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Pakhan's Salvation (Pakhan Duet Book 2)

Page 17

by V. F. Mason

  “Don’t you dare fall asleep, krasavica.”

  A ghost of a smile touched her lips, as she murmured, “My sexy, arrogant jerk.”

  Fear unlike any I’d ever known swept through me, because the scene reminded me so much of what had happened a year ago. I couldn't bear losing her one more time.

  Paramedics rushed to us with a gurney, placing her on it while checking her pulse, adjusting IV drips, and shouting to take us to some surgical center. I sat beside her in the ambulance, all the while praying to God, something I’d only done when she was in danger.

  I promise you, God. Save her and I will come to church every Sunday like a good Christian.

  In fifteen minutes, we had reached the hospital, where they took her away to the operating room while I sat on the small, uncomfortable chair, waiting for the verdict.

  One hour.

  Two Hours.

  Three Hours.

  Slowly, the hallway filled with Damian, Connor, Melissa, Yuri, Vitya, Michael, and other Bratva members, and even Don flew in as soon as he could.

  Six hours later, an exhausted Dr. Ruslan emerged from the double doors of the OR and gave us a stern but soft look. “She made it.” With an exhale of relief, my body sagged against the wall, finally allowing weakness.

  Thank you, God.

  Expect me at a service every Sunday.


  Resting my hands on the railing of the balcony, I took in the beautiful scenery of Moscow as lights flickered on Red Square, mesmerizing me for a second in its perfection. The apartment in the center of the city was supposed to host the grand finale for the person who caused all the suffering to my love and me. We brought all the equipment here, as it was one of Rosa’s favorite places in the city. Back then, to me it seemed like such a high honor in avenging her death right here. I had lived and breathed for this day.

  And it had finally arrived. The responsible party was unconscious but tied up on the couch in the living room, while all the men around her didn't know what to do.

  During the year, I imagined a lot of scenarios of how it would go, or who it might end up being. Never in my wildest dreams had I expected a woman to be the one behind it.

  Let alone one who suffered at the hands of evil, as Damian and I had.

  The balcony door opened, and I didn't have to turn around to know who was there.

  “I can’t do this to her.” Although my fists clenched, remembering Rosa’s condition when we found her, I couldn't make myself torture and kill the girl who once had to pleasure someone else against her will.

  “Me neither.” Damian bumped my shoulder, as he took the same position. “Those tapes… the things he did to her. He was supposed to protect her.” He hit the rail harshly. “He was her guardian!” His fury was tangible, and it matched my own. Killing this fucker once was never enough. He deserved it again and again and again.

  “What do we do with her?” She needed intensive therapy. God only knew if it would help her. She had psychopathic tendencies, and I wasn't sure she could function normally, even though she had all those medals and romances. Almost like split personality disorder along with trauma that had allowed her to pretend that this part of her life didn't exist.

  Damian patted my back. “Let’s go. Everyone is waiting.” Nodding, we joined the rest in the living room. Connor was sipping whiskey with a dumbstruck expression. Vitya, Yuri, and Michael appeared to be in deep thought, while Luke and Don were just plain sad, smoking cigars and casting pitying looks at the girl. How fucked this situation had to be for Don to feel sorry for the girl who harmed his kid.

  The ring of the doorbell surprised us all, and everyone grabbed their guns while Damian opened it, and Vito dashed inside as if he owned the place. The muscles in his neck strained and his jaw ticked as a furious scowl permanently settled on his face. “Where is she?” He frantically scanned the room, and the minute he noticed Ciara, he was by her side in two short steps and kneeled in front of her. His knuckles gently caressed her face. “Cara mia,” he whispered, removing his jacket and covering her body with it.

  We all shared a look, because it was fucking clear as day that Vito had feelings for the girl. Not what we had expected by calling him and explaining the situation. “Vito.”

  He ignored me and addressed Don. “What do you want? Name it and it’s yours. Give her to me.”

  Don’s brows rose. Vito never fucking begged in his life, and a proposition from a Cosa Nostra boss such as he opened a wide range of prospects for him.

  “Nothing.” Don seemed almost offended by the offer. “That poor child suffered enough. You think I’d ask you to kill her?”

  Vito nodded then asked me, although without turning attention from Ciara. Was he afraid we’d attack her or snatch her right from under his nose, or what? “Nothing I’d say would make a difference to you. So I’m asking you as a man who knows what it’s like to lose the woman he loves. Allow me to take her without inflicting your revenge.” Everyone stilled, anticipating my reaction, as it was purely my call.

  Ciara Rossi had brought pain and hurt to Rosa and me. Sometimes in the moments of my insanity, I’d struggled to survive and thought about putting a bullet in my head. Rosa had to live as Angelica Rossi and almost marry another man. What would have happened if I’d never found her? Scary to even think about.

  The fuck, did she deserve my mercy?

  But Ciara Rossi, the little girl, was abused as a child by the one person who was supposed to love and adore her the most. Who lived one of the most horrific nightmares every day for fucking years, just like us. Did she question what her purpose in life was? Did she wonder if death was a better solution while she sat in her room and waited for the worst to happen? And finally… was the thought of destroying Rosa the only thing keeping her alive?

  That girl deserved not only my mercy, but my help. “She’s yours.” He exhaled in relief, as his shoulders sagged. “Help her, Vito. But if she ever shows up again… if she ever harms a hair on Rosa’s head… if she ever…. I will end her.” As much as it would pain me, I’d never allow anyone to hurt my woman ever again. He stood up, extended his hand to me, and I gave him mine, but instead, he closed me in a one-arm hug, squeezing tightly.

  “Thank you, my friend. She’ll never bother you again. On that, you have my word.” With that, he picked her up in his arms while his men held the door open for him, and he exited the apartment.

  “You did the right thing, brother.”

  Only time would tell if I did, but I hoped she’d find peace, even if it was in Vito’s arms.

  Collapsing onto the couch, I rested my sore neck on the pillow and closed my eyes.

  The nightmare was finally over, and for the first time since losing Rosa a year ago, I breathed enough air into my lungs that it soothed my heart and calmed my soul.


  The machines beeped loudly as I exhaled another bored breath, wiggling my toes in the pink and purple cast with unicorns flying in the sky. Kristina had her uncle’s artistic talent it seemed. A ghost of a smile touched my lips as I remembered her jumping up and down in the hospital room while her parents left, telling me about the boy she had a crush on. She sure as hell was cute in her possessiveness over Jason.

  “What are you thinking about with these sexy smiles of yours?”

  My eyes travelled to the door, where Dominic stood, leaning against the wall with folded arms while he studied me. A five o’clock shadow graced his face as the T-shirt and jeans displayed his perfect body. All in all, he looked yummy while I lay in bed in a hospital gown, which opened from the back, and I hadn't showered in ages.

  Not fair, people, not fair.

  The nurse walked in, blushing slightly at the sight of my man, and removed the IV drip with vitamins from my hand. “How do you feel?”


  She nodded, wrote something in her notebook, and dashed outside, probably to call for a doctor so he’d give an estimated day of my release. And why did these
nurses wear such tight white uniforms? They gave one hell of a show to the male population in the hospital. Yeah, a woman in my position couldn't be rational.

  “Must you be so handsome?” I snapped, as he acted too smug for his own good. “Frustrating all those nurses.” He raised his brow, taking steps toward me like a cat chasing his prey.

  “Nurses? Or you?” he questioned, hovering above me and placing his palms on either side of my head while he focused his gaze on my lips, and I couldn't help but lick them. He groaned and mashed our mouths together, probing deep with his tongue, awakening electrifying emotions in my bones as everything feminine in me called to him. Too soon, it was over as he let me go and laughed at my protest. “Soon, krasavica. You have no idea how I’m dying to sink into that tight heat of yours.” Oh God, must he put this image in my head? I wouldn't be able to—

  Someone clearing their throat from behind Dom’s back brought us back to reality, and my cheeks heated up as embarrassment settled in. Covering my eyes with my hands, I groaned into them. “Please pretend you didn't hear that.”

  Damian chuckled while Sapphire winked. They wouldn't leave our sides until they made sure I was out of the hospital safely.

  “I wish I could,” he said, right before Kristina rushed inside, plastering herself against Dominic’s leg.

  She raised her hands, which was her signal for him to pick her up, and he did just that. She palmed his face and whispered through the side of her mouth, “They have candies.”

  Dom barely restrained himself from laughing, but quietly playing her game, as he asked her seriously, “They do?”

  Kristina nodded. “And since you are the only one who has rubles, I can’t ask Daddy.”

  Sapphire had an astonished look on her face. “Munchkin! It’s not polite.”

  Kristina widened her arms. “How so? Daddy said I could ask Uncle Dom about anything!”

  Her mother glared at Damian. “Stop spoiling her.”

  “How the fu— hell is this spoiling? She barely sees him. In my opinion, let him play uncle since we are here.” She slapped his chest, but he brought her closer, gave her a long kiss, and murmured into her ear, and she melted into him.


  Dominic shifted me slightly, lay next to me, and then made me lean back so that his arms wrapped around me, and I could bask in his warmth and smell forever. This was my favorite part of the day; nothing calmed my anxiety like my sexy pakhan.

  “Michael,” Dom called, and in a second, he walked in with bags full of sweets, fruit, and my favorite drinks and placed it on the table while saluting me in the process. Vitya followed him with the flat screen TV and put it on the cupboard right in front of my bed. He adjusted the wires quickly and then threw Dom the remote, which he caught easily. “Now you can’t complain about being bored.”

  I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, because in no way did I hint that my stay here would be longer if he added some entertainment, but Dr. Ruslan entered the room and exhaled heavily.

  “A crowd as usual. She needs to rest.”

  “Come on, Doc! Let me go already. Look.” My finger pointed at the TV. “This calls for fast action. It brightened my day.”

  He shook his head, scanned the papers in his hands, and answered regretfully, “No, it’s safe to say you’ll have to stay for two weeks more.”

  Say what? Another two weeks with everyone worrying about me and those injections and IV drips? Hospitals were fine and dandy, as long as I was the one treating the patients, not the other way around! “Doc—”

  He cut me off, “Rosa, you had two re-broken ribs, internal bleeding from the knife wound, a broken leg, not to mention other bruises. With your history of injuries….” I winced, cursing at Dom inwardly for giving him my health information. “We need to monitor you and make sure everything heals properly. So rest for two weeks and don’t overdo it.” Dom squeezed my shoulders and I sagged, because what other choice did I have?

  “I’m sorry, Dr. Ruslan.” An apology was long overdue. My attitude probably grated on his nerves. “I’m just allergic to hospitals. The worldwide medical association should give me a huge discount, seriously, if it existed. I end up in them in every single country I’ve visited or lived. Nothing personal.” His stare softened as he patted my cast, aware of Dom’s low growl.

  Ruslan was well into his fifties with a wife and five kids, not to mention being part of the Bratva and was the private doctor for Vasya. Rolling my eyes, I admonished Dom. “Stop.” He shrugged, not caring in the least, while Ruslan just shook head. “On that note, I’ll leave. By the way, the TV stays in my office after she is discharged.”

  With that, he left as Kristina clasped her hands together, batting her eyelashes at Vitya. “Do you have rubles?” He nodded. She squealed, and then asked, “Pretty please! Could you get me a candy in the machine?”

  “For God’s sake, Damian, buy our daughter a candy!”

  “I will do no such thing,” he replied stubbornly, while Michael picked her up from behind.

  “Come on, princess, let’s get you some.”

  Once they were out of earshot, I found the courage to question them about the subject that really interested me, but none of them had wanted to discuss for the last week. This conversation was long overdue. “How is Ciara?”

  They huffed, annoyed. Damian sat on the chair and brought Sapphire to his lap, while Vitya occupied the small wooden chair next to a similar table.

  “Go ahead,” Dom said tiredly, most likely fed up with the subject.

  Vitya cleared his throat, and said, “After the attack, Damian and Dom… didn’t have the heart to end her life.” A sigh of relief left me. As much as her revenge plan played a big role in my life and made me suffer unbearable pain, she didn't deserve to die. Not after what she went through. “Vito butted in and took her under his wing. He said he’d deal with her.”

  Sitting up swiftly, I cried out, “What?” As much as Vito acted as the sweetest damn uncle on the planet, he had a thing for Ciara. What were they thinking leaving her in her mental state with a mafia boss, when all she needed was medical treatment and therapy?

  “He promised to help her, and well…” Damian rubbed his neck. “Vito claimed her, Rosa. We couldn't do anything in this situation, nor did we want to.” His words surprised me, and he elaborated, “Yes, the fucker who did this to her deserved it. But she had a choice of not harming you, but she didn't care. It was generous of us to let her go.”


  “No, krasavica.” Dom nuzzled my neck. “He is right. Listen to him.” I guess I shouldn't expect less of them since she harmed me, but somehow their attitude disappointed me. Shouldn't they have more compassion for the girl who experienced what they did? “Leave.” Damian, Sapphire, and Vitya rose at once and disappeared, closing the door behind them while my heart ached for Ciara, because for a year of my life, she was my sister and the closest thing to me. On some level, I believed she even softened toward me and the bond formed between us.

  I thought Dom wanted to continue reasoning with me without the audience, but instead, he lifted my left hand up and slid a platinum band with a perfect seven-carat princess-cut emerald ring on my finger. “Marry me next month?” Blinking rapidly, I wiggled my fingers so the bright sunshine reflected the beauty of the stone, deliberately staying silent. He shook me a little, and a giggle escaped me. “Rosa.”

  Turning around as much as our position allowed us, I laced my hand into his hair and brought his lips closer. “Yes, I will, although it wasn't really a marriage proposal.”

  He grinned. “No, just a question regarding the date. But if I had to propose….” He trailed off and my ears perked up.

  “Yes?” He gently rubbed my lower lip, while his amber pools softened and filled with love.

  “Then I would say, ‘My whole life, I had no idea what my purpose in this world was or why God kept me alive for so long. What was the point of the darkness surrounding me? It was easier to
succumb to it than fight, but fight I did. Trying to reach a light, which always escaped me. But then I met you… and my life had meaning. Rosa Giovanni, please give me the honor of being your husband, as you are my purpose in this life, a reward and final destination on my dark path. Be my queen while I do my best to suffocate you with my love and build a life and family, which will not know nightmares. I love you, krasavica. Please say yes.’” He finished, wiping away the tears sliding down my cheeks as I smiled.

  “It would have been a nice proposal.”

  “I told you. But it wasn't, just so we are clear.”

  “Oh, it was clear. Dominic?”


  “My answer would have been, ‘My whole life, I was kept and guarded in a sort of castle where no one could reach. One day, a dragon came and took me away, but I escaped him. Then I met someone else’s prince and wondered why a happy ending didn't seem possible for me. But now I understand that all this brought me to you, and I’m so thankful for everything. You are my knight in shining armor who slayed all the dragons and won over the kingdom. I love you. Yes, nothing would make me happier than being your wife and the mother of your children.’”

  The kiss he gave me curled my toes as he softly nipped my lips, licking around them. Then he pressed his thumb on my chin to open my mouth so he could entwine his tongue with mine, caressing me gently, letting me taste his desire as he drank on mine.

  We had to stop to breathe, and he replied right before repeating his action, “It would have been one hell of an answer.”

  My giggles echoed in the room, and my heart finally lightened, as nothing but happiness awaited us.

  Well, as much happiness as you could have living with the pakhan.


  Studying my reflection one last time and winking at myself, I took a deep breath and exited the bridal boudoir straight into the hallway, where my dad paced back and forth, muttering something to himself. The minute his eyes landed on me, he stopped, speechless, as if struck dumb. Giving him a tentative smile, I twirled around so he’d have a good look at my wedding dress that Frankie had designed for me.


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