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Pakhan's Salvation (Pakhan Duet Book 2)

Page 9

by V. F. Mason

  Instead of dialing the number, I folded my arms and glared at the guy. God, this situation was so freaking stupid! “What do you want from me? You came here as Oliver’s partner, and all you do is harass me!”

  His eyes narrowed, while he snarled, “I’m not his partner. I don’t do business with idiots. And last time I checked, never once did you push me away, so who exactly am I harassing?”

  Blinking a few times as this information settled in, I’d just decided to speak, when the car suddenly stopped, making me lose my balance. I’d have fallen if not for Dominic’s strong arms.

  “Out, Pakhan.” To not recognize this voice was impossible. We grew up together and were always supposed to marry.

  Or so was the plan between our fathers when we were kids. “Lorenzo?”

  Almost like a movie, similar scenes played in my mind, only the difference was the black-haired man who always appeared in my nightmares.

  Lorenzo. Was it him? The good-looking man didn't resemble the monster that haunted me.

  His name sent shivers down my spine. I stilled and only snapped out of the fear overpowering me when I registered that Dominic had exited the vehicle, picked me up in his arms, and walked through the lobby of the five-star hotel. He pressed the button on the elevator. It dinged and he entered. He threw me curious gazes, probably wondering why I wasn't struggling.

  Truth be told, I had no answer for that question. However, while we rode the elevator to the seventh floor, I understood with clarity that my life belonged only to me and I could live it only once. With men in my dreams and nightmares, a fiancé who inspired zero emotions in me, and a father who could be so cruel… Dominic Konstantinov was the only man who provided an aura of dominance with safety, the only man who my body craved. Why not explore it then for just one night? Forget about all the problems, responsibilities, memories that didn't seem to stay, and family… and just live in the moment?

  Dominic rushed toward the third door on the left, entered it, and the door closed with a loud click.

  I’m yours, Pakhan. Only for one night.


  The moonlight shone brightly in the hotel room. It had huge windows with no curtains, as per my request. While we could admire the beauty of Florence and the moon along with stars, the outside world couldn't see us. I wanted to be able to see every inch of her skin during our night together, on the soft bed where she’d be the most comfortable. As much as I needed to fuck her all night long, Rosa wouldn't be able to handle my desire all at once. One year of celibacy could turn me into a beast, and she needed a gentle lover tonight.

  And she’d get him. I knew she must have come to some kind of conclusion in her head for her to approve staying, and I didn't give a shit. We belonged to each other, and the outside world could wait.

  Placing Rosa on her feet, our eyes clashed for a second and then she smiled shyly. She licked her full lips, fucking kill me, and whispered, “I’ve never done this before.”

  Possessiveness rushed through me, threatening to snap my control and just attack my woman on the spot. The fucker had never touched her. She’d stayed as faithful to me as I’d stayed to her. I palmed her face, resting my forehead on hers, and whispered back, “I’ll guide you.”

  She nodded then turned around, giving me her graceful back, essentially allowing me to undress her. Tugging the zipper all the way down, I spun her around again while the dress fell to her feet, leaving her standing in heels and lacy red panties, hugging her ass perfectly, but at the same time showcasing the sexy cheeks.

  Fuck me.

  Not taking my eyes away from hers, I reached the back of my shirt and pulled it over my head, and then removed my shoes and belt. The jeans dug painfully into my hard-on, which she didn't miss, a whimper escaping her.

  “Soon, baby. All yours.” Not giving her much time to think, I wrapped my arm around her waist and hugged her close, pressing her mouthwatering breast with pink, pointed nipples to my chest. I groaned at the feel of her hot skin. Lacing my other hand in her hair, I brought our lips closer and finally connected our mouths with a deep, passionate kiss that only two long-time lovers could share. The kiss was like coming home after a long journey, creating awareness where I didn't have to be anyone else but Dominic with her. Pakhan of the Bratva surrounded by death and betrayal simply didn't exist with her.

  My lungs burned with lack of oxygen and I let go, while she gulped for a much-needed breath. Pushing her toward the bed, she followed my lead, but not before removing her own shoes and then climbing onto the mattress with her back to me, and God, was she testing my patience. Rosa possessed the grace of a cat, arching her ass in a way that made me want to pound her from behind for hours. She glanced over her shoulder, studied my reaction, and then giggled.

  Little minx.

  I unzipped my pants and removed them, waiting for her next move. While she might have thought that she was a virgin, her body clearly remembered all the stuff we had shared, as she didn't show any embarrassment or uncomfortable feelings.

  She kneeled on the bed, while she drank in my appearance. Her eyes widened as they reached my cock. “This… will fit?” she asked, panic coloring her voice.

  “Trust me, baby. Despite the size, it fits.”

  She huffed, brushing her hair behind her. “I have no idea about sizes. I just generally wondered.”

  Her words stopped me in my tracks, and I didn't know how to react to such a statement. Wasn't it kind of offensive?

  Rosa chuckled then slowly lay down right in the middle of the bed. Her body sprawled in front of me like an unopened present begging to be unwrapped as her chest rose and fell. I forgot all about the stupid conversation seconds ago and climbed on the bed along with her, looming above her.

  She was so beautiful. Her hazel eyes shone with desire.

  Gentle. She needs gentle tonight.

  Trailing my finger down from her neck to her flat stomach that contracted at my touch, to her soaked pussy, I ripped the panties off her.

  “Quick work,” she muttered, and I licked her neck, covering my smile. Rosa had the weirdest sex talk, my beautiful girl. Nuzzling her breasts gently, I latched on her nipples while she drew in sharp breaths. Her fingers immediately laced through my hair, tugging on it painfully while her nails scratched me, showing me without words how much she liked what I did to her. Flicking my tongue against her nipple, I bit it gently while she gasped, but at the same time, opened her thighs wider for me so that my cock pushed against her wet pussy. I continued to lavish her breasts, getting drunk on the taste of her skin while she thrashed under me. But it wasn't enough.

  Sliding lower, I licked down her stomach, biting on her navel, and then sucking on the skin harshly so it’d have a mark for days to come. My skin, my body, my woman. Although I’d kill any man before they’d have the chance to see the marks, they’d still give me satisfaction in the morning.

  Property of Dominic Konstantinov, after all.

  Opening her legs wider, I scratched the inside of her velvety soft thigh with my beard while I breathed in the smell of my woman. Placing my hand on her belly, I dug my fingers into her left hip and started my feast.


  The second his tongue licked my core from the top to bottom, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Waves of electrifying sensations spread through me; the unfamiliar feelings greeted my every nerve, awakening parts of my body I didn't know existed.

  With his tongue deep, he savored and devoured me like I was his favorite treat. His strong hands held me still, not allowing me to hide away from his passion. As if I could. Nothing on earth would have made me hide in this moment. He brought me closer and closer to the peak, but every time I tried to reach it, he’d stop and come back to softer nips and licks and then resume a harsher approach. Driving me crazy with need and want and desire and… something else I couldn't name.

  “Dominic, please,” I sobbed, not being able to withstand this glorious torture anymore, craving him deep inside me in
stead of his stiff tongue.

  Lifting his head, he sucked on my left thigh again, leaving a hickey for sure and spreading even more goose bumps on my skin. “Mine,” he huskily said, then kissed my pussy tenderly one more time and rose so that his hands trapped my head between them.

  On instinct, I wrapped my legs around his hips, locking my ankles around his back, while he slammed his cock into me, stretching me while my walls closed on him. I cried out in pain and pleasure at the same time, not being used to such invasion. But there was no barrier. I wasn’t a virgin after all?

  “Shh, beautiful.” He pushed back and plunged again, this time hitting a different spot, which left me with a blissful feeling of belonging. He growled, tugging on my nipples with his mouth while his fingers trailed down to my clit, and flicked it. I didn't know which pleasure to focus on as they all threatened to make me lose my sanity.

  In and out. In and out. All the while I moaned, chanted, pleaded, begged with no real understanding of what. Just that I didn't want him to stop, but at the same time tried to memorize every moment of bliss that kept on escaping from my fingers the minute he changed the angle of his thrusts.

  Gripping my hips tighter, he shoved deep, deep, and deeper. He rocked my world, and any idea I had of sex and lovemaking. I didn't know it could be like this… where nothing existed and only two people who desired one another mattered, while they shared their breath, heartbeat, and love with each other. Sliding my hand into his damp hair, I arched my back, giving him access to my neck. He took the invitation, biting me with gentle pressure. His nips, along with his cock driving inside me, I finally reached the peak.

  My muscles clamped down around him, gripping him like a glove while some kind of knot unraveled inside my chest. My eyes rolled back and my scream echoed in the night, while my orgasm tore through me, taking Dominic with me as he groaned above me, coming inside me, and I held him even closer while his own pleasure rocked him.

  Breathing heavily, we lay entwined while sweat coated our sheets and bodies, but neither of us moved.


  How was this supposed to be enough? Even thousands of nights weren’t enough with a man like Dominic Konstantinov. He’d taken a piece of me and himself, and melded us together in such a way I no longer knew where he began and I ended. How could sex be this intimate? What the hell was making love then, if this deep connection was considered a one-night stand? No wonder Ciara spent so much time with all the boys.

  My mind dismissed this idea, as no man would have been able to give me what Dominic had.

  Myself and a moment in time, when I didn't have to be Angelica Rossi.


  Although the bright sunlight disturbed my sleep, the heat behind me relaxed my body so much I didn't want to wake up. A heavy leg was thrown over me while an arm pinned me right in the middle, and the unusualness of it all made my eyes snap open as a soft gasp of surprise escaped my mouth.

  I was lying on my side in a hotel room while Dominic cocooned me with safety and warmth, and every muscle ached in places I had no idea existed.

  What have I done?

  Where was my freaking head when I decided to sleep with the man? Cheating on Oliver, whatever my feelings were for him, was so wrong, and how could thoughts of him not even cross my mind when I was whisked away with kisses and touches?

  If anything, all this just cemented my belief that I should end this charade of an engagement. I might have loved Oliver in my old life, but he inspired absolutely no emotions from me. How sad would a life with him be?

  My family would have to just accept this fact, but as odd as it sounded, the idea of hurting or disappointing my mother and father didn’t unsettle or worry me much.

  Oh, shit! My parents!

  Glancing at the bedside clock, I saw the green electronic numbers showing five in the morning, and a shiver ran through me. How the hell would I explain that?

  As quietly as humanly possible, I slowly removed his hand from me and slid to the side, escaping his embrace.

  My toes curled into the plush white carpet as, completely naked, I stood trying to cover myself as much as I could with the nearby pillow, which pretty much hid from my breasts to my lady bits. Scanning the place for the bathroom and my clothes, I had the time to pay attention to the suite and huge-ass window, which opened up onto the Florence panorama and showcased the mesmerizingly beautiful nature of Tuscany.

  The master double room suite had a wide space with limited furniture, which worked perfectly for a single man in my opinion. The bar had every expensive liquor imaginable with an ice machine. A small office area had a black desk, chair, fax machine, and a landline phone. The room also included a leather couch, which had a small ottoman to rest your legs on after a long meeting or exhausting day. And finally, a king-sized bed was located right in the middle of the room, sort of the center of attention. The atmosphere here was cold with no soul, but then again, why would it?

  My clothes lay on the floor in a pile. I quickly grabbed them and rushed to the bathroom where I dressed and tried to comb my hair with my fingers, but the job seemed useless as my locks twisted around in different directions and screamed “Ridden hard all night long!” Groaning in exasperation into my palms, I prayed my parents were still asleep.

  Washing my face quickly, I was aware of the reddened skin on my neck from his five o'clock shadow, my full red lips, which were slightly puffy from all his kissing, and most importantly my eyes, which glistened with something feminine and unfamiliar.

  And I thought I was frigid! My cheeks heated up just remembering all the stuff we had done last night, how much I loved and enjoyed it, but at the time, I couldn't help but feel repulsed by the idea that Oliver was my first.

  It should have been Dominic, and how betraying a thought was that?

  Walking out of the bathroom with the single mission in mind of running away, my steps halted as I drank in the view Dominic presented lying on the bed on his stomach, his bare ass and muscled body on display as the sunlight gently touched his skin, emphasizing his masculinity and power. He was like a large lion lounging on a rock with not a care in the world, because there was no stronger predator than he. Without thinking, I gently caressed his beard and pressed a light kiss to his cheek.

  Maybe someday I would meet with him again, but I was aware this was just a drunk one-night stand that had forever changed my life, but probably didn't affect his as much. Especially considering the tattoo under his heart… of a woman who he once loved and lost. “Goodbye, Dominic,” I whispered, and with one last glance, I darted to the door then outside, where I caught a cab. I came up with a believable story of a hospital emergency in case I ran into my parents.

  I didn’t. The house was still asleep when Elza sneaked me inside, and I hid in my room. My house felt even colder than the hotel room, where the most amazing man lay.

  Catching my reflection in the mirror at the other end of the room, I vowed to wash away this permanently miserable expression, and that it would have to start with a conversation with Oliver.

  We had Vito’s party planned for tonight on his ship. He insisted on inviting everyone in the upcoming wedding, and well, who the hell could refuse him? Not wanting to end up in an uncomfortable position for Oliver or me, I would have to end it after.

  Life was just too short to live it by the rules of other people. Exhaling a heavy breath as if the invisible chains around my lungs broke free, I smiled, and for the first time in a while, butterflies fluttered in my stomach from happiness.

  And I completely blocked my mind when it whispered to me that it had nothing to do with my decision and everything to do with the sexy Russian I left back in the city.


  The espresso machine beeped loudly in the otherwise silent hotel room. I took my coffee and drank the first sip, enjoying the bitter taste, which matched my emotions after the door clicked behind Rosa as she escaped me like a sinner running away from hell.

  Michael whistled loud
ly as he entered the apartment with his own key, and the delicious smell of waffles filled the air. “Please tell me you did not just drink that shit!” he mocked, as he placed the steaming coffee cup and breakfast on the bar and collapsed next to me. “Did you get lucky?”

  Not in the mood for his bullshit, I growled and bit into the food as my stomach grumbled loudly, and I wondered if my woman was hungry after waking up. Damn it, just the idea of it angered me, because I never wanted her to go without my protection or care for a single second.

  Vitya chuckled. Of course, he had to join us too. After all, these two were attached at the hip whenever we visited a foreign country. “He did, but then she ran away.” Michael chuckled. “Didn't perform well? It happens.”

  For fuck’s sake!

  “I know how to pleasure my woman.”

  He nodded, and said, “Sure you do, Dom. But with you out of practice, maybe you didn't impress her as you should, and that’s why Anton almost missed her as she moved like lightning.” He laughed at his own joke, and I hit him from the back lightly, but Vitya’s eyes narrowed anyway.


  Enough with this shit! “Control your man.”

  He placed his hand on the back of Michael’s neck and squeezed it. “Baby?” Vitya asked gently.

  “Yes, honey?”

  Give me a break! So much for friendship. These two had to be all sugary sweet in front of me while Rosa ignored my ass.

  “Stop teasing him.”

  Michael rolled his eyes and then patted my arm. “I’m sorry, man. You know I’m just teasing.” He paused and then added. “If it helps, I think she was actually thrown for a loop.”

  It did, but right now, I couldn't afford to think about my woman; otherwise, I would barge inside her stupid family mansion and kidnap her.

  “Is everything ready for tonight?” A change of subject was a good idea. I needed to make sure the plan was in motion. We had no time to waste.

  “Yes. Melissa called.”

  “Did you tell her?”


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