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Page 9

by Amber Lacie

  "Not like this, beautiful. Let me take care of you." I sit up and he rolls me onto my back. He rolls my sweater up stopping just above my breasts. Pulling the cups down of my black satin bra, he trusses my breasts up into the air. He tugs on one of my nipples as he rolls it between his thumb and forefinger. A sharp hiss leaves my lips. He leans down and sucks my hard peak into his mouth as his fingers start their assault on my other breast. Releasing my nipple from his mouth with a pop, he moves onto the other one. One hand finds it way behind my head grasping the base of my neck, the other slides down my stomach. He undoes my button and pulls the zipper of my jeans down. Slipping his fingers into my panties, he spreads my lips and I feel his fingers glide over my clit.

  "So, wet." Sitting up, he pulls his hands away from me. I whimper at the loss of touch. "Ssh, Eve. I'll make this better for you, but you have to be quiet. Can you do that?"

  "Yes." My voice is breathy and my pulse is racing.

  Standing over me, he pulls my shoes off. Grabbing the sides of my jeans he slides them off my body. He looks over me and step backs. I watch him walk to the door and lock it. "No visitors." He’s chewing his bottom lip as he approaches me. I want to be his lip. I squirm under his gaze. "Quiet, babe." I nod my head. Bending down, he grasps the front of my panties between his teeth. His fingers hook into the sides, sliding them down my body. I gasp as I feel his hands run up my legs. He kisses the inside of my thigh and I let out a soft whimper.

  He smacks one of my breasts. "Quiet." It stings for just a second, before it’s replaced with immense pleasure. He slides one finger into me. "God, babe, your dripping. Do you like that?" He smacks my other breast and again I feel a sting followed by pure pleasure. I bite my lip, trying not to make a sound. "Answer me."

  "Yes. Please, just touch me."

  Raising his eyebrows, he grins at me. "Yes, beautiful." His fingers spread me open and his tongue finds my clit. Sucking it into his mouth, he circles it with his tongue. My back arches and my hands grip his hair, pulling him down into me. Flattening his tongue, he licks me up my center to my hard nub. He slides two fingers into me and bites down on my clit before flicking it with his tongue. My body jerks from the sensation. Thrusting his fingers in and out of my pussy, he curls them up to hit my wall. I curl my toes and my body stiffens. I'm so close. Spreading my lips open with one hand, he slams into me with his other one. I lift my hips and push back into him. I need him deeper, harder. He raises his hand and smacks my clit. Pleasure seers through my body. My hands are fisting the sheets. I grab a pillow to bury my face in. I bite it to keep myself from screaming out in pleasure.

  "Let go, Eve. I want to feel you come." He fingers are raking against my wall and I let go. Warmth spreads up my body from my toes, my walls clench around Theron's fingers. Pulling them out, he laps at my juices. My body comes undone and he enjoys every last drop of it. My legs are shaking as he kisses the inside of my thighs.

  "Oh. My. God." I'm out of breath. I definitely need a minute to regroup my body parts back into normal working order. Theron taps my foot and I look up at him.

  "There's my beautiful my girl. We need to get you dressed." He slides my panties up my legs and I lift my hips as he pulls them up to my waist. He does the same with my pants. Once he's satisfied with dressing my lower half, he fixes my bra and pulls down my sweater. "There, now you look as though you're just taking a nap."

  "Hmmm." I close my eyes and I feel the bed dip as Theron lays down beside me.

  "Did I break you, babe?"


  Laughing, he pulls me into his body. "I must have. You've lost the ability to speak."

  I'm lying curled up on my side with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I’m cocooned by him. I feel so incredibly safe with him.

  "We could do this every day. I like having you at my place. Move in with me." He kisses the back of head.

  My heart is pounding in my chest. I want to say yes, but I'm so scared. We barely know each other.

  "I just…is it too soon?" I'm chewing on the inside of my cheek.

  Scooting back, he turns me to face him taking my face in his hands. "I want you to be the last thing I see before I close my eyes at night, and the first thing I see when I open them in the morning. I want to feel your breath on my face when you sleep. I want to breathe you in. I want to feel your heart beat against my palms when I wrap my arms around you. I want to know you're real, and to know you're mine. I'm keeping you. I will always protect you and cherish you. Please move in with me, Beautiful." He's asking me to move in, but it almost sounds like a marriage proposal. If I've learned anything over the past few days, it's there are no guarantees in life. People can come and go so easily.

  "Okay." I give him a soft smile. Running his fingers through my hair, he pulls me in for kiss. There's a knock on the door and we both jump up. Theron is laughing and starts putting boxes on my bed. I try to comb my hair out with my fingers and straighten my clothes. I'm sure I don't look like I've been moving boxes. I unlock the door and pull it open.

  "Are you finding everything okay, sweet pea?" My dad stands in the doorway and gives Theron a sharp look. He's not stupid, no one locks a door to move boxes around.

  "Yes. I'm just going through some boxes to grab some clothes for the next week or so." I don't finish my thought. I'm not sure my dad will not appreciate my decision. I lived with Matt and Kayla for years, but we were all just friends.

  "Are you not staying then? Not even for a little while? Have you thought this through?" My dad crosses his arms and steps into the room. He's trying to make himself appear bigger than he really is, but instead he just looks like an overgrown teddy bear.

  "Yes, Dad. I've thought this through. I'm sorry. I'm going to stay at Theron's for a bit." I'm packing a duffel bag with clothes and I don't make eye contact with him. I don't want to see his disappointment.

  "Theron, could you please see if Linda needs any help in the kitchen? Robert is out there, but he's not very good at helping his mom. He tends to just frustrate her." My dad doesn't look at Theron when he speaks to him. His eyes never leave me, I can feel him staring at me across the room. Theron nods his head and kisses my on my forehead before he leaves the room.

  "Dad, just tell me what you want to say." Zipping my bag shut, I turn to look at him.

  "Isn't this quick? You barely know him. Do you know his family? Can you trust him?" My dad cares immensely for me and I love him for it.

  "I can't breathe with him around me dad. I don't feel like I'm suffocating with him near me.” I wring my hands together and look into my dad's eyes. “He's my fireworks."

  "Oh…I hope you know what you are doing, Evelyn. This is a big step in any relationship, but especially a new one. You know, your mom tried to tell me this was happening. I didn't believe her. I swore up and down this morning, it was going to be just you coming to the house today. If he so much as makes you cry one tear, you let me know. Okay?"

  "I'll let you know, Dad. I promise." Grabbing my bag, I sling it on my shoulder. I'm sure Theron could use some rescuing by now. I walk into the kitchen and my dad takes my bag from me.

  "I'll just put this in his car then." My dad nods to Theron.

  "Babe, can you unlock Badass for me?" Theron stares at me like I've lost my mind.

  "Unlock, what?"

  "Badass." I shrug my shoulders. The name seemed to fit to me.

  "Did you name my car?"

  "Yep." I have a huge grin on my face. Theron laughs and shakes his head at me. He hits the button on his keys and my dad walks out to put my bag in the car.

  My mom walks up to me and squeezes me tightly in her arms. "I told him you wouldn't be staying. He wouldn’t listen to me. Enjoy yourself, Eve. Relax and have fun." Kissing my cheeks, she smiles over my shoulder at Theron.

  I look at Robert, but he doesn't say a word. He's leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. I think he's the only one who isn't okay with this.

  "Bye, Robert." I give him a wave
and Theron holds my hand as we walk out of the house and down the driveway. As I slide into the passenger seat, I notice Robert standing on the porch.

  "I love you, butthead. Call me if you need me." He gives me a slight wave and walks back into the house. I knew he wouldn't be able to let me leave without saying goodbye.

  The drive home is short and quiet. Simply Three is playing through the speakers in the car. I really need to download their album. They are absolutely amazing. As we pull up in front of the guest house, I notice a black BMW in the driveway. Theron parks the car and nervously looks around.

  "Fuck. Not today." He runs his hands through his hair, and my favorite lock of his hair falls back on his forehead.

  "What's the matter, babe?" Looking over at him, I grab his hand. I can tell he's bothered, but I'm not sure by whom or what.

  "My dad's here. I'm really sorry, Eve. The probability of this being a pleasant experience is very slim." He steps out of the car, and walks around to open my door for me. I take Theron's hand and I see a man in black suit standing in the doorway of his gram's house. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself. I'm so nervous. Theron's hands are sweaty and it's not very reassuring.

  Chapter 7

  Theron is pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. I'm not sure what to say or do. I've already unpacked my bag, adding the clothes to the dresser and closet I'm using in the spare room. Whenever someone is upset, my mom makes them food. I'm not sure if it will help, but it's worth a shot.

  "Babe, are you okay? I could make you something to eat, maybe a drink?" I watch as he continues pacing. "Theron? Babe?" I touch his arm softly and he stops. He pulls me into him and buries his head in my neck.

  "You smell so good, Beautiful." Curling his arms around me, he picks me up off the floor. I tightly wrap my legs around him as we walk to the couch. He sits down and I straddle his lap.

  "You okay?" I chew the inside of my cheek. I'm incredibly worried about him and I have no clue how to help him.

  "No, to be honest, I'm not okay. I hate him, Eve. He blames me for everything that's gone wrong in his life." He lets out a deep sigh as he closes his eyes.

  "Babe…how can he blame you?"

  "My mom always gave me her undying attention. I remember they would fight about me. He wanted to send me away to school, but she wouldn't have it. I adored her. She was so beautiful. Her voice was sweet like honey, and her skin was soft and warm. She knew how to fix everything for me. I got teased a lot when I was younger. She wouldn't stand for it. She pushed me to stand up for myself. I felt like I could conquer the world." He looks into my eyes as he winds his fingers through the ends of my hair. "She started getting sick when I was around eleven or so. She was diagnosed with cancer almost a year later. She fought long and hard, but passed away the summer I turned fourteen. He blamed me for her death. Towards the end she favored me, she didn't want him around anymore. He was always angry and yelling about things. She would try to calm him down, but it would never work. She quit speaking to him and would only ask for me. I held her hand the night she passed. I was completely heartbroken and left all alone." Sighing he hangs his head down. I tilt his head up with my fingers so I can see his gorgeous sad eyes.

  "Oh, Theron, I'm so sorry. Was your gram not there? Where were your friends?"

  "Gram tried her best for me. She had seen what my dad had become. She protected me to the best of her ability." I lean in and kiss his forehead. Tears sting my eyes. My heart hurts so badly for him. I can't imagine having to go through something so awful on my own.

  "And your friends?"

  "I didn't have any. I had one friend a long time ago and I wasn't able to keep them long. I used to sneak out my bedroom window at Gram's house during the summer to see them. It was the first time in my life someone accepted me for who I was besides my mom. My dad quickly put a stop to it though."

  I'm speechless. How can someone cast their child away after such a loss? How can a parent put such heavy blame on a child? Moving in so quickly makes so much sense now. He's never been able to keep anything, so what he does have, he keeps close. I sit quietly in his lap for a little while longer. I lay my head on his shoulder and he holds me tightly to him.

  His phone rings in his pocket and he looks up at me. I try my best to muster a brave smile for him. Shifting me off him, he walks away as he answers his phone. He's in the kitchen leaning against the island staring straight at me. He doesn't say much to the other person on the phone. After sighing a lot, he finally ends the phone call with a rather harsh, "Fine!"

  "How do you feel about making an appearance over at my grams? My dad would like to speak with me. I can't imagine this going well. You can stay here if you like. My gram won't allow him in here." He's chewing on his bottom lip. I can tell he's either nervous or scared, maybe both.

  "I'll go." I say softly. I walk to him and he reaches for my hands holding them both in between his.

  "I'm sorry for anything he says or does ahead of time. His opinions of things are not mine. Okay?"

  "No problem." Standing on my toes, I brush a soft kiss against his lips.

  His arm is around my waist holding me close to his side as we walk in the front double door of his gram's house. The grandeur of his gram's house is unreal. Everything is so elegant and perfectly placed. The front doors open into a beautiful foyer with dark hardwood floors. A grand staircase curves along the side of the wall leading to an open balcony at the top. The railing is beautifully carved along with the trim in the room. There is a small circular marble table in the center of the foyer with beautiful floral centerpiece. To our left is a hallway with floor to ceiling windows. There is a large entrance to another room on our right. Theron takes my hand and guides me through it. We take a small step down and I am now standing in a grand dining room. We walk past the elegant table and chairs towards the back of the room where it opens into a very large kitchen and family room. Modern and classic elegance are perfectly matched throughout the house. Isa and Theron's dad are sitting at a small breakfast nook surrounded by more windows.

  "Eve, it's so lovely to see you again. How are things?" His gram is wearing a beautiful summer dress with a cream sweater around her shoulders. Her hair is pinned up into a bun with a few strands loose around her face. She always looks so beautiful. She walks over to me and softly kisses my cheeks.

  Returning her kisses, I give her a soft smile. "I'm doing well, thank you for asking, Isa."

  "Right. Well, now that we got all this formal crap out of the way, why don't you and I take a walk to the library? I will leave the arrogant jerk to speak with his son." Once again my mouth hangs open. She has such a way with words.

  "Mother, that was uncalled for." Theron's dad stands and straightens his suit. He glances at me with a look of disgust before turning to Theron. "We have things to discuss and I have more important issues to deal with, so if we can get started."

  Theron holds up his hands to cut him off. "Don't. If you want to speak to me you will do it respectfully. Obviously, it's important and worth your time if you have decided to make yourself present." Theron turns me towards him, softly grasping my shoulders in his hands. "Beautiful, feel free to go with my gram. She has a library full of books waiting to be read. You will feel right at home. I'll deal with him and then I'll come find you. Okay?" Kissing my forehead, he gives me a small smile.

  "Come on, Eve. I'm sure you will love it." Isa stands and shoots her son a despising look. Hooking her arm into mine, we walk out into the dining room towards the foyer.

  "You have such a beautiful home." I give her a soft smile and she pats my hand as we continue down the hallway towards a very large dark mahogany door. Isa pushes the door open and immediately I notice the cathedral ceiling and marble fireplace. The wall to my left is adorned with huge arched windows with dark leather chairs placed perfectly between them. The fireplace and the other walls are covered in books. There are two leather couches in the center of the room with a light colored marble table b
etween them. I'm in heaven. My hand is covering my mouth. I look at Isa and she has a huge grin on her face.

  "I knew you would love it. Theron's told me of your love for books."

  "He did? I didn't realize I told him." His gram gives me an odd look. She opens her mouth as if she might say something else, but she shakes her head instead. I'm taking in my surroundings slowly walking along the shelves, my fingers brushing over the spines of the books. "Amazing, just amazing."

  "I'll leave you to it. I don't trust Thomas and Theron in the same room together. Thomas may be my son, but other than being blood, I'll deny him as family. He was always such a crude business man, and I never questioned him. When his crudeness and cruelty started coming home with him from work, I had my say with him. He's a spoiled man, and I blame myself mostly for that. My husband worked incredibly hard for us and I was able to give Thomas a life most dream of. I didn't intend to raise him feeling entitled. I've always been kind to others, no matter their situation. After Elizabeth died, Thomas became unbearable. I stepped in and protected Theron as best as I could." She wipes a tear from her eye. I'm not sure if she's crying because she's hurt or angry, but I know it's Thomas' fault.

  "I'm sorry, I didn’t know."

  "Most don't. I'm going to go check on them now." Frowning, she walks away. There's definitely a lot of drama between Theron and his dad. I feel his gram knows more, but doesn't want to say anything.

  I walk around looking the books some more before grabbing one off the shelves. I take a seat in one of the dark leather chairs. I brush the cover with my fingers and open it gently. It's old. I bury my nose in it and inhale the scent of pages.

  "Wow. Are you sniffing that book?" My eyes are huge as I look over to the doorway. Theron walks over to me taking the book from my hands and he laughs. "Of all the times I've been in this room, I have never in my life, witnessed someone sniffing the books." He holds his other hand out for me and pulls me up from the chair.


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