Stolen Fate

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Stolen Fate Page 23

by S. Nelson

  “I was playing around, Drayden. You take everything so seriously.” I place my hand on his leg, causing his muscles to twitch in excitement. “You make it so easy to tease you.”

  “I know you were just having fun with me, so that’s why I’ll let it go this time. But going forward, I don’t want you to downplay us.”

  “And if I do? What are you going to do about it?”

  He moves my legs out of the way so he can sit down. Then he reaches over and yanks me so I’m straddling his lap. “I’ll do things to you which will make you blush.”

  And just like that, my body is on fire. I want him to make good on these threats.

  Right here.

  On this couch.

  I rock my hips back and forth, rubbing his growing excitement into me. My skirt rides up higher on my thighs, exposing my wanton flesh. His hands sneak around and grasp my backside, kneading and pinching my skin until I’m a puddle of lust.

  Leaning into him, I whisper near his mouth, my breath tickling his lips. “What kinds of things? How would you punish me, Drayden?” My own words surprise me, but I find I’m being brave with him in this moment. My tongue makes its escape and traces the fullness of his luscious mouth. But as he opens up to me, inviting me in, I pull back, making him groan in frustration.

  “Fuck, Essie. You drive me crazy.”

  “You love it.”

  “I do. Most of the time.” He cups the back of my neck and imprisons me in his hold. “Do you really want to know what I’ll do to you if you keep up your flippant ways when referring to our relationship?”

  Our breath is mingling as one. In order for me to breathe, he has to give me air.

  “Yes,” I say, hoping he’ll give me a little taste of what will happen if I keep teasing him.

  “Do you want me to show you?” He smirks at me, trying to bait me.

  “Please do.” I hold onto his shoulders and steady my body because I’m not quite sure what he’s going to do. We look at each other for a good minute before he makes his move.

  His hands are still running over the bare flesh of my ass. I’m wearing a thong but it’s so tiny, I might as well have gone commando. All of a sudden, I hear a swish of air right before his one hand makes contact with my skin.

  He just spanked me.

  I jerk forward, pushing my breasts into his chest. My mouth falls open before it forms into a smile. I never thought being spanked would turn me on that much. My lids grow heavy and my teeth capture my lower lip, biting down until I feel a shudder of pain.

  He knows I enjoyed it, but he asks me anyway. “Did you like that, Essie? Would you like me to spank your ass some more? Would you like me to redden your tender skin right before I fuck you?”

  Holy shit! I’m so turned on; there’s no denying it. He can see it written all over my face. He can feel it by the way I’m jittering around on top of him. And when his fingers make contact with me, he can feel the wetness pooling between my legs.

  “I think you have your answer,” I say as I grind my hips down on him as hard as I can, eliciting a groan from him as his cock makes contact with my barely-clothed sex. “But I don’t believe you, Drayden. I don’t think you’ll actually follow through and teach me a lesson.” I’m baiting him and we both know it. I smile before trying to get up. I ensure one foot makes contact with the floor while the other one is still resting on the couch, on the side of his leg. Before I can rise fully, he grabs me and pulls me back down, but not before twisting me so I fall right over his lap. My face hits the soft leather of the couch and when I try to get up, he raises the fabric of my skirt, exposing all of me to him.

  “Do you believe me now, sweetheart?” My legs are moving around behind me, trying to gain some sort of level position, something he apparently doesn’t like. It’s a split second before the pain registers in my brain from the fierce contact of his skin on mine.

  Then comes one more quick hit, making me twitch on top of him, not fully knowing if I enjoy what he’s doing. I mean, I enjoy it, but the pain is a bit greater than the tease he gave me initially.

  Then he hits me again, but this time his finger slips inside me, making me moan in pleasure. And that’s how he delivers his brand of punishment. One crash of his hand against my sensitive cheek followed by his finger pleasuring me in ways which are going to be the death of me.

  After about six swats, he stops and caresses my reddened ass. But instead of teasing me with his hand any further, he moves me so I’m sitting back upright on his lap. I’m so wound up I’ll come if he touches me one more time.

  His mouth finds mine and he teases me with his tongue, claiming me and proving to me he is in fact the one who is in charge. He is in charge of my pleasure and apparently of my pain.

  “Drayden,” I moan between kisses. “Please…”

  He nips my earlobe before trailing kisses down my neck. His hands are busy rocking my hips back and forth, making the friction between my core and his thick shaft almost unbearable.

  “Please what? What’s the matter?” He’s giving me a taste of my own medicine.

  I tug on his hair and pull him closer to me. “Please, fuck me,” I beg.

  His mouth is back to claiming me and I think he’s reaching between our bodies to get himself ready to take the plunge, to free himself to thrust deep inside me. But it’s not what he ends up doing. Not at all. He moves my body so I’m now sitting beside him on the couch, as if none of what just happened took place moments ago. He gets up, adjusts his pants and makes his way back over to his desk.

  “Not until you agree to live with me.”

  My world comes to a screeching halt. What the HELL did he just say? He can’t be serious. No, he must be joking with me.

  “You’re not serious,” I say. He doesn’t respond right away. Instead, he starts busying himself with papers which are strewn across the top of his desk. “Drayden,” I say more forcefully, causing him to look. “Are you really saying we’re not going to have sex again until I agree to move in here with you?”

  Surely he has to be kidding.

  “Yup, that’s what I’m saying. No sex until you’re living here. Under this roof. With me.”

  “You’re being manipulative.”

  “Hey, whatever it takes, right?” He’s so damn good at being smug, it instantly irks me. But before I give into my rising anger, a thought occurs to me. There is no way he’ll be able to hold out. He can barely keep his hands off me now, and we’re having sex like crazy.

  No, he’s just throwing out idle threats. Threats which have no weight behind them.

  I saunter up to him and decide to throw that knowledge in his face. I know he’ll buckle before he even starts this little charade. Or at least I think he will.

  But again, he throws me for a loop.

  I run my hands down his chest, teasing his flesh over his shirt until I come to the huge bulge in his jeans. I palm it in my hand and squeeze. His breath hitches in this throat as his eyes find mine. “Do you honestly think you’ll be able to hold out that long, Drayden?”

  Once he gains some composure, he slowly removes my hand from his pants and places it at my side. He complacently looks down at me and says, “I’ve gotten very good at resisting you, Essie. I did it for months. And I can do it again. At least, until you give in and give me what I want. What I know you want, too, but are too stubborn to admit.” He moves around the other side of his desk, putting even more distance between us, and starts making his way toward the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m taking you home. Are you coming?”


  He’s really following through with this.

  “Fine,” I say, irritation flowing through every part of my body. I follow right behind him, my arms crossed over my chest in defiance. I’m beyond annoyed. I really wanted to have sex with him, and he’s throwing my need for independence against my lust for him.

  And at this exact moment, I’m not sure which part I should
wager against.

  The whole ride back to my apartment is in silence; he’s gloating and I’m stewing. He walks me into my place, kisses me quickly and walks back out the door.

  I’m left trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

  I guess this is going to be a battle of wills, but I’m not sure who is going to come out on top.

  { Chapter 35 }

  The next day at work, I’m trying my best to keep busy and not think about my recent little predicament. For normal people, it’s not such a big deal. Just wait him out. But for me, it’s complete and utter torture. Yes, I can touch him, but I crave more. I’m thirsty for his lips all over me, drinking me in, letting his tongue wash the desire clear from my body. I want to taste him in return. I want to feel his cock sliding past my lips toward the back of my throat. I want to taste his desire as he loses control and claims my mouth.

  Damn it! I can’t stop thinking these thoughts. He hasn’t even denied me for more than twenty-four hours and already I’m becoming a sex-crazed loon.

  “What’s the matter, Essie? You seem really agitated this morning.” Dela is busy putting out a display of fresh pastries as she turns toward me, waiting for my response.

  “It’s nothing. Really.” I walk toward her to help out but when I reach for the tray, she pulls it back.

  “Uh, uh, uh,” she says, shaking her head. “You tell me first.” She’s smiling at me the whole time so I know she’s playing with me.

  I blurt out my words without thinking. “Why does everyone want me to do something first before giving in?” I’m instantly embarrassed I snapped at her. I’m even more embarrassed because now I have to explain myself.

  Putting the now-empty tray to the side, Dela reaches over and puts her arm around me. “What’s wrong, sweetie? Seriously, you can tell me. I’m betting it has something to do with Drayden, right?” I glance over at her and give her a weak smile. “He’s a lot more fun since you came into his life, but man, he’s a moody son of a bitch.”

  I laugh aloud. Thankfully, I’m not the only person who thinks so. And since I’ve become quite close to Dela, I know I can confide in her. Again, for normal people they would just go about their daily lives, but I’m finding I’m really struggling with this stupid shit. So before I change my mind, I divulge everything. I hope she’ll be able to give me some sort of advice which will help me maintain my sanity, while I figure out what exactly I should do about it.

  “I think you need to use all of your gifts and drive that man crazy until he attacks you,” she says, smiling so big I instantly know she’s up to something. “Actually, I think it’s time we all go out for a night on the town.”

  “Who? Just us girls?” I ask.

  “No, all of us. You and Dray, Dex and I, and Bridgette and Cal. Even Eli if he doesn’t mind being the seventh wheel. We’ll get so sexed up we’ll drive our men crazy with a simple glance. Drayden will be so turned on by the end of the night, he won’t have any choice but to fuck you silly.”

  I like her plan, but I think she’s underestimating Drayden’s self-control. But the more I think about it, what the hell do I have to lose? I haven’t gotten dressed up in quite some time, and I could definitely use a drink.

  “I like it,” I say, completely on board with her devious plan.

  Dela claps her hands together in excitement, her blonde hair bouncing all around her. She instantly reaches for her phone. “Great, I’ll call Bridgette now and tell her to pass on the word.” She comes over and gives me a big hug. “Yay! We’re going to have so much fun, and you wait and see. It’s gonna work, Essie.”

  “Looks like someone needs a night out away from the kids,” I laugh, turning around toward the back of the store to grab a fresh batch of fudge which is ready to come out.

  “I love them dearly, but you have no idea how much I need this,” Dela responds before I hear her talking on her phone to her sister-in-law.


  Dela convinced both of us to come over to her house to get ready. The men are going to meet us at the club, so the first time they see us will be when we stroll our sexy-as-hell selves through those front doors. That’s the way she put it, anyway. And since I’m desperate, I’m game for anything at this point. She also told me not to bring anything with me; she has everything I’ll need.

  “I like this one,” I say to both of them as I reach for a short, black dress from Dela’s closet. “Do you have a pair of red heels to go with it?”

  “Actually, I do. I also have a pair of zebra-striped heels, as well. Whichever pair you want will look great.”

  I try on both pair and decide to go with the sexy red ones, which elongate my already long legs, making them appear as if they truly do go on for miles. The dress is lower cut in the front as well as in the back. My breasts are put on display for anyone who cares to take a gander. And the hemline comes to mid-thigh, accentuating every curve nature has gifted me. My dark hair is cascading down my back in long, thick waves, and I’m very happy with the way it turned out tonight. All of a sudden, I picture Drayden grabbing a hold of it while he takes me hard from behind. A shudder courses through my body, making me twitch. I smile to myself with hopes of what is to come.

  I know when Drayden sees me he’s going to be turned on, but I’m also betting he’s going to be a little upset, because there is no doubt I’ll be garnering some other male attention, as well. But maybe that will be the thing which kicks him out of this ridiculous wager and gets him back to pleasuring me on a regular basis.

  Once we’re ready to go, we gather in the bathroom, taking one more look at ourselves. All three of us are quite the sight. Dela is wearing a short, sleeveless, navy-blue dress which dips low in the front. Her breasts are propped up for the world to see, much like mine. She has on nude stilettos, making her shapely legs stand out. She’s wearing her hair up and off her neck, only having two blonde curls spring free, framing her face. Bridgette has on a one-shoulder, black fitted dress which skims the top of her knees. She’s more concealed than us but looks just as sexy. Her long, red hair is styled poker-straight, adding to the allure of her outfit.

  “Let’s go, ladies. I have a man who I need to tease relentlessly,” I speak out before giving myself one last glance.

  “We all do. But hopefully Dela and I don’t end up pregnant tonight as a result,” Bridgette blurts out before she turns to walk toward the living room. Dela and I look at each other in amazement because normally Bridgette is pretty quiet and reserved. We laugh and walk out behind her.

  She lines up three shot glasses on the kitchen island. “Here is to what will surely be a fantastic night, filled with laughter, dancing, drinking and some mind-blowing sex.” Again, we look at each other then back over to Bridgette, who is laughing at our expressions. “What? You don’t think I can get crazy? I can get down and dirty when I want to. Just ask my man.”

  “That’s fucking awesome,” I blurt out.

  “Where is my quiet sister-in-law?” Dela asks before reaching forward to take her drink.

  “She’s taking the night off,” Bridgette responds before grabbing a drink for herself.

  “Here is to an unforgettable night,” I toast. We clink glasses and swallow the shots in one gulp, all of us making a face as the liquid burns on its way down.

  { Chapter 36 }

  We assume we’re the first to arrive at the club because we don’t see any of the guys. But when we round the corner and walk toward the back, containing a more private section of the place, we find all four of them laughing and having a good time. We stop and stare at them, witnessing some of the hottest men any of us have ever seen. And they’re all brothers to boot, which makes it even hotter.

  Each one of us zones right in on the man who holds our heart. And it’s then I kind of feel sorry for Eli since he doesn’t have anyone special in his life. He’s such a nice guy, gorgeous and successful. He’s the complete package, just like his three younger siblings.

  I nudge Bridgette sinc
e she’s standing right next to me. “When was the last time Eli had a girlfriend?”

  She looks over at Dela before looking back to me. “Um, it’s been a while,” she says. “I don’t think there’s been anyone since Kalista. But please, don’t bring her up because he’s still real sore about the whole situation.”

  “Oh, okay. Yeah, I won’t say anything.”

  “Yeah,” Dela interrupts. “Eli was quite withdrawn and angry after they split up. It’s only been in the past year or so that he’s kind of reverted back to the man he used to be, carefree and happy. There’s still a hint of anger looming underneath, but he rarely shows it. And we would like to keep it that way,” she declares before winking at me and smiling.

  “Roger that,” I respond before looking back toward the four brothers who are only about twenty feet in front of us.

  As we’re about to take a step toward them, all of their glances fall our way, drinking in every inch of the three of us. We see them turn to one another and just shake their heads. I’m confused at first, but when we’re standing directly in front of them and Cal speaks up, I understand the weird look passing between them.

  “Are you ladies trying to land us in jail tonight?” Cal asks as he gets up from the table and makes his way toward Bridgette.

  “Why do you say that?” Dela questions, feigning innocence as she approaches Dex and proceeds to sit on his lap.

  I’m still taking in the whole scenario, when Eli approaches me before Drayden can. I know he’s going to do something which will surely get under his younger brother’s skin. He puts his hand on my waist, leans down and kisses my cheek. “You look stunning, Essie.” Then he looks to his sisters-in-law. “You all look like trouble, though. Cal’s right; we’re going to end up in jail tonight if you leave our sides.”

  Eli’s hand is suddenly ripped away from my body and he’s shoved backward. “Stop touching what is clearly mine, Eli,” Drayden growls before circling his arm around my waist, drawing me in closer to him.

  “Just keeping her safe for you, brother.” Eli walks back toward the table, sits down and picks up his beer. He winks at me before taking a big gulp. I know he isn’t interested in me like that; he’s just trying to goad his brother. A little bit of harmless rivalry I guess.


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