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Fighting for Phoebe

Page 10

by Jennifer Ann

  Later, when I think I’m stirring awake, my weary eyes are met with total darkness and every muscle in my body aches so badly when I move that I’m almost numb with pain.

  “Am I dead?” I mumble.

  Then I feel Jace’s arm draped across my belly stir with the sound of my voice.

  “I was beginning to wonder,” he answers in a sleepy voice, chuckling. “You were still out cold when I woke a couple hours ago, so I just went back to sleep. I didn’t think you’d be up for days.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever slept in a guy’s arms like that before. It was kind of…nice.” It’s the understatement of a lifetime, but it seems pointless to let him know how hard I’m falling for him when we’re still virtual strangers.

  Stretching out my stiff arms over my head, I push my bare butt backwards and come into contact with his hard cock. Does the dude ever go soft?

  Jace’s hand cups my ass and he hums. “As much as I want to go another round on this beautiful ass, I’m fucking starving.”

  “Let’s shower up and grab a bite somewhere,” I suggest. “I could use a beer.”

  “You better go first. If I see you stretched out naked underneath steaming water, we’ll never make it out of here.”

  “Roger that,” I answer smartly, crawling out of the bed.

  Beneath the long, hot spray of water, my muscles are soothed but it does little to curb the ever-present desire I’ve developed for Jace. I even consider touching myself when replaying the hot sex from earlier. It’s like he’s tuned my body to an ear-screeching frequency that can only be relieved by him.

  The reality that I’m stuck with the same clothes for however long we’re on the run grosses me out once I’m dried off and stepping back into my sweaty bra and underwear turned inside out. I need to find a washing machine or Jace won’t feel as ravenous once I've developed a funky odor.

  Clearing a spot in the fogged-over mirror with my hand, I stare back at my sadly hopeful reflection, wondering what someone so amazing could possibly see in someone so jaded. How long can I fool myself into thinking there’s a happily ever after in this scenario? Ellen will lose her shit when she realizes I’ve skipped town. How long before she comes looking for me? And how long can we continue avoiding Decker before he’ll mess with Jace’s motorcycle…or worse yet, Jace? As much as I don't want him to get it back so he’ll be free to leave town without me, I would be crushed if he was either hurt or out all that money.

  And as many times as he’s said he wants to run away together, I’m afraid he’ll eventually leave just like every other man to come into my life.

  There’s a soft knock at the door. “You okay in there?”

  “Just picking out what to wear,” I call back, slipping into my shorts and throwing my T-shirt over my damp shoulders.

  A delightful chuckle from his side sends a vibration down my core. “Does this town have a mall? I think I owe you a shirt.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. The torn look is in.”

  After squeezing the blue tips of my hair one last time inside the towel, I spin around to unlock the door. The way Jace leans against the door frame in nothing more than his boxer-briefs as his always hungry eyes drink me in, I have to bite back a delighted moan. He’s too ridiculously good looking for someone like me. If I was halfway sane, I’d tie him to the headboard and never let him go. But sanity, as well as logic, left years ago when I conceded to being Ellen’s little bitch.

  “Having second thoughts about all this?” he asks, drawing me into his arms.

  “Just….worried,” I admit, slinking against his tight muscles and breathing his natural scent in. How can something so hard feel so amazing? “If anything happens to you…I don’t know how I’d survive something like that.”

  “Are you saying you care about me?”

  Dipping my chin, I bite back a smile. “Let’s just say it would royally suck if you got hurt.”

  “I promise you that I can take care of myself.” Twisting a hand in my wet locks, his thick lips press to my forehead. “Your phone rang while you were in there. I hate to say it, but with the sheriff involved, it’s probably time to ditch it before someone decides to track us. I’ll buy you a new one when this is over.”

  Though I can’t imagine this will ever be over, I know he’s right. I can never afford anything more than a phone that’s half a dozen models behind anyway. “Just let me write down Kory and Decker’s numbers, then we can throw it in the toilet.”

  “Good idea.” Drawing back, he bends to kiss me hard, sweeping his tongue through my mouth before bringing his lips to my ear. “After I shower, I’m going to dirty that pussy one more time before we go. I need to do something about this massive hard-on I developed while picturing you cleaning yourself off.”

  My throat constricts, making it a challenge to swallow as he slips into the bathroom, smirking like the sexy bastard he is. Holy shit, we’re worse than a couple of jackrabbits. What’s going to stop us from staying locked up in this room for a week?

  As if to remind me, my cell phone rings from the nightstand. Snatching it up, I see several missed calls from Ellen, along with a psychotic amount of texts.

  Where r u

  Why arent u home

  Decker is trying 2 find u. sounds pissed

  WTF Phoebs

  Answer me

  Do I need 2 call the sheriff

  Im not fucking around little girl

  U r with the hottie, arent u

  Hes only using u for a piece of ass

  U cant possibly think he wants anything more

  Dont make me angry

  U will regret this

  Releasing a mournful sigh, I flip down on top of the messy sheets. While I wish Jace could really devise a plan that would finally cut the cord between me and my crazy ass mother, he’ll never fully understand what he’s getting himself into. And I’ve worked too hard the past few months to simply walk away at this point.

  No matter what angle we go at this, I see it ending badly for anyone involved. Like blood-bath kind of bad. And with all the feelings I’ve developed for the gorgeous hunk washing my smell off in the other room, I can’t let it be him.



  With a towel around my waist, I strut out of the bathroom with only one thought: I’m ready to bury my throbbing cock in the only place it belongs, the only place I ever care to stick it again. What in the hell is it about Phoebe that I can’t resist? Maybe it’s because she’s funny, brave, smart, and fucks with boundless determination. It’s everything I could ever want in a woman. A companion to make this wild ride of life worth it. What more do I need to know?

  The enticing scent of sex still clings to the small room. It’s dark except for a small sliver of light from a lamp outside. The sheets are still a mess. And Phoebe is nowhere to be found. Neither is her phone.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” I call out, moving over to a small lamp on the night stand. “Where’d your hot ass go?”

  When I flick the switch, the rest of the room illuminates to reveal my greatest fear.

  She’s gone.


  Plopping my ass onto the edge of the bed, I drag my fingers through my wet hair and hang my head. My vision clouds as I imagine Phoebe going after Decker on her own. What will she offer him in exchange for my bike? Multiple scenarios of her on her knees, begging him in various ways makes me want to pummel the piece of shit until my fists are covered in his blood. Drawing in a slow, steady breath, I try to calm my racing heart before I completely explode.

  I shouldn’t feel this wrecked over losing someone I’ve just met. As much as I wanted to believe we could split town together and find some way to live in peace, a part of me always knew it was impossible. The timing was wrong for both of us. I came here for one thing, and it wasn’t her.

  Still, I refuse to back down. She needs someone to give a damn. She needs me.

  As I lay back on the bed, trying to come up with the best way to trac
k her down without exposing myself, I hear the crinkle of paper behind my head. Reaching up, I find a piece of motel stationary folded in half and open it.


  With whatever shit you already have on your own plate, it doesn’t seem fair you’re forced to consume mine too.

  Thank you for making me feel fan-fucking-tastic in both body and soul. Although no one has ever offered to fight for me before, it’s my battle to be won.

  You’re an amazing man and I wish you nothing but the best. I hope you find an amazing woman with a little less shit to add to the mix.

  Give me 24 hours and I’ll find a way to have your bike waiting for you outside of Rounders.

  Don’t come after me. It’s too dangerous. I couldn’t live another day if you were hurt or ended up in jail because of the things I’ve done.

  There’s no way I’ll ever forget you.

  I’m sorry.


  I crumple the note in my fist and toss it over my shoulder. She’s obviously accustomed to everyone in her life giving up on her without looking back.

  She’s in for a big fucking surprise.



  Hitching a ride back to Chesterville is a piece of cake considering one out of every three vehicles taking the interstate between the two towns is guaranteed to be a trucker. Ron, a giant of a man with a comically tiny dog for a companion, takes pride in safely delivering me in his big blue rig to the edge of town.

  “A girl like you is too pretty to be taking rides from creepy old men in the dark,” he calls after me as I’m climbing down from the passenger’s side. “Be careful out there. I don’t want to see your face on the evening news.”

  “You and me both,” I mutter before shutting the door and slinking off into the shadows.

  Most of the locals have always stuck to their houses once it’s dark. I’m sure they’re happy to watch reality TV and smoke their drugs in peace. Though I’m used to the stillness, the idea that Decker and the sheriff could be roaming the streets has the little fuzzy hairs on the back of my neck standing on edge.

  I suddenly wonder if I’ve finally lost my mind for good. There’s no doubt Jace would keep me safe, and leaving him behind was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Possibly even worse than the time I agreed to go on a date with Raunchy Rick in high school because I felt bad he was always getting picked on by the football players, and wanted to prove just because someone has a face completely filled with acne and was forced to wear head gear all the time doesn’t make a person unattractive.

  I don’t have even the inkling of a plan, though I’ll do anything to keep my promise to return Jace’s bike. Once I’ve dealt with Ellen, calming her enough so she won’t do something stupid to put Jace in more danger, I sure as shit better come up with the mother of all ideas.

  By the time I make it to Ellen’s front lawn, I’m tired of jumping with every noise and nearly pee myself with joy when seeing her house all lit up and hearing her usual selection of 80s rock rattling the windows. While in no way does finding her home imply I’m safe, I’m glad I won’t be forced to continue tip-toeing among a city filled with criminals to find her.

  I slip around back, knowing that door is always unlocked. When it opens before I have a chance to reach for the handle, my heart leaps into my throat.

  Ellen, dressed in grossly short cut offs and a barely-there cropped top, leans against the open door with a lit cigarette in hand and clicks her tongue. It makes me crazy angry that she’s smoking hot and possibly better looking than me. Why can’t she be old and decrepit to match her rotten soul?

  Her lips quirk with a prideful little smile. “I knew you’d eventually come crawling back. Where the fuck you been?”

  “Pottery class,” I grumble, pushing past her and nearly knocking her down.

  Her heels click against the wooden floor as she hurries behind, all at once muting the Def Leppard song that’s nearly rupturing my ear drums. The only reason the neighbors don’t call the cops for her excessively loud ritual is because they all know the sheriff is a lazy scum stain. I also think Ellen may have slept with the seventy-year-old man next door.

  “When I message you, I expect an immediate answer,” she tells me the moment we’re given peace. “Do I have to remind you how this relationship works?”

  When I spin around, my lips tight and my hands curled into fists at my sides, she doesn’t even flinch. “I’m over your threats, Ellen. I’m through being your minion too. Do whatever the hell you feel necessary, but I’m done. Just because you chose this kind of life for yourself doesn’t automatically mean I want to be any part of it. I’m your daughter, not your Siamese twin.”

  Laughing merrily, she takes a long drag of her cigarette while looking me up and down. “Well, well. You found yourself a gorgeous man with a big dick and all of a sudden you’re a thousand different shades of brave. Where is that hot piece of ass, anyway? He seems like he’d like a go with someone more…experienced.”

  Trying not to gag, I mutter, “He left town.”

  “And here I was convinced you had become the best liar of them all.” With a roll of her eyes, she taps her cigarette against the sink. “Decker told me he has your man’s bike. What kind of shit have you gotten into with him this time?”

  “He didn’t mention that he attacked me in the back of Rounders?”

  Her merry expression falters for a split second. It’s brief enough to remind me that she doesn’t give a shit what happens to me, probably never has. “What’s the matter, darlin’? The poor guy just wants another chance.”

  “Um, yeah, because forcing yourself on a woman screams second chance.” I grab onto her upper arm and snarl. “When did you talk to Decker? What’s going on with you two?”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Setting the cigarette between her lips, she uses her free hand to pry my fingers away. “And I would suggest you do not grab me like that again.”

  “Are you helping him plan something?” I ask, made even more suspicious by her defensive behavior. Please don’t tell me they have a thing going now because that’s the kind of shit an entire decade of therapy couldn't repair.

  “Fucking my daughter’s leftovers is not my thing, so you can stop looking at me like that.” Blowing smoke out her nose and flicking the cigarette into the sink, she wraps her arms around her small waist. “Who do you think you are, walking into my house and accusing me of this bullshit? Logan wouldn’t tolerate you talking to me like this!”

  “Yeah, well, Logan is gone and you weren’t anything like this when he was around. So quit bringing him up every time you’re trying to win a fight.” Laughing in a cold, hallow sound, I shake my head and start for the door. She’s hiding something, all right, and I’ll be damned if I don’t find out one way or another. “If I find out you’re lying, I’ll be coming back for you, Ellen.”

  “And where do you think you’re going in the meantime?” she hollers in reply. “Back into the arms of that thug you brought around here last night? Does he know that you lie to men for a living? That motorcycle of his would bring in a lot of cash.”

  Spinning back around, I point at her with an unsteady hand. “From now on, what I do with my life is none of your goddamn business. If you try to turn me into the cops, you’re only going to be creating a hell on earth for yourself because I will not back down. I will tell them everything. And I’m sure if they pieced together our texts and your trips to the cities, they’d at least be able to arrest you for being an accessory. I don’t think you want to find out what big, butch woman sentenced to a lifetime in prison would have to say about a pretty little thing like you.”

  Okay, so maybe I took things one step too far considering I’m talking to my mother, but most mothers don’t threaten to send their children to jail either. “Just…stay the hell out of my life unless you’re sending a Christmas or birthday present and it’s not something that you used swindled money on,” I warn one last t
ime. “Or whatever. Just don’t get caught using it on me.”

  Her lips are tight when she glares back. “This isn’t over. I still expect you to help me.”

  I literally feel my patience snap as I start for her. “Go find yourself a rich old man to marry next time you’re in the cities. Pathetically gorgeous women like you are doing that kind of thing all the time. You may have to do it a few times once they realize you’re a heartless, conniving bitch, but there’s nothing wrong with multiple marriages. Getting remarried now days is like buying a new pair of shoes, and you’ve got that down to an art.”

  Ellen also looks to be at the end of her rope when she brings her face within an inch of mine. “What did this stranger offer that you’re suddenly brave enough to speak to me this way? Did he promise he’d take you away from all this? Did he say he’d take care of you? And in exchange for what? Good head every now and then? What exactly do you think you could possibly have to offer a man to make him want to stick around?”

  God, I hate how well she knows me and my deepest fears even though she doesn’t really know a damn thing about me. It’s not like we sit around watching chick flicks and drinking wine while having mother-daughter talks.

  “He didn’t offer any of those things,” I lie, rolling my eyes. “It’s pitiful that you think a woman can’t take care of herself without being a criminal or relying on a man.”

  Heading out the back door, I make a point of slamming it hard behind me even though she’s already turned the music back up so loud that I doubt she can think straight. Screw her for assuming the only reason I’m strong is because of Jace. I mean, yeah, he kind of gave me the added courage I needed to stand up to her once and for all, and he did offer to save me from Ellen, but I walked away from him and decided to do it on my own. That must count for something. Because there’s no way in hell I can consider taking him up on his offer after what I just said to Ellen. Right? Right?


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