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Bear With Me (Redwater Shifters Book 3)

Page 9

by B. N. Kasner

  “Because I feel like I’m gettin’ jerked around?” Carter felt the heat in her glare. She ran hot and cold, but he had no one to blame but himself. He’d been the one to push her away then turn around and pull her right back in. He needed to find a way to make her understand without pissing her off further or hurting her feelings in some way.

  “No, because I don’t want to rush what’s happening between us.” He couldn’t help himself. Carter reached over and caressed her cheek with this thumb.

  “Oh.” She bit her lip, looking at him from beneath her lashes. “Can I at least get a goodbye kiss?” How was he supposed to deny her? Right then, he knew she had him wrapped around her finger with that look.

  He took his time, slowly coaxing her lips open. Her moan almost convinced him to take her home. When he pulled away, Grace bit his lower lip until the pain turned to pleasure. Damn, she’d gotten the upper hand on him. “Sweet dreams sexy.” Grace purred in a voice he’d never heard her use before. She winked at him over her shoulder before opening her front door.

  It had come to the time when he should’ve backed out and driven home. Only he wasn’t ready to leave. With Noah still on the loose and Jackson not being able to shift, Carter had to know the house was safe before his bear would let him leave. Walking the property line, he didn’t see or scent anything out of the ordinary. But that was part of the problem regarding Noah.

  Using a technique developed by Ella’s old alpha, Noah with the help of a feral wolf named Jeremy had stalked Lani and Gene. To get close without raising any suspicion, they’d used scents the couple felt were safe. So, for all Carter knew, the same thing could’ve been happening to him. Just to be sure, he’d check closer to the house. He found himself examining the house with his builder’s eye.

  The house had seen better days. It needed a lot of work. Carter hoped Grace’s room wasn’t on the second floor because he wasn’t sure the house was completely safe. His fears calmed when he passed an open window on the bottom floor. Her earthy scent called to him like a fresh baked pie sitting on a windowsill. Just a quick peek to make sure she’s safe.

  He could tell himself that until he was blue in the face, but deep down Carter knew he just wanted another glance at her before he took off. Only when he bent down to see under her pale-yellow curtains, Carter got more than he’d bargained for. She was topless and shimming out of white panties. His mouth watered with the urge to suck and lick her rosy red nipples. Carter swallowed his growl, he couldn’t let her know he was watching her like a creepy bastard.

  When she turned around to the hit the light switch, he bit his fist to keep from making a sound. For the love of the Goddess, her ass was heaven on earth. A fucking masterpiece Carter couldn’t wait to get his paws on. Grace got into bed, but instead of reaching for the covers, she leaned over and opened her nightstand drawer.

  She pulled out a purple toy Carter recognized right away. He didn’t mind bringing toys into the bedroom if it got the job done. Watching her masturbate was wrong, but his feet weren’t listening to his brain. Although all the blood in his body had gone to his throbbing cock, so he wasn’t thinking with the right head anymore. Grace had mate claimed him. Eventually, he really would get his paws on her sexy as fuck body.

  A little sneak peek wouldn’t hurt anyone. As long as Grace never found out, Carter was golden. One hand plucked her hardened nipple while the other worked her vibrator against her clit. Grace’s golden eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned, “Carter.” His hand popped open the button on his jeans before he could stop himself.

  Carter gripped his hard cock tightly, his eyes glued to Grace. This was better than any wet dream he could’ve imagined. Slowly, the toy disappeared between her legs, her free hand flying to her mouth. He wanted to hear her moans, to know what she sounded like when she came. He gritted his teeth against the urge to come.

  He wasn’t going over the edge without her. Timing his pumps to the rhythm of Grace’s hand, Carter let his eyes wander up her body. Her nipples were hard little peaks. In the back of his mind, he decided it was where Carter wanted to taste her first. From there he’d work his way down. Her legs pushed the covers off the bed and Grace’s head flopped to the side.

  Carter thought he’d been caught, but her eyes were still shut, her face scrunched up in pleasure. When Grace’s back bowed off the bed, a muffled moan reached his ears. He let himself come. Thick ropes of his cum painted the side of her house. It was barbaric and overly possessive even by shifter standards, but it calmed his instincts. Which apparently, were out of control concerning Grace.

  Zipping up his pants, Carter got the hell out of there before he did something foolish. Like jump through the window and show Grace what it would be like for him to make her come. He’d save that fantasy for when he was home alone and aching for her.


  The fresh air only made Grace’s smile widen. She’d woken up feeling refreshed and full of energy. Her late-night orgasm had put her right to sleep, sending her into dreamland with images of a shirtless Carter saying dirty things to her. Grace blushed just thinking about it. Pushing herself harder, Grace rounded the corner to her street faster than she usually did when running in her human form.

  Most of her time spent outdoors was in her bear because it helped her escape. Now though, her reality had become better than her dreams. A part of her still couldn’t believe she’d actually made out with Carter, twice. She wondered if she’d see him again before work on Monday, not to mention she needed her vehicle back. Already her dad had pestered her about the whereabouts of her truck.

  Panting, Grace braced her hands on her knees. She really needed to lay off the chocolate, her body was perfect. She didn’t want to chance gaining any weight. As a kid, Grace had been overweight. She’d worked hard over the years to tone her curves, to get to her ideal body image. Grace heard her dad cursing in the back yard. The wind blew all her favorite scents into her nose.

  The fresh spring air, which carried the smell of wildflowers, pine, sap and Carter with it. She stopped, rooted to her spot. Scenting Carter this close to the house wasn’t right. He hadn’t gotten out of the car last night. Scanning the woods, Grace prayed she wasn’t about to get ambushed by Noah. Grace would for sure be letting Vivienne do her stupid scenting spell on her.

  When no one jumped out at her, she tried to pin down the source of Carter’s scent. His scent was all over the place. None of this was making any sense to her. Why would he get out of the car and not come to the door? Following her nose, she found his scent to be the strongest outside her window. Oh no, had he seen her last night?

  Grace’s house needed a fresh coat of paint, but there seemed to be a stain right below her window. One which hadn’t been there before. Carter’s scent almost knocked her over it was so potent. No. Fucking. Way. He hadn’t marked her house with his cum like some caveman. There had to be a more logical reason because if there wasn’t, it meant her mate had stood outside her window and jacked off.

  At the same time as Grace had masturbated to the thought of Carter. Goddess, she’d moaned his name out loud. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. To be honest, she felt more embarrassed then violated. Her first sexual experience with her mate and she hadn’t even known he was watching. At least she knew it turned him on enough to climax.

  Then her temper kicked in. How dare Carter watch her from the shadows after she’d basically invited him inside. He’d been the one who wanted to talk about everything first. Well, Grace wasn’t about to wait until Monday to hear his explanation for this. “Dad. I’ll be home for dinner, love you.”

  “Alright, be careful.” Her dad wasn’t happy about her having to shift to get anywhere. He’d been on the verge of calling Gene. Grace had talked him out of it at the last minute, promising to call him every hour so he knew she was safe. In her dad’s defense, he didn’t really grasp the level of training she had in self-defense.

  She was going to get answers to all her questions, in
cluding what the hell they were to each other. Thankfully, Grace knew he’d be home all day fixing her truck. There wouldn’t be a chance for him to wiggle his way out of the conversation this time.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jamming out to rock music in his garage, Carter twisted the wrench in his hand harder. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why Grace’s truck wouldn’t start. Maybe the thing was so old, the time had come for her to get a new one. The truck had definitely seen better days, but Grace wasn’t ready to part with it. Carter planned to persuade her on the issue.

  She needed a reliable vehicle, one he could trust not to randomly break down. He didn’t want to worry about her night and day. Although, it’s all he’d done last night. Carter had tossed and turned thinking about his Gracie. It had gotten so bad, at three in the morning he’d said, “fuck it”, and just started his day.

  He said the same thing about her truck, besides he could use something other than coffee to fill his rumbling stomach. At twenty, Carter had designed his house with only himself in mind. It wasn’t like Gene’s; the mushy bear had constructed his with a huge family in mind. No, his house didn’t have room for kids or a mate. The living room opened into a small kitchen with only an island to eat at, no dining room table for him.

  A gym, workshop, guest bedroom, two bathrooms and his bedroom completed his house. His buddies always called it a man cave, but instead of being a single room, it applied to his whole home. Over the years, it had become the place they hung out the most. Mason had lived in a bare cabin and they hadn’t known Nathan yet. Gene’s place would’ve been a suitable substitute, but he wanted everything to be perfect for his mate, so they could never let things get out of hand.

  Halfway through making a sandwich, his front door slammed open. The sandwich fell out of his hands, making a splat sound when it hit the floor. He vaulted the island, but came up short when Grace waltzed into his home like she owned the place. Golden eyes glared at him, while she tapped her foot on the floor. He’d worked on blocking out her emotions, so when he opened his senses to her, Carter had to brace himself against the island.

  Maybe blocking her out wasn’t the best idea, because he would’ve had a heads up to her mood. He could’ve prepared himself for her anger and buried excitement. “Ever heard of knocking? I have to remake my sandwich now.” Carter tried for humor, but Grace’s face didn’t even twitch with the hint of a smile.

  “I know what you did.” Her golden eyes flared with anger and something else Carter knew all too well. Lust. His little Gracie liked him watching her, even if it pissed her off. He’d store that information in the back of his mind for later use. “You want to explain yourself?”

  “What’s there to explain?” Carter wanted, no needed, to hear Grace say it. He liked control in his bed. Grace would submit to him. Whether it happened then or later, didn’t matter to Carter as long as it happened. Shrugging, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the island completely at ease.

  “Don’t make me say it.” A blush started to work its way up her neck. Pushing off the island, he stalked towards her. It would be better to show her what kind of bear he was. Her breathing picked up, her pupils dilating until only a sliver of gold showed.

  She didn’t back away though, and to Carter, it only made things hotter. Grace would put up a challenge before submitting to him. All the women he fucked were all too eager to hop in his bed. It wouldn’t be that way with his Gracie. Oh, no, when he got her on her knees, it would be with the knowledge he’d earned her submission.

  Just the thought had his cock rising to attention. Carter towered over Grace, a smirk on his face. At six four he had at least a foot of height on her. The top of her head only reached the middle of his chest. She’d be the shortest girl he’d ever fucked, but damn he was ready to try tons of dirty shit with her.

  “Say it.” Carter tunneled one hand into her straight red hair, gripping hard enough to make her gasp. More than likely, she’d taken a shower, but he wanted to think she’d listened to him about not curling her hair. When she tried to yank her head away from him, Carter brought his other hand to cup the back of her neck. “You’re not going to get away from me. Now, say it.” Grace swallowed hard, her eyes gleaming with more lust, then anger.

  “You watched me.” He only raised a black eyebrow at her. She gritted her teeth, a steeling determination flashing across her beautiful features. “You stood outside my window and jerked yourself off while I masturbated. Is that what you wanted to hear? Or do you want to hear what I pictured in my mind?”

  Shit, she was turning the tables on him, because he sure as fuck wanted to hear her fantasies about him. He couldn’t let himself go down that dark hole. Carter needed to keep control over this, show her who was in charge. “I already know what you were picturing, because I heard you. Gorgeous Gracie, your hand didn’t keep you quiet.”

  “Fuck off.” She growled, trying to jerk away from him, but Carter wasn’t letting her go anytime soon.

  “We both know that’s not what you really want.” He couldn’t keep the smirk off his face. This was the best foreplay he’d had in a while and they weren’t even kissing. Getting her all hot and bothered with just his words, made Carter’s blood run hot. Still, though, Grace snarled at him as her scent turned musky with her need. “Say the words and I’ll give you what you want.”

  “Asshole.” Grace seethed, but her eyes couldn’t lie to him. Using his much bigger body, he turned them to the side and pinned Grace against the wall. His cock sought out her soft curves, making his hips grind into Grace’s stomach. Her eye’s widened, brimming with unbridled lust.

  “It’s all for you.” He panted, yes panted, because being this close to Grace’s body again after seeing her naked wreaked havoc on his self-control. Thrusting again, her eyes rolled back in her head, a small moan leaving her luscious lips.

  “Kiss me.” Finally, she’d given in to him. Hell, if he’d known his cock would push her over the edge he would’ve used it sooner.

  “Good girl.” Carter whispered against her lips before giving in to what they both wanted. Fuck, her kisses were addicting. Already he couldn’t get enough of her. How had he kept his distance from her before?

  It seemed like it would be impossible now that he’d tasted her. She had buried herself under his skin in a way Carter hadn’t seen coming. If she already had this kind of power over him in one day, what did the future hold? He hoped he wouldn’t turn out like Gene or Nathan, Gene was a little too mushy and Nathan a pushover. Mason on the other paw, was more his speed.

  Not surprising since they were like brothers. Carter needed to get his wits about him, or he feared Grace would soon be taking over his life. In the back of his mind, he worried more about Grace winning over his heart and pushing Becky out.


  Why am I here again? She couldn’t think past the feeling of Carter’s tongue gliding sensually against hers. Hot damn the bear could kiss. She hadn’t gone to his house for this, but no way would she turn him down now. In fact, all she wanted was to take things even further.

  The idea was stupid, because Grace didn’t even know where she stood with him. Was this all a ploy to get into her pants, or did he want something more with her? Goddess, she prayed it was the latter. Having Carter’s kisses every day of her life would make her one happy bear. Satisfied too, if his little power play was anything to go by.

  Her body certainty thought so, because her panties were soaked. At least Grace knew she wasn’t alone in this whirlpool of aching need. Carter’s hand left her neck, his kiss slowing down to soft touches. For a moment, she worried she’d already lost his attention. How long could she realistically keep his interest anyway?

  Grace wasn’t anything special, besides her mate had a different woman for every day of the week. To her, it seemed like only a matter of time before Carter got over the newness of her. Her fears were put to rest when his hand gripped her ass. Hard. Already fingerprint bru
ises had shown up on her left thigh, she had no doubt she’d have more.

  “Hold on.” Carter’s lips ghosted across her jaw. Doing his bidding, she clutched his shoulders and held on tight. Her legs wrapped around his waist when he lifted her up. The way he manhandled her made Grace melt like chocolate left out in the heat.

  Both of his hands were on her ass, kneading the generous globes. “Damn, your ass is what wet dreams are made of.” He groaned, the sound going straight to Grace’s core, making her clit throb. His hard cock nestled perfectly between her thighs. Carter’s chestnut brown eyes slowly faded to the lime green of his bear.

  He growled, burying his face in her neck. At the same time, his hips started grinding against her. Grace moaned, tilting her head back to lean on the wall. If this felt amazing what would everything else feel like? Even with Jake she’d never experienced more than what her and Carter were doing right then.

  Her body felt empty, like something was missing. She’d hadn’t felt anything like this with Jake, or when she got herself off. “Carter, please.” Grace whimpered, all her bravado from earlier gone. She was way out of her depth.

  “Shh, I’ve got you.” His words were a growl which sent chills down her spine, using a tone of voice she never heard from him before. “I’ll take care of you from now on.” It sounded like a declaration to Grace, but she pushed her hope down. In the heat of the moment who knew if he truly meant those words or not.

  Carter lifted his head from her neck, bringing his lips back to hers. She couldn’t get enough of his taste. Hot tea laced with honey, her favorite. Some people drank coffee, others like Grace preferred tea. Grace had been so consumed with his kisses she hadn’t even realized they’d moved until the cold countertop seeped through her thin running shorts. Gently, he’d sat her on top of the kitchen island.


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