Book Read Free

Stolen Fate

Page 11

by S. Nelson

  His eyes rake down my body until he sees my belly, his child making its presence known to him. He stares at the area a bit too long. At first, I’m worried he’s going to view me as repulsive, especially the bigger I get. He’s used to his women being slim and fit. But the longer he stares at me, I come to realize he likes it. There is a tiny smile forming on his lips, which coincidently disappears rather quickly when he catches me staring at him. He knows I know he’s happy, if only for a brief moment.

  “Can I help you with something, Drayden?” I ask as I slip a short, purple cotton dress over my head. They are more comfortable these days. My regular shorts and pants don’t fit anymore, so thankfully he bought me some new outfits for my ever-expanding form. I hate I have to wear bigger clothes, but who the hell am I trying to impress anyway? The guy in the room with you, that’s who. I push the crazy thought from my brain before continuing to get dressed.

  “Um, yeah.” He seems flustered which is so unlike him. I’m pulling my long hair up into a messy bun when he stuns me into paralysis. “I thought you would like to get out of this house and go have lunch somewhere.” Boom. There it is. The one sentence I wanted him to say since the day he brought me here. Well, not the one about having lunch somewhere. But leaving this house? Yeah, that’s the one.

  “Are you playing with me? Because I’m in no mood for any of your crap today.” I stalk toward my closet to grab some flip-flops before returning to stand in front of him again.

  “I’m serious. But if you don’t want to go, fine by me.” He makes his way to leave but I stop him by placing my hand on his arm. He immediately looks down at my hold on him then glances back up at me. But this time, he isn’t upset. He looks confused by our connection. Hell, he isn’t the only one. It’s a weird moment which passes between us, and it’s gone as fast as it happens. I withdraw my hand and place it at my side, never taking my eyes from him.


  “Yes, what? Yes, you want to go?” He’s playing with me, trying to rile me up. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction. Not this time anyway.

  “Yes, I want to leave this house and go grab lunch somewhere. But what will people say when they see you with a pregnant woman?” Yeah, I have to go there. I can’t help myself sometimes.

  “Well, first off, I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. And second of all, no one can tell you’re pregnant yet. Only I can tell by looking at your naked body.” There is a gleam flitting through his gaze. Is that lust? Or satisfaction?

  When I don’t move, he steps toward me, takes my hand and guides me from the room.

  This is the first time I’ve been away from his house, and I’m actually confused as to where we are. All of the houses are spaced far apart from one another, often times having numerous acres of land separating them, giving each place its own private sanctuary. But even as beautiful as all of these homes are, Drayden’s is by far one of the most elegant.

  “Where are we?” I ask him as he continues to drive down the road, keeping his attention firmly ahead of him.

  “California,” he says with a sarcastic smirk.

  “Duh, I know that. I mean what city are we in?” I look out the window to watch the beautiful scenery go by. “This is a far cry from where I live,” I say under my breath, suddenly embarrassed for some reason.

  “This is Brentwood, sweetheart. And you’re right; this is a far cry from Modesto.” His head never turns in my direction, probably because he doesn’t really want to spend this time with me. For all I know, he’s doing this out of spite, giving me a glimpse of the outside world only to take it away from me in a few short hours.

  He pulls up in front of a quaint little restaurant about twenty minutes away from his house. I have no idea how we got here because I wasn’t really paying attention to the roads he took. But I should probably get to know the area, since I will one day have to navigate my way out of here. Where I was going to go, I had no idea yet; that’s a plan better left for the near future. No use in stressing about something which won’t be happening for at least another seven months or so.

  Opening my door, he reaches in to take my elbow and assist me from the vehicle. Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden? Is it the baby bump messing with his head? Or is he tired of fighting with me? Either way, it’s freaking me out, so I do what I do best.

  Aggravate him.

  I swat his hand away. “I’m not that big yet. I can get in and out of the car by myself, thank you very much.”

  “Sorry.” He looks annoyed. “I was only trying to be nice.”

  “Well, niceness doesn’t suit you, Drayden, so how about you stick to what you know.” I don’t say any more before we enter the restaurant. His hand somehow finds its way to my lower back, semi-pushing me forward when the hostess is leading us to our seats. He’s being a jerk, purposefully instigating me as only he can do.

  I side-step his hold only to almost crash into someone who is walking past us. I hear something rumble from his chest. He’s laughing at me which instantly puts me in a mood.

  After the waitress takes our order, first fawning all over Drayden, he tries to make small talk, which is odd for him. Just what is his game?

  “So, Essie, tell me about yourself. I only know a few things, mainly that you’re treacherous and diabolical.” He graces me with a snarky smile before reaching to pat my hand which is conveniently resting on the table.

  I quickly escape his touch, putting my hands back in my lap before engaging him. “You probably already know everything about me, seeing as how I’m sure you’ve done your research and all. But in case you missed anything, let me lay it out for you.” I look him square in the eye, placing my hands back on the table as if I’m getting ready to launch myself over at him for making me dredge up my past. “I never knew who my parents were. I was a ward of the great state of California from the time I was born. I grew up in foster care, flitting from home to home the older I got. I acted out because I….” I don’t want to do this but I know he won’t give up until he gets what he wants, so I bite the bullet and spew it out. “…things happened to me in those homes. Things I don’t wish to divulge for your mere amusement.”

  The cocky look which was plastered all over his face changes instantly. He looks angry and sad all wrapped up together, not giving me a clear-cut emotion. I continue on, “As soon as I was able to leave, I did. I took off and have been hustling it ever since, taking what I could from whoever would let me.” My gaze falls from his face as I reveal the latter part of my story, but I make my way back to his intense blue eyes. “Then I met you.”

  That’s it. That’s my story in a nutshell, leaving out all the horrible things I was forced to do in foster care. I shudder at the repetitive thoughts, pushing them way deep down. I’m in a different place now. Albeit, not one of my choice, but it’s better, right? Only time will truly tell, I guess.

  “But a lot of people have had it rough, Essie. Why did you do what you did to me? What did I ever do to you?” He’s really confused, honestly wondering why a broke-ass woman would target his wealthy self. He’s so smart yet so dumb at the same time. He’s obviously been sheltered his whole life, thinking everyone has the same opportunities. Well, I’m here to give him a dose of reality.

  “Rough? I had it rough growing up? Did you just say that to me?” My voice raises an octave before I calm down enough to continue. “I had it a little more than rough, Drayden. I can’t help the person I turned out to be. I was powerless my whole life and the first opportunity I had to take any kind of power back, I took it and ran. You were a means to an end. I knew you wouldn’t miss the money, seeing as how you have more than you know what to do with. You were just some wealthy guy. A target. Someone who has no idea of what the real world is like, all wrapped up in your own bubble.”

  He slams his fist down on the table, garnering nearby glances in our direction. However, he knows enough to lower his voice so as not to get us kicked out of here. Leaning in closer, he looks me rig
ht in the eye and spills his guts. Kind of. “I have no idea about the real world, huh? Did you just say that to me?” He’s throwing my own words back in my face. “How about losing the only person who saw you for you, the light being extinguished from your life only to be a distant memory, one which is hard to recall even to this day? How about having so much guilt, you disconnect from everyone around you, only to be swallowed up by complete and utter darkness? Don’t talk to me about not living in the real world, Essie. Yeah, you had a shit childhood. Things probably happened to you which should have never happened to anyone. But don’t sit there and act like nothing bad ever happens to anyone else. Because that’s utter bullshit. Trust me. I know.”

  He’s so raw in this moment. So raw, I keep my mouth shut, not wanting to witness the volcano about to erupt right in front of me. I know I’ve seen Drayden act in ways which probably no one else has, but right now, this is different. If I push too far, I’m not sure he’ll show me any kind of sympathy or compassion going forward. Do I even want that from him? I want something; I’m just not sure what it is anymore.

  Our food arrives before either of us can retort a single word, and it’s a blessing. We eat in silence; the mood of the day set by both of our outbursts. Old wounds have been opened today, and it will take a bit of time before they scab over again.

  I decide I don’t want to sit in silence anymore, so while we’re waiting for the check, I ask him something which hopefully won’t set him off. “So, do you and your brothers get along? Are you all close?”

  Hoping he’s going to answer me without attitude, I hold my breath until he starts speaking. Thank goodness he seems to have calmed down. “Yeah, we were really close growing up.” When he sees I’m genuinely interested in what he’s saying, he continues talking. “We were really close until…” He drops his gaze again, as if he’s protecting himself. “…Until the accident. Then everything afterwards fell apart for me. I withdrew from my family more and more, throwing myself into work instead. And it paid off. I have more money than I know what to do with now.” He smirks at me, again throwing my words back at me.

  “What accident? You mentioned it before to me but didn’t tell me what happened.” A small blush creeps onto my cheeks, remembering the first time he mentioned it was when he came into my room, completely drunk and looking to have sex with me. I really don’t know why I’m acting all innocent, blushing and everything, because I’m far from that person. But there is something different about me when I’m in his presence. He brings out things in me no one else ever has. Good and bad.

  “I don’t want to talk about it, especially not with you,” he barks at me, which sets me right back into bitch mode. I know he’s trying to keep those walls built up high around him, but little does he know I just bore witness to the tiny cracks threatening his very existence.

  “Fine,” I bit back at him. “I was only trying to be nice.”

  “Well, don’t. Nice doesn’t suit you. Stick to what you know; it’s less confusing.”

  Less confusing?

  Once he pays the check, he ushers me out and toward his awaiting car. He buckles me in, as if I can’t do it myself, and makes his way around to his side of the vehicle.

  “I have to stop by my office real quick before we head back to the house.” He doesn’t wait for me to agree or object; we just drive off in silence.

  { Chapter 19 }

  We’re riding in the elevator together in complete silence, yet again. He makes me come in with him, although he assures me it won’t take long. He doesn’t trust me to remain in the car all by myself and to a point, I don’t blame him. I mean, I know I’m not going anywhere because, simply put, I don’t have anywhere to go. But he doesn’t know that, and I’m not going to tell him. I don’t need yet another thing for him to hold over my head.

  All of a sudden, the elevator car comes to a screeching halt, throwing us toward each other and knocking us both off balance. He reaches out and grabs me before I can fall, pulling me deep into his protective hold.

  “What the hell happened?” he mumbles, more to himself than anything. “Are you okay?” He’s looking me up and down, trying to access if I am truly all right.

  I shrug his hands off me and take a step back, holding onto the railing before looking back up at him. “Yes, of course I’m okay,” I spit out at him, more anger in my voice than there needs to be. Actually, I’m not sure why I’m angry with him at all; he’s only trying to help me.

  “Fuck, Essie! You make it so hard to be nice to you. You’re such a bitch sometimes.”

  “Sometimes?” I make a loud tsking noise. “Well, then apparently, I’m not doing it right. I mean to be a bitch all the time. Especially to you.”

  My words strike a chord with him for some reason. “You weren’t a bitch to Eli when you met him, were you?” There it is again. That certain something weaving its way through his every word. Is he jealous?

  He is!

  “What’s the matter, Drayden? Are you jealous?” Oh, this little revelation makes me so happy, giddy even. I found something I can use against him whenever I deem it necessary. But I’m also inwardly happy because it means he actually feels something for me. I’m not sure what it is yet, but there is something lying just below the surface.

  “What?” He sounds almost offended. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right? I’m not jealous, not of anyone.” He dominates the space between us, moving toward me and trying to intimidate me. “I think its shameless how you flirt with another man, knowing you’re pregnant with my child. You’re wasting your efforts, woman. You’ll never have another man inside you, not as long as I’m in the picture.

  What the hell?

  The car starts to move again before I can even respond to his ludicrous statement. Once we reach his floor, he pulls me out behind him, practically dragging me toward his office.

  “Get that damn elevator looked at, Delores,” he snaps out as we pass his secretary. The look on her face is telling. She’s shocked he yelled at her, an incident which apparently doesn’t normally happen.

  “Okay. I’ll call maintenance right now. But Mr. Warner?” She’s clearly trying to stop him before opening his office door, glancing over at me in confusion. Does she remember me from that day? If she does, she doesn’t reveal it.

  Taking a breath and trying to calm down a bit, he turns back around to face the poor woman. “What is it, Delores?”

  “Miss Stone is waiting for you in your office. She insisted, sir. I couldn’t keep her out.”

  His expression darkens for a split second and if I wasn’t studying his face, I would have missed it. “That’s fine. Thank you.” He gives her a quick, strained smile before opening the door.

  His hand is still tangled with mine when she comes into view. I suck in the only air not suffocating me at the moment, taking her all in. She is simply breathtaking. I think I’m attractive, but this woman in front of me puts me to shame. She has long, black hair cascading down her back in large, wavy curls. Her eyes are a beautiful pale blue and her face is perfectly etched, almost as if she’s had the effects of plastic surgery, but hasn’t. Her body is to die for, thin but curvy in all the right places. I’m suddenly very self-conscious of my little baby bump, although like Drayden said before, no one can see it unless I’m naked.

  My hand is released and I’m instantly pushed toward the couch to take a seat. “Sit down,” he says to me under his breath, letting me know he’s still quite upset with me.

  The mystery woman is sitting on the edge of his large desk but starts making her way toward Drayden the instant we walk into the room.

  “Dahlia, what are you doing here?” He looks annoyed, which makes me relax a little. But his moods usually switch so fast, I’m not sure if annoyance is even his true emotion right now.

  Once she’s standing directly in front of him, a little too close for my taste, she simply glances over at me and asks, “Who’s she?”

  “Nobody.” Wow, that one kind of hurt. �
�Now, what can I do for you?” Is she one of his lovers? Is she a girlfriend? No, that can’t be it. Drayden Warner doesn’t do girlfriends.

  “Sweetie, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for the past few weeks. And when I couldn’t, I decided to pay you a little visit.” Her hand is caressing his chest in the way a familiar lover would do. She’s clearly fawning all over him. It is actually quite pathetic, really. Has she no shame? I mean, come on. I slam myself back on the couch and let out a big sigh, making enough of a noise to garner his attention.

  Drayden glances over at me and must see some kind of look on my face because he smirks at me before returning his attention to her. “Sorry, baby, but I’ve been really busy with work.” He touches her hand and pulls her closer. “Let me make it up to you, tonight. I’ll pick you up at nine at your place.”

  “Sounds perfect,” she says before she’s enveloped in his embrace, his lips making their way toward her needy ones.

  I’m not going to sit here and witness this shit. I hastily rise up from the couch and make my way out of his office, slamming the door before he has a chance to react. I pass his secretary with a pissed-off look on my face. Taking a few more steps, I end up pushing the button on the elevator.

  “Maintenance is working on the elevator, Miss. You’re going to have to wait until they’re done, or you’re going to have to take the stairs.”

  “Take the stairs? Aren’t we like fifty floors up?” I’m starting to get even more frazzled debating my escape from this place.

  “We’re on the twenty-second floor,” she says as she turns her attention away from me and back to the computer screen in front of her.


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