Stolen Fate

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Stolen Fate Page 14

by S. Nelson

  Now is as good a time as any to try and pry some much needed information from him. Information about his secretive brother. “Can I ask you something?” He cocks his head to the side, clearly showing his interest. “It’s about Drayden.”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Who’s Elizabeth?”

  Eli’s smile falters and his face is now void of any and all expression, looking more like Drayden than I care to admit. After a few agonizing seconds, he opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by a harsh warning from his younger brother.

  Drayden is standing at the edge of the pool and is shooting daggers down at both of us. He’s blocking out the sun, looking more like a monster than the breathtaking man he truly is.

  Breathtaking in the physical sense.

  His personality is certainly a monstrosity.

  “Eli,” he says with warning laced in his tone. “Don’t you dare answer her.”

  His attention is now solely focused on his brother, not paying any attention to me at this point. That is until I stand up, giving both men a full view of what is wading just underneath the surface of the water, a tiny scrap of material hiding my now-erect nipples.

  Drayden’s eyes are glued to my chest and the effect I have on him makes me smile. Even though he can’t stand me, at least I can still entice him with my body. But when he sees my smug reaction to his blatant perusal, he steps back and speaks to Eli once again.

  “Why are you swimming with her? Are you trying to get into her pants or something? ‘Cause let me tell you right fucking now, that won’t happen. Ever!” He’s yelling by the time he’s finished, surprising his brother enough to back up a couple steps.

  Even though Eli is older than Drayden and clearly not afraid of him, he knows enough about his younger brother’s demeanor not to push him or back him into a corner. Eli shakes his head, looks at me and says, “Well, I guess that’s my cue to get out now.” He winks at me before pulling himself out of the pool.

  I can’t help it. I watch his arm muscles ripple when he pulls his own weight from the water. And Drayden watches me watch him do it, too.

  You know the old saying, if looks could kill? Because it sure as hell applies to me right now. If he was able to end my life with a mere glance then I would certainly be dead, sinking right to the bottom of this very pool.

  Before I can recover from his death stare, he speaks, this time directly at me. “And what the hell are you doing, Essie?” My name rolls off his tongue with utter contempt. “You trying to fuck my brother? ‘Cause I’ll tell you the same thing I just told him. It’ll never, ever happen.”

  “I’m not trying to do anything. We weren’t doing anything but having an innocent conversation before you interrupted us.”

  “Innocent conversation, huh? Then why are you trying to get information out of him? About me?” he asks while pointing over at Eli, who is now drying off a few feet away.

  I guess now is a good a time as any to lay some of my cards out on the table. If he wants an answer then I’ll give him one. “Because you won’t talk to me. You won’t tell me anything about yourself. Ever. And I’m tired of not knowing. The only thing I do know about you is you hate me, dare I say despise me even.” I look away from him, afraid I’m going to cry in that moment and look like a pathetic idiot. “That’s the only thing I know,” I mumble, staring at the other end of the pool.

  “I don’t hate you, Essie. That would imply I have some sort of feeling toward you. Which I don’t.” His hands are balled up at his sides, totally contradicting the words just spoken.

  “All right, Dray. That’s enough already. Knock it off.” Eli strides up to him, clearly trying to get him to walk away. I’m sure he’s confused as to why his brother hates me so much. Little does he know, I pushed him to this point.

  Initially, at least.

  But I’ve been trying to make up for the mistake. He makes it so hard. I just can’t break through his grim exterior toward me. I don’t know what else to do.

  I thought if I found out a bit of information about him, like what he’s been through in the past, I could try and find some kind of connection with him. Something which would lighten his mood toward me.

  But again, it’s a big fail.

  I walk over toward the pool ladder, climb the few steps, and make my way over toward his irate presence. I’m dripping wet, my bikini bottoms revealing a bit more of my cheeks than is probably decent but I don’t care. I’m too pissed off and humiliated to worry about my appearance.

  Eli is standing behind me as I approach his brother. I’m sure I’m giving him an eyeful, but again, I don’t care.

  I stand right in front of my unborn child’s father, fists at my sides just like him. “You might not hate me, but I detest you,” I bark out at him. “I curse the day I ever laid eyes on you.”

  He moves closer to me, gripping me up so there’s no mistaking his intention. “No more than I do, sweetheart. No more than I do.” He releases me quickly, spins around on his heel and stalks toward the house, leaving Eli and I standing there in his wake.

  I glance back at Eli and faintly smile. “I’m sorry you had to witness that, Eli. There are a lot of issues between us I don’t think will ever be resolved.”

  “Don’t apologize to me, Essie. I’m just sorry he’s too dumb to realize what he has right in front of him. He can be an ass sometimes. But he wasn’t always like this; I want you to know that.” Eli moves closer to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, trying his best to comfort me without being inappropriate. But before his touch even fully registers, I’m ripped backward, stumbling before finding my footing.

  I’m whipped around only to be staring back into Drayden’s face. His lips are set in a tight, thin line, which is quite a feat because he is blessed with a beautifully-full and enticing mouth. “You never learn, do you?” It’s a rhetorical question because he doesn’t wait for me to answer. He turns around and attempts to drag me behind him, throwing a towel in my face before doing so.

  “Drayden!” Eli shouts before hastily approaching him. “Stop acting like this. Let her go, man.”

  “Mind your own damn business.”

  “You’ve made this my business by doing this shit in front of me. For Christ’s sake, Dray, she’s pregnant and you’re manhandling her as if she’s not. Now. Let. Her. Go.”

  Drayden’s hold on me lessens enough for him to confront his brother. “Trust me. I know she’s pregnant. And nothing I’m doing is going to injure my child. So back off, Eli. I mean it. You have no idea what’s going on here.”

  “No, you have no idea what’s going to happen if you keep treating her like this.” And before I know it, Drayden releases his hold on me and lunges at his brother. The look on Eli’s face is telling. He’s surprised his brother reacts to this extreme, but he’s also ready to defend himself, as well.

  Fists are flying all around me. Drayden lands the first punch, hitting Eli on the jaw, causing his head to twist to the side from the brunt force. Eli retaliates with a punch of his own, straight to the side of Drayden’s face, instantly marking him. Drayden’s next hit cuts Eli’s lip, spewing blood onto the both of them.

  They are at each other for what seems like forever, when in reality it’s only like two minutes.

  I don’t even realize I’m screaming at the top of my lungs for them to stop until two of Drayden’s yard workers come barreling around the side of the house, intent on breaking up the two men.

  Thankfully, they are quickly successful. Once they are pried off each other, they take a few steps back, their chests heaving rapidly from their exertion. But at least they both look like they are trying to regain some of their composure.

  I meet the cold eyes of the younger sibling before he stomps off toward the house, only to be followed by Eli.

  Once I calm down enough and let the initial shock wear off, I walk into the house and past the library room. They are in the middle of verbally arguing when I approach the outside of the door. Ap
parently, this very spot is my new best friend.

  “You can’t do that, Dray. You can’t handle her so roughly!” Eli shouts at his brother, pacing back and forth in front of the couch while gently touching his cut lip. His attention is directed toward his brother, ready for any sudden move he might make. “You’re letting your anger override your sensibilities. This isn’t you, man. Not one bit.” He stops pacing for a split second, honing in on Drayden who is busy wearing his own hole in the carpet. “What the hell happened to you?”

  “She happened to me.” Four little words tell the whole story. Not to Eli, but I know exactly what kind of punch that sentence has.

  Eli plops down on the couch, sitting forward with his elbows resting on his thighs. “Yeah, and look what came from it. You’re going to be a father soon, a situation you thought was definitely outside your reality, little brother.”

  I think Drayden is at a sudden loss for words because he stops speaking for a few minutes. But when his eyes connect with Eli again, he just blows out a breath of air. “You don’t understand.” He makes his way over to the bar and pours himself a small drink. “By the way, I would never hurt her. I would never take it that far.”

  “But you have, brother. You have. Do you not see the light in her eyes disappear when you turn on her? She’s reaching out to you, but all you do is push her away.” He joins his brother for a drink, their tempers on a low simmer from before. “Be nicer to her. If not for her then for the sake of your child.”

  “You just don’t understand,” Drayden repeats.

  “I understand if you don’t stop acting like this then you are going to lose the one woman who’s been able to not only give you a child, but also a woman who’s made you actually feel something after what happened so long ago.” Eli empties his glass and pushes it forward to be refilled. “I know you say you don’t like her now, but try to open up to her. Open up for yourself, for God’s sake.”

  “I’m not sure I can.”

  “You can. You just have to see the bigger picture here. Plus, never mind the fact she’s smokin’ hot.”

  Drayden arches an eyebrow, a small smile turning up his lips. “I’ll give her that.”

  Really? That’s the closing argument?


  I make my way back to my room before they find me lurking around, potentially undoing whatever progress they just made.

  { Chapter 22 }

  The past two weeks have been pretty much the same between the two of us. We ate dinner together only twice, otherwise avoiding the very presence of the other person.

  Loneliness seems to be my best friend. I still try to strike up conversations with Drayden, but they all fall flat. The only real topic he wants to discuss is the baby. He’s always asking how I’m feeling and if there is anything he can get me to make me more comfortable. I tell him I’ve been craving the cliché pickles and ice cream, to which he only makes a face. But he makes sure to have the fridge stocked with both, all varieties just to cover the bases.

  I’m sitting alone in the library one evening, relaxing and reading a very captivating mystery novel when Drayden comes walking in.

  “Oh,” he says as he comes to an abrupt halt. “I thought you turned in for the evening.” He seems surprised to see me, but that doesn’t deter him from his intentions. Making his way to his desk, he plops himself in his chair and tilts his head back before turning on the computer screen.

  He looks tired, as if he had a really tough day at the office. It’s nothing like carrying a little human inside you, but a tough day nonetheless, I’m sure.

  “Are you all right? You look beat.” He glances over at me from behind his desk, a little surprised I asked about his wellbeing. I have to admit, I stopped asking how he was doing with everything a while back. The only reason he’s even remotely concerned about me is because his child is cooking in my oven.

  “Yeah, just tired I guess. How are you feeling? Everything all right with the baby?”

  “Yup. Everything is fine as usual, thank goodness.” My hand instinctively rests on my stomach, rubbing it in circular motions.

  “Good. That’s good. Oh, by the way, I’ll be taking you to the doctor’s tomorrow for another sonogram, so they can find out the sex of the baby. Shouldn’t take too long.”

  I’ve had a couple sonograms so far. Drayden is overly anxious the further along I become. He never even thought this was a possibility, so he wants to take every precaution possible.

  He turns his attention back to whatever is so captivating on the screen. His eyes narrow in close, his facial features taking on an even more stressed-out appearance. His dark tresses are usually perfectly styled, but right now they seem to have a mind of their own. His fingers come up and grip a lock of his hair, holding on before running his hand up and over his head. I guess I know the reason why he looks so disheveled, but even though he looks out of sorts, he’s still sexy as hell. I wish he would let me run my fingers through it. I would grip it and pull him close as I show him how much I desire him.

  Damn these wayward thoughts. But I can’t help myself when he’s in my presence. It’s then his words register and he gets my full on attention.

  I put down the book I’m reading and lock eyes with him. “But I don’t want to know the sex of the baby. I want it to be a surprise. I mean, there are so few surprises in life as it is; I thought this would be a memorable one to have.” I’m chewing my bottom lip, my nerves taking hold all of a sudden. I know he’s going to fight me on this, and I don’t have the mental energy to give it my all tonight.

  “You’re right about so few surprises. You catching me in your web was one hell of a surprise to me. Then you being pregnant; that was another surprise.” He turns back away from me, breaking our brief eye contact. “I don’t want any more surprises. We find out the sex of the baby tomorrow.”

  He finishes what he’s doing and leaves the room, and my eyes instantly well up in frustration. I’m never going to get my way again, not when it comes to this man or our child. I better toughen up now because I’m in for a lifetime of having my mistake thrown back in my face at each and every turn. He’s going to make me pay for my deceit any way he sees fit.

  I’m not tired enough to retire for the evening, but I don’t want to continue to sit here and read, so I decide to take a quick dip in the pool. The water always seems to relax me, giving me time to reflect but also to dream of what could be possible in the future.

  I’ve asked Drayden to purchase me a bigger bikini, seeing as how the other one won’t hold anything in place anymore. Thankfully, he didn’t give me an argument about it. Once I’m changed into my new red and white bathing suit, I make my way out to the pool. I’m standing at the edge, getting ready to dive in when I see movement under the water.

  Drayden comes up to the surface about five feet away from me.

  I startle him. But as quickly as he sees me, he ignores me and continues swimming his laps. Now, I’m not so much in the mood to submerge myself under the cool liquid, and that pisses me off. The fact he can take away yet another small pleasure from me is inexcusable. But there really isn’t anything I can do about it.

  So I decide to sit at the edge of the pool and dip my legs in, cooling me off a little bit. As I’m about to lean back, my hand instantly flies to my stomach.

  Something is happening which always seems to surprise me. I think it’s the coolest thing, even though it’s such an odd sensation. But it’s one which I eagerly wait for on a daily basis.

  By this time, Drayden has noticed the reaction on my face and swims right up to me, standing between my legs. He stares up at me with a look of utter concern on his face.

  “Are you all right, Essie? What’s happening?” He’s clearly starting to panic and even though I should make him suffer, I decide to let him in on what is happening with his child.

  “I’m fine. The baby’s kicking, that’s all.” My hand stills on the corner of my belly, waiting for the baby to kick again. I’m car
eful not to stare at him for fear he’ll get freaked out and swim away. It’s like I’m dealing with a frightened, very dangerous animal.

  “Oh,” he says with a rush of breath escaping from his lungs. He absently places his hands on the tops of my thighs, steadying himself in case he needs to leap into action.

  He never removes them, setting my skin on fire with a desire I’ve been successful at pushing down so far.

  I dare to make eye contact with him, in case he decides he wants to be part of this experience. “Do you want to feel? It’s really quite something.”

  He looks a little pensive, not quite sure what he should do. Then a look of excitement flashes through his eyes as he looks at my belly. “Can I?” In that moment, I’m lost in his beautiful, hopeful blue eyes. There is a slight smile turning up the corners of his luscious lips, and it takes everything in me not to fall further for him in this precious moment.

  I grab his hand quickly and place it on the corner of my stomach, moving it around until I’m able to gauge where the baby’s feet are. It’s been a long time since Drayden and I have touched when it wasn’t in anger. It’s rather nice. His skin touching mine is doing crazy things to my body. Forget about my mind.

  Focus, Essie. This is all about the baby right now.

  A good minute or two passes, but there is no kick. His previous excitement falls away, replaced by a look of utter disappointment.

  “I guess he’s not kicking anymore,” he says with a frown on his face.

  “Just give it a second. I’m sure she’ll kick again.” If he says it’s a boy then I will say it’s a girl. I guess we’ll find out for sure tomorrow.

  And as Drayden is about to withdraw his hand, the baby kicks and it’s hard. So hard, I make a brief face of discomfort. “I felt it,” he says with a huge, ear-splitting smile.

  Wow! I haven’t seen that big a smile on his face since the first night I met him. He really is the most physically-beautiful man I’ve ever seen. His eyes are alive with such exhilaration, making them much more entrancing. I have to look away before I get too caught up in the moment. I’m happy to share this with him, but I can’t fool myself into thinking anything more will come of it.


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