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The Sheriff's Little Girl

Page 13

by Alex Reynolds

  “I’m glad you think so,” Peter said, sounding a little bit smug. He started to pat Crank down, checking to see if he had any weapons or drugs on him. He felt a few objects in Crank’s pockets and reached in, carefully pulling out a closed switchblade and three small plastic baggies of white powder.

  “Evidence bag,” Peter called out. One of the other officers produced one right away, and Peter put the drugs and weapon into the bag before handing it off again. He couldn’t help but give a thumbs-up to his fellow officer. This had gone off perfectly.

  “Don’t you feel proud of yourselves,” Crank sneered.

  “Actually, I do feel pretty proud of myself, Crichton,” Peter told him. He knew he shouldn’t let this get personal, but he couldn’t help himself. “I’m proud to see you standing there in cuffs, about to be taken back to the station for booking. Our department has spent an awful lot of effort tracking you, and we got you exactly the way we wanted to. And it was worth it. It matters to me that we keep this town a safe place for everyone, and it matters to me that you wind up in jail.”

  Crank stared off into space, unaffected by what Peter was saying.

  “Ever since she left your apartment, I’ve been taking care of Julie and it hurts my heart when I think of the fact that you did such a rotten job of looking after her. You had a wonderful, loving girl in your life, and you made her feel like garbage. Julie had no idea how special she was when I met her, because people like you treated her like she wasn’t. You’re a selfish coward, and your actions made you not just lose a remarkable girl, but hurt her terribly.”

  The man in handcuffs stared back at Peter. Maybe Peter was just imagining it, but Crank’s face looked a little softened. Maybe he was feeling a little bit of regret. Peter certainly hoped so.

  “I feel so lucky that Julie came into my life. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m going to spend all my free time trying to undo the damage that you did to her by giving her all my love and attention. She deserves it. And I know for a fact that you’re going to get what you deserve, too. Selling drugs to people who were trying to get help is just despicable, and you’ve been caught in the act. That’s not going to go over very well in court.”

  Peter realized he was getting a little too impassioned in front of his fellow officers, so he cut himself off there. He didn’t want to be unprofessional.

  He took a final look at Crank before he led him out of the room and down to the patrol car to take him back to the station and book him. Crank’s face and posture were full of hopelessness. He had given up on himself. Peter liked to think that everyone that he arrested had a chance at redemption, but it was hard for him to believe that Crank had any good left in him. He was glad that they had the evidence to put him away for a long time.

  As Peter led Crank down to the elevator, Baker started to search the patient who had been in the room with them, looking to see if he had received drugs from Crank yet. Patients poked their heads out of the rooms to see what was going on as Crank was led away in handcuffs.

  Only when he had pushed Crank’s head down into the car and locked him in the backseat behind the grating did Peter breathe a sigh of relief. It felt like he’d been holding that breath in since this case had begun. Things were going to be alright now.

  * * *

  Julie tried to go back to sleep after Peter left, but she had a hard time doing so. She found herself tossing and turning, nervousness growing in her stomach.

  She was so excited by the idea that Crank was going to get arrested. But she was afraid that Peter would be at risk when he went to do so. She didn’t want anything to happen to him, and she knew that Crank was a dangerous man. Still, she trusted Peter. She remembered how brave he had been when they had heard a noise outside, and how he striking he had looked as he had walked outside, gun drawn, in only his jeans. She felt confident that he could take care of himself, but she couldn’t help but feel anxious.

  Another set of fears rushed in as soon as she gave them the chance. Now that Crank was going to get arrested, it would be safe for Julie to leave Peter’s house. Would she be allowed to stay here, or would she have to get her own place? What would happen? The thought of being anywhere else scared her now. This little house had become her home, and Peter was her whole world. What would she do if she wasn’t in protective custody anymore?

  She got out of bed and wandered into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She looked at herself in the mirror as she did and thought about how much life had changed. She knew that it could never go back to the way it was before. Peter loved her too much. She didn’t need to worry.

  But she did anyway, unable to knock the fears out of her mind as she wandered through the house. She found her way into the living room, where a few boxes were sitting by the door. Peter must have brought them in from outside when he was leaving. They were the home accessories that they had ordered the other day, finally arrived.

  Opening the cardboard boxes and taking everything out distracted her, and the fact that Peter had bought her things to make her feel at home soothed her heart. She busied herself deciding what would go where, but she didn’t hang anything up. She knew better than to try to use a hammer without her daddy’s supervision.

  The day passed slowly, with no word from Peter. She decided to make herself some lunch to give her something else to do, but then only picked at the sandwich that she had put together.

  She tried to be useful, making the bed and wiping down the counters in the bathroom and kitchen. Finally, she popped in a Cuddle Cats DVD and grabbed her stuffed kitten that Peter had purchased for her at the theme park. She curled up on the couch with it, trying to feel as okay as she could.

  She must have drifted off, because when she awoke with a start, the sun was setting. She could hear keys fumbling in the lock, and then the door opened and Peter walked into the room.

  Julie leapt from the couch and ran into his arms. He caught her and gave her a big kiss.

  “Are you okay?” she asked right away, nothing worrying her more than her daddy’s safety.

  “Yes, baby, I’m fine,” he told her, holding her close. “Crank’s in custody now.”

  Julie felt tears filling up her eyes at these words.

  “So, I’m safe now?”

  “We’re not out of the woods yet. We still have to go to trial, but we have an awful lot of evidence against him. We took him in from work, then went to his apartment for evidence. There was an awful lot of it. Drugs, money, even weapons.”

  Julie’s eyes widened at the idea that Crank had weapons. It made her scared for herself in the past, even though she knew that didn’t make sense.

  “It wasn’t a very small-scale operation. He’s definitely going to do a lot of time.”

  Julie felt relief wash over her. She had waited for this for so long.

  “I was able to get some of your things from Crank’s apartment, too,” Peter told her. “They’re in the car.”

  She jumped up and down at this news. She had assumed that Crank would have gotten rid of her stuff, but she was so glad that Peter had brought her some of it back.

  “I’m so glad that you saved the day, daddy!” Julie squealed, giving him another big kiss.

  “Protecting this town is what I do, kitten,” Peter told her. “It’s what I’ve always done. I’m glad that you were able to help me make Palm Oasis a safer place, and help all those poor people at the rehab get the help they really need, without some creep taking all their money to keep them hooked on drugs.”

  He took a step back, looking into her eyes.

  “But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that taking care of you is much more important to me than that. I hope that even though you don’t have to stay here with me after the trial is over, that you’ll want to. You’ve given my life more meaning than anyone ever has before. I love you with all my heart.”

  Julie felt tears rolling down her face.

  “I was scared that you would tell me that I had to leave once
this was over,” she confided. “All I want to do is stay here with you.”

  Peter walked over to the couch, pulling her into his lap so she was held close against him. She nuzzled up against his chest like she always did when they were in this position.

  “Well, that’s not going to be all you do, since with Crank in custody, you’re safe to go out of the house. And I’ve been thinking a little bit about what you should be doing with your life. I think it’s time for my bright little girl to go back to school.”

  Julie hadn’t even considered this. College had never seemed like an option to her before, but it was true. With Peter’s help, she would be able to do that.

  “There are a lot of things that you need to learn how to do. There are a lot of things you never got chances for in your life. Now that I’m here to take care of you, we can help you learn those things together.”

  “I can really go to school?” she asked, having trouble not sniffling with happy tears.

  “You have to get your GED before you can enroll at the community college,” he told her, “but I’m willing to help you do that. And I think maybe you should study art when you do go. Those aren’t just doodles that you paint in your free time, you know. You’re really gifted at that, and I think you could make a career of it.”

  “Do you think that I could work for Cuddle Cats?” she blurted out, letting dreams that she had always kept at bay fly wild.

  “I think that’s possible. But let’s take it one step at a time. First we have to get through this trial. But we have lots of time to do whatever it is that we want.”

  “Our whole lives,” Julie whispered.

  “Yes. I want to spend every day with my precious little girl.”

  Julie’s daddy held her close and stroked her hair. Her heart soared. Nothing could be more perfect.

  The End

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  More Stormy Night Books by Alex Reynolds

  The Doctor’s Little Girl

  After losing yet another job, twenty-year-old Molly Parker wonders whether failure and sadness are her lot in life. Her last hope lies in Dr. Andrew Harrington, the handsome physician who witnessed a courageous act of kindness on her part and then offered her a job. But Molly can’t help worrying that she’ll lose this job too, just like all the others…

  From the moment he set eyes on her, Andrew knew there was something special about Molly—special enough for him to bring her halfway across the country and give her a job at his practice and a room in his home—but it soon becomes clear that she will be a handful. When it seems that her poor attitude at work will leave him no choice but to fire her, he makes a bold decision and gives Molly exactly what she needs: a long, hard, bare-bottom spanking.

  Nobody has ever cared enough about Molly to correct her before, let alone take her in hand so completely, and soon enough she is cuddling in Andrew’s lap and calling him daddy. It will take more than one trip over Andrew’s knee to cure her bad habits, though, and discipline at a doctor’s office can leave a naughty little girl blushing bright red before her real punishment even begins. But can Andrew really give Molly what she has always longed for, or will he eventually give up on her like everyone else?

  Daddy’s Little Angela

  Despite being twenty-six years old, Angela loves that her husband treats her like his sweet little girl. But even though he is always more than ready to spank her bare bottom when she is naughty, Angela sometimes can’t help feeling superior to the other women in the small age play community of Little Haven, particularly the ones who act the youngest.

  But her daddy will not tolerate her being mean to others, and after she makes fun of another girl and hurts her feelings badly, he decides that some very thorough, embarrassing discipline is needed. Angela will be spanked, bathed, made to wear baby clothes, and treated like a very little girl until her daddy is sure that she has learned her lesson.

  Alex Reynolds Links

  You can keep up with Alex Reynolds via her blog, her Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr pages, and her Goodreads profile, using the following links:

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  More Stormy Night Books by Alex Reynolds

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