Book Read Free

Stolen Fate

Page 9

by S. Nelson

  He’s gone before I can respond.


  “Everything looks good, Essie. Your blood pressure’s stable. You haven’t really gained any weight, but that’s to be expected so early on in the pregnancy. Are you taking your prenatal vitamins every day?” He’s writing something down in my chart, waiting for me to answer.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Are you eating well? Keeping everything down?”


  “How about sleep? Are you sleeping all right?”

  “Yes, that, too. Listen, Doc, I’m doing fine.” I stand up from the chair and cross the area to stand next to Drayden, who is watching observantly from the other side of the room. “But can you please tell him it’s vital I get fresh air and get the hell out of this room?” If he wants to play hardball, then I’ll put him on the spot with the good doctor.

  The doctor coughs in nervousness before coming to my aid. “Listen, I don’t know what kind of arrangement you guys have going on here and personally, I don’t care. But…” he looks over at the obstinate man standing beside me, “….she does need fresh air. She can’t be kept locked away in this one room the entire time. It will play havoc on her emotional status, especially once she really starts to experience all the physical changes her body will undertake.” He leans down and gathers up his medical bag, gives Drayden a pat on the shoulder and makes his way outside of our tense scenario.

  Once the door clicks shut, Drayden turns toward me and narrows his beautiful blue eyes at me. “Nice try, Essie. But do you honestly think I’m going to be persuaded by anything anyone says to me? You should know better by now.” I’m about to respond to him, but he distances himself from me and walks over toward his suit jacket which is splayed across the bed. He reaches inside and pulls out a small device, accompanied by a cord and ear buds. “Here, I got you this to keep you occupied.” He places it on the bed before making his quick exit.

  Looking down at the device, I realize it’s an iPod. When I scroll through it, I see he’s preloaded over two thousand songs. Everything from disco to rock to big band music is on there. I know he doesn’t know anything about me, including what type of music I like, so he just covered all bases. It isn’t much, but I view it as a teeny-tiny win. It’s something and I hold onto it.

  After breakfast, I grab my new escape, put the ear buds in and hit shuffle. I lie down on the bed, close my eyes and let the first song wrap its magical beat around me, encasing me in another world.

  I must have fallen asleep because I don’t even hear Drayden unlock my door, step in, take away the old tray and replace it with a new one. I look over and grumble something about the smell of fish making me want to puke. I turn over on my side and face the window. It’s sunny outside, and I long to feel the warmth on my skin. I have to get out of here. Somehow.

  “I’ll bring you something else to eat then.”

  “What?” I ask, turning toward him.

  “I’ll get some other kind of food for you.” I furrow my brows together, still looking at him in confusion. “Didn’t you say the smell of fish makes you sick?”

  “Oh, yeah, I did.” I turn back toward the window again. I think about everything that has happened to me since the day I decided to trick him. Nothing went as planned. Nothing. In fact, everything backfired on me big time, the realness of the situation kicking me right in the face. While I have to come to terms with the fact I deserve some sort of punishment for what I tried to do to him, I don’t deserve this.

  It’s too much to be locked away like a criminal. It’s frightening to be pregnant and have to deal with everything that entails in and of itself. Plus, I have to deal with Drayden’s moody and mean ass.

  Reflection is the only thing I have these days. If I could go back to that night, I would’ve done it again, minus the blackmailing part. I was drawn to him and I would have still pursued it, probably taking him up on his offer to see me again, too. But I can’t what if myself to death; it does no good and won’t get me anywhere. What I should focus on now is how to deal with this until I can escape from it. He can’t keep me locked away forever. Can he?


  I jump. His voice startles me; I thought he left to get me some more food. I slowly turn around so I can see his face, and what I see stops me. He looks like he’s worried about something, like he wants to ask me something but is trying to talk himself out of it.

  “Yeah?” He keeps his eyes on me, all the while putting his bottom lip through Hell, biting it in some kind of new nervousness. I don’t even know if he realizes he’s doing it. It’s kind of sexy.

  “Uh…what do you want to eat?” Yeah, that’s not the question he was thinking of asking me.

  “Can you get me some soup? Chicken noodle if you have it? I’m not feeling so great all of a sudden and don’t want to upset my stomach any further.

  “Sure thing. I’ll see if I have any ginger ale, as well.”

  He’s not gone thirty seconds when I start to cry. I mean, really cry. Hard, big tears force their way down my reddened cheeks. I can’t even pinpoint the exact reason why I’m upset. Everything is jumbling together, creating one huge mess and I can’t stop it. I try to control myself before he comes back; I don’t want him to know I let weakness seep from my body again. I did it in front of him once before, and I’ll be damned if he sees me in that state again. I wipe my eyes, get up and head toward the bathroom to blow my nose. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, there is no hiding my red, swollen eyes. Maybe I can pass them off as allergies or something. Allergies to what? I don’t know.

  Shutting off the bathroom light, I take a couple steps into the bedroom and am stopped instantly when I run right into his chest. He reaches for my arms to steady me before I fall over.

  “You’re way too quiet, Drayden. I didn’t even hear you come back in here. You scared the shit out of me.” I hate being scared; it pisses me off. My mood instantly went from sad and upset to pissed and surly.

  He’s still holding on to me, looking right down into my face, his gaze never wavering. “Are you all right? Were you crying?”

  I shrug off his hold, scuffling back toward the bed. I’m exhausted, again, and I don’t want to have this conversation with him, so I deflect his question. “Can I have the soup?”

  “Not until you answer me. Were you crying?”

  “What the hell do you care? Now give me the damn soup,” I demand. When he doesn’t move, I dramatically get up again, reach over and snatch the soup bowl from the tray.

  “You’re right, Essie. I don’t care.”

  I can feel the tears swim behind my eyes, and I do everything I can to hold them at bay. Not in front of him. Don’t cry in front of this awful man.

  I can’t stand to be anywhere near him. Not right now. So I get up again, walk around to the other side of the bed, put my ear buds in and sit down with my back turned toward him before starting to eat my soup. I don’t know if he’s still standing behind me or not, but I make sure to stare out the window long after I finish my lunch, just in case.

  { Chapter 15 }

  “Come on. Let’s go,” Drayden says as he walks up behind me in the bathroom while I’m brushing my teeth. It’s probably around two in the afternoon and I had just gotten up for the day. I’m extremely tired recently, so I sleep in a lot. Plus, what the hell else do I have to do to occupy my time?

  “Where are we going?” I ask him as I rinse out my mouth and follow him back into the bedroom. I’m hopeful he’s taking me out of this room, but I shouldn’t put the cart before the horse.

  “You want out of here for a little bit, right?” He looks over at me, confused as to why I’m even questioning him. He’s actually starting to get a little annoyed, but that dissipates as soon as he sees the huge smile on my face. And because of it, there is now a small smirk forming on his, as well. I beam even bigger knowing my reaction is having some sort of effect on him, even if it’s tiny.

  “Is there anyone here?” I
ask as I look down at my attire, which consists of my typical fitted camisole and pajama shorts.

  “No, you’re fine. The maid isn’t scheduled to come today, and I gave Donna the day off. I don’t need her asking a bunch of unnecessary questions about you.” The look of confusion on my face prompts him to clarify who the hell he’s talking about. “Donna is my cook,” he states before a returning look of irritation plasters across his face.

  For as happy as I was a moment ago, the dread creeps back up and starts to snuff out the embers of hope. He doesn’t mean to let me out of this room often if he had to give her the day off for me to come out of my dungeon. I push those thoughts aside, reminding myself to live in the moment. And in this moment, I’m heading farther and farther away from my seclusion.

  He leads me down the hallway, around the corner and along another short hallway until we come to the kitchen. Stopping quickly to grab a couple bottles of water from the fridge, we continue on throughout his home. He is kind of giving me a grand tour without actually saying so. He eventually shows me a formal dining room off the kitchen, a grand living room, a separate sitting room and even a library, which ends up being my favorite room. I love to read and I can’t wait to spend some time in there, losing myself in all the glorious books adorning the shelves.

  We eventually pass through a sliding glass door which leads to a fancy patio, surrounding an Olympic-size pool. I can’t even remember the last time I was able to swim; it’s been that long ago. I think it was probably when I was a little kid and one of my foster mothers took a couple of us to a local public pool. I do remember that being one of the happiest days of my life, which is pretty sad. It was so freeing to float in the water and feel the sun warm my skin, as if nothing could harm me. As if I was protected by God himself.

  “Do you want to swim, Essie? It’s certainly hot enough for it.” He’s watching me stare at the damn thing. He knows. There is no denying the look in my eye, as if the water is going to be my refuge, if only for a little while.

  When I don’t say anything, he ushers me toward the pool house. “Are there bathing suits in there?” I ask him, praying he’ll say yes.

  “Yes. Unless you want to skinny dip. Either way is fine with me.” He cocks up an eyebrow, daring me to take the bait.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so; especially assuming you’re staying out here with me.”

  “You know I am. I’m not leaving your side until you’re back in your room.” His words grace me with a conflicting comfort. He’s going to spend all this time glued to my hip, and that very same fact pisses me off. For some inexplicable reason, I want to be near him but at the same time, I want him to back up and give me some privacy in my new sanctuary.

  “Fine. I’ll be right back then; I’m going to get changed.” I make my way inside the pool house, but the only thing I can find which will remotely fit is a tiny white bikini. Once I have it all tied up, I glance at my reflection in the mirror and smile. There is nothing left to the imagination. Even though we’ve had sex twice and he’s seen me completely naked, the little scraps of material suggest at what is lying just underneath, teasing and tormenting. My breasts are even fuller than before, but I’m not showing yet so my stomach is still flat and trim.

  I receive the exact reaction I’m hoping for when his eyes watch me walk out toward him. I approach him as leisurely as possible, as if the tiny bathing suit isn’t practically exposing every part of me.

  “Fuck me,” he whispers as I strut past him, his eyes glued to my form, soaking up every single movement my tempting body makes. I stand at the edge of the pool and smile, knowing he’s probably hard as a rock. Then I stretch, lean forward and dive right into the deep end. When I surface, he’s sitting in one of the lounge chairs scattered by the edge of the pool. He’s staring at me, lost in his own thoughts.

  “Do you like to swim, Dray?”

  His eyes widen at the intimate nickname I used once before on him before answering me.

  “I do.” He keeps his focus on me as he continues. “I incorporate it into my normal workout routine.”

  “Don’t you ever just swim for fun?” I’m doing a lazy back stroke, spitting out some of the water filling my mouth.

  “No, not really.” He leans forward and rests his forearms on his knees. The sunlight is casting a glow on his dark hair, making it appear shiny and very touchable. A small lock falls forward over his right eye and with an aggravated swipe, he pushes it back before continuing to challenge me with his stare.

  “Doesn’t your family ever come over for barbeques and to hang out? Don’t you have any little nieces and nephews?”

  His demeanor instantly turns on me, a hard look glistening in his eyes. “Why don’t you tell me, Essie? I know you did your research on me, you know, before trapping me.”

  We were having a decent time until he brought that up. All right yes, I did do my homework on him. I know all about his parents, who are divorced and can’t stand one another. Apparently, his father cheated on his mother with his much younger secretary; you know, the typical bullshit. I also know he has three brothers, two of them married with children.

  “You’re right. I know you have siblings and young nephews.” I take a slight breath before continuing on with the conversation, wary it can end as quickly as it started. “So, you’re telling me you don’t ever have them over to swim and hang out?” I stand up in the pool, my breasts bobbing up and down in the water, catching his attention rather quickly.

  “Not often.”

  Wow, that’s it? That’s all he’s going to give me? Fine. I’m not pressing anymore. I’m about to duck under the water when his question stops me.

  “What about you? Where’s your wonderful family? Surely someone has to miss you by now?” Every single word is laced in sarcasm. He doesn’t know about my past, does he? Is he just screwing with me, knowing I have no parents? Knowing I grew up in foster care? An orphan? A ward of the state?

  My eyes make contact with his, but I keep my stare blank; I don’t want him to witness the emptiness held within. “No. No family to miss me.”

  He inches forward in his seat, intent on starting up some more shit with me. I’m just sure of it. “Well then, let me ask you something else.” The look on his face is anger mixed with curiosity. I can’t even begin to fathom what is going to come flying out of those tempting lips of his. “What did you ever do with the so-called evidence?”

  I inhale a strangled breath. I know exactly what he’s talking about. I don’t need to play dumb and ask him to elaborate; it’ll only prove to anger him further, and I think I’m in enough trouble as it is, so I decide to fess up. But before saying anything, I back up a few steps in the pool. I need for there to be as much distance between us as possible for this one.

  “It doesn’t exist.” He abruptly stands up and kicks his chair back so it skids across the concrete.

  “So, what you’re telling me is, you lied to me yet again?”

  I try to figure out what the best course of action would be right now. Should I beat around the bush, making up excuses, potentially creating more lies? Or should I just come out with it? Before he can start screaming at me, I decide it best to tell him the truth.

  Tell him everything.

  “That night,” I start off slowly, “I really did record our interaction. Or at least I thought I did. But when I got home, I realized my phone didn’t pick up anything.” My eyes follow him as he walks back and forth, clenching his fists at his sides. He looks murderous. “So when I came to confront you at your office, I knew at that point I didn’t have any such evidence. I was just hoping you wouldn’t call my bluff.” I looked away from him at this point because I couldn’t bear the sight anymore. “And you didn’t.”

  He stops pacing and stares down at me. He remains silent, his face expressionless. Before I can even muster up the courage to ask him anything, he turns and abruptly walks away.

  { Chapter 16 }

  The next month is pretty much more
of the same behavior from both of us. We fight back and forth, mainly over me being bored with nothing to do and him reminding me I put myself in this situation so I should shut up and deal with it. He does, however, let me out of my room nearly every day when he returns home from work, accompanying me to wherever it is I wish to go. And if he’s going to be late, he makes sure his good buddy Hedge is around to watch over me. But I have to remain in the confines of his home or out by the pool. He tells me if I cause a ruckus and attempt to escape, I’ll never see the light of day again.

  I believe him.

  I spend a decent amount of time in the library, reading as many books as I can devour. They are the perfect shelter from my current life. I love delving right into the stories, pretending I’m always the leading lady. These books help with my loneliness. Sure, Drayden is always around, but he doesn’t offer much in the way of companionship, seeing as he hates me and everything. And when he’s called away for work, Hedge is again enlisted for the babysitting duties, making sure I don’t try anything tricky. Little does he know, I’m not planning on escaping this house. Where the hell would I go? I have no apartment anymore because I wasn’t able to pay my rent, seeing as how I’ve been locked up here and all. Plus, I have no money or health insurance to take care of myself while I’m pregnant. Yeah, I’m trapped here by not only him but by pure circumstance now.

  One morning, as I’m about to head into the bathroom to take a shower, my bedroom door opens and the doctor walks in. He’s carrying his medical bag as usual, but I’m not expecting him; I had a checkup a few days ago and everything was fine. I see Drayden stroll in behind him and my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

  “Today is the day, Essie.” He stops by the entrance and leans against the door, hands in his pockets and looking quite smug.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask as I’m looking back and forth between the two men who are taking up my personal space.


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