is taut. “He will speak with you later.”

  He doesn’t talk at all on our way back to my quarters, but merely gestures to the door when we arrive, and gives me a small, pleased smile.

  * * *

  “Where were you?”

  Startled, I gasp and turn, heart pounding. Lock stands against the wall, in a deceptively casual pose. Arms crossed, legs shoulder width apart, he looks like a man waiting for a friend… except for the look on his face. Dark. Angry.

  “I went out for a walk.” I bite my lip.

  “Alone. Without permission.” It isn’t a question.

  “Yes. But…”

  “Which I specifically told you not to do.”

  I twist my wristlet.

  “Dr. Taylor. Were you specifically told not to leave this room without my permission?” He quirks a brow.

  “Yes. But…”

  He holds up a hand and I fall silent.

  “This is the second time. The first time I excused you because Netta invited you out, even though you understood your NDA. This time was a clear and deliberate violation of my rules, to which you had agreed.”

  I bite my lip.

  “Dr. Taylor. Was it or was it not a deliberate violation?”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Yes.” My voice is low.

  “And you were not in mortal danger, or having an emergency?” His tone holds humor, but his eyes are still dark.

  “No, but it was important. It was about the zebb. I saw the human researcher I met on the pod, Meryke, and I wanted to ask her some questions about the Albotons C and their reaction, which I think co
uld be promising, maybe, for understanding what’s happening with Maxxon.”

  At this, his face softens. “Cali, if that was so, you should have informed me and I would have taken you to see her immediately.”

  “But you weren’t answering your holo, and she was right there. Literally, Lock.” I hurry to the window and point. “Just there. And she had guards with her, okay? I knew it would only take seconds to get there and I’d be safe, and I guess I just... went.” I shoot him an apologetic look.

  “Cali, I’m pleased that you are trying to understand this disease, but you must also learn that rules are to be followed. They are not for my pleasure, but your safety.”

  “I know.”

  “And did you talk to anyone besides Meryke?” He narrows his eyes. “Did you tell them what you’re doing here?”

  “Well, just one more woman. But I said nothing about my job here.” I add, “Although, she asked if I was here to provide medical attention to a patient.” I flinch at the words.

  “And that’s exactly what I wanted to avoid.” He scowls and runs a hand through his hair.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “This time, sorry isn’t good enough.” He doesn’t raise his voice, but there is such firm determination in his tone that butterflies start up in my stomach.

  “What—what do you mean?”

  “What do I mean?” He pushes off the wall and uncrosses his arms, and takes a step toward me. “What I mean is that I am going to personally see that…”

  Before he can finish, his holo chimes and he frowns, turns to the side. His voice is cool and professional. “Tak? What is it? I see.”

  He takes a breath. “We will continue this discussion later, Cali.” He gives me a meaningful look. “Right now Maxxon has asked both of us to see him.”

  “He has?” Relief surges, although part of me wants to know, very much, what Lock wanted to personally see to. And whether it had anything to do with our conversation in the hallway, the one that can’t happen again. The one that by the look in his eye hasn’t been forgotten, by either of us.

  This time, walking down the hallway, I’m better able to keep up, or else Lock is adjusting his gait to mine, and I’m not out of breath when we reach Maxxon’s quarters.

  He’s in the same room as before, standing at the window. When we arrive, he nods. “Lock. Dr. Taylor, thank you for coming, again.”

  “Of course,” I start, but he holds up his hand. Imperious, like his brother. I stifle a smile.

  “I’ve asked the doctors to set up your lab with the equipment you need to examine my muscle tissue samples and any medications you want to research. Just ask Dr. Jayya or Dr. Amakka for access if you don’t have it. I trust you.” The words are huge.

  “Thank you.” I nod. “I’m honored to stay.”

  Lock stands close to me, and I feel the heat from his thigh. “You are fast to trust,” he comments, and gives me an unreadable look. “Some humans have a hard time keeping their word.”

  “I read the dossier Lock provided on you,” Maxxon says, looking at me. “And I trust my gut.” His English is nearly as good as Lock’s, with the same accent. “You are Earth’s best neuro researcher. I would be foolish to let you go before you get a chance to try.”

  “As long as she follows her directives,” Lock adds. “Because we have much to risk, brother,” he raises an eyebrow, “should word get out that you are ill.”

  I cough. “I will be discreet.”

  “Lock, I know you will see to it that she is properly informed about the importance of security,” Maxxon says with a nod. “And you will keep her in line.”

  A frisson of excitement rolls through my body, making my nipples peak under my shift. How will Lock keep me in line, exactly? My cheeks are hot and I touch my face, hoping they don’t see my confusion. “I’ve been doing a lot of reading so far and as soon as I get to the lab I will examine all the samples.”

  “Good.” Maxxon smiles. “Later, in a few suns, we will meet again to discuss progress.”

  A chime rings out, and Allik enters. When he sees me, his smile wavers for a split second. “I see the human doctor is here after her unexpected outing.”

  “Outing?” Maxxon frowns.

  “It is nothing for you to worry about.” Lock puts a hand on the small of my back, and the touch electrifies me. “I will take care of it.” He raises a brow and scowls at Allik, who puts up his hands and steps back, a small smile on his lips. When Lock looks back at me, our eyes meet and something sparks between us. No, that moment in the hallway isn’t over. Something is just starting, and it’s growing more powerful with each glance, each touch.

  “See that you do.” Maxxon’s voice is mild, as he looks from me, to his brother, to Allik. “Dr. Taylor, your security is important. Please trust us with it.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Maxxon nods. “Allik, a word? Dr. Taylor, I will speak with you again in a few suns to gauge your progress. Or, of course, you should contact me immediately should you learn something of importance.”

  * * *

  Back in my quarters, Lock and I are silent for a few moments. The sky outside my windows is a hazy purple, shot through with gold and hints of red, and the air sparkles as if diamond dust is suspended. But Lock’s eyes are more mesmerizing than the scene, and when he looks at me, I get lost in his gaze. It’s like he can’t stop looking at me, either. The moment stretches out, both of us questioning, until it’s clear: Yes. The answer is yes.

  “My brother, the prince, says it’s important for you to obey the rules,” he says, his voice mild. “Will you listen to him, if not to me?”

  “I’m sorry.” I purse my lips, and his eyes track my movement. My stomach jumps. “I’ll do better.”

  “Will you?” he murmurs, stepping closer. I hold my breath. “That’s what you said the first time.”

  “I…” I lick my lips. I’m unable to think of words. His chest rises and falls with his breaths. “Can I claim that I was giddy with the excitement and I made a poor choice? I’d like to be forgiven.” The sultry tone of my voice is entirely inappropriate for any professional setting. But something about the gleam in his eye makes me unable to resist.

  “If you atone for your misdeeds, I’m sure I could be convinced to give you another chance,” he murmurs, taking my hand in his. We’re as close as before, in the corridor, and God help me, but I want this.

  “I’ll do anything.” Is that my voice, so seductive? Damned if I don’t mean it, too.

  “Be careful what you offer,” he says, increasing the pressure of his grip. “Because maybe I will accept.”

  “Maybe I want you to.” I look up at him, ready for a challenge.

  “If you were mine,” he growls, “I’d give you a good reminder to help you with your obedience.” He quirks a brow.

  The words should shock and enrage me; instead, I’m aroused. Images of his strong hand meeting my soft ass… his fingers on my body…

  A small smile hovers on his lips and I swear that the air between us gets hotter, as if the molecules are spinning faster. “And how exactly would you do that?” I run my tongue over my bottom lip, more slowly this time, and the intake of his breath lets me know that he noticed.

  “How?” He bends his head down just an inch. “Would you like to find out?”

  I breathe faster. Yes. I would. I don’t answer, but my lips part as I stare at his eyes.

  “Is that a yes, Dr. Taylor?” he whispers, lifting his hand.

  I stare, eyes wide as he slowly reaches out, and hiss as he traces one finger along my clavicle. The soft brush of skin on skin burns me up.


  “Need to tell me yes, if that’s what you want,” he says, removing his hand. I nearly moan, wanting him back, needing his hands all over me. I lean in.

  “Maybe.” My voice is soft and sultry. Our fingers are linked and I don’t know it happened, only that his hands and mine are entwined, and I might hyperventilate.

>   “Do you want me to show you how a Luminarian male spanks his mate when she is disobedient? And then rewards her for accepting the chastisement?” He bends down and his lips brush my ear. “Over and over again, until you beg me to stop, little human?”

  “Yes!” I gasp out the word, because the touch of his mouth makes me so full of a driving, tingling desire that I can’t handle it. “Please.”

  He presses my hands and then his lips are on my skin, and I cry out at the touch, my eyes fluttering shut. He grabs my ass and pulls me closer, until we’re pressed together, and takes my lips with his, a firm, dominant kiss. He’s skillful, using his tongue to tease, as his hands roam over my body, and soon I’m pressing into him, writhing to get more contact, grasping his body where I can: strong arms, chest, abs, ass. I want to feel all of him.

  A second later, he pulls away, leaving me panting, eyes glazed. I make a noise of disapproval; my lips and body want him back.

  He drops a kiss on my neck, but strides to the edge of the bed and sits, his broad thighs spread just a bit. He slaps one palm down onto his leg. “Come here, Dr. Taylor.”

  He gives me a wicked grin, but there’s enough heat in his eyes, and something else, too, a ferocity that makes me gulp with apprehension.

  “I…” My stomach flips. Seeing him sitting there, all casual dominance, those strong hands at the ready—my feet freeze.

  “Now,” he says, locking eyes with me. And I move, as if in a trance, floating.

  “Faster.” His growl excites me and I quicken my step until I’m right in front of him.

  He smiles at me, and I shiver. “I’ll make you a deal, Dr. Taylor,” he murmurs. “Because I think you liked my hands on you before, in the corridor, as much as I liked having them there.”

  “A... deal?”

  “You’ll get over my lap and I’ll spank you for your disobedience, and I’ll end up showing you why the Luminarian women like it so damn much.”

  “And if I say no?” I’m not going to say no. I just want to know how he’ll respond.


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