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Hannah's Stolen Men [The Men of Space Station One #10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Marla Monroe

  “Dammit, Edward!” Porter walked over to Hannah and pulled her into his arms.

  She let him hold her, but she refused to allow any more emotion to break free. She was stronger than this.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else I can say!” Edward stomped out of the room and down the stairs.

  Fear had her jerking free from Porter’s hold. She didn’t want him storming outside where there was so much unknown danger. Hannah rushed from the room and down the stairs to where Edward stood in front of the front door just staring at it with both hands clasped into fists.


  He didn’t turn. “What?”

  “Please don’t go out there. It’s too dangerous. I don’t want anything to happen to you. It’s all right. I’m fine and I don’t blame you for being upset. This is hard on all of us. We’ve got to figure out how to deal with it though,” she said in a rushed voice, hoping to keep him from opening the door.

  The sight of his shoulders slumping hurt her even more than his storming away had. She didn’t want him to feel trapped or stuck with her. She wanted him to give her a chance to make things right with him. For all she knew, he’d fallen in love with Gladys in the few short times they’d met before the scheduled launch. She had no idea what she’d said or promised them in those few meetings. One thing she did know was that she was nothing like the other woman and that might end up being the problem. She wasn’t a sultry, sexy temptress who could arouse a man simply by walking into a room or opening her mouth and speaking.

  Edward turned around and stared at her, his face a mask of control, but his light blue eyes seemed almost shining with emotion. She just wasn’t sure what that emotion was.

  “I’m the one who needs to apologize to you, Hannah. I had no right to take it all out on you. I understand why you did what you did. I would have done anything for my little sister if she’d lived. I was pissed that Gladys was able to trick me into thinking she was excited about being with us and looking forward to spending time with us. It’s my pride that’s stung and that isn’t your fault. Please. Let’s start over.” Edward took a step toward her.

  She wanted to believe him, but part of her still saw the shocked look on his face when he’d looked her up and down back at the station. It was obvious he hadn’t liked what he’d seen. She wasn’t sure how to deal with that. She’d never been able to lose weight for very long. Maybe with the type of life they were going to be leading here on Alpha she would finally get some of her excess weight off. She had a garden to plant and take care of.

  She looked up at the man standing just in front of her. His expression seemed so sincere. She finally nodded and gave him a smile.

  “We’re good, Edward,” she said.

  He smiled and before she realized what he was going to do, he bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. It was just the barest of brushes, but it took her breath, a tingly warmth bloomed where his lips had touched hers. She struggled not to lift her fingers to touch the spot.

  “Let’s go back upstairs. I’m ready for a shower and we all need a good night’s sleep.”

  Hannah allowed him to steer her back toward the stairs where Porter was standing on the top step looking down at them. When he saw them heading back, he turned and disappeared down the hall. She prayed as she stepped up that this would be the beginning of a much better life between the three of them than she had expected. With her previous expectations having been so low, she figured she couldn’t lose this time. At least she prayed she wouldn’t.

  Chapter Three

  Porter stepped out of the bathroom to find Edward sitting on the side of the bed while Hannah sat on the other side. Both of them were staring in his direction as if he held the answers to all of life’s questions. He’d never been in this position before. Normally he stood back and followed someone else’s directions when it came to making decisions. He wasn’t a leader. That was more Edward’s style according to their profiles. What the hell was going on?

  Instead of addressing their questioning stares, Porter finished drying his hair and tossed the towel back into the bathroom. He had pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms in deference to Hannah since he didn’t know what she was used to. He preferred sleeping nude, but kept PJ bottoms at the foot of the bed in case he had to get up in the middle of the night. Of all the things they’d talked about and gone over during the six month travel time on board the shuttle, they’d never really discussed much about everyday life with their wife and how they planned to work the sex thing out.

  He walked over to Hannah’s side of the bed since he wasn’t about to sleep next to Edward. She followed his movements with big eyes that screamed discomfort though she didn’t back away as he stopped in front of her.

  “Climb in, baby girl. We’ve got a lot to do tomorrow. I want to explore every piece of this place so I know what’s out there.” He didn’t miss the surprise on Hannah’s face. He realized it was at the fact that he’d called her baby girl. It was a habit of his to call women by nicknames. Just something he’d picked up from his dad as a teenager.

  He noticed Edward was wearing a pair of boxers and slid into bed with them in place. He sighed. Looked like he better wear his bottoms for now. As soon as they were more used to each other, Porter planned to ditch his. He didn’t like wearing them to sleep in.

  He’d noticed that Hannah wore a large T-shirt to bed. He was sure she had on panties beneath it. This wasn’t going at all the way he’d thought it would. But then he hadn’t expected there to be someone he’d never met waiting for him at the station after six months of traveling across the universe either. What in the hell were they going to do?

  He liked Edward. They had only met once they’d been paired together before they’d been matched with Gladys as the other third of their family triad. Though he never would have chosen to live in a triad, he’d been exposed to polyamory or poly for short. He had some good friends back on Earth who lived that way. Most of them were male friends with more than one female partner, but he’d met a few where there was more than one man in the relationship.

  Edward had seemed totally on board with it from the beginning, so Porter hadn’t worried that they might have to work through jealousy or resentments. Instead, he was going to have to figure out how to get them all on board with starting the relationship from scratch. He let out a breath as softly as he could. He didn’t want Hannah to think he was upset, even if it were true. This just wasn’t something he wanted to have to initiate.

  “Hey, Porter?” Edward’s voice whispered across Hannah.


  “We didn’t check the basement tonight. I forgot all about it until just now. Do you think it can wait until morning?” Edward asked.

  “It will wait,” Hannah said in a strong voice. “I don’t want either of you to go down there tonight. The door is closed so nothing can get in from down there, right?”

  “It’ll be fine,” he said. “Anything that might be down there can’t get up here with the door closed. I checked and made sure it was locked, too.”

  Silence stretched as he tried to will his body to relax so he could go to sleep. He was used to sleeping on his right side but with Hannah in the middle, he didn’t feel comfortable turning that way. After a few uncomfortable minutes, Porter gave in with a sigh and turned toward her.

  “Sorry, but I can’t sleep on my back,” he whispered.

  “That’s okay. I usually sleep on my side, too,” she whispered back.

  “Then turn over and get comfortable,” Edward’s exasperated voice rumbled next to her.

  She quickly turned over so that her back faced Porter and he heard Edward do the same. He’d never felt this uncomfortable in his life as he did there in that bed. They were supposed to be a family now, but having only known Hannah for a few short hours, Porter didn’t feel comfortable just wrapping his arms around her and pulling back against his chest.

  His cock was hard as a rock just lying next to her. She’d th
ink he was some sort of pervert that got hard at the drop of a hat. That wasn’t true at all. He could appreciate the female body like any red-blooded American male, but for the most part, he never got this hard unless he was very aroused by a woman. To his surprise and relief, Hannah did that to him. He was an ass man and she had one of the lushest tushes he’d seen in a long time. He wanted to grind his dick against it and grip her hips as he buried the shaft of his cock deep in her ass.

  Thinking about it wasn’t helping his aroused state one damn bit though. He reached down and adjusted his erection to a more comfortable position down the leg of his pajamas. The relief didn’t last long as he tightened even more.

  Porter wondered what Edward was thinking about and if he was going to make an effort at making Hannah happy or not. He liked the other man, but if he continued to treat Hannah badly, they were going to have words. He wasn’t above knocking some sense into the other man either if that’s what it took. Women needed to be coddled and cared for. She was going to have a tough enough life as it was without the added difficulty of living with someone being selfish and petty. No, he wouldn’t stand for it. Edward was going to have to straighten up or there’d be hell to pay and he’d be dishing out the bill.

  * * * *

  Hannah slowly woke up to the feeling of a big hand on one of her breasts and a rather large erection pressing up against her ass. She realized that she’d wrapped her arm around Edward’s waist at some point during the night and he was holding her hand in place with his. The feel of warm skin through the T-shirt she wore felt good. She was just surprised that Porter hadn’t pulled his hand away when she’d pressed herself against Edward’s back.

  “I think she’s awake now.” Edward spoke softly into the early dawn morning.

  “Hannah? You awake?” Porter asked softly next to her ear.

  “Um, yeah. I was trying not to wake you two up,” she confessed.

  “Well, damn. I was really enjoying the feel of you, baby girl,” Porter said with a chuckle.

  “We don’t have to get up right away, do we?” she asked.

  “No right away, but soon,” Edward said before he turned over, so that he was facing her.

  To her surprise, he didn’t jump away from where Porter’s hand touched the skin of his chest. Instead, he smiled at her and lifted one hand to gently stroke her other nipple through her T-shirt. The sensation went straight to her pussy, sparking at her clit before causing her cunt walls to flutter in reaction. She closed her eyes at the spark that caught her by surprise.

  “That feel good, honey?” Edward asked in a deep voice.

  She shivered instead of answering him. Her tongue felt too heavy to work right then.

  “I’d say that was a resounding yes, Edward. I want to taste them. Help me get her shirt off,” Porter said scooting back slightly.

  Hannah yelped when together, the two men whipped her T-shirt up and over her head despite her lying on it. It pulled from beneath her body and Edward tossed it off the bed.

  “Aw, hell. Look at those beauties,” Edward said before bending over and licking across the tip of one tit. “So pretty and tight for me. I love the color of them—dusky pink.”

  “Get her on her back. I want a taste,” Porter said in a raspy voice.

  She was carefully flipped to her back where she could barely make out the faces of both Porter and Edward leaning over her. Both men had their eyes plastered on her oversized breasts as if they couldn’t drag them away. As much as she wanted this to work, the fact that both men were right there on top of her gave her a slight case of nerves. She knew what lay ahead at some point and was scared. Anal sex wasn’t something she’d ever experienced before and despite the intense discussions and lectures on the subject, Hannah couldn’t shake the fear that they would hurt her.

  Edward looked up into her eyes as Porter closed his mouth around one nipple and sucked on it. Hot warm wetness surrounded it, as he drew on it. She couldn’t stop her mouth from opening in a sigh or her eyes closing at the exquisite sensation.

  The feel of hot breath at her earlobe had her opening her eyes once more.

  “It’s okay, honey. We’ll take good care of you,” he said in a soft whisper.

  His mouth closed over her earlobe as he gently pulled and pinched her nipple. It wasn’t enough. She needed more. They were being so careful with her, and though she wanted them to go slow, she didn’t want them to go too slow.

  “Please,” she hissed out. The words she needed wouldn’t come.

  “Please what, baby girl?” Porter asked when he’d let go of her nipple.

  Edward dropped his head to her breast and nipped at her nipple a little less carefully. She moaned in return. That was more like it.

  “I think she wants a little more sensation than what we’re giving her,” Edward said.

  “We’re not going to hurt her,” Porter said in that deep voice he had.

  Just the sound of it grated across her nerve endings, exciting her so that her need ramped up even higher. That a man could turn her on with just his voice surprised her. She’d never met a man with a voice like Porter’s though. It fairly dripped sex when he spoke like that. She was sure her pussy was wet already just from the little they’d done to her so far.

  “I’d never hurt a woman, especially my woman,” Edward said.

  “Our woman,” Porter countered.

  “Let’s take care of our woman.” Edward returned to her torrid peak already hard and aching from his earlier nip.

  She gasped when two sets of mouths latched on to her breast while their hands mounded her globes to the rhythm of their sucking and gentle biting. The more they played and tortured her tits, the closer she climbed up that steep hill that she’d only touched but never jumped off when with her past boyfriends. It had always taken her own hand to climax. They’d never been able to get her there.

  Now, with these two men awakening fantasies she’d never known she’d had, Hannah couldn’t help but wonder if just maybe she would finally have an orgasm that she hadn’t provided herself. The wonder of that had her groaning with delight. The two men took her noises as a positive sign and Edward let go of the nipple he’d tended to and moved down her body, spreading hot wet kisses as he went.

  Porter took over the other nipple with his fingers, pulling and pinching it just enough to have her clit pulsing with need. The feel of Edward between her legs, his face pressed against her soaked panties had her trying to pull back with embarrassment. He grabbed her hips to hold her still.

  “Don’t move, honey bear. I love the way you smell, all musky and hot.” Edward’s nose nudged the crotch of her panties.

  She was sure her face was red as a balloon from how hot it felt. Why was he doing that? Did he really like smelling her when she was all hot and bothered?

  “Is she wet, Edward?” Porter asked, his mouth hovering over her nipple.

  “She’s soaked, man. I love it. I’ve got to taste her.”

  Suddenly, Edward moved back and jerked her panties down her legs. He rolled over and pulled them off over her feet, tossing them behind him. Then he crawled slowly back up to slide between her thighs, pressing them farther apart in the process. His broad shoulders required her to spread them wide.

  His hot breath fanned her wet pussy lips. He seemed to be just staring at her as he breathed her in. She wanted to see, but with Porter’s head over her breasts, she couldn’t see anything. Instead she had to wait for whatever came next. It had her on edge and anticipating. No doubt it was right where the two men wanted her.

  The sudden touch of Edward’s tongue along her pussy slit had her jerking her hips up in reaction. God that felt good! He retaliated by resting one hand on her pelvis and holding her down as he started licking up and down, delving between the wet folds to explore each crease before moving to the next one. His hot, wet mouth felt too good on her sex. She wanted to grind her crotch in his face. This wasn’t like her. She’d never been this turned on or felt so sexy.
  “Oh, God that feels so good! Please don’t stop,” she moaned.

  Edward chuckled next to her pussy and the vibrations only added to her need. Then he circled her clit with the tip of his tongue and she nearly screamed at the intense pleasure that rippled through her body.

  “Whatever you’re doing down there, keep it up. She’s panting up here. I’d say she’s close to coming,” Porter said with a smile in his voice.

  Edward chuckled again against her clit. Hannah thought she would explode right then, but nothing prepared her for the man to suck her clit into his hot mouth and tongue it. White hot electricity shot from her throbbing clit to her cunt and on up to her nipples. The next nip of Porter’s teeth on the swollen nub had her nearly screaming with pleasure.

  “Oh, God, oh God, oh God.” She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe around the overwhelming emotion clogging her brain. What were they doing to her?

  Edward slipped a finger between her folds to sink into her quivering cunt. He sucked hard on her clit as he added a second finger and fucked her with them as he drew on the throbbing bundle of nerves in his mouth. The sensation was too much. Hannah exploded around him, crying out as wave after wave of pleasure poured over her.

  “That’s it, baby girl. Ride it out,” Porter whispered next to her ear as he pulled and pinched on both nipples. “We’ve got you. Enjoy it, Hannah.”

  Enjoy was too tame of a word for what she did. She rode a white hot wave of sensation that drove her to the ends of existence. She could only hold on lest she fall off and lose herself forever. Nothing could ever top this. She’d been missing out on a lot of feel good in her life. Not anymore. These two men had given her something she’d never even imagined. She’d make damn sure she took good care of them so they would never regret keeping her.


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