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Cassidy's War

Page 11

by Susan Macatee

  George raised his brows. “And Quinn...”

  “He’s entirely besotted.” She grinned. “I thought maybe if he courted her, she’d eventually open up.”

  “If Madison did do anything improper, and she talks, he might come after her, or anyone she might tell.”

  She nodded, biting into the chicken. She swallowed and dabbed her chin with a napkin, before she spoke. “I hate having to draw Quinn into this, but I see no other way.” Her gaze rose to meet his. “If we can’t discredit Madison, our practice may be ruined and Quinn’s returned to town for nothing.”

  George reached for her hand. “I’ll do everything in my power to protect you and your family. In New York City, I lived the life of a gambler and learned how to protect myself. And you know I’m no stranger to firearms.”

  She bit her lip. The gesture sent his pulse racing. He longed to lean over and steal another kiss, but the presence of others held him in check.

  “You don’t reckon Madison knows his way around a gun, do you?”

  George sighed. “I surely hope not, but I can’t take any chances concerning your safety.”

  She shook her head, reaching for the glass of lemonade. “He doesn’t seem the sort to resort to firearms, but I do sense a streak of cruelty and violence under his false charm.”

  George scowled, reaching for a chicken leg. “If he so much as touches you, I want to know.” He poked the leg at her for emphasis. After taking a bite, he leaned forward, reaching for her hand.

  He stroked his thumb against her palm. Her eyes closed part way. He continued the motion, his breath catching as he realized how much he cared for this woman. “I promise you, I won’t rest until Madison is finished as a physician in this town.”

  “I don’t know how...”

  He brushed his thumb over her velvety lower lip. “We’ll prove what he is and the town will drive him out on a rail, if the authorities don’t get to him first.”


  Cassidy sighed. The motion of George’s callused thumb on the back of her hand sent swirling sensations to her core. She longed to lie on the tablecloth and allow him to undress her, take her, in front of the whole town. In all the years since he’d left, she’d never entertained such thoughts with other men. But George made her feel like a wanton.

  He leaned in, his sensuous lips a breath away from her mouth. She pulled back.

  “As much as I’d love for you to kiss me, George...” She glanced around at the children racing along the edge of the water and brushed off her skirt.

  He gestured to the spread before them. “But we haven’t finished our lunch.”

  She smiled. “I’d love to spend the entire day here, but I’ve got those chores.”

  “Ah, Cassie, you have a knack for spoiling the perfect opportunity.” He frowned but gathered the leftovers, packing them into the basket. His gaze rested on the tarts. “Would you like to take them home with you?”

  “No, I made them for you.”

  His brows rose. “But how did you know I had this planned?”

  She smirked. “I was going to bring them over to your room today. As a sort of peace offering.”

  He quirked his lips, and she fought the urge to wrap her arms around him and devour him whole.

  He bowed his head and packed everything, then stood, reaching for her hand. She allowed him to help her to her feet. She shook out and smoothed her skirts, while he retrieved the checkered cloth and folded it into the basket.

  She settled in the carriage, but her gaze never left him. He jumped in beside her, and she leaned toward him, her lips close to his ear.

  “We’ll have another chance to be together soon,” she whispered.

  His answering smile sent a shot of pure desire pulsing down her spine.


  Later in the day, Cassidy decided to stroll through town, her purpose to pay a surprise visit to Dr. Madison. If George could, why not her? Although, she wouldn’t pose as a patient, but a potential employee.

  Tillie answered the door and escorted her to the parlor.

  “The doctor is seeing his last patient for the day. He’ll be with you shortly.”

  After the maid left the room, Cassidy peered through the open doorway. A door opened and closed, and she caught the sound of muted male voices. Madison and who? She stood and sidled to the door. Old Mr. Jenkins, from across town, stood in the hall shaking hands with the doctor.

  Madison glanced toward the parlor and caught her gaze. His chestnut brows rose.

  “Miss Stuart! What a pleasant surprise.”

  She stepped into the hall, but he waved her back.

  “Sit. I’ll speak to you in the parlor.” She resumed her seat and waited. A few moments later, he stepped into the room and slid into the chair across from her. “Tell me; to what do I owe this surprise visit?”

  She folded her hands in her lap. “I’ve thought about your kind offer. Quinn will begin seeing patients again, and I only have a few I’m still treating, so I thought...” She let her sentence die.

  “Yes?” He leaned toward her.

  “I thought I could assist you part time, so I’ll still be available to help Quinn.”

  “Just how many patients do you have left?”

  She ticked them off on her fingers. “I have, four. Miss Baker came in today to have her stitches removed.”

  His gaze darkened. “Oh, yes, Miss Baker. She indicated that she was more comfortable with a female doctor.”

  Cassidy nodded, hoping to draw him out. “You saw her, I understand.”

  “Yes, once or twice.” He waved his hand. “She had an infection, you see.”

  “She told me.”

  “Told you what?” He frowned.

  “That you’d treated her for an infection.” She leaned back. “She’s a very congenial patient, don’t you agree?”

  “Oh, yes.” His smile wavered for a moment, but then he brightened. “If you’d like, I’ll show you my office and exam room before Tillie cleans up.”

  Cassidy smiled. “I’d like that very much, Doctor.”

  The brief tour of the office and exam room included numerous pats on the hand and arm. Madison brushed against her every chance he could and on one occasion, Cassidy feared he’d go too far, but the threat of Tillie stepping into the room or overhearing anything may have kept him in check.

  After the tour, Cassidy breathed a sigh of relief and settled her hand in the crook of his proffered arm for the stroll to the front door. “Would you consent to join me for a meal at the tavern, unless you need to be home for dinner?”

  Things were going exactly as planned. “I’d love to, Doctor.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Saturday evening, George strolled from the hotel to the tavern. Realizing Cassidy wouldn’t heed his advice in staying away from Madison, he’d paced his room trying to come up with a solution that wouldn’t reveal his identity to the doctor. His stomach started to protest. The last thing he’d eaten had been at the picnic that afternoon. He smiled at the memory. Since staying at the hotel, he’d taken most of his meals in the tavern. As he entered, a couple seated in the center of the room caught his gaze. Cassidy and Madison sat across from each other.

  Not wanting to draw attention to himself, George slinked to a two seat table in the corner.

  After the barmaid took his order, he focused on their conversation, jaw clenched as the urge to grab Cassidy away from the man, overwhelmed him.

  “Since setting up my practice here in town, Miss Stuart, I thought of you as a threat to my livelihood, but I’ve come to grow quite fond of you. While I’m thrilled you’re considering working as my assistant, I hope you’ll allow me to court you properly.” He reached a hand across the table and covered hers.

  George slunk lower in his chair, his gaze fixed on Cassidy. She didn’t yank her hand away.

  What the hell is she doing?

  Lifting her tea cup to her lips, she sipped. Madison’s thumb traced intimate ci
rcles over the back of her free hand. When she jerked her hand away, George blew out a relieved sigh. “Dr. Madison, I don’t believe we should be holding hands like this in a public place.”

  He glanced around the room and smirked. “Of course not, Miss Stuart. If you’re finished with your tea, I’ll be happy to escort you home.”

  George turned away and gritted his teeth. The thought of the bastard touching her made his skin crawl. How could she allow him to court her?

  He hid his face behind a menu as they left the tavern, then sat for a time trying to decide what he should do.


  Since sunset, the evening air had taken on a chill. Cassidy shivered.

  “Are you cold, my dear?” Madison asked.

  “A little,” she admitted. He placed an arm around her shoulder and drew her close. Prickles of unease shot up her spine.

  When they drew abreast of the hotel, he pulled her aside. “I’d like to show you something.”

  She wanted nothing more than for him to take her home, but she acquiesced and followed his lead. Maybe he’d do something to help George prove his guilt. The alley he led her down dead-ended. The prickles returned and her breath caught. “What do you want to show me here?”

  He propped her against the wall, removed his hat, and lowered his mouth to hers. Before she could utter a protest, his tongue pressed against her lips, trying to push them apart.

  She shoved with all her strength. “Dr. Madison! I must insist you take me home. Now!” She struggled to keep her breath even as she watched his smoldering expression grow cold.

  He leaned away from her, pushing his hand through his hair, then settled his bowler back on his head. “You must forgive me, Miss Stuart. I should never have taken such liberties. But your beauty has mesmerized me.”

  “Please take me home. Now.”

  Madison tightened his grip on her wrist. Movement outside the alley drew her startled gasp.

  George raced to her side and yanked Madison’s hand from her arm. “Take your hands off her, you filthy scum!”

  Madison’s eyes widened. “See here!”

  Before he could utter another word, George raised his fist and slammed it into the doctor’s face.

  “George, don’t!” Cassidy cried.

  George paid no attention. Madison growled and swung at George. He ducked and the doctor swung again, this time connecting with George’s jaw and knocking them both to the ground.

  The two wrestled and grunted, rolling around in the dirt.

  Cassidy stepped to the edge of the alley, her heart thudding. No pedestrians strolled by. Wringing her hands, she turned back. She had to stop this herself.

  “Will you please stop acting like school boys or common ruffians?” She glared at them, hands fisted on her hips.

  “I won’t let you hurt Cassie, you pompous ass,” George ground out.

  “Looks to me like you already have,” Madison spat.

  George swung and connected with the doctor’s nose.

  A loud crunch drew a gasp from Cassidy.

  George glanced up, his lip curled upward. He rose to his feet, breathing hard.

  Dr. Madison lay flat on his back, cradling his bloodied nose in both hands.

  “George Masters!” Cassidy glared into his dark eyes. “Just what are you doing?”

  “He—I...” George arched a brow. “He had you alone in a dark alley. What am I supposed to think?”

  She lifted her fisted hands to rest on her hips. “So you punched him?”

  “Well...he hit me, too.” He rubbed his jaw.

  She sank to the ground beside the doctor. “Are you all right?”

  He grimaced. “Did the son-of-a-bitch break it?” he ground out.

  She leaned over to examine Madison’s nose. “It doesn’t look broken, but just to be sure you’d best come over to my office. I can take a better look there.”

  He nodded, retrieved a handkerchief from his vest pocket, and pressed the cloth against the free flowing blood.

  “Here.” Cassidy reached for his hand. “Allow me to help you up.” He placed his hand in hers, and she helped pull him to his feet, then braced her arm around his waist. “I’ll take you to my house.”

  George’s mouth gaped.

  “Out of my way.”

  “Cassie, you are not taking him home. Not unless I come too—”

  “I said out of my way,” she repeated.

  “You have to listen to me.” His dark gaze pinned her, but she wouldn’t allow him to ruin this chance to gain Madison’s full confidence.

  “George, I always knew you were nothing but a common ruffian and this proves it.”

  He took a step back and sighed.

  Dr. Madison scowled. “Leave the lady alone, or I will have you arrested for assault. I’m sure you’d prefer not to spend the night in jail.”

  “That won’t be necessary, sir.” George’s posture stiffened.

  Cassidy caught his gaze, hoping he would understand her intent to shield his true purpose in town from Madison. If he thought of George only as a jealous ex-beau, this incident might work in their favor. But she couldn’t say a word in front of the doctor.

  George snatched his bowler from where the hat had rolled to the ground during the fight. “I’ll be on my way, then. If that’s what you want.” He scowled.

  She nodded. “Yes, George, that’s what I want.”

  He dusted off his hat and placed in on his head. He tipped the brim and, with a final glare at Madison, turned away.

  Biting her lip, Cassidy glanced at the doctor. “I’m so sorry. He’s always been this way. I can’t believe he actually hit you.” She turned back, but George was no longer in sight.

  “Shall we go, Doctor?”

  “Of course.” Holding his handkerchief to his nose to staunch the flow of blood, he leaned on her as they exited the alley. Thank God, no spectators hovered around.

  In silence, they walked to her house. At the door, he turned to her and sighed. “I’d like to thank you for coming to my aid. I didn’t deserve it after what I did back there. I would very much like to formally court you, if you’ll still allow me.” His hang dog expression seemed earnest, but Cassidy knew his intentions were far from honorable.

  “Let’s get inside so I can take a look at your nose and get the bleeding stopped.”

  Once she’d treated his nose, which fortunately wasn’t broken, she saw him to the door. “Do you feel well enough to make it home? I can have my brother, Matt—”

  He halted her with a raised hand. “You needn’t bother your brother.” He reached for her hand and brushed his thumb over the sensitive skin on her palm. “Please, Miss Stuart. I do hope my actions won’t dissuade you from allowing me to court you. It would surely kill me if I couldn’t see you again.”

  She smirked. “I don’t believe being away from me would be fatal to any man, but I’ll consider your proposal.”

  “Thank you, Miss Stuart.” He released her hand and tipped his hat. He left her standing inside the door. She watched him descend the porch steps, then shut the door and leaned her back against it.

  Dr. Madison’s kiss had been forceful, plundering, not like the gentle, playful kisses she’d shared with George. Had he done this to Miss Baker, or worse? If only she could get the schoolteacher to tell her.

  She had to find George and explain what she planned to do to draw the doctor out.


  Late Sunday morning after church services, Cassidy scrubbed pots, left over from breakfast. Light footsteps on the stairs drew her attention to the kitchen stairwell door. Sarah emerged, her hair loose, still clothed in her wrapper. Her growing belly protruded as she settled her hands on the rounded swell.

  “Are you feeling poorly again, Sarah?”

  Her sister groaned and settled into a chair. “The baby kept me up half the night with all his kicking. I told Ma I couldn’t bring myself to attend services today.”

  Cassidy smirked. “Well, it’s bound
to happen. Means you’ve got a healthy little boy or girl.”

  Sarah’s face brightened. “You really think my baby could be a girl?”

  “There’s a fifty-fifty chance.” Cassidy shrugged.

  Sarah clasped her hands together. “I so want a little girl, but Wes wants a boy.”

  “Don’t all fathers?” Cassidy turned back to the sink.

  “I miss Wes. When he used to go on business trips, he always took me with him.”

  Eyeing her sister, Cassidy said, “Your life will have to be different now you’re having a child.”

  “I know.” Sarah scowled. “But I don’t want things to change. I like wearing all the latest styles.” She rubbed her stomach. “Now, I can’t even wear my new bustle.”

  Finished with the pots, Cassidy turned back to her sister and wiped her hands on her apron. “We often have no choice in the matter. Life goes on, whether we want to go along or not.”

  “Reckon so. I heard Dr. Madison last night. How did he break his nose?”

  “He didn’t break his nose; he just got into a little scuffle is all.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened. “With who?”

  Cassidy sighed. “Must we discuss this? The doctor wants the whole matter kept private.” She hoped to staunch Sarah’s questions. The whole town didn’t need to know George had hit Madison.

  “He’s such a handsome man, Cassie.” Her sister batted her lashes. “Has he asked permission to court you yet?”

  “Sarah...” Cassidy scolded. “He did, but I’m not sure I want to.”

  “Oh, Cassie, why not? He’d be perfect for you.”

  “Why do you think so?”

  “Well, he’s so good looking, and a doctor, and he seems to be well-off.” Her sister leaned forward, her eyes bright. “You need to get married and start a family soon, Cassie, otherwise...” She trailed off.

  Cassidy glanced up. “Otherwise what?”

  “You know...” Sarah glanced around the kitchen as if trying to avoid Cassidy’s glare. “...what they call women your age who aren’t married.”

  “Are you trying to say I’m a spinster?” Cassidy crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Well...” Sarah stammered. “Not yet, at least. But you have to start allowing eligible men to court you. I know George hurt you, but all men aren’t like him.”


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