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Stolen Fate

Page 26

by S. Nelson

  “I can if I feel it’s what’s best.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Dela asks as she comes striding toward us with a fresh batch of cookies. The delicious smell is almost enough to make me forget all about the infuriating man standing directly in front of me. God, I’m hungry. I already ate breakfast, but my greedy stomach is rumbling just the same. Thankfully, the smell doesn’t turn my stomach like the batch of raisin biscuits she made yesterday.

  “Do you want to tell her or should I?” I ask as I look from Drayden to Dela.

  “What? Would one of you please tell me already? You both look pissed, and now you’ve got my curiosity piqued.” She’s trying to make light of the situation, one she doesn’t even fully understand. But she knows him well enough to know that look on his face. He isn’t happy, and she wants to know why.

  “Drayden said I can’t go with you tonight,” I blurt out before he can say anything, trying to give his side of things.

  “Are you kidding me?” She looks back and forth between us. I think she’s waiting for one of us to start laughing or something. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, I’m deathly serious. I don’t like it. Not yet.”

  “What do you think’s going to happen? We’ll be out in public with other people, not shacked up in some alleyway drinking alcohol from a bag.” She starts removing the warm cookies from the tray and putting them in the case. “Seriously, Drayden? Come on.”

  “No. Not yet.” And that’s all he says before leaning in to kiss me. I want to turn my head but he’s too quick, catching me off-guard. He strides over to Dela, snatches a cookie off the tray before she can react and saunters out the front door with a fucking smirk on his face.


  Turning back toward Dela, I let loose. “There is no way in hell we’re not going after work today. He can’t run me,” I puff out. “He’s not the boss of me.” I’m so irritated I feel queasy, so I lean against the counter and take a few deep breaths, willing my body to cooperate with me.

  “You got that right, honey. We’ll still go, don’t you worry.” Then, a few minutes later, Dela’s cell phone rings. She picks it up and greets whoever is interrupting our little girl-power moment.

  “What? Are you serious? When?” There’s a long pause on the phone before she says, “Okay, fine. Love you,” and hangs up.

  “Who was it?”

  “It was Dex. He said the meeting he has is going to go a lot longer than expected, and tonight isn’t the best night for me to go out. He needs me home with the kids because the sitter can’t stay. Sorry, honey, but we can reschedule, okay?”

  “Yeah, sure. That’s fine,” I grumble with disappointment.

  But I can’t shake the nagging feeling Drayden coaxed his brother into intercepting our plans for this evening.

  Who am I kidding? Of course he did.

  { Chapter 39 }

  It’s now been a full month since the incident involving my past. But still Drayden won’t budge with letting me out of his sight, even going as far as saying if I want to go somewhere, he’ll clear his schedule and accompany me. Don’t get me wrong; I love spending time with him, but sometimes I want to hang out with the girls alone. And there is nothing relaxing about having Drayden splayed all over me when I’m trying to move about and have a drink with Bridgette and Dela. And forget about dancing anymore; that’s just not happening.

  I learn from Cal, on the fly, they’re continually checking up on Adam, making sure he stays right where he is: in prison and far away from me.

  So, why is Drayden still so crazy about letting me go out without him?

  “That’s just Dray, Essie,” Cal says to me. “He goes a little overboard when it comes to protecting you. I’ve never seen this side of him before but compared to how he’s been in the past few years, I’ll take this guy over the other one. Any day.”

  Well, try living on the receiving end of this crap.

  It’s not fun.

  But one day, I have another opportunity to try and talk him out of his paranoia. I make my way to his office to meet him for lunch. I decide I’ll approach him on neutral ground, out in the open, so hopefully he won’t cause a scene.

  “Hi, Delores,” I say to his secretary as I pass by her desk. I now have full reign of this place, never having to wait for her to announce me. I walk right up to his office door, twist the handle and walk right in. Just like I own the place.

  “Hey, honey,” he says as he looks away from his computer. “Is it that time already? Jesus, where the hell is the day going?” He saves whatever he’s working on, closes his computer and makes his way around to the front of his desk. Extending his legs and crossing his ankles, he leans back on his hands and watches me. His eyes peruse my dress, lingering a bit too long on my breasts before capturing my eyes.

  I smirk and shake my head.

  Always the horny man.

  “Like what you see, sir?”

  “You know it.” He crooks his finger, beckoning me to him. “Come here,” he says in that delicious deep voice of his.

  Who am I to say no?

  His hand circles around my waist once I’m within reaching distance. I slam up against his chest, tingles floating all over my body while I meet his intense stare.

  “I missed you,” I blurt out.

  “You did? Did you miss this?” he asks as he pushes himself into my belly.

  “I always miss that, baby.”

  Maybe now is the best time to spring this on him. Right when he’s lost in desire will work perfectly because he’s distracted. He might agree to just about anything right now.

  He gives me a tender kiss at first but like always, it turns possessive and bruising. I break away for a split second, causing his head to come forward, searching for my lips again. “Dray,” I whisper softly. “The girls asked me to go out for a drink tonight.” I kiss him, nipping his lip in the process, something I know he loves. He growls. “Are you okay if I go with them? Just us?” I swirl my tongue over his bottom lip, soothing the area I had between my teeth.

  He growls again.

  When he doesn’t answer me I pull back, breaking our connection once again. He furrows his brow and looks irritated.

  “No,” he mumbles before trying to kiss me again.

  That’s it! I’ve had it. He’s not going to continue to dictate my life any longer. I was being patient with him before, trying to see his side of things, but no more. This is ridiculous. I’m sure he knows I talked to Cal, and I know there’s no longer a threat. So what’s his deal?

  “No?” I screech at him. “Who do you think you are?” I slap his hands away from my body and walk backward until my legs hit the couch cushions. He takes a few steps toward me but I instantly hold my hand up, halting him. “If you know what’s good for you, you will stop right there.” There is no mistaking the dark look in my eyes. He knows how livid I am, so for once, he’s being smart by keeping his distance.

  “Stop overreacting, Essie.”

  Did he just say that to me?

  I advance two steps toward him. Reaching out to fill the gap between us, I shove a finger into his chest. Hard. “If you think for one second I’m going to let you continue to try and control me then you have got to be out of your fucking mind. I’m going tonight. Without. You. It will just be us three girls, no one else. And if you don’t like it, then you can shove it right up your ass.”

  I stride out of his office, slamming the door behind me. Delores looks up from her computer, her eyes following me out of curiosity I’m sure.

  I arrive home in record time. And as I’m about to call him to start bitching at him some more, my phone dings. It’s a text message from Drayden. All it reads is ‘Have fun tonight.’

  I don’t know the reason for his change of heart but I’ll take it, no questions asked. I come to find out later on he called his brothers, and they assured him Adam wasn’t going anywhere. Not for a very, very long time. He isn’t a threat anymore.

p; Finally, no more drama.

  At least, that’s what I think.

  { Chapter 40 }

  I wake up the next day with the worst bout of nausea I’ve ever experienced. I don’t think I drank much last night, but my body is telling me otherwise. It’s everything I can do to not retch over the side of the bed.

  When I glance next to me, I notice I’m alone. I half-expected Drayden to be knocked out right next to me, but he isn’t. He must have been giving me my space, no doubt somehow still being able to watch out for me, though.

  Mustering up enough strength, I hobble to the bathroom where I deposit everything from last night. Wow, I really don’t feel well, but it seems to only be my stomach. I’m a little achy and very tired, but other than that, I don’t have a hangover per se. My vision isn’t affected and my head feels pretty normal.

  I pray this passes soon but just in case, I want to make sure I have something to help out in the meantime. I drudgingly walk toward the kitchen in search of some bread.

  I’d been spending so much time at Drayden’s, I hardly food shop anymore. But thankfully, I find some end pieces in the bread sleeve which are still edible. After popping them up from the toaster, I start nibbling on the first piece nice and slow. I don’t even bother buttering it, thinking dry toast will be better on my stomach.

  Eventually, I feel well enough to hop in the shower, praying the hot water will make me feel even better. I call Dela and tell her I’m not feeling well, letting her know I’ll be a little late this morning. She just tells me to stay home and get some rest. At first I argue with her but after my stomach does a somersault, I take her up on her offer.

  She is such a great boss and an even better friend.

  Needless to say, she is a little surprised to see me when I come sauntering through the front door of the bakery.

  “Essie,” she calls out. “I thought you weren’t coming in today.” She takes a step closer and examines me more thoroughly. “You still don’t look too good, honey. Why didn’t you choose to stay home and get some rest?”

  I take a couple deep breaths, my nausea returning right in that moment. “I feel fine,” I say as I push past her and high-tail it to the restroom where I oh-so-casually empty the dry toast I was able to consume earlier.

  What the hell? I rarely get this sick over alcohol, especially when I drank so little. Maybe I’m coming down with something, on top of it, compounding the issue even more.

  When I stagger back out toward the front of the bakery, Dela is waiting on a customer. She shoots me a glance when I come into view, obviously worrying about my well-being. I go to work busying myself with arranging a tray of croissants she has yet to place on the display shelves. But before I can even start helping out, she is right next to me stealing the tray from my hands.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she asks, pushing the tray even further away from me. “I appreciate your work ethic and everything, but there is no way in hell I’m going to let you near food. Not when you’re so obviously sick.”

  “I’m not that sick, Dela.”

  “Really?” she asks me as she takes a step back. “You look like shit, sweetheart. I don’t mean to be so blunt, but you’re obviously in denial here. Either you’re coming down with the flu or something, or you’re pregnant.” She blanches at her own words, instantly regretting what she just said. She is instantly on me, enveloping me in her friendly arms, my possible sickness be damned. “Oh my God, Essie. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  I let her hug out her embarrassment, not once making a move to withdraw from her. Truth be told, I’m more tired than I was an hour ago. And again, my stomach starts rumbling, my mouth watering with my need to once again visit the bathroom. I push away from Dela, and at first I think she thinks it’s because I’m upset with her. But as soon as I make a mad dash toward the back of the store, she knows it isn’t anything personal.

  A good twenty minutes passes before I make my appearance again. There is no denying it anymore. I’m sick. I don’t even dwell on the other comment she made because I know it’s impossible. I’ve been faithfully taking birth control since Drayden and I got back together.

  “I’m going home, Del. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m coming down with something. Hopefully, something which lasts only twenty-four hours.” I make the mistake of glancing over at my friend’s face and see an expression I wish I didn’t. She’s looking at me as if she knows it isn’t the flu or any kind of twenty-four-hour bug. She’s looking at me as if she has first-hand knowledge I am indeed pregnant.

  Her look unsettles me and before I break down in hysterics, I head out the door and back toward my place. Somewhere I can hide and not think about soul-gripping what ifs.

  { Chapter 41 }

  I sit there staring at the blue and white box. I’m trying my hardest to get it over with and do it, but I know once it’s done, it’s done. There is no going back no matter how hard I try. For right now, I’m perfectly content living in this moment, the unknown realm swirling all around me.

  My cell phone rings, pushing me out of my own crazed-induced delirium.

  “Hello?” I whisper, still staring at the box.

  “Hey, babe. Listen, I have to work late tonight, but I was thinking about picking you up afterwards so we can have a late dinner. What do you think?”

  That box is calling me, tempting me to delve right in, but in the next split second it’s throwing out a warning to me, telling me to stay as far away as possible. I’m lost in my own head, warring between two sides. I want for it to be true but then again, I know what heartbreak can lie ahead if it is. I’m so confused.

  “Babe? Are you still there?” Drayden’s voice calls to me from the other end of the phone. “Essie?” he shouts louder this time, finally catching my flailing attention.

  “What? Oh sorry, honey. What did you say?”

  “Are you okay? What’s going on?” There is sudden panic in his voice. “Are you okay? Is someone there?”

  “No. No. Sorry, I was just distracted for a second. What did you ask me? Something about dinner later?”

  There’s a slight pause on his end before he answers. “Yes,” he responds. “I’ll pick you up at eight-thirty for a late dinner. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect. See you then.” I’m about to hang up when he speaks again.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, Essie? You sound off. You know you can tell me anything, don’t you?” I hear his ragged breaths, as if he’s trying to decide whether or not to let it go or rush over here to find out what the hell has me so distracted.

  “I’m fine, babe. Really. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  “Okay. If you say so.” Another pause. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Once I hang up, I have a very important task to complete. I can either stew in uncertainty, or I can put my big-girl pants on and face what could potentially be my new reality. After careful deliberation, I choose option number two. The next couple minutes could forever change my new life.

  Oh, well. Here goes nothing.


  Drayden is punctual as usual, which is awesome since I’m now officially starving. I haven’t eaten anything pretty much all day, and my stomach is rumbling loud enough for me to actually hear it.

  Once we get to the restaurant, I order two appetizers as well as a full-course meal. I know my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but I need something in my mouth ASAP. And since we’re in public, I have to utilize something which isn’t attached to his body.

  “How was your day?” he asks as he reaches across the table and touches my hand, entangling his strong fingers with mine. The look he’s giving me is instantly making me horny. How does he do it with just one glance?

  “Well, now that you ask,” I respond before taking a sip of my water. “I was sick in the morning, but I felt a bit better so I went into work. But once I was there I got sick again. Dela sent me home, and I slept for the rest of the day.” I squeeze his hand wit
hout realizing it, causing him to look at me questioningly.

  “How are you feeling now?”

  “I’m hungry,” I laugh, reaching for another piece of the yummy bread the waiter brought us.

  “Yeah, I kind of guessed as much,” he said. “At least you’re feeling better now. And you know what? I think there’s something going around anyway because a few of the guys at one of the sites called in sick over the past few days. So, yeah,” he said looking away for a split second, “there’s something going around.”

  I don’t respond. I can’t. I’m not sure how I’m going to broach this subject. I need some sort of game plan and since it’s still too fresh, I need more time. Being more concerned about him and his feelings, I decide to table this discussion for a better time. A time when I’m able to express my thoughts and feelings better. Hopefully a time way off in the future. Well, not too far off.

  Later on that night, after Drayden wears me out yet again from one of our marathon sex sessions, he blurts out something he had mentioned previously, on a day which seems like forever ago.

  “Marry me, Essie. Make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor of becoming my wife.” He says this to me as our limbs are all wrapped up in one another. His breath is fanning across my face as he holds me tight. My head is resting on his warm chest, listening to his heartbeat, which oddly enough is directly in sync with my own. Even though he’s made reference to marrying me before, I’m still thrown by his words.

  “Are you serious?”

  “When have you ever known me to joke about something like this? Of course, I’m serious. I don’t know what we’re waiting for already. We love each other and want to be together forever, right?” He moves his head to look down at me. “Right?”


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