Antietam campaign: Sears, Stephen W., Landscape Turned Red, New York, 1983.
Reynolds, O’Mahony, and soldier Fenians: D’Arcy, as above.
Stephens, Luby and Civil War: Ryan, D’Arcy, as above.
Tom Connors and Lieutenant Bernard O’Neill:
Tribune announces TFM wounded: New York Daily Tribune, 21 September 1862.
Strother and Cox on TFM: Sears, Landscape Turned Red, as above.
General McClellan on Irish Brigade at Antietam: McClellan’s Report, War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 19, Part 1.
TFM in Sumner’s dispatch: Sumner’s Report, 1 October 1862, in War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 19, Part 1.
Colonel Barlow’s report, TFM at Antietam: Daly, Union Lady.
TFM discusses burial truce after Antietam: Meagher’s Report, in War of the Rebellion, as above.
Lee abandons Antietam lines: Meagher’s Report, in War of the Rebellion, as above.
Meagher to Libby on Antietam: Copied by Libby to Barlow, 1 October 1862, Barlow Papers, Huntington Library, CA.
Captain Gosson incident: Conyngham, as above.
Mitchel re-enters South: Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above; Dillon, Volume 2, as above.
John Dooley remembers Antietam: Sears, Landscape Turned Red, as above.
Mitchel’s editorial style: Daily Enquirer, 8 October 1862.
McCarter’s experience of Meagher, Bolivar Heights to Fredericksburg: McCarter, William, My Life in the Irish Brigade: The Civil War Memories of Private William McCarter, 116th Pennsylvania, ed. Kevin O’Brien, Campbell, CA, 1997.
TFM on relief of McClellan: TFM to Barlow, 10 November 1862, Barlow Papers, Huntington Library, CA.
Fredericksburg Campaign: McPherson, as above.
TFM’s telegram: TFM to Senior Officer, Recruiting Office, undated, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Sergeant McClelland’s version, TFM’s Fredericksburg speech: Irish American, 10 January 1863.
Thomas F. Galwey on Irish Brigade: Conyngham, as above.
Officer writes of widows and orphans: Lieutenant Nagle to his father, Irish American, 17 December 1862.
Singing of ‘Ireland Boys Hurrah’: Jones, as above.
Reynolds’s medical certificate: Reynolds to Assistant Adjutant-General, 15 December 1862, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Military telegram to Major Horgan’s sister: 21 December 1862, as for previous note.
Chapter heading: D’Arcy, as above
Conscription notices: Richmond Enquirer, 2 January 1863.
Irish perceptions of the war: Richmond Enquirer, 10 January 1863.
Union’s use of Irish symbols: Richmond Enquirer, 10 January 1863.
All Mitchel’s letters to Miss Thompson: Dillon, Volume 2, as above.
Requiem Mass for Brigade dead, and subsequent dinner and speeches: NYT, 17 January 1863.
Halpine verse: Lyons, W. F., as above.
Halleck’s order to Adjutant-General: 30 January 1863, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
TFM’s certificates from Surgeon Edgar: Edgar to Adjutant-General, 11 January, 3 February 1863, as for previous note.
TFM requests Irish Brigade be relieved: TFM to Secretary Stanton, 19 February 1863, and to Assistant Adjutant-General, 26 February 1863, as for previous note.
Hooker returns letter: Hooker to Hancock and TFM, 26 February 1863, as for previous note.
TFM requests leave to go to Congress: TFM to Hooker and Halleck, 4 March 1863, as for previous note.
The Irish crisis of 1863: Jordan, Donald E., Jr, Land and Popular Politics in Ireland—County Mayo from the Plantation to the Land War, Cambridge, 1994; O’Neill, Tim, ‘The Persistence of Famine in Ireland,’ from Póirtéir, Great Irish Famine, as above.
TFM’s telegram to Hancock: 20 April 1863, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Chancellorsville campaign in general: McPherson, as above.
TFM on Chancellorsville: Report, War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 25, Part 1, as above.
Irish Brigade’s part in battle: Lyons, W. F., Cavanagh, Corby, Conyngham, as above.
TFM’s resignation: TFM to Assistant Adjutant-General, 8 May 1863, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Response from Adjutant-General, War Department: 15 May 1863, as for previous note.
Mitchel on TFM’s resignation: Richmond Enquirer, 18 May 1863.
Lincoln’s 3-year enlistees: Richmond Enquirer, 24 April 1863.
Call for strong Southern measures in North: Richmond Enquirer, 22 June 1863.
Site of Willy’s fall and burial; Captain Haverty:
Minimising meaning of Gettysburg, and warning to Confederates: Richmond Enquirer, 5 August 1863.
TFM post-resignation: Lyons, W. F., Cavanagh, Athearn, as above.
TFM asks to withdraw resignation: TFM to Stanton, 13 July 1863, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Draft riots: McKay, Civil War and New York City, as above; Bernstein, Iver, The New York Draft Riots, New York, 1990.
TFM to O’Beirne: ‘Some Letters,’ as above.
TFM and Fenian pledge: D’Arcy, as above.
SOB on Civil War: N, 7 November 1863.
TFM to Daly on Corcoran’s death: 23 December 1863, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Irish American attacks TFM for pro-Lincoln bias: Irish American, 19 January 1864.
Hancock to Brady on ‘Irish general’: Athearn, as above.
John Mitchel junior, including friendship with Rhetts, military career, death: Castles, ‘From Van Diemen’s Land,’ as above;
Jenny and her two daughters run the blockade: Dillon, Volume 2, as above.
John Daniel: His listing in Dictionary of American Biography; Frederick S. Daniel (ed.), The Richmond Examiner During the War, or The Writings of John M. Daniel, New York, 1868.
John Daniel’s Southern spelling: McCall, as above.
The one vice of the Confederacy: Richmond Examiner, 19 July 1864.
The Examiner on Atlanta campaign: Richmond Examiner, 8 November 1864.
SOB’s last general letter on Ireland: SOB to Archdeacon O’Brien, Limerick Chronicle, 7 January 1864.
Death of SOB: Freeman’s Journal, 20 June 1864.
Mourners meeting SOB’s body, Dublin: TL, 24 June 1864.
Martin mourns O’Brien: N, 9 July 1864.
Sherman’s view of Meagher: Athearn, Robert G., Sherman and the Settlement of the West, Norman, OK, 1956.
General Thomas’s orders for TFM: Thomas to Steedman, 16 November 1864, War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 45, Part 1.
TFM in Chattanooga, Christmas 1864, and Steedman’s praise for TFM: Athearn, TFM, Lyons, W. F., as above.
Grant’s concern TFM’s men might desert, New York: Grant to Halleck, 23 January 1865, War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 47, Part 2.
Halleck to Grant: 25 January 1865, as for previous note.
TFM too drunk to comprehend orders: Report of Captain Scott, 9 February 1865, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Dismissing TFM: Grant to Halleck, 14 and 20 February 1865, War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Volume 47, Part 2.
TFM dismissed: HQ of the Department of North Carolina, Army of the Ohio, Wilmington, NC, 24 February 1865, Special Order No. 13, as for previous note.
Examiner dissents from Davis’s speech in Confederate Congress: Richmond Examiner, 27 February 1865.
Is Lee a good Southerner?: Richmon
d Examiner, 16 February 1865.
Mitchel, post-war and imprisonment: Dillon, Volume 2, as above; Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above.
TFM resigns commission: TFM to Adjutant-General, 12 May 1865, Generals Papers and Records, Secretary of War, Volume IV, M344, National Archives, Washington, DC.
Acceptance of resignation: Adjutant-General to TFM, 15 May 1865, as for previous note.
Apparent reversal of resignation: Undated, as for previous note. (In Meagher’s hand.)
TFM petitions for second star and governorship: Meagher to Major O’Beirne, 20 June 1865, in ‘Some Letters,’ as above.
TFM to Colonel Browning: Athearn, TFM, as above.
TFM to his father: No date, Meagher Papers, MS 3227, NLI.
Fortress Monroe imprisonment: Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above; Dillon, Volume 2, as above; McCall, as above.
TFM’s journey to Montana: Athearn, TFM, as above.
Colonel O’Keefe’s journey: Colonel Cornelius O’Keefe, ‘Rides through Montana (Thomas Francis Meagher),’ Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Volume XXVII, October 1867.
Chapter heading: S. L. Anderson to Lord Naas, undated, 1867, Box 4, Fenian Police Reports, 1857–1880, NAI.
Population and other figures, Ireland: Edwards, as above.
Kenealy’s family and townland of Glenlara: Griffith’s Valuation List, Parish of Glenlara, Co. Cork, 1855.
Newmarket area: Duhallow Heritage Project, Newmarket Court (1725–1996), Newmarket, Cork, 1994.
Kenealy’s background and Fenian career: Kenealy, John, Recollections of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, Written in the Year 1908, privately published, Los Angeles, 1908.
North Cork in the Famine: O’Connor, as above; Donnelly, James S., Jr, The Land and the People of 19th-Century Cork, London and Boston, MA, 1975.
Tenant Rights Movement, Sadleir and Joint Stock Bank: Kenealy, Denieffe, as above; Hickey, D. J. and Doherty, J. E., A Dictionary of Irish History, 1800–1980, Dublin, 1980.
Mitchel catechism: Rutherford, as above.
Stephens and founding of IRB: Ryan, as above.
John Devoy on Kenealy: Devoy, John, Devoy’s Post Bag (1871–1928), Volume 1, ed. William O’Brien and Desmond Ryan, Dublin, 1948.
Landlords evicting in the Fenian era: Davitt, Michael, The Fall of Feudalism in Ireland, New York, 1904.
Cork Fenians and absolution: Kenealy, as above.
Fenianism, the Church, the timbre of Cork Fenians, etc: O’Leary, John, Recollections of Fenians and Fenianism, Volumes 1 and 2, Dublin, 1896.
Founding of Irish People and its contents: O’Leary, as above.
Kickham and other Irish People personnel: Denieffe, O’Leary, as above; Comerford, R. V., Charles J. Kickham, Portmarnock, 1979.
Irish People and parish priest of Skibbereen: Irish People, 7 January 1865.
Priest approves of Irish People: as for previous note.
Kickham anti-clerical articles: O’Leary, as above.
Mrs O’Donovan Rossa’s verse: Irish People, 20 May 1865.
Eva’s verse, and place of women: O’Leary, as above.
Stephens’s marriage: Denieffe, Ryan, as above.
Fenian fair and American fund-raising: Ryan, as above.
Fenian arms notation: Denieffe, as above.
Mission of Meehan and Dunne to Ireland: Rutherford, Denieffe, as above.
Loss of table of organisation: Rutherford, Denieffe, Kenealy, as above.
Table of organisation: Fenian Briefs, 1865–69, Carton 3, Envelope 1, NAI, seems to be the lost document.
How Kenealy reacts to Dunne’s offer of 30,000 men: Kenealy, as above.
Loyalist fear of Cawnpore-style uprising: Cork to Dublin Castle, 9 September 1865, Fenian Police Reports, Box 3, NAI.
Fenian drill, Newburgh Street: Thomas Saunders to Metropolitan Police, 5 September 1865, as for previous note.
Constable Meagher on Midland railway employees: Meagher to Superintendent, Metropolitan Police, 7 September 1865, as for previous note.
Mitchelstown report: Mitchelstown, 5 September 1865, as for previous note.
American in Cork City: Second head constable Patrick Phelan to Constabulary Office, Dublin Castle, 14 September 1865, as for previous note.
Saint-Nazaire shells: British Consul to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 21 September 1869, as for previous note.
Fenianos non esse …: Copied from British Foreign Office to Superintendent, Metropolitan Police, 21 September 1865, as for previous note.
Nagle report: Nagle to Superintendent, Metropolitan Police, 15 October 1865, Fenian Police Reports, Box 4, NAI.
Arms proclamation and raid on Heggarty: ILN, 30 September 1865.
Stephens’s escape: Denieffe, Ryan, as above.
Republic Bond crisis in USA, emergence of Senate, and General Sweeny: D’Arcy, as above.
‘The Finians’: Ward, Artemus, Artemus Ward and the ‘Finians,’ New York, 1866.
The special commission: Chemney, William G., The Fenian Conspiracy: Report of the Trials of Thomas F. Burke and Others for High Treason and Treason-Felony at the Special Commission, Dublin, Dublin, 1869.
Seditious manuscript: Fenian Briefs, 1865–69, Carton 3, Envelope 5, NIA.
O’Leary, Luby, Kickham, Rossa in court: Chemney, as above.
Trial of Kenealy: Kenealy, as above; Cork Examiner, 2 January 1866.
Warner’s history: TL, 20 December 1865.
Kenealy chairs Fenian meetings: Weekly News, 23 December 1865.
Dowse baiting the informer Nagle: Denieffe, as above.
Remainder of Kenealy trial: Kenealy, as above; Cork Examiner, 2 January 1866.
Mountjoy, Pentonville, prison experience: Rossa, Jeremiah O’Donovan, Irish Rebels in English Prisons, New York, 1882.
John Boyle O’Reilly (hereafter JBOR), childhood and subsequent: Schofield, William G., Seek for a Hero—The Story of John Boyle O’Reilly, New York, 1956; Roche, James Jeffrey, John Boyle O’Reilly: His Life, Poems and Speeches, New York, 1891; Evans, A. G., Fanatic Heart: A Life of John Boyle O’Reilly, 1844–1890, A. G. Evans, Perth, 1997.
Pagan O’Leary, William Roantree: Denieffe, as above.
Devoy meets JBOR: Devoy, John, Recollections of an Irish Rebel, Dublin, 1869.
McCafferty amongst the Irish: D’Arcy, Kee, Bold Fenian Men, London, 1972.
Arrest and imprisonment of JBOR and others: Roche, Evans, as above; D’Arcy, Kee, as above; Amos, Keith, The Fenians in Australia, 1865–1880, Sydney, 1988.
Fenian soldiers’ careers: Amos, as above.
Trial of JBOR, and subsequent imprisonment: Roche, Schofield, Evans, as above.
Chapter heading: Athearn, TFM, as above.
Decision to call the legislature: Montana Post, 7 February 1866; Meagher, Thomas Francis, Lectures of Governor Thomas Francis Meagher in Montana, Helena, MT, 1867.
Edgerton’s failings as governor, and a Democrat view of TFM’s successes: Word, Samuel, A History of the Democratic Party in Montana, in Joaquin Miller, An Illustrated History of the State of Montana, Chicago, 1894.
TFM informs President and Seward: Athearn, TFM, as above; TFM, Lectures of Governor, as above.
TFM’s Montana career, relationship with Sanders and others: Rayma, Robert George, Montana: The Land and the People, 3 volumes, Chicago and New York, 1930; Burlingame, Merrill G., The Montana Frontier, Helena, MT, 1842; Malone, Michael P., Roeder, Richard B. and Lang, William J., Montana: A History of Two Centuries, Seattle, WA, 1991; Spence, Clark C., Territorial Politics and Government in Montana, 1864–89, Chicago, 1975; Sanders, Helen Fitzgerald, A History of Montana, Chicago and New York, 1913; Miller, Joaquin, An Illustrated History of the State of Montana, Chicago, 1894; Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana, Vol. VIII, Helena, MT, 1917.
The legislature meets: Montana Democrat, 8 March 1866.
Chumasero accusations: Athearn, TFM, as above.r />
TFM’s St Patrick’s Day speech: TFM, Lectures of Governor, as above.
TFM’s problems with judges: Duice, John D. W., The Rocky Mountain Bench: The Territorial Supreme Courts of Colorado, Montana and Wyoming, New Haven, CT, 1972.
Meagher to Johnson on long tours: Athearn, TFM, as above.
Kuppens and TFM: Kuppens, SJ, Father, ‘Memoirs,’ Mid-America, Vol. XIV, No. 2, October 1931.
TFM’s Irish vision for Montana: Emmons, David N., The Butte Irish—Class and Ethnicity in an American Mining Town, 1875–1925, Chicago, 1990.
Dimsdale and Vigilantes: Dimsdale, Professor Thomas J., The Vigilantes of Montana, Helena, MT, 1915.
The non-Vigilante side of the Daniels and other cases: Mather, Robert E. and Boswell, F. E., Hanging the Sheriff, A Biography of Henry Plummer, Salt Lake City, 1987; Mather, Robert E. and Boswell, F. W., Vigilante Victims: Montana’s 1864 Hanging Spree, San Jose, California, 1991; Word, as above.
Daniels’s petition and TFM’s reaction: TFM’s proclamation, 22 February 1866, Small Collection 1634, Montana Historical Society Archives, Helena, MT.
Langford statement: Mather and Boswell, Vigilante Victims, as above.
FB instructions to Mitchel, and enthusiastic reports from Stephens and other Fenians: D’Arcy, as above; Dillon, Volume 2, as above; Mitchel, Jail Journal, as above.
Hunters’ Lodges: Senior, as above.
Anti-British feeling in the United States: Beamis, as above.
Calls for Union to send troops to Canada: Chicago Tribune, 14 December 1864.
McGee dumped from cabinet, joins Conservatives: Senior, Skelton, as above.
Campobello: D’Arcy, Senior, Neidhardt, as above.
Canadians on verge of invasion: New York Daily Tribune, 15 April 1866.
Fenians disband: New York Daily Tribune, 20 April 1866.
Canadian invasion, June: Denison, Major George T., Jr, History of the Fenian Raid on Fort Erie, with an account of the Battle of Ridgeway, June 1866, Toronto, 1866; Canada, Department of the Secretary of State, Correspondence Relating to the Fenian Invasion, Ottawa, 1869; Somerville, Alexander, Narrative of the Fenian Invasion of Canada, Hamilton, 1866.
Sweeny’s Canada plan: Irish American, 3 February 1866.
Address to the People of British Canada, and Fenian Anthem: Senior, as above.
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