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Daring Play (Dangerous Book 3)

Page 18

by Romi Hart

  “How much does that cost?” I reply, smirking at David…but not sure if I’m joking at this point.

  * * *

  I sent Maya a free meal gift certificate to Palmetto, my favorite place to dine when I want to splurge and impress someone with my ridiculously high tips. This particular gift certificate accommodated up to four people, so I assumed Maya might bring the three people closest to her—namely her parents and her current boyfriend, that dashing and debonair fellow who swooped in and stole Maya from me before I even knew she was an option.

  No matter, I’ve been feeling like a good sport. This dinner was not about making a statement or proving a point. It was a gesture of good will. Just a foolish and immoral man’s way of breaking the ice. And yes, Maya, I promise my filthy and lecherous hands did not grope your five-star Italian meal.

  I’ve decided to watch Maya quietly from a distance, hoping to see her new boyfriend from afar and to get a good idea of the man I’m competing against. To my surprise, as I see her take a seat, along with her parents, I see no fourth chair. She isn’t on a date. She’s just here…unspoken for. Unattached and perhaps even longing for a Valentine’s Day kiss. This could be my moment.

  She looks ravishing. Like a touch from the golden age of movies. A beaded V-neck mesh dress arrayed in dark blue. She’s the type of girl that saves all her money just to buy a nice new dress and feel good about herself. And good for her…that’s something I would do myself I actually had to work for my money. Her parents are dressed…well, in church clothes, naturally.

  She has to be halfway expecting me to show up, doesn’t she? She could have just torn up the gift certificate if she really despised my existence. Or maybe she just wanted to show her parents a good time and treat them to a meal they probably could never afford.

  I hesitate…I want to go out there now and say hello. But I bite my tongue. What should I say? Dammit, don’t hesitate. Just be opposite of everything she expects. Be the opposite of the brash, arrogant dickhead everybody knows I am. And whatever happens, don’t fucking hesitate!

  I smile calmly as I walk out to meet the DeBank family. “I hope you find everything to your liking, Mister and Missus DeBank. And Maya.”

  Her parents take attention and look on in surprise. Maya, meanwhile, sends a stark face to me…not quite frowning, but not quite smiling. But at least her eyes are meeting mine and fully attentive.

  “You’re Troy! Aren’t you? Mister Troy?” her father says.

  “Yes, sir. I’m sure you remember me. Maya denounced me on television. Good times.”

  “Well…” he says apologetically, but still smiling in pride. “She’s a loose cannon. But sometimes women tell us the things we men refuse to hear.”

  “I hear that!” I say, helping myself to the fourth seat. “Have you all looked at the menus yet? I recommend the eggplant rollatini. It’s the best in the entire country, I swear to God. And I’ve been to Italy.”

  “No, we’re still looking,” her father says. “Are you sure we’re okay to pay for this? The gift card won’t bounce, will it?”

  “No, sir,” I say with a smile. “This one’s on the house. Consider it a gesture of goodwill, for offending Maya so terribly the first time we met.”

  Maya smirks back at me. And the second time and third time, her eyes seem to tell me.

  “That’s sweet of you. Maya’s very grateful,” the mother says. “She just doesn’t express gratitude very well.”

  “Mother!” Maya scolds her. “You don’t have to insult me!”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your names,” I say, feigning business man speak, the same type of polite chitchat I might spat out during one of those god awful commercials.

  “Mark,” the dad says.

  “Merva,” the mom says.

  “Maya,” Maya says with a smarmy headshake. As if she’s appalled by my nice behavior. Well, at least she’s not throwing a drink in my face…yet.

  I do feel natural urges to come-back. I start thinking of mean and wild things to do just to scandalize this perfect dinner scenario. I could embarrass Maya in front of her parents. Make everyone cringe. Make her parents feel awkward by talking about orgies I’ve had…

  God, what’s wrong with me? Do I really hate civility that much that I have to destroy every good thing I come in contact with?

  I bite my tongue and glance at Maya, before returning to the faces of her parents.

  “There’s nothing to worry about,” I say warmly, glancing at Maya, who is still eying me like a cat eyes a troublemaking mouse. She’s ready to pounce, for sure. “I know there’s probably been some hostility lately…but I assure you, all that’s behind us.”

  “Well, I hope so!” Merva says.

  “Mother!” Maya says, her face blushing.

  “I don’t mean any offense, Mister Troy. You’re much too, uh…old for her.”

  I lose my smile. The fire burns in my chest. Old? OLD?! I’m in my thirties! How about I plop your pudgy ass over on this table and pound your—!

  No, no, no, be nice. Do the opposite…don’t be an asshole. Forgive. Let it go.

  “Well…” I laugh. “She certainly deserves a boy her own age, we agree on that.”

  “But what I’m thinking,” Merva continues, “is that Maya is so smart…I think you should hire her for a job! Maya is an excellent writer, reporter and interviewer. She could really help your company.”

  “Mother, that’s even more embarrassing. I can apply for my own jobs, thank you very much.”

  “Uh, yes, I agree, obviously,” I say with a wince.

  “Agree with what?” Mark says.

  “Uh…you know,” I reply, taking a gulp. “I agree that Maya would not be well suited for my company.”

  Maya glares at me. Now both of her parents join in on the fun and stare me down.

  Damn…that instinct was definitely not the opposite. That was too natural of me to say.

  “Umm…” I correct myself, “what I meant to say was, she would be much more suited to news or publishing. I work in marketing, consulting, advertising…it’s boring work.”

  Her parents nod and Maya crinkles her lip in response to my save.

  “Oh, I see. Yeah, Maya always wanted to be a photo journalist. Like Barbara Walters.”

  “Oh, she’ll be better than Barbara Walters!” I say with a congenial laugh. Barbara Walters’ raggedy, disgusting ass probably has mice living in it, that lisping bitch! Jesus, don’t say that out loud! This is going well, don’t jinx it! Just do what Maya would want me to do. Pretend like I’m the guy on camera and not a fucking corporate soulless ghoul!

  “You’re right!” Mark says as he taps his daughter’s hand. “She could do anything she sets her mind to. The sky is the limit.”

  “Oh, you know, on the subject,” I say, helping myself to a breadstick, “Maya and I were talking about doing a project together.”


  “Yeah…and I APOLOGIZE that I never got back to you. I was a jerk for, uh…making you wait so long.”

  She raises her brow at me.

  “But I really think we should ride this momentum now that it’s here. So I wanted to officially invite you to start doing one-shot interviews for our cable channel TRCK. Test demographics really think Maya would make an engaging TV personality. I want to help her move up in the world. NOT working for me, mind you, just a collaborate project.”

  Maya looks perturbed, even though parents are astonished.

  “That’s really nice,” Maya says, grabbing a pen and tablet from her purse. “But I don’t think I have time for that right now. You know, so many things going on at work. Busy season and all.”

  “Well, yes, but…”

  Maya discreetly passes me a note, making damn sure I get her signal to read it.

  I glance at the tablet.


  “Oh, Maya,” I laugh, waving the note ar

  Maya gets nervous and flinches.

  “Don’t be silly. She just sent me a note saying I don’t need to do this. You are always so down on yourself, girl!” I smile happily. “Have confidence. I wouldn’t make the offer if I didn’t believe you have talent.”

  “You really think your people will accept Maya after she insulted you all over the Internet and news stations everywhere?” her dad says.

  “Of course. They well know I voluntarily choose to work with many of my former enemies. Sometimes they’re the people you can trust the MOST. They tell you sh…er, STUFF, that you don’t want to admit to yourself.”

  “Good point!” Merva says.

  “That’s some really good news,” Maya says, looking as thrilled as a Stepford Wife. She’s acting as muted and fake as I am right now. Probably in boiling rage that I’m doing the unthinkable and chatting with her parents. “But I don’t think I can accept. My job at the tax office really counts on me…”

  “We’ll double your salary. I mean…not a salary, per se, but we’ll pay you double.”

  “I don’t want to leave,” she says with a stern look. “I want to keep my job.”

  “Then we’ll work around your office hours. No big deal.”

  Maya suddenly stands up from the table…her frown quickly turns into a smile. “Wow, lucky me! Say, will you fine people excuse me just a minute?”


  “Come here, Troy,” she mutters in wrath. Ready to scold me! Ready to tear me a new asshole, feels like! “Let me talk to you in private. About that wonderful job offer!”

  “Well, I really hate paperwork when we’re trying to enjoy dinner…”


  Maya can’t even wait till we’re out of view of her folks…she starts poking my back and shoulders with those torpedo-strength little fingers of hers…


  Maya pushes me against the next wall over, hiding us both from her parent’s view.

  I grin and throw my hands up in surrender. “If you’re going to rape me, I do not consent.”

  “You’re not funny,” Maya growls. “Look, I came here in a gesture of goodwill. You said in your letter no funny business!”

  “I meant it. No funny business, I haven’t been funny all night. I didn’t even tell any dick jokes. That’s how serious I am.”

  “And what the fuck is with the fake job? Is this your idea of a prank?”

  “Not a prank. A legitimate offer.”

  “Oh, so it’s a bribe? I am NOT accepting any job offer with you, Zander!”

  “Most applicants just call in to decline an offer, they don’t shove the executive against the wall and yell at him and stuff.”

  “Ughhh…” Maya huffs. She shakes her head at me and puffs her cheek, thinking I sure deserve a good smacking.

  “Come on. I haven’t embarrassed you once. I’ve been nothing but kind to you and your parents. Why won’t you forgive me?”

  “I do forgive you.”

  “Then why not give me another chance?”

  Maya shuts up and stews over the indecent proposal…

  “Who are we kidding?” I say, turning the camera charm on. “We both feel an attraction. We both…”

  “We talked about this,” Maya grumbles. “We are not at all alike. We want two different things…”

  “No, we don’t,” I say boldly. “I just want to be your Valentine’s Day boyfriend.”

  Maya suddenly flinches and loses some of her venom. My longing eyes make contact with hers, the rush of emotion and tingling of skin. At last she knows what I feel and she feels exactly what I want her to feel. This isn’t about love. This is just about sex. Sex that she wants. Something special…a night she’ll never forget. And I want to give that to her so badly…

  “You told me your terms,” I say, backing off a little bit in the power of my voice. I don’t want to scare her, just want to let her know this is for real. “I accept them. It’s just one day and night, the perfect date. The dream you had, I can give that to you.”

  “No, Zander,” she says softly. “You ruined that already.”

  “No, I didn’t. You want the Zander you thought existed, the charming nice guy, the charity guy, the superhero of the city? I can be him!”

  “I don’t want an act,” she says, folding her arms.

  “Maya, this isn’t an act. This is just two sides of my personality. The charming guy in front of the cameras IS me. But it’s not the me that goes to bed, it’s not the me that parties, drinks, gambles, and swears. We all have a dual nature. Maybe, you know…”


  “Maybe you have a dual nature, too. Maybe I can help you find your ‘other side’. Unleash your wild side.”

  Maya’s nervous blinking gives her away. She’s thinking about it. We’re finally on the same page, talking about the same things. We want the same thing…and for once, I can sense it in the air. I can feel her throbbing, feel her curiosity building to frenetic energy…the desire to let go and give the body what it wants…

  “That’s, uh…nice of you, Zander. But I don’t think I want that fantasy anymore.”

  “Kiss me,” I say with determination. “Then we’ll both know for sure.”

  “No!” Maya says, holding our eye contact strong. “Because your plan is to make me feel something. I probably would feel something, Zander, but that doesn’t mean I want something to happen. Got it?”

  My head turns to its side and I suspire in exhaustion. Just trying to convince this girl to have sex with me is leaving me panting and out of breath. She is truly the unattainable virgin that cannot be bought! God damn it, how much?!

  “Yes, but…”

  “You slept with my best friend!”

  “Oh, gimme a break, Maya. She was not your best friend. She was some girl who worked in the same office as you did. Big deal.”

  “Yeah, jerk-face! She was not a great friend, but I don’t HAVE the luxury of a lot of really cool friends, okay? I live a fairly isolated life, okay? But I really liked her and you just put this huge rift between us, ruining our potential friendship. That was a shitty thing to do.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “I’m not like YOU, Zander, I don’t have thousands of people just chasing me all over the world, wanting to interview me, do commercials with me, fuck me silly, give me a free car just for showing up to a goddamned charity ball! I’m not like fucking YOU, okay? The two of us are not at all alike!”

  “But that’s what makes us so compatible.”

  “I don’t accept your job offer. And no, I will not sleep with you for Valentine’s Day. I have a boyfriend.”

  “That same guy? That loser you didn’t even bring to the dinner date…”

  “Yeah and Billy’s not a loser, asshole. He’s the guy I’m with now.”

  “I don’t see a ring on your finger.”

  “He doesn’t know he’s my boyfriend yet,” I say, gritting my teeth. “But he’s going to know soon enough. I’ll make it really fucking clear, if you get what I’m saying.”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  I watch Maya walk away and my heart pounds. My face goes white and I chase after her…for just a moment.

  “I’M NOT JEALOUS!” I say louder, but then force myself to smile as we both walk back to the table with her parents.

  Now both Maya and I are sitting down, fake-grinning at each other like we’re fucking clowns. So much to say, so much to yell at each other…and yet here we are, ready to swallow it all and eat.

  “Hmmm do I want chicken or do I want pork?” Mark says, still looking at the menu. “What do you think?” he asks his wife.

  “Chicken. Pork always makes you feel bloated.”

  Jesus. This is going to be a long fucking night, isn’t it? I suddenly lost my appetite.

  “Well then…” I say, getting up from the table. “I guess I’ll leave you lovely folks to your dinner.”

  “Awww, that’s so sweet,” Maya say
s, sending me rabid eyes, blinking in heavy sarcasm. “You’re such a nice guy, Zander.”

  “Have fun. Have fun with your boyfriend,” I sing back merrily.

  “Oh I will. Lots of fun. Thanks, Zander.”

  “You’re welcome.” Bitch. Cock-tease. I would so fuck you right now and make you beg for mercy…

  “Oh, and Zander?”

  “Yeah?” I turn back.

  “Can you please bring us back some more breadsticks?”

  I can’t help but laugh in disbelief. What gall. For a virgin girl, she sure has the biggest fucking mouth on her.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that Zander,” Merva says. “We’ll just ask the waiter.”

  “Please…” I say, taking out my wallet and grabbing hundreds like they’re fucking nothing to me! “How did you get here tonight?”

  “Uber…” the dad says meekly.

  “Cancel your Uber. Take the Limo I have waiting outside, whenever you’re ready. I insist.”

  “Thanks, Mister Troy!” the mom says. “Wow, he’s so much nicer in person than he looks on TV!”

  I fake smile and walk away, contorting my mouth in wrath…shaking in uncontrolled evil villainy! Sexual frustration…yeah, that’s what turns ordinary men into supervillains.

  * * *

  A nice man. A superhero. A rich man, a leader. Aside from these abstract qualities, I have no idea what the world wants me to be. They want me to be the man from the commercials, an abstract figurehead, a hero, a champion of nothing in particular. They want me to be peripherally beautiful but empty inside…and yet they scoff when they learn my only master or god is money.

  Even the lovely Maya said that my lowbrow sensibility, my lack of impulse control, WAS the problem. Perhaps she feels that her boyfriend “Billy” would make a better husband, a better father. Why? Because he believes in a Catholic God like she does? Or because he doesn’t have obscene wealth and an extravagant lifestyle? Maybe THAT makes him heroic. That makes him a decent, honest person.

  My obsession with Maya has spread to this mysterious Billy Rogers character. She let his name slip during one particularly rushed phone call. She mentioned that Billy was an agronomy sales representative. Bald, white and what Maya calls “beautiful on the inside”.


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