Stolen Fate

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Stolen Fate Page 24

by S. Nelson

  “Too bad you don’t want to have sex with someone who’s clearly yours.” I dislodge his arm from me and walk over to greet Dex and Cal, inching toward them to give them both a quick hug and kiss hello. I can feel Drayden’s tension vibrating behind me. It’s so palpable I can’t do anything but smirk, knowing I’m really getting under his skin. But then again, isn’t he being kind of crazy? I’m only greeting his brothers…his family. It isn’t as if I’m hugging and kissing strange men.

  But nothing about his possessiveness over me is shocking. Not at this point, anyway.

  “You’re going to give him a heart attack, Essie,” Cal laughs before turning back to his beautiful wife. “Stop teasing him and move in with him already.”

  My mouth falls open and I suck in a breath of air. He told them? But what did he tell them?

  “What did he tell you?” I ask, holding my breath in anticipation of his answer.

  “He said he asked you to move in with him, but you think it’s too soon.”

  My body relaxes just a fraction. “Is that all he said?”

  “Yeah.” But as I’m turning around to walk back over toward Drayden, he shouts out, “That, and the fact he’s cutting you off—you know, sexually—until you give in.”

  Damn it! I stop mid-step and close my eyes. I hear all the guys chuckling but then hear their wives slap them on the arm in unison, telling them to shut it. This causes me to smile but it falters when my eyes meet Drayden’s. I’m shocked he told them that, but I shouldn’t be. He’s grown closer to his brothers in the past year. It’s nice, but it’s times like this I wish he would keep some things to himself.

  Once I make my way back over to him, he reaches out and touches my hand, pulling me so hard I crash into his chest. “Do you like seeing me as nothing more than a jealous, possessive man? Because that’s exactly what you’re going to get tonight, even if you never leave my side. Granted, my brothers have their own women to brood over, well, everyone except Eli, of course. But I’m going to end up crushing every man in here if they don’t keep their Goddamn eyes to themselves.”

  I laugh, knowing that by doing nothing but showing up tonight I’m getting him all riled up. Reaching up, I position his face between my hands and pull him down to me. I want to kiss him, no matter what mood he’s in. And when our lips meet, he lets go and ravishes me with his mouth, staking his claim for all to see. His tongue wrestles with mine, tasting as much of me as he can manage before nipping my lip. Then he releases me for some much needed air.

  “Hi,” is all I say to him as he leans back, continuing to stare down at me.

  He shakes his head and smirks. At least some of his mood is dissipating, being replaced by pure lust which is working right into my plan.

  “What are you playing at, Ess? Huh? Did you think by walking in here tonight, looking sexy as hell, I’ll waver and forget all about what I said? That I’ll take you home and fuck you fast and hard?” He’s staring, making me a little nervous. He’s so blunt and for some reason, I’m surprised. Why? I’m not sure, but I am nonetheless.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. All I did was dress up to come out tonight. I have no other plans other than having a few drinks, dancing, and having a great time.” I’m able to reel my nerves back in before giving everything away.

  “Uh-huh,” is all he mutters before sitting back down, pulling me with him so I’m now on his lap. There’s something hidden in his eyes, something I can’t quite distinguish, but whatever it is, I know it’s not good.

  He presses me close to him, whispering how hard he is because of my dress. And he isn’t lying. I can feel him on my thigh, pressing into my skin, preparing my flesh for the bruise he’s going to leave. I try to get up but his hold intensifies, keeping me right where he wants me.

  “Drayden,” I hum in a low warning voice. “You can’t tell me those things. I know what you’re trying to do.”

  “What’s that, sweetheart?” He turns his head and takes a sip of his drink.

  “You’re trying to get me to weaken and give in to you, but it’s not going to happen. You won’t win on this one.” If he wants to drive me crazy then he better be prepared to be teased right back. Yes, my intention is to get him so crazy with lust, he’ll throw away everything he threatened and give in to me. Take me. Ravage me. But I can see now it’s going to take more than just the visual. I’m going to have to physically drive him insane, something I’m actually looking forward to now.

  I move around on top of him, acting like I’m trying to get better situated. And just when I push my ass further back on his lap, he lets out a strangled groan. I smile and bite my lip. Then I do it again but this time, his hands grip my waist and stop my movements.

  “Stop it, woman,” he bites out with bated breath.

  “Stop what? I’m only trying to get comfortable.”

  “I know what you’re doing, and it’s not going to work.”

  I lean in close to his ear and whisper, “Yeah? Well, tell that to your cock, because I don’t think he got the message.”

  “My cock doesn’t rule me, Essie. I rule him and no matter how he reacts, I’m not going to give in.”

  Damn him and his unwavering resolve. But did I really think it was going to be this easy?

  Frustrated and annoyed, I quickly get up and move toward both Bridgette and Dela, encouraging them to follow me to the dance floor. But not before we’re all warned to stay close by so they can keep an eye on us. We nod, but as soon as we hit the floor, we scatter to a place where we can really let loose.

  The hypnotic beat is addictive. My hips are swaying to the song and I’m really letting go, having a great time. All three of us are huddled together, dancing around each other and laughing. We’re focused only on what we’re doing and not on the men in our lives. The club is packed and the more we dance around, the further out into the crowd we go. It isn’t really done on purpose, but it happens nonetheless.

  During the second song, while I’m moving my body in a captivating trance, I’m roughly pulled backward and into a man’s chest. I instantly stop moving and my body tightens. Bridgette and Dela are busy in their own world and don’t take notice of anything going on with me. Before I can wrench myself free from his hold, he spins me around to face him.

  And that’s when my world crashes down all around me. I can’t breathe. It’s like all the air is being forced out of the entire place, leaving me gasping and panicking in terror.

  I’m confronted with eyes which have haunted me for years.

  Still do.

  I’m frozen in place, not knowing what to do or even how to escape. Instantly, I’m thrown back to being that innocent fifteen-year-old girl. I’m petrified in this moment, not realizing my life is different, that I’m safe now. Safe because of Drayden’s love. Safe because the man I love in return will never let anything bad happen to me.

  Where the hell is Drayden, anyway? The one time he picks to leave me alone for a while is the one time my past decides to threaten my life.

  “Well, hello there, Essie. It’s been a long time,” Adam sneers at me as he holds onto me tightly, his fingers bruising my arms.

  My eyes roam all over his form and I stiffen the more of him I take in. His head is shaved now, something which, for some reason, terrifies me even more. He’s bulkier than I remembered, although it’s been years since our last encounter. When he pulls me closer, I take notice there’s a nasty scar outlining the left side of his jaw.

  I don’t even want to know how he got that or who gave it to him.

  I’m sure he deserved it, whatever the circumstances.

  “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” I’m not sure I want to know any of these answers, but I ask the questions anyway.

  “Oh, I’ve been watching you for a while now. I must admit, I lost track of you for some time, but imagine my surprise when you showed up again, and with a rich bastard taking care of you. How did you snag that one? Did you steal him from his fa
mily, too?”

  “Fuck you!” I yell, but no one hears me except him. Is the music louder than it was just two minutes ago?

  He gives me a jarring look before he speaks again, his beady black eyes tearing me apart. “What do you think your man would think of the fact you like to be double-teamed? Do you think something like that would turn him on?”

  “I never wanted that, you sick bastard. You and your deranged friend raped me.” I struggle to be free from him but it’s no use. Where the hell are Bridgette and Dela? I can’t even turn around to look for them.

  “It’s not the way I remember it. And it sure as hell won’t be the way I tell it, either.”

  “What are you talking about?” My fear is quickly replaced by anger. I’m not going to let anyone mess with my new life, especially not someone like Adam. He’s telling lies. I know it and Drayden will know it, if it ever gets that far.

  I’m a different person now, and I don’t want anything from my old life to ruin that. I’ll admit this guy scares the shit out of me. I know nothing good resides inside him; he is pure evil. But I have complete faith Drayden won’t be swayed by anything this scumbag has to say. I know he loves me and nothing Adam says will change that. If anything, Drayden will end him if he ever finds out about this little interaction.

  “You ruined my life, you bitch.” His hold intensifies even more. “And this time, you won’t be getting away.”

  Before I can speak a single word, he moves quickly, pulling me off the dance floor before I can even think to stop him. He drags me through the crowd, past several bouncers and toward a dark hallway. The music is too loud, and there are too many people around for me to stick out as someone in distress.

  I’m helpless in this moment.

  I have no choice but to be taken, against my will.

  Once again.

  Only this time, I know the man taking me is going to surely cause me harm.

  Adam quickly finds an emergency exit and when he pushes on the handle, for some reason, the alarm doesn’t sound. Of course it doesn’t. That’s just my luck.

  The night air hits me with a warning. If I don’t get away from this man, he’s going to end me. I see the desperate look in his crazy, dark eyes. He’s snapped and there isn’t anything I can say which will change his mind.

  But I try anyway.

  “Adam, where are you taking me?” I ask in a soft tone. I don’t want to alarm him any more than he already is, making my situation that much more dire.

  He turns around to face me for the briefest of moments, settling on my face. “I’m going to pay you back for destroying my family.” I remain quiet, not wanting to make things worse right now. “You thought nothing of shamelessly flirting with my father, tempting him with your body. And because of you,” he moves in closer, the alcohol on his breath overwhelming, “my mother kicked him out. And to make matters worse, she started drinking, all the time, just to dull the pain. I couldn’t do anything right. I couldn’t comfort her. I couldn’t even reach her. And because of you….she killed herself.” He stops talking abruptly and starts pulling me through the dimly-lit parking lot.

  I don’t realize how off his rocker he is until his last statement. He blames me for his mother’s suicide?

  This is not going to end well for me. Not at all.

  If I allow him to put me in a car and take me away from here, the chances of my survival are slim. So I decide that right now, despite my growing fear, I have to start to fight back. I dig my heels in and try to jerk my arm from his tight hold, causing him to stumble back a few steps.

  What is it they always tell you? Try and humanize yourself in the face of your captor? Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. “Adam, I was only a kid when all that happened. And I know there has to be some part of you which realizes that what happened was not my fault. Your father attacked me in the hallway. And you saw it but chose not to help me, a defenseless fifteen-year-old girl.”

  Okay, maybe putting the blame back on him isn’t the right way to go. But I can’t help myself. The more he forces me to relive my past, the angrier I become. Yes, I’m scared. Out of my mind. But my anger is helping to dispel some of that fear.

  He stands there facing me but looks as if he’s staring right through me, as if he isn’t present in his own reality. The look on his face is zoned-out, which causes my breath to catch in my throat.

  I can’t reach him. He’s not here.

  He grips my wrist and drags me behind him, kicking and screaming the whole way. There is no one around to save me. My thoughts instantly go to Drayden. He doesn’t even know where I am. He’ll never in a million years guess at what happened to me.

  My heart is breaking all over again for the man I love.

  Once we reach Adam’s car, he pops the trunk and tries to force me inside. I know it’s now or never. I can’t let him take me. And as if fate is stepping in to help me, there is a noise behind us. It’s slight, but it’s enough to pull his attention so when he turns his head to look, I bring up my free hand and punch him as hard as I can. His face turns from my force, but it does nothing except incite his fury.

  He pulls me close, so close his nasty lips are but a whisper above mine. “There is nothing you can do now, Essie. I will have my revenge.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “Maybe, but does it really matter now?” He’s still fighting for me to get into his car. And his need for it intensifies as the sounds we heard moments earlier get closer.

  And clearer.

  I can hear someone calling my name and at first, I’m confused. But the closer this person gets, the clearer the voice sounds to me.

  To the both of us.

  Drayden’s voice rings out among the stillness of the night.

  I turn my head and see he’s running toward us. There are people behind him, but it’s still too dark for me to see who it is. But I don’t care. The only person I focus on is Drayden.

  And that’s my fault.

  Because I don’t even see it coming.

  The last thing I remember is falling forward, toward my inevitable demise.


  The blackness which enveloped me is starting to dissipate, rousing me from the darkness. My hand instantly flies to my temple and when I pull my fingers away, I feel wetness. It’s blood. I’m so confused I don’t even realize I’m lying on the ground, people crowded all around me. And as I open my eyes further, I see flashing lights in the not-so-far-off distance.

  Then I hear his voice, and it instantly calms me. “Essie, oh, my God. Are you okay, baby?” Drayden’s tone is anguished. He’s clearly very worried about me, but the anger in his tone cannot be tamped down. “Can you hear me, sweetheart?” His strong arms envelop me and I’m being raised from the cold, hard surface.

  “Sir, please don’t touch her. We haven’t had a chance to look her over,” an unfamiliar voice rings out.

  “Then you better get your Goddamn ass over here. Now!” Drayden roars, and I have to smile. I know his protective nature is coming out full-force and it makes me feel much safer, a feeling I’m desperately clinging to right now.

  Then, all of a sudden, everything comes rushing back to me and I start to panic. Darting my eyes all over the place, looking for him, my breathing rapidly increases, my heart pounding ferociously against my chest. “Dray!” I cry out. “Where’s Adam?”

  I try to get up, but I’m held down by more than one set of hands. The unfamiliar voice from moments ago is actually one of the paramedics. He’s looking me over quickly before helping me to my feet so he can do a more thorough job.

  “Be careful with her,” Drayden calls out.

  The paramedic doesn’t even indulge in his foul mood, knowing enough about him already not to engage him in a back and forth about me.

  Smart man.

  I shuffle the few feet until I’m sitting in the back of the ambulance. My head really hurts but other than that, I feel fine. After about twenty minutes, I’m cleared to go
home, but only with the strict instructions that I’m to be looked after for the next twenty-four hours. Very closely. And if anything is alarming at all, I’m to be rushed to the hospital.

  Before we leave, Dela, Bridgette, Dex, Cal and Eli come rushing over to see how I’m doing. Drayden doesn’t let them get too close to me, though, ever concerned about my well-being. I try to protest, but he gives me one of his don’t even think about it looks. And I don’t. Because truth be told, I’m exhausted and in no mood to argue, especially not over something like this.

  We are on our way home when I realize he never answered my question from before. So, very carefully, more for the throbbing in my temple than for his mood, I turn in my seat and face him. “Where is Adam?” I ask quietly.

  His fingers instantly tighten on the wheel, turning white from his grip. I see him take in a few deep breaths before opening his mouth. “The cops arrested him. And lucky for that fucker they got there when they did, because I was about to end him.”

  Then I notice something I didn’t see before. There’s blood splattered on his shirt, which causes me to instantly touch him. “Oh, my God! Are you hurt?” My fingers are trying to find the cause of the blood, but I can’t feel anything. He snatches my hands away quickly and puts them forcefully, but gently, back into my lap.

  “It’s not my blood. I’m fine.” He stares ahead, the silence killing me slowly. But I much rather the silence than the question he asks me next. “Who was Adam to you, Essie?”

  My breath catches in my throat and I’m instantly rendered speechless. The last thing I want to do is delve right back into talking about that evil piece of shit, but I know I have to give Drayden answers. I’m long past hiding things from him.

  “Where is he?” I ask again. I need to know he can’t touch me anymore before I tell Drayden who he is.

  “He was arrested on the spot. He’s being charged with attempted kidnapping, on top of a slew of other charges. Apparently, he’s wanted in connection with a murder and a string of aggravated assault charges. But he’s going to need a few days in the hospital first.” He says this last statement with a hint of a satisfied smile on his face. “Now, I need you to tell me who he is, Essie.” His voice is calm but stern.


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