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Pakhan's Salvation (Pakhan Duet Book 2)

Page 11

by V. F. Mason

  “The man in my dreams. He always calls me krasavica right before he….” She trailed off, and realization hit me like a whiplash.

  She had been dreaming about us. Her memory and mind were somehow trying to tell her the truth about where she truly belonged. Not caring about the audience, I rested my forehead on hers, breathing in her lavender smell as her soft breath fanned over my cheek. “Mine,” I grunted, while her mouth parted and her chest rose and fell. She breathed in deeply and stepped back from me. We held each other’s gaze for a second, minute, hour. I had no fucking idea, but then the energy in the air shifted, and she spun around, rushing to the steps that led downstairs to where the cabins were located. Despite the baffled looks given to me by the guests and Vitya’s disapproving scowl, I followed her.

  To hell with consequences. This charade ended tonight.


  Running quickly, my heels clicked loudly on the wooden floor. I searched for an open cabin door to hide in. Noticing one at the end of the hallway, I hurried to reach it then jumped inside. I was about to close the door, when a black leather shoe stopped me. Swiftly, Dom entered and locked the door, his dangerous, amber eyes scanning my body from head to toe as I breathed heavily.

  Licking my dry lips, I said, “You need to leave.” He just chuckled, pushed me against the door where my back hit a bit painfully, and pressed his body as close as he could.

  Lifting his hand, he slowly ran his finger down my cheek.

  Closing my eyes, I arched my back to give him better access to my neck as he nipped the skin, leaving an unfamiliar burning sensation all over me. My hands desperately tried to bring him closer, even though he already had me squashed between the door and his chest. His erection pressed into my core, and I whimpered in need, craving him deep inside me, although it was so wrong.

  So, so wrong.

  Lacing my hands through his hair, I tugged so he would lift his head and give me his expressive eyes that held so many secrets and a desire I could drown in. “What are you doing to me?”

  Without answering, he captured my lips, demanding entrance. With a moan, I allowed it, his tongue seeking mine as we collided in a kiss so passionate and possessive my lungs hurt from lack of oxygen.

  My hands trailed lower to his chest, where I felt the rapid beating of his heart. My fingers unbuttoned his shirt slowly while he wrapped my legs around his waist, hiking my pink dress in the process so nothing separated us but my lacy underwear and his dress pants. He pushed forward, right against my clit, and I gasped into his mouth. My head fell back against the door, and I breathed in much-needed air while he ripped my panties and unzipped his pants.

  Biting my neck harshly, he murmured, “Mine.”

  Not wanting to speak, because what we were doing was unacceptable on so many levels, I kissed him again while he entered me in one smooth move, and I cried out as the euphoric feelings spread through me. Thrusting to the hilt, he latched onto my nipple, sucking it harshly through the thin material of my dress while I hugged him closer, closer, as freaking close as I possibly could.

  “Dominic.” My raspy whisper stopped his movement as he tugged on my earlobe.

  He whispered, “That’s what it feels like to be owned by a man, krasavica.”

  Lifting my hand to cup his cheek, my eyes registered the diamond engagement ring on my finger, and I froze as the cold reminder of reality slipped into our moment and shattered it into tiny pieces.


  Because Dominic Konstantinov wasn't the man I had to marry in two days. “Oliver.”

  Dominic pulled back and slammed inside me with force as a cry escaped me, while he harshly hissed, “You don’t call another man’s name while my dick is inside you.”

  His tone, as if he had every right to me, pissed me off. “Another man who is my fiancé!”

  He chuckled, stilling inside me once again, as he rubbed my cheek with his while his hot breath aroused me more—if it was even possible in our current situation.

  “Yet you are here with me.” He pulled all the way out and then pushed forward again, catching my gasp with his lips, not letting me speak.

  Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea really. As long as I kept my mouth shut, I didn't have to listen to my conscience. I could forget myself with his masculine smell that tickled my nose, his ripped muscles under my fingers as I scratched his back, and finally, the feel of his cock hitting just the right spot. He knew how to touch, kiss, move. Like we had done it thousands of times.

  “You will always be only mine, krasavica.”

  The words set me off, sending me into a spiral of bliss where nothing mattered. I held on to him, with my eyes closed, daring to believe in this moment his words were true, as unrealistic as they sounded.


  As they groaned their release, I backed away from the door, feeling perverted for listening to them, but it didn't defuse the anger at the thought of Dominic loving his woman the way he did. No one ever made love to me or cherished me like that.

  With my heels in my hands, I tiptoed across the floor so no sound could be heard. I noticed some Bratva people sniffing around the corners with various devices and hid behind a column, but not before understanding their intentions.

  Vito had allowed them to come here and do this. The question was why.

  Did it mean they searched for the rat or the mastermind inside the familia? My heart hammered against my ribcage, and sweat coated my back at the thought of being caught. It couldn’t happen to me, not until I had my revenge. Hectically scanning Vito’s close circle, I had little time to place the necessary evidence to remove suspicion from me.

  The clock was ticking.


  Adjusting her dress appropriately, I concluded this couldn't go on. And since Vito gave me the all-clear to whisk her away from here, I would. She licked her lips, which were swollen and red from our kisses. “You need to go first, so no one will see us.”

  Chuckling at her words, I bent down and threw her over my shoulder as she squealed in surprise, beating my backside with her fists.

  “What are you doing?”

  I opened the door and walked with her to the deck, where people stared at us wide-eyed. Women gasped as their champagnes flutes fell, spilling the bubbly liquid, and musicians stopped playing. All gazes fixed on Vito, who casually smoked a cigar, leaning on the railing with an amused expression on his face. “Pakhan, you waste no time.”

  Ines grabbed Ercole, shaking his arm. “What is this man doing?” Ercole stepped forward, but he was stopped by Vitya, who held him and Oliver at gunpoint. Oliver smirked for a second and then looked devastated. What the hell was that about?

  “Angelica.” He placed his whiskey glass on the table. “What’s the meaning of this?”

  Rosa rose up on my shoulder, clearly trying to make herself as presentable as possible in this rather ungraceful position. “Oliver, I can explain.” Smirking, I slapped her ass, acting the part of the big, chauvinistic brute.

  “No, she can’t. She belongs to me now.” Then I turned my attention to Vito as I noticed from the corner of my eye that Michael had joined the Bratva. With a chin jerk to me, Michael indicated he had finished the job. “Vito, I like your niece and claim her as mine. Ask for whatever gift you want, but give her to me.”

  This all might have sounded archaic to people outside the lifestyle, but everyone here knew the rules. Vito ruled everyone, and his word was absolute. With his permission, it didn't matter what her parents or even Angelica wanted.

  We practiced and prepared the text three days ago as we included him in our plan. He raised his glass high, proclaiming, “She’s yours. I want the drug dealership to be settled soon.”

  “Done.” If he’d given her to me without a condition, it would have looked strange and unbelievable.

  “Uncle, you cannot do this to me!” Rosa screamed, but everyone ignored her while Vito’s men helped clear a path as we walked down to the dock with her still biting, scra
tching, and hitting my back all the way to the waiting BMW, where Igor already had the engine running. I gently threw her inside and joined her on the seat. Michael sat on the other side of her so she couldn't try to escape. With Vitya in the front seat, the vehicle headed rapidly toward the airport, which was located twenty minutes away.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “Your man,” I answered simply, and it still surprised me she didn't understand this easy concept. She came on my cock twice, gave her beautiful body freely to me, yet she struggled with the knowledge that we belonged together.


  “I didn't choose anyone! Vito can go to hell with his decisions and demands,” she screamed, her face wet with tears, making my heart ache. We couldn't have her hysterical through customs, so with an exhausted breath, I nodded to Michael, who injected her with a sedative. She stopped moving. Slowly resting her head on my shoulder, she whispered, “What did you do to me?”

  “Rest, little one.” I caressed her cheek as her eyelids trembled and she tried to fight sleep, but it was useless. In a few seconds, she was out, breathing evenly, her chest moving up and down.

  “Once she wakes up, she’ll be furious.”

  “She’ll live.” As long as I fucking lived, I would never let my woman be anywhere but a few feet away from me or surrounded by my people, under the protection of the Bratva.

  She’d just have to forgive me for loving her so much.

  After a few minutes, we arrived to find Oleg had the private jet ready for us. I sat Rosa on a comfortable chair, fastened her seatbelt tight, and placed a pillow under her head. The flight would only take two and a half hours, so she didn't need to lie down. The medication should wear off around that time, so for a few moments, I could relax and enjoy the thought of my woman being safe in my arms, figuratively speaking.

  Dropping onto the seat opposite her, I looked through the window and wondered if those nightmares would ever stop occurring in our lives so we could finally have the happiness we deserved so much.


  My head kept sliding down the surface as my neck ached, and I couldn't understand why my bed in our house was so uncomfortable. With a harsh bump that made me almost jump, my eyes snapped open, and I gasped as I understood the source of my discomfort.

  I was in a freaking plane, a private jet with all the luxurious necessities, which had just landed. Taking a minute, I studied the furniture, which was created from expensive wood. The main area with six wide, first-class-style seats had a flat-screen TV and a Wi-Fi connection. On the far end appeared to be two restrooms and another door that could be a bedroom. Clearly the pakhan liked to travel in class and comfort.

  Freaking prick. I wondered how many women he had here in the exact same place. The green-eyed-monster rose inside my chest, and I practically breathed fire at the mere thought of it. It was safe to say I needed to shift the focus of my attention.

  The plane slowed down, gradually taxiing on the runway, and I curiously peeked out the window, expecting to see the name of it so I could figure out where he’d taken me.

  Rome? Milan? Verona? Surely not far enough; for that, he’d need my passport.

  “You’re awake, good.” Dominic walked inside, casually sipping whiskey, the sleeves of his shirt rolled to his elbows. He’d changed into jeans from his dress pants. “The car is already waiting for us.” He rose to give me his hand, but I pushed him away and stood abruptly, almost stumbling in my desire to get away. I was dizzy and swayed, but he caught me in time. “Easy, the medication is wearing off.” My brows furrowed, as his words made little sense to me, and then I remembered.

  We had been on the ship, then in a car, where he drugged me with some stuff, and I ended up here. In fact, I don't even remember getting inside the thing! For some odd reason though, the plane felt familiar, as if I’d flown in it many times. That was why the knowledge didn't register immediately.

  “You are insane, you know that?” My mother’s screams and Oliver’s pleading still echoed in my ears. “My family is probably worried sick.”

  “They’ll live.”

  Taken aback by his cold reply, I searched for any sign of softness on his face but came up blank. Where was the man who whispered that I was his krasavica? “You have no heart.”

  He chuckled, although it lacked any humor, nodding in the process. “My heart is not with me, correct.” Not understanding his vague answer, I didn't have much time to dwell on it as the plane door opened and the stairs were waiting for us. “Let’s go.”

  I wanted to rebel, but staying here wouldn't do me any good, so with my chin held high, I followed. My jaw almost hit the ground as three cars with at least seven people all wearing black suits and holding guns greeted us. The driver of the middle Mercedes held the door open for us, happiness sparkling in his eyes. Why the hell would our appearance evoke such emotions?

  “Where are we going?”

  “To Bratva headquarters.”

  “What?” I shrieked, as we reached the bottom stair, and I scanned the environment for a way out. The man had completely lost his mind. Folding my arms, I gritted, “I’m not going anywhere with you.” With that, his calmness vanished, and he came at me with the speed of lightning.

  I guess you can poke a bear for only so long before he reacts, and oddly enough, the familiar thrill of desire shook my body.

  Forget about him going insane. We had both joined the land where common sense, rules, and obligations didn't exist.

  God help us both.


  Not caring in the least for her outburst, I dipped down and threw her over my shoulder while she called for help, which was useless really, considering my men surrounded us.

  Vlad already held the door open for us, and I swiftly sat inside with her on my lap while barking the order, “Headquarters.” He nodded, and in a second, the car moved rapidly as she tried to get away from my lap, but my hands held her hips firm, not allowing even a small wiggle. God knew my dick couldn't handle any more temptation before I’d snap and take again what rightfully belonged to me.

  “Where are we?” she shouted, slapping me so hard her nails grazed my cheek, but I didn't give a shit. Holding her wrists, I pushed them behind her then squeezed her right hip harshly while moving my face close to hers. She breathed heavily, her air fanning my face, and the smell of roses and lavender enveloped me.

  “In Russia. Where your home is.”

  Her eyes widened and the hazel in them sparkled with anger. Her mouth opened to protest, but I shut her up, capturing her lips in a hot kiss that she resisted at first.

  Five seconds later, her struggles subsided so I let her hands go, and she slid them up my neck, bringing me closer as our tongues entwined. Lifting her slightly, she straddled me with her knees on either side of my waist, and unconsciously she started to grind on me. I grabbed her hair harshly, making her moan, and I trailed my lips lower to her neck, licking the mark of ownership I’d left there earlier.

  “This is—”

  Not in the mood for another bullshit excuse, I kissed her again, craving to be inside her, almost coming on her taste as nothing in this entire world felt like her.

  Unfortunately, it didn't last long as the car arrived at our destination, parking right outside the building, and by the sound of it, Vlad was already getting out.

  Rosa leaned back, her face flushed with desire and her full lips red from the kiss, and satisfaction ran through me seeing her like this.

  My men were not allowed to admire that beauty, so I shifted her so that one hand was around her back and the other was under her knees as she practically lay on me.

  “What the hell—?”

  Vlad opened the door, and I stood up with her in my arms in one swift move, and only then did my woman remember to hate me again.

  Sighing inwardly, I prayed for patience to deal with this shit.


  “Let me go, you freaking psycho!” I shouted, and hit Dom’s
chest, but he didn’t budge. He continued to walk with determination written all over his face toward the main entrance of the huge mansion.

  The vast building spread horizontally as though divided into different sections. Made out of brown brick, it probably could withstand fire and tornadoes. Several windows had balconies, and the whole thing was surrounded by forest. Metal bars with cameras surrounded the area, so no one could enter without permission—or escape, for that matter. Overall, the mansion reflected affluence, but at the same time hopelessness and depression, because the green grass had no flowers, fountains, or trees. Just concrete paths for long walks and a wide parking area for numerous cars, motorcycles, and… was that a panel van? Deciding to dwell on this place later, I continued my tirade. “Who the hell do you think you are, kidnapping me two days before my own wedding?”

  His jaw ticked, as his arms tightened around me. “Your man,” he replied simply once again, although his voice was strained. His words sent tingling sensations through my body as it hungered for his touch, remembering our night together.

  Only one night, dammit!

  I opened my mouth to give him some cocky remark, but I was rendered speechless when he walked into the huge-ass compound, and everyone—and by everyone, I meant around thirty people—froze and all sound ceased.

  The music blasting from the speakers was cut off as Dom placed me on my feet, and immediately I felt the loss of his body heat, but it didn't stop me from stepping back as my eyes frantically studied the place.

  Through the haze of my anger, I noticed navy blue couches, billiard tables, men holding pool cues and guns, along with women who served drinks or flipped through magazines, or even rubbed against men. A black marble floor reflected the colorful crystal chandelier hanging dangerously low, considering the height of those men. Curtains were permanently shut, secured to the wall with pointed nails where a few jackets hung.

  A bar was in the corner of the room with a wooden counter and a better assortment of alcohol than in some clubs. A bartender with a huge tiger tattoo on his arm stared at me in shock, while a blue-haired young woman with her arms wrapped around his middle from behind had her mouth wide open in disbelief.


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