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Pakhan's Salvation (Pakhan Duet Book 2)

Page 14

by V. F. Mason

  Closing my eyes, I thanked him mentally for the calming words the beast inside me needed, and hung up the phone just as Rosa sauntered toward me in her light brown dress that touched her knees and hugged every delicious fucking curve she had. “Let’s go, my sexy Russian.” She winked right before I caught her and swung her in my arms as she laughed lightheartedly.

  Vitya was right. I had her back home alive. When I got my final revenge didn't matter, because every single day I’d wake up with her by my side. What more could a man ask for?


  Shifting nervously on the leather seat, I lowered the mirror above my head to check my appearance one last time. Applying one more layer of lipstick, I rolled my lips to make them shine more.

  “Stop it, krasavica.” Dominic squeezed my bare thigh, rubbing the flesh gently. Immediately, I relaxed then exhaled a breath and rested my head on his shoulder while the car moved slowly in the traffic. The sun shone brightly, transforming the city into a glorious picture with people laughing and celebrating the warm days of September.

  “I just want it to go well.”

  He chuckled, caught my chin between his thumb and index finger, and then lifted it so we’d gaze at one another.

  “Don doesn't give a shit how you look, or Mary for that matter. The only thing that counts for them is that you are alive.” Leaning down, he captured my mouth in the sweetest kiss, nipping then gently probing for entrance.

  The minute I submitted, he deepened the kiss, and I felt like there was no place he’d rather be than with me here in this moment. Moaning, I slid my hand into his hair, angling his head for my benefit, but too quickly he let go of me and pushed me away from him while I blindly searched for him mouth.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, sweeping his thumb over my plump lower lip, and his amber pools became a shade darker. “We can’t, Rosa,” he warned, and for a split second, I considered continuing our game, but then the car stopped abruptly near the Marriott entrance and all the nerves came back.

  “Oh my God.” With one kiss, how could he fog my mind so completely I forgot about the meeting? “He’ll know we kissed.”

  Dom rolled his eyes then opened the door for me and helped me get out. He held the phone to his ear, making a call. “We are here, sure. We’ll be in the lobby.”

  The hotel employee greeted us with a wide smile as he motioned to the reception area baring a wide hallway with a golden marble floor, various fluffy white couches, and even adapters for computers. Most people lounging there had their luggage with them and were either filling out papers or waiting for the booking to come through.

  A bright sign that said New York Steak House was right in front of us. “That explains why Dad chose this place.” The man adored his steaks, and no amount of warnings regarding cholesterol and other stuff stopped him. We had long talks about it. With my medical background, I got kind of obsessed about putting him on a healthy diet since he hit the fifty mark. Dad’s reply was that if I ever again called him old or hitting a mark, he’d remove all the pasta from the house menu.

  We agreed to disagree, because no way in hell would I give that up.

  “My daughter knows me well.”

  I spun around and came face-to-face with my father, who wore a black sweater and jeans, while my mother’s ring hung from his neck. Although I had the time to study him back at the headquarters, my mind didn't register his lost weight or the new deep line between his brows. No matter how much time I had been missing, it never hit me as much as it did right at that moment. Maybe because my amnesia stripped me of my identity, and some other man, who couldn't even hold a candle to my dad, claimed to be my father.

  The emotions of loneliness, sorrow, and gratefulness bubbled up, and a sob escaped me when he embraced me. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and pressed my cheek to his chest, rocking me back and forth, while I closed my eyes and breathed in the smell of cigars and his special cologne as the wetness from my tears soaked into his sweater. “I missed you, Daddy.”

  His hand patting me on my back stilled as he exhaled a ragged breath and tilted my head back, and I gasped, noticing his own tears, as he said, “Not as much as me, Rosa. Not as much as me.”

  Mary and Dominic stood next to us while we had our moment, and as much as I loved my man and what he gave me, I didn't feel whole until Dad reminded me once again that any time I wanted to feel like a little girl again, to have protection of my father, I just had to call.

  That was real family, love, and devotion.


  “Just so you know, this is gross as fuck,” Michael said, watching me dip the cookie into my tea so it could melt a little, and then I quickly put it in my mouth. Chewing on it loudly to his annoyance, I stuck my tongue out at him while passing Vitya, who came over for a drink during his pool game, and he rolled his eyes.

  “You two are acting like kids.”

  Shrugging, Michael threw a grape at me, but I bent to the side so it missed me. “Whatever.”

  Warmth behind my back immediately put my body on high alert. I practically hummed anticipating his next actions, and they would come. I was sure of it.

  A strong hand wrapped around my breasts as he pulled me against his chest while nuzzling my neck, earning a giggle from me as his beard tickled my skin. “Krasavica, are you stirring trouble again?”

  Half turning my face to him, I batted my eyelashes.

  “Whatever made you think that?” Kostya grumped, while wiping the glass with a towel hanging from his shoulder while Konstanciya read instructions for a gun she recently acquired. I didn't even know these things came with instructions. “Would you stop this love fest wherever you go?” Although his voice was heated, he winked. Kostya was the first one of the Bratva members who hugged me after I rushed downstairs once Dominic and I had enough time to enjoy each other.

  It had been two weeks since my memory came back, and honestly, I couldn't have been happier. Dominic and I spent every waking minute with each other, while Yuri and Vitya handled the majority of the business, thus giving us the much-needed time together. We explored Russia anew. He took me to his Irkutsk mansion, where we both basked in the beauty of Baikal Lake. And made love, all the freaking time, on every surface possible. And in ways I hadn't even imagined, but live and learn, right?

  Dad visited us once before going back to the States due to Mary’s condition, although not without giving Dom a lecture on actually buying me a house because the headquarters wasn't good for women. While we agreed with him, for now, it suited us just fine, and I had no strength nor desire to search for a house.

  On the other hand, having a baby brother or sister was huge! Mary was the sweetest woman ever, and she must have been special if she managed to catch my dad’s heart, considering it had turned to stone after Mom’s death. Kind of fun having little ones running around.

  “Watch who you speak to,” Dom growled at Kostya, and I patted his arm, soothing him somewhat. Caveman to the core.

  Suddenly, the main doors of the entrance opened as Radmir burst in, holding a sleeping child in his arms while a brown-haired beauty followed them, screaming at him in a hushed tone, clearly for the benefit of her child. “How could you do this?”

  Radmir ignored her, placed the sleeping boy on the couch, and spun around to face us all.

  I was positive most of us had our mouths wide open from shock, because… um, hello… he brought a kid here? We hadn't heard much from him since he flew to the States on the same night Dominic shared the revelation with him, and here he was. Showing up with them all! “Pakhan.” Nothing but reserved politeness in the snarl, as he removed his jacket and covered the kid with it due to the air conditioning running.

  “Radmir!” the stunning woman hissed, and seriously, I’d never seen anyone like her. She wore tight black pants and a purple see-through shirt with lacy sleeves that emphasized her delicate features and feminine beauty. Her vivid blue eyes glared at the sovietnik, and something else was in her gaze as well, but i
t was hard to capture, considering I had no clue about her.

  Except that she broke Radmir’s heart, gave testimony against him, and had his kid, which didn't really paint her in the best of lights.

  “We have nothing to talk about.”

  “You kidnapped my son!”

  His face turned lethal, so much I buried deeper in to Dom’s side, seeking protection. The sovietnik sure as hell was a mean person. I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his fury. “Our son. And if you thought just for one second I would allow him to stay with you and your husband, you are even dumber than I thought.”

  Konstanciya and I winced, as his words were harsh, and it didn't escape my notice how pain flashed in Vivian’s eyes before she composed herself, showing nothing but indifference.

  “No law would give him to you.”

  “You are in Russia. Only my law applies here. And if you think of bringing that fucker here demanding his rights just because his name is on the birth certificate—”

  Vivian shook her head and spoke, but not before patting Jake on the back as he stirred from their voices. “His name is not on it.”

  Radmir paused at this information, and then muttered, “Fuck it,” and grabbed her by the neck—to my gasp—while holding her face close to his. “You want our kid back?” She nodded, and he gave her a sinister smile. “Then you’ll learn to obey.” He addressed Kostya. “Watch my kid.” He scooped her up in his arms while she screamed her lungs out for him to let go, and they disappeared upstairs, most probably to his wing of the mansion.

  “Un-fucking-believable,” Michael muttered, then grinned. “Kostya, you a nanny now?”

  Kostya flipped him off, while Konstanciya laughed.

  “Vitya, a word,” Dom said, letting go of me, but not before brushing his finger over my cheek. “Rosa, I need to discuss an important matter with Vitya. Do not even dare leaving headquarters before you see me.”

  Annoyed, I sipped my drink with an innocent expression. “Didn’t mean to.”

  “Promise me.” He waited, and I nodded. Satisfied, they left for his office, leaving me dwelling on the situation. Sneaky bastard, he knew if I promised him something, I wouldn’t go against it. If only he could see all this through my perspective, but he refused, claiming I’d lost my mind and that he would not apologize for protecting me.

  My phone beeped as a message popped up.

  Are you excited as much as me?

  You landed? *Shocked*

  Wi-Fi works on Vito’s private plane.

  She had to engage the crime boss in her little getaway, didn’t she? It’s not that I had ill feelings toward him, considering that with my memory back, I kind of stopped being afraid of all things mafia, but still, he had a reputation.

  Bad one at that, and my so-called sister was totally clueless about his desire for her. I wondered what stopped him from going after her and being okay with her hopping from one bed to another.

  Can’t wait to see the ice rink! *Happy dance*

  Skating was a huge thing here, with Russian athletes winning medals and stuff for their accomplishments. For Ciara to come for a visit was a dream come true. She constantly sent me pics with places she dreamed of visiting. One of them was Sochi, a town where the 2014 Winter Olympics happened, but Dominic quickly put a stop to it with a firm no.

  We won’t be able to go without bodyguards.

  How many do you usually have? *Grumpy face*

  Two, driver and byk.

  As much as anyone could call Dom an obsessive psycho, I had to admit having these men close to him was reassuring, and I was fed up with everyone thinking they could easily snatch me up anytime they damned wished. Plus, what possible harm could there be in protection?

  It’s fine. Will you meet me at the airport?

  I glanced up to see the estimated arrival would be in an hour, and since I was already wearing my jeans and a white shirt with ballerina flats on, I would make it on time.


  Then we can go directly there.


  I’m going to take a nap now. Bye-bye, sis.

  *Blowing a kiss*

  Aww… how cute. *heart*

  Grinning, I half listened to Michael and Konstanciya bickering over the latest movie and the soundtrack used in it, when the memory of my phone call ten days ago with Ciara came up.

  Taking a deep breath, I dialed the number, waiting for the line to connect us, and on the fifth ring, she picked up, curiosity in her voice. “Alo?”

  Clearing my throat, I said, “Ciara?” She grew silent, probably contemplating hanging up on me. I wouldn't know how to react in her situation. She probably mourned the loss of her sister; how could she not? Ciara wasn't my biological sister as I thought, but the loss of her company hurt me, because she was the only person who I considered a friend, and she had guided me through every process. Based on my research on various psychological studies, people tend to block all the unpleasant things that had happened to them and move on. As odd as it was, I had no desire to block Ciara from my memories.

  “Angelica… I mean Rosa?” she corrected herself.


  Another silence, and then she started talking like old times. “Truthfully, I didn't expect you would ever call me again.”

  Relieved she was open for contact, I replied, “Of course! I’d like to think we can be friends.”

  She giggled into the phone. “We sort of were. Can’t stop being them overnight.”

  “Yeah.” The laughter died, washing away the awkwardness we had felt in the beginning, and I found the courage to ask the question bothering me.

  “How are your parents?”

  She exhaled loudly, and the sound was uncomfortable in my ear. She must have held the phone really close to her mouth. “Devastated would be the appropriate word for it. They lost their daughter.” Her voice lowered, laced with sadness. “I lost a sister. Angelica… my heart aches for what she had to go through because of that sick man.” So Vito filled them in on my backstory. “However, the bitter truth is always better than a sweet lie. At least now we can cherish her memory.” Then she added, “They don’t want to speak with you in case—”

  I cut her off, “I understand.” And honestly, it was never my intention to keep in contact with them. They failed to give me any warmth, and I had an amazing parent myself. Most of the time, they concentrated only on their wishes, having frowns and scowls for me. Ciara had to get away from their toxic environment, even if it was just for a vacation. “Have you ever thought about visiting Russia?”

  Her loud squeal was answer enough as we came up with a plan for her.

  The touch of a small palm snapped me out of my thoughts as the little boy with grey eyes studied me curiously, so much like his father. Yep, Radmir’s kid to the bone.

  “Hi,” he said calmly. “Do you know where my mommy and daddy are?” Raising my eyes, I silently asked for help, but Michael, Kostya, and Konstanciya just shrugged.

  Peachy. Who left a kid with strangers without creating some kind of story? “They are talking right now, honey.”

  His lower lip trembled and he rubbed his cheek, but before he could erupt in tears, Kostya called to him, “Jake.” The boy focused his attention on Kostya as the tattooed man placed the plate holding a hamburger onto the small table by the couch where the boy had lain. “How about a little snack? I will call your parents now, and they’ll come.” Jake blinked a few times, but then took a huge bite out of the food.

  “Radmir is going to skin you alive if you interrupt them,” Michael said.

  “Yeah, well he should have thought about it before bringing a kid here.”

  “I’ll call him. He won’t kick my ass,” Konstanciya offered, and Michael and I shared a look. Since when did she help Kostya? He shook his head and left the bar.

  Hopping from the stool, I saluted them. “Gotta go pick up Ciara from the

  “Not before stopping by Dominic’s office,” Michael added. “He got fucking pissed off at me when you snuck out to the university regarding the fall semester.”

  Waving off his warning, I walked to the office, while shouting over my shoulder, “I promised, didn't I?” Which could bite me in the ass now, so I prayed to God my sexy Russian was in a good mood.


  “Vito is testing my patience.” I poured myself a glass of whiskey, not fucking caring at all it was too early for that shit, and sat down on my chair, resting my legs on the table, while Yuri and Vitya sat opposite me with unreadable expressions.


  “I swear to God, Vitya, you try feeding me the whole ‘understanding’ bullshit once again, and I will put a bullet through your head.”

  He clenched his fists, but said nothing.

  Vito apparently concluded in only a few days that the Lucas guy had killed off his beloved and favorite niece, and as a result, the killing belonged to him. He invited me over to Florence to inflict my revenge, but the deathly blow should come from him.

  Needless to say, I told him to fuck off and bring me the guy or he’d face a war not only from my end, but from Don too, and God knows who else. So far, I didn't bring up my secret card, aka Melissa. Working with the FBI had its perks.

  “Do you want me to prepare our guys?” Yuri’s stare became calculative, as he probably did all the mathematics in his head to determine how much to invest into guns and fuel.

  “I gave him one more day. If he doesn’t reply or his reply doesn't make me happy, then yes, I’ll give you a call.” My hands itched to use all my twisted knowledge in an art form and show him the greatest of torture in the specific apartment I’d bought and decorated just for this occasion. This chapter had to close permanently, because my girl wouldn't be content behind closed walls forever, and the nightmares she still had at night fueled my rage more. Too bad Vito didn't have a woman of his own so he could “understand” my point of view.

  Yuri nodded, rose, but paused midair when I questioned him. “What the hell were you doing in the States?” He sat back down. “Yuri? I’m fucking tired of you all behaving as you please. I’m the pakhan, and you will explain yourself to me.”


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