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Hollywood Princess

Page 23

by Dana Aynn Levin

  For her part, Amelia was scrutinizing me as much, if not more so. She was way too obvious as she sized up her opposition in the competition she was never in.

  “Party on Five.” Phoebe answered. “Aren’t you late?”

  “We’re heading to rehearsal now. Phoebs, you remember Elizabeth?”

  “Elizabeth, yes. Your girlfriend,” Phoebe emphasized for Amelia’s benefit. “The one you kept secret until last week. You’re bringing her to rehearsal? Isn’t it closed?”

  “Not to Elizabeth. She’s with the band.”

  “We should go. I don’t want the guys angry with you,” I told Danny.

  “You’re right. Later, Phoebs, Amelia.”

  “Right, Dan,” Phoebe answered curtly with a deadly stare.

  Smiling sweetly was the best response as was Danny planting a kiss on the top of my head as we walked away toward the parking lot.


  “Lois Lane!” Duncan sneered. He was well on his way to becoming wasted when we entered Ron and Kirk’s house. “What’s she doing here, Newman? Rehearsal’s closed.” He handed Danny a joint. Danny inhaled deeply.

  “My girl’s always welcome,” Danny retorted, and he kissed my cheek. Then Danny took another hit and glanced at me. “None for you, young lady. It’s a school night,” he teased.

  In contrast, Ron and Kirk were pleased to see me.

  “Hey, you’ve brought your lady, Newman,” Ron said enthusiastically. “What do you see in him, Elizabeth?” he laughed.

  “We can use you,” Kirk added. “Elizabeth, we’re getting down to the wire. I think we sound pretty good, but if you’ll critique us, we might be even better,” Kirk explained. “So pay attention to everything Elizabeth, and stop us whenever we’re not perfect.”

  Rehearsal progressed nicely, though the first time I stopped the guys it was awkward.

  “Wait!” I called while raising my hand. This was power.

  The instruments immediately went quiet, even Duncan’s drums. I tried not to laugh, but Danny had made the mistake.

  “Danny,” I hesitated and I couldn’t help but smile, “You came in a little late on the second chorus. Sorry.” I blushed, feeling bad criticizing him in front of the others.

  “Thanks, Eli. Good ears.” Danny grinned.

  Then rehearsal resumed. I stopped the band only a few more times. With two days to go, they were in good shape.

  “Newman, much improved,” Kirk said as rehearsal ended. “You brought the heat tonight.”

  “It helped having my muse here,” Danny laughed.

  “Elizabeth, you cannot miss Friday. Our voice needs you.”

  Upon entering the Berkeley Hall lobby, Danny pulled me into his arms.

  “My place?” Danny asked. Sapphire puppy-dog eyes tugged at my heart.

  “Not tonight. It’s been an emotional day,” I answered sadly.

  “I’ll walk you upstairs then,” Danny answered, disappointed.

  “Danny, you knew I was going to say no or you wouldn’t have asked.”

  “Eli, you know me too well,” Danny laughed.

  “No, you know you’re still in the doghouse.”

  “Not for long, I hope.”

  Friday, I was a jumble of nerves. Getting through my morning French class was impossible. While confident of Danny’s performance, my anxieties over who would share my table had me obsessing.

  Yes, I was with the band, but who else was? I feared tonight would find me sharing a table with Phoebe or worse, Amelia.

  No! Let Amelia be tortured by me. I had what she would never get. I was the girl going home with Danny.

  Danny was waiting outside the dining hall when I arrived with Cam.

  “Has Eli been a good girl this morning, Cam?” Danny asked and kissed my head.

  “Your girlfriend’s a wreck. Elizabeth almost spoke Spanish in French class.”

  Once seated, Danny’s nerves were evident to everyone. Danny picked at his food. His usually hearty appetite was missing.

  “Daniel, you’ve got to eat something,” I said when I noticed how little he had consumed. “I don’t want you passing out from low blood sugar later.”

  “What about you, Eli? You’ve hardly eaten a thing.”

  “I can eat later. I’m not performing.”

  Danny did a little better after that but soon we decided we’d had enough of pretending to eat lunch and I accompanied Danny to his room.

  “E, you’re sure you want to be here with me?” Danny teased.”

  “I’m quaking,” I answered sarcastically.

  Danny’s hands circled my waist. “I know what would quash my nerves.”

  “Class. We have class.”

  “We can miss it. I’m too antsy to sit through class.” Danny pulled me close.

  “Danny! I didn’t say I wanted sex. I’m not ready. I’m still angry.”

  Danny pressed his lips to mine and consumed me. The electricity was overwhelming, and I felt him hard, pulsating against me. My traitorous heart thumped wildly. Danny’s did the same. I could barely breathe as his hand pressed me closer and closer as we continued kissing.

  Finally, Danny declared, “You’re ready.”

  “No I’m not,” I answered breathlessly. “I was waiting for after the show.”

  “Eli, you just said you were still angry.”

  “I’ll be over it by tonight.”

  Danny grinned. “If you can predict you’ll be over it tonight, then you’re over it now.”

  “Tonight,” I protested.

  Danny pushed me down on the bed. As his lips again crushed mine I fell back into the pillows. In one fluid motion he lifted my sweater over my head.

  “Now, Eli. I want you now, babe.”

  Danny unfastened my jeans. I could no longer resist the power of our lust.

  “Now is good.” I smiled and Danny continued undressing me.

  As I lay in Danny’s arms afterwards, he felt warm and comforting. In Danny’s strong arms, I was home. There was nowhere else I would ever want to be. I had followed my heart, and I knew I made the right decision.

  Danny continued holding me, kissing my lips, my cheeks, my neck, and my shoulders. We let our eyes, our lips, our fingertips do the talking. Danny had followed his heart too, back to mine. Nobody could come between us. Our bonds were too strong, our love too deep. Once again we were sharing two halves of the same heart.

  I didn’t want to move. We had missed class, and I had no place to be for at least five more hours. I would stay right where I was until then.

  I looked into Danny’s deep, reflective sapphire eyes and smiled. I reached for his face and I kissed his warm, full lips. Then I climbed on top of him. I wanted Danny again so badly.

  Completely spent after making love again, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  The ringtone jarred us back to consciousness.

  “Newman! Where the hell are you?” I heard Duncan’s screech coming through the speaker when Danny answered.

  “What time is it?” Danny asked groggily.

  “You’re not awake? It’s three-thirty. You’re late!”

  “Shit! We didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

  “We? Let me guess, Lois Lane is with you.”

  Danny ignored him. “I’m on my way,” he answered and ended the call.

  Danny jumped out of bed and grabbed his jeans.

  “I’ve got to go, honey. I was supposed to, well you heard.”

  Danny pulled on his jeans, leaned over, and kissed my forehead. “I hate leaving you, but if I don’t get to my band, we know who they’ll blame.”


  “You sure are,” Danny laughed, and he kissed me again before pulling a clean shirt out of the closet.


  “C’mon already,” Rachel urged me. She was frustrated by the care I was taking with getting ready for the evening.

  After I left Danny’s room I took a quick shower and set about doing
my hair and makeup. No matter what I tried, my hair wasn’t falling into place. This would not do. Wrong night for a bad hair day. Danny Newman’s girlfriend must look perfect. I felt far from perfect.

  My outfit for the evening was perfect, however; black-wash skinny jeans, a low-cut cream and black silk blouse, and a wide silver belt, all ordered from Neiman Marcus earlier in the week. My high black boots completed the look. But my hair – total frizz!

  “Your hair looks great,” Rachel moaned as I brushed it yet again, this time spraying my hairbrush with Static Guard. “We have to go. Danny is expecting you.”

  In disgust, I slammed down my brush. “Do I really look alright?” I asked.

  “Elizabeth, you look great. You’re perfect.” Rachel said, exasperated.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure! You resemble a friggin’ cover girl. Let’s go!”

  “I hope Danny likes what I’m wearing.” I had to outshine Amelia.

  “Why are you so insecure? Danny only has eyes for you.”

  “He does, doesn’t he,” I thought of this afternoon spent in his bed. “I’m being silly. Danny always likes my appearance. My hair looks fine, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes. Let’s go already. You may have a reserved table, but I don’t and Danny’s fan club is counting on me.” Rachel insisted.

  With more than an hour before show time, Rachel and I arrived at The Stage. Amidst a flurry of activity, musicians were arriving and unloading their instruments. We entered through the front door where a student working the door had a list of those with reserved tables. I gave him my name.

  “Elizabeth Jacobs should be on there, even twice,” said Rachel. “She’s doing photos for the yearbook and she’s Danny Newman’s girlfriend.”

  “Newman plus one?” he asked, sounding doubtful

  “That’s me. Plus One Jacobs. Catchy.” I said in a friendly voice.

  “I need Danny to confirm you’re the plus one.” What!

  “Do you think I’d make this up?” Do people really lie about this?

  “Danny has only one girlfriend, and Elizabeth is her.” Rachel was even more indignant than I was.

  “It’s not my job to keep track of his love life.” The door keeper picked up his walkie and summoned Danny.

  Within moments Danny arrived. “There’s my ladies!” he exclaimed.

  Danny’s face lit up and he kissed me on my lips.

  “E, you’re stunning!” Danny exclaimed while taking in every inch of my body with his eyes. “You too, Rach,” he hastily added.

  “Even her hair?” Rachel asked, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Her hair?” Danny shrugged, confused. “Your hair always looks good, Elizabeth.”

  Danny picked up a few strands and twirled them as proof.

  “Danny, he won’t let me in. Would you please tell him who I am?”

  Danny studied the list. “You’re right here. Danny Newman, plus one. What’s the problem, babe?”

  “We’re not at the AMC CityWalk.” I tossed out the name of the popular theater where premieres were often held. “Next time leave my name.”

  Danny turned to the doorkeeper. “May I?” he asked, and he took his Sharpie. Danny crossed out the “+1” and wrote in “+ Elizabeth Jacobs”.

  “I’ll take them to their tables,” Danny said. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and Rachel’s. We were his girls.

  Danny guided us to a stage front table with a reserved sign in the middle. Rachel grabbed the non-reserved table immediately behind it for our friends.

  “I’m glad you’re here. I need you,” Danny said, and he took my hands. His gaze was mesmerizing. His love melted my heart. “You’re so beautiful, E,” he whispered.

  I squeezed Danny’s hands and smiled just for him. “I had an amazing afternoon,” I whispered, and I blushed.

  “I did too,” he answered just as softly. Danny kissed my lips. “I love you so much, Elizabeth.”

  It was more than words to him. Something about Danny’s declaration clouded my brain and left me floating on air. I knew he meant it. Tonight it was truly heartfelt.

  “I love you too, Daniel,” I whispered. Danny rested his hands against my face and held me for a long, passion-filled kiss. He knew I always meant it.

  “Newman,” Kirk interrupted. “We need you.” Then he added, “Hi, Elizabeth.”

  “Hi, Kirk. I’ll let you have Danny now.”

  “I’ll be with you in a minute,” Danny answered.

  Kirk nodded and left for backstage.

  “Rach, take good care of my girl,” Danny instructed.

  “Right,” she sneered, “As though anything’s going to happen to Elizabeth while she’s watching you sing.”

  “I don’t like leaving Elizabeth.”

  “Danny, I’ll be fine,” I insisted.

  “What is with you today? You’re worse than usual, Danny,” Rachel remarked.

  From behind, Danny wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me.

  “Rach, maybe I am. I’m a blessed man. Eli and I had a big blow-up earlier in the week and she almost dumped me.”

  Rachel’s jaw dropped open, registering surprise at the newly released secret.

  “Was that the day you wouldn’t leave your room?”

  I nodded.

  “Chloe and I thought you were sick.”

  “Elizabeth was sick; heart sick,” Danny answered. “It was my fault, but we’ve worked it out. I don’t want to imagine if we hadn’t.”

  “I’m glad we don’t have to,” I replied.

  Danny gave me one more hug and kissed my cheek.

  “I’d better go ladies. I’ll see you later.”

  I watched Danny as he walked toward the backstage door. After a handful of steps, he abruptly pivoted and returned. Danny pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. He leaned his chin into my shoulder to whisper.

  “Eli, I’m so glad you’re here,” Danny said, his voice laced with emotion. “I couldn’t go on tonight if I didn’t have you.”

  “I’m always here for you,” I whispered as I rubbed his muscular back.

  One more kiss and Danny was gone again.

  Soon the doors opened. People filed in. The venue was buzzing. From the corner of my eye, I picked up Amelia entering with a preppy guy I hadn’t seen before. At this distance he appeared pleasant looking, but in a patrician way, wearing the uniform pinstriped oxford shirt under a crewneck sweater. I turned in the opposite direction to exchange a few words with Chloe now seated at the table behind me.

  I wouldn’t put it past Duncan to give Amelia seats at my table, though nobody but Danny knew I was aware of their fling. I reminded myself of this now. If Duncan placed Amelia at my table, then he was doing it to get to Danny. Why would he want to sabotage Danny’s psyche tonight of all nights? I hated Duncan all over again.

  Not unexpectedly, when I turned back from speaking with Chloe, who should be sitting beside me but Amelia’s date, with her on his other side. Thankfully Amelia was engaged in animated conversation with Phoebe and Jasmine, seated at the table behind her.

  Not intending to do so, I made eye contact with Amelia’s date. His small brown eyes were partially hidden behind round wire-rimmed eyeglasses. Reflexively I smiled, then instantly regretted it. He looked me up and down. Snarky. For a man with a date, he shouldn’t have been looking at me that way. It gave me the creeps.

  “You’re not from here, are you?” he asked in a clipped New England accent.

  What did that mean? “I’m a Donnelly student,” I answered succinctly.

  “I’m not. I go to Dartmouth,” he boasted. “I’m here with Amy.”

  Amy? Lovely. This must be James. I would keep conversation to a minimum. Amelia must not think I was hitting on her date.

  “James Brower McKenzie. The third,” James announced himself as though he assumed I would recognize his name. Then he offered his hand.

  “Elizabeth Jordan Jacobs. The first, and only.” I
shook James’ hand. It was cool to the touch, not firm.

  James laughed, thinking I was trying to be funny. I wasn’t.

  “We don’t use titles in Santa Monica.”

  James smiled. Was he the type Danny had encountered at Bromley Hall? My poor honey! Now I understood.

  “Why is a girl as pretty as you alone tonight?” James asked.

  “I’m not alone.”

  As though on cue, I spotted Danny frantically pushing through the crowd toward me. Danny had changed and was now wearing a grape-plaid shirt, sleeves rolled up, worn open over a grey t-shirt.

  “I’m with him,” I exclaimed.

  I jumped out of my chair to warmly receive the emotional hug Danny delivered. Why was he out here? Danny should have been backstage preparing with his band.

  “Nice shirt. Purple,” I said as I fingered the soft cotton.

  “Babe, I need you,” Danny said with urgency, his lips against my cheek.

  I pulled back and appraised him. Danny was always confident and secure. Now he seemed frightened like a little boy, my little boy.

  James used this opportunity to stand and extend his hand to Danny.

  “James Brower McKenzie, the third,” he said.

  Danny glared. I could guessed what he was thinking. Instead he politely shook James’ hand, “Daniel Martin Newman, the first,” and turned away. Danny led me by the shoulder a couple of steps away.

  “E, who the hell is that?” Danny resented James’ intrusion.

  “Amelia’s boyfriend.” That said it all.

  “Great! Sorry he’s next to you.” Then Danny switched gears. “E, I’m a wreck.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t be,” I said, and I hugged Danny. My heart went out to him. This wasn’t like Danny.

  “I’ve never performed in front of so many people.”

  “You’re not. You’re performing for me. Block out everything and focus on me.”

  “All I have to do is pretend you’re the only one here. You are, Elizabeth. You’re the only one that matters.”

  “Danny, you’ll be great, but even if you’re not, I’m here for you. You can forget every chord and every lyric and I will still love you. No matter what happens on that stage Daniel, I will be going home with you tonight.”


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