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Beneath the Earth (Seven Wardens Book 3)

Page 12

by Laura Greenwood

  Luckily, Izban chose that moment to awaken from the trance and stare at them wide-eyed.

  “I know where it is. And who stole it, although I can’t remember her name.”

  “Her name? It was a woman?” Rónán stared at the mage. “Are you sure?”

  Izban frowned. “Are you doubting my magic?”

  “No, it’s just that I assumed it would have been one of the men who are also in line to be clan chief. A selkie without his skin can’t become chief, so it would have made sense for them to disable me like that.”

  The mage nodded grudgingly. “Yes, that makes sense, but I assure you, it was a woman. I saw her last night by the fire, but I have no idea what she’s called. Amber spoke to her though, and Macey.”

  “Cara,” both women said at once. Anger bubbled up in Macey’s throat. She was going to kill that selkie for putting her man through all that.

  “Bitch,” she exclaimed, earning herself a raised eyebrow from Rónán.

  “Why would she do such a thing?” he asked in confusion.

  Amber looked at Macey, rolling her eyes.

  “Men…” the beithir muttered, before explaining, “She clearly wants you for herself. She probably thought that taking away your skin would make you stay here, with her, and stop you from leaving.”

  “But why didn’t she give it back when she noticed that it didn’t work?”

  Macey huffed. “Jealous women can be patient. She was probably hoping that you’d change your mind soon, once being without your skin got unbearable. Maybe she would have started blackmailing you soon.”

  She shot an apologetic glance at Izban, who ignored it. Maybe telling him about the vision had been foolish and rash. She just hoped that she hadn’t set some things in motion that would end up hurting her or her men. Or the world, in the worst case scenario.

  “Would you like us to come with you?” she asked the selkie, but he shook his head, his expression grim.

  “No, I’m going to settle this myself. I’ll show you were the others stay, and then I’ll confront Cara.”

  Amber and Izban seemed happy to stay on their little bench, so Macey simply gave them a wave and followed Rónán through the village.

  They stopped in front of one of the largest huts.

  “The guest house,” Rónán explained. “We don’t get many visitors, but selkies are known for their hospitality, so we couldn’t get rid of it. I’m glad we didn’t.”

  Selkies known for their hospitality? Macey had a hard time not to laugh. If he knew all the stuff she’d been told about selkies…. Well, being friendly to visitors wasn’t one of them.


  Cam came running out of the house and hugged her tight before she could even move.

  “Hi, Cam,” she laughed and returned the hug. “Everything okay with you?”

  In response, he pressed her even tighter, running his hands over her back as if to make sure that she was real.

  She stopped laughing, realising that something strange was going on.

  “What’s happened?” she asked softly, stroking his cheek in reassurance.

  “Nightmare,” he muttered. “I saw the Orca eat you, and there was nothing I could do about it. Seeing you being torn apart… I just want to chain you to myself and never let you out of my sight.”

  “I’m not sure I’m into bondage,” she replied light-heartedly in an attempt to cheer him up. “But if you want to try it one day… I bet we can find handcuffs somewhere.”

  He laughed, but didn’t let go of her.

  “I’m here,” she whispered, now serious. “I’m alive. You won’t get rid of me that easily.”

  Before she could say any more, his lips met hers in a desperate kiss, as if he still had to convince himself that she was real.

  “I’ll go find Cara,” Rónán laughed. “Maybe go inside, people are staring.”

  Macey nodded, eager to escape from the situation. Lucky for her, Cam responded instantly and pulled her inside the hut.


  “See, I told you she was okay,” Jared said the moment they arrived inside. While his words seemed to be relieved, he did rush towards Macey and pull her to him, smothering her face with soft kisses.

  “I didn’t see you disagreeing when I said I’d go find her,” Cam pointed out, still sounding a little off.

  It was odd. She didn’t think she’d ever witnessed him so flustered about anything. Not even when the Staran had been so sick. Maybe Self-Doubt was back again? Or was this something different even? If he was doubting her safety, then maybe the unease wasn’t to do with what was within him, but what he thought of Rónán.

  She didn’t say a word. She didn’t want to face the possibility that one of her men mistrusted another. That would only sow more discourse and not make for a happy relationship.

  “Where’s Rónán?” Flint asked, as if knowing what she was thinking.

  “He’s gone to go deal with another selkie,” Macey answered quickly, jealousy spiking within her as she recalled Cara.

  “Want me to go keep an eye on them?” Jared asked.

  She thought about it for a moment. While she barely knew Rónán, she did trust him and knew he wouldn’t intentionally betray her. But then, she didn’t trust Cara in the slightest. The woman was a grasper to say the least and if she’d steal another selkie’s skin, then what else would she do?

  “Yes,” she whispered. “But just to make sure Rónán’s okay. I don’t think he’d be able to hurt another selkie if he tried, but I don’t know what she’s capable of.”

  “Got it.” Jared gave her a mock salute and she smiled despite herself. She loved the incubus so much.

  He kissed her forehead as he passed, trailing a hand around her waist. His touch made her shiver. When had she become so sensitive?

  She twisted slightly, watching him leave longingly. It hadn't even been that long since the two of them had been together, and yet she was already craving him again.

  Jared started chuckling the moment he reached the door and turned back to them. "Don't worry, Macey, Cam and Flint will take care of that craving." He winked and then ducked out once more.

  "How does he do that?" she muttered.

  "He's an incubus, telling when you're horny is one of his powers," Flint pointed out, a teasing grin tugging at his lips.

  "Ah, yes, that." She'd known really but it was so easy to forget he was at least a little part demon. Though how much of one, she didn't really know.

  "So, you up for it?" Flint waggled his eyebrows.

  "With you? Always," she replied, reaching for the hem of her shirt and whipping it over her head without even waiting them to make a move. Macey wasn't in the mood for a slow steady build. She wanted hard and fast and undeniable.

  "I guess that answered that one," Cam said, closing the small gap between them. "But how do you want us?" he whispered so close that his breath fanned against her skin.

  "Why are you overthinking this?" she asked. "Why aren't we just going for it?"

  She went onto her toes and pressed a kiss against Cam's lips, the connection between them surging into life. Macey could feel it right down to her core. How had she become this lucky? She'd always been a bit of a loner back in the Loch and she definitely hadn't had much of a love life. But she had her men. She'd never be alone again. And while that should scare her, it didn't. She knew she was better with them than without. Even if it did mean she couldn't ever move back to the Loch. Not with Flint in tow.

  "Good question," Flint said.

  Macey sensed him behind her and relaxed into him. She was wedged between the two of them, their hot bodies pressed against hers and making a delicious Macey sandwich.

  She'd certainly enjoy being in the middle of it.

  Breaking the kiss with Cam, Macey twisted around and kissed Flint. The angle was slightly awkward but it meant she could kiss her man and that made it worth it.

  Gently, Cam guided her body around so she was facing h
er Fire Warden. His hands skimmed her body, leaving a trail of goose bumps along the way. There weren't any feelings that could rival this.

  She moaned into Flint's mouth just as Cam's hands reached her ass. He slipped his hands around to unbutton her jeans and help her slip them down her legs, leaving her blissfully naked for them.

  Squirming a little, she pressed herself against Flint more. The two of them were wearing far more clothing than they should be but she trusted them to do something about that soon enough. They weren't the kind of men who'd pass on the opportunity.

  "Now," she murmured. "Don't make me wait."

  "Seems like someone's needy." Cam chuckled, nuzzling his lips against her neck as Flint moved a hand further down her body.

  "I haven't been with either of you since..." she started, but was silenced by her own moaning as Flint slipped a hand between her legs and teased her gently.

  "We know, Macey. We've missed you too," Flint said, a satisfied smile lighting up her face.

  "We should be kind and give in to her," Cam suggested.

  "Please," Macey begged.

  "We got you," Flint said. "But do you trust us?"

  "Of course," she answered instantly.

  "Close your eyes," Cam ordered.

  Without thinking, she screwed them shut. She could still feel her men close to her, their bodies touching hers. The darkness seemed to put all her nerves even more on edge and she relished it. This was new. And exciting.

  Something soft brushed past her eyes and rested there. "Is that..."

  "Yes," Flint answered from in front of her. "Don't try to open your eyes," he repeated.

  "If you want to stop, just say voices," Cam instructed.

  "Voices?" she squeaked. It seemed to be an odd choice of words.

  "It's not exactly a word you'd normally scream out during sex," he pointed out. "Unless there's something you haven't told us."

  "No, nothing," she said hastily.

  "Then relax and let us do our thing," Flint said.

  Macey nodded but said nothing. She could already feel the anticipation building within her. She didn't think she'd ever felt like this before, not even with her men before.

  A hand touched her stomach before trailing across it. A second hand joined the first but she wasn't sure which belonged to which of her men. They were both standing close to her, so she guessed they were both touching her, but it was hard to tell.

  "We're going to move you now," Flint whispered, not breaking the moment.

  The hands disappeared and she groaned in disappointment. One of the men slipped their arms under her legs and hoisted her up, carrying her over to what she assumed what would be the bed. Though she wasn't all that sure about that. She hadn't really gotten a good look about. Cam had been a little bit to much of a mess for her to look around. She'd have to try and remember to ask him about the dream when things were a little less physical. It wasn't exactly something she wanted to deal with right now. It'd be something of a mood killer.

  Whichever of the two was carrying her laid her down. The bed had been the right guess, the softness surprised her almost as much as it had the night before. How had her people ever thought badly of selkies? With beds like these, she doubted anyone would ever have a bad experience with them.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand sneaking up each thigh. The touches were firm, the callouses on them expected and only adding to the sensation. She wanted the two of them so badly but couldn't do anything to actually tell them other than moan.

  She was nothing more than a body of sensation. Nothing mattered other than the three of them in a bed and the only thing that would have made it more perfect would be the addition of Rónán and Jared too. Though how she'd keep up with four men at once was beyond her. Saying that, she was managing emotionally, so there was little doubt she'd work it out in the bedroom too.

  Maybe Jared's kabouter family wasn't too far off thinking about grandchildren.

  She thrashed her head from side to side, half from the pleasure of the caresses all over her body and partly to rid herself of any thoughts of children. She wasn't ready yet. And not just because she had a world to save. There were so many other things she wanted to do and experience in life which would be a lot more difficult if she had to do it with a child in tow. Plus there were other things to work out. Like the roles of all her men in the child's life, no matter which was going to end up being the father.

  Firm lips pressed against hers, while the other man parted her legs. Neither of them were being particularly gentle. Nor were they being rough. It was that perfect balance between which made Macey feel more wanted with each touch of skin on skin.

  The man kissing her trailed his lips over her neck and down to her collarbone, just as the other began to move up the insides of her legs. Macey arched off the bed. They weren't even touching any of the places she wanted them and she was already a needy pile of mush.

  A low moan escaped from her lips as they moved inwards. Having two men in bed with her wasn't a new experience, but something about the fact she couldn't tell who was doing what gave it a new edge. An exciting one. It was almost surprising it wasn't Jared involved this time, though given the accessibility of a blindfold, it had probably been his idea in the first place. If this was the kind of thing he was going to come up with then she was more than happy to let him be in charge of sex games.

  Brief images of Jared lounging on a chair and instructing her other men in how best to pleasure her sprung to mind. Now that was something she could get on board with. Maybe she'd suggest it to him. it'd be a great feast for him if he needed to rejuvenate his powers.

  Macey gave a short cry as the man between her legs settled close to her core, the sensation of his breath hitting her skin driving her higher, even if he wasn't actually touching her yet.

  Sometimes, she could swear the anticipation was almost as good as the main event.

  His lips caressed the inside of her thigh, almost high enough but not quite. She whimpered, just as he other man closed his lips around her nipple and rolled his tongue around it.

  Her release began to coil within her body and she was worryingly close to the finish, even if her men had barely started. Not that it would stop them. All it would do was make them more determined to make her unravel several more times. They were the determined sort like that.

  The kissed moved inwards, fluttering against her most sensitive places. His tongue darted out and he drew it upwards, circling it around her clit. Macey jolted, unable to keep herself still under the pressure on both her clit and her nipple at the same time,.It was times like this she was grateful for having multiple men of her own. Other women were missing out by just having the one.

  A sharp pain came from her nipple as the man there tugged it between his teeth, but the pain soon subsided to a dull ache that only served to push her closer towards the edge. As if talking to each other silently, the men both increased the tempo and she couldn't hold back any longer. Letting out a piercing cry, she arched off the bed, shuddering and writhing beneath them until everything went black.


  Macey tried to blink but failed miserably. She'd almost completely blacked out and had forgotten she was wearing a blindfold. The men were still touching her, though not quite as intensely.

  "Are you ready for more?" Cam asked, his voice coming from the left. Not that it told her which what he'd been doing to her before. She was pretty sure they'd moved while she'd been a little out of it.

  "Yes," she said weakly. She wasn't completely convinced but knew they wouldn't push her past where she was willing to go. And it'd feel good.

  So good.

  "Remember when you were with us before?" Flint whispered against her skin.

  "Yes," she whimpered.

  "Are you ready to do it again?"

  "Yes," she repeated. Almost begging, even.

  Neither of them said anything else, but she felt them moving about in the bed and getting into position. />
  Excitement flooded through her. Before Flint and Cam, she hadn't done anything like this before. And she hadn't since either. Jared and Rónán had been far more interested in other things. She was definitely intrigued as ever and looking forward to what they had planned.

  Both of them got up, probably for no other reason that to confuse her about who was doing what. She couldn't say she minded. She liked not knowing which of them was doing what, it added something else to the experience.

  The bed dipped on each side as they rejoined her and one of them slipped an arm around her back and guided her into the seated position.

  Lips crushed against hers. She pressed against the man in front of her and he tapped her legs so she straddled him. Naked skin met hers and she almost sighed with relief. Her men were as naked as she was now. Maybe they could finally get to the best bit.

  Her inhibitions completely gone, not that they were all that prominent in the first place, she reached between them and grasped his cock in her hand, stroking up and down smoothly and enjoying the feel of it against her palm.

  The man groaned and she instantly recognised it as Cam she had her legs wrapped around,. They'd been so good at keeping themselves anonymous until this second. She had to hand it to them, the blindfold was effective.

  Flint ran his fingertips along her back, the tickling sensation turning her on even more than it had before.

  Barely able to concentrate, she guided Cam's cock into her, glad she didn't need to see in order to do that. That alone made things so much easier.

  He groaned as he pushed into her and Macey rocked back and forth, the full feeling of Cam's cock inside her already sending her higher.

  After a few more thrusts, Cam gently pushed her backwards, into Flint's waiting arms. Her Fire Warden pressed his lips against hers and slipped his tongue into her mouth.

  Deft fingers at the back of her head swiftly untied the blindfold, leaving it to fall away, now useless.


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