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Sawyer's Hope

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by Shelby Lynn

  Sawyer's Hope

  Haven's Wolves [3]

  Shelby Lynn

  * * *

  Book Three of Haven’s Wolves (Warning M/M)

  Sawyer had always prayed to the Spirits that he would find his mate. However, he thought he was destined to roam this world without a mate. After all the heartache and abuse he suffered growing up, he often wondered what would he do with a mate? He wasn’t a gentle man. Would he hurt his mate? With all the rage inside of him, he just didn’t know.

  Where did he begin? The shock of almost losing his mate had rocked him to his soul. Never in all of his years had Sawyer thought he’d have such instant feelings for another person. He wanted to protect this man. All it took was one look into those sultry amber eyes, and he was lost. Until that moment, it had only been his mom and little sister were the only other people in the world that he’d professed to have feelings for.

  All Sawyer wanted to do was pull his mate close and never let him go. It shocked him just how much he cared about Johnny already. He knew his mate was in shock from everything that had happened to him tonight. Hell, how could Johnny not be—he had died.

  Sawyer didn’t even know where to start. He had never been good at communication, he was fighter, and that’s how he expressed himself. Would his mate be disappointed in him?

  Bonus Material

  If you missed “Haven’s Wolves Christmas Surprise, Haven’s Wolves Series Book Two ½” JK Publishing is proud to be offering it free in this copy of the Haven’s Wolves Series Book Three.


  Shelby Lynn

  Edited by

  Caroline Kirby

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  © Copyright December 2012 JK Publishing, Inc.

  All cover art and logo © Copyright 2012 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  Table of Contents

  ~Haven’s Wolves Christmas Surprise


  ~Chapter One

  ~Chapter Two

  ~Chapter Three

  ~Chapter Four

  ~Chapter Five

  ~Chapter Six

  ~Chapter Seven

  ~Chapter Eight

  ~Chapter Nine

  ~Chapter Ten

  ~Chapter Eleven

  ~Chapter Twelve

  ~Chapter Thirteen

  ~Sawyer’s Hope


  ~Chapter One

  ~Chapter Two

  ~Chapter Three

  ~Chapter Four

  ~Chapter Five

  ~Chapter Six

  ~Chapter Seven

  ~Chapter Eight

  ~Chapter Nine

  ~Chapter Ten

  ~Chapter Eleven

  ~Chapter Twelve

  ~Chapter Thirteen

  ~Chapter Fourteen

  ~Chapter Fifteen

  ~Chapter Sixteen

  ~Chapter Seventeen

  ~Chapter Eighteen

  ~Chapter Nineteen

  ~Chapter Twenty

  ~Chapter Twenty-One

  ~Chapter Twenty-Two

  ~Chapter Twenty-Three

  ~Chapter Twenty-Four

  ~Books Available by Shelby Lynn

  ~Excerpt from Forever Levi

  ~Excerpt from Cody’s Nine Lives

  ~Excerpt from Enough Time

  Haven’s Wolves Christmas Surprise


  They are the Warrior Spirits. They have been around since the beginning of time. They look out for all the Shifters of this world, as well as all the other Realms. There are many other names for each of the shifters in this world. It is their job to watch out for the safety and well-being of all their people. There are many out there unknown to the human world. If the humans knew of all the many groups moving back and forth between the Realms, they would be scared to go outside of their homes.

  There are just as many bad groups as good ones out there. It’s their job to watch out for the safety and well-being of all their people.

  For too long, the views of finding true mates have been obscured by the shifters' inability to wait for their true mates. Making the wrong choices that affect not only themselves but also everyone else they’ve involved in the pursuit of sexual gratification.

  It was the Warrior Spirits duty to watch over all of the Realms as well. During one of their long absences, the Dream Weavers were driven from their true home. The survivors fled to the Earth Realm to escape sure death, and bad luck had followed them here as well. Their offspring paid the price of that misfortune by losing their birth parents early in life.

  Others would grow up with only one parent, and bad luck just seemed to follow in their wake. By the time the Spirits were made aware of these misfortunes, many years had passed and many wolves had been affected.

  The Warrior Spirits decided they needed to step in and help with a very special group of hybrid wolves. Each one of these very special wolves was given special powers from their ancestors who came to this earth from another Realm. All were destined to grow up without their loving families from their original Realm. Their destinies on this earth were paved by the hardships that each one faced almost daily.

  These hybrids have suffered from many types of abuse over the years, most of them hiding their gifts for their own protection. With the forming of the Dream Weaver Network, the ones in trouble would soon find a safe Haven. The first Dream Weavers started this safe Haven when they discovered their mates and shifted to their second Weir form.

  This holiday season, the Spirits decided that it was time to bring a little holiday cheer to their first Dream Weaver couple.

  Young Timmy played his part in bringing forth the next Dream Weaver couple. The Warrior Spirits were pleased with his sacrifice. Years from now, he would be a very strong Dream Weaver in his life. For one so young, he acted bravely and without thought to himself. The Spirits did not tell the young one how to heal the downed man. Instinct had taken over, and he did the first of many duties to his people.

  This young man would be very important to his people. The Warrior Spirits knew his life would not always be easy. His adolescent years already showed the proof of it. As they watched the mates in each other’s arms after the single tear had healed him, they knew this would be a bittersweet moment for them both…

  The Dragon and the Phoenixes flew back to the Cedarhill Pack under cloaks of invisibility waiting in the Pack meeting room until everyone else drove back from the warehouse that night. The things they had seen were remarkable and definitely something they needed to discuss. Within thirty minutes, the others drove into the Pack House driveway.

  “Tyler, please tell the others that I will be there in a few minutes. I'm going to put this tired little man to bed,” Shannon told his mate as they waited for the others to knock on the door.

  “Sure, my mate,” Tyler told him as he kissed the forehead of his little one. Young Timmy was already asleep in his arms.

  He watched his mate ca
rry their son up the stairs to his room. Tyler answered the door for Sawyer, Johnny, Blackwood, and Travis.

  “Come on in, gentlemen. Haven and Garrett are already in our meeting room waiting on everyone to arrive,” he told his friends as they followed him into the meeting room.

  “Good to see everyone made it back here safe,” Haven told the other Alphas as they sat down at the table to discuss the things that were happening to all of them. Just then, Shannon walked in and took his place by his mate.

  “Gentlemen, I think we have seen in the last few days just how deadly these Demons are to our world. We need to call Counselor Jackson and tell him everything that has happened. Does anyone have anything before I place that call?” Tyler asked the other Alphas in the room.

  No one else had anything to add at that moment, all of them shaking their heads in the negative. Tyler placed the video conference call to Counselor Jackson.

  “Hello, Alpha Tyler,” Jackson answered. “Wow, looks like you have the whole neighborhood with you and friends. Has something else happened?” He waited to hear what had happened.

  “We were attacked again by a Demon. He actually killed two people tonight by draining them. If it wasn’t for the healing abilities of the Dream Weaver’s transformation, young Timmy wouldn’t have been brought back to life. Young Timmy is now a Next Generation Dream Weaver, and he brought Johnny back to life tonight. My mate and I transformed as well into a second form,” Tyler told him.

  “Wow, well congratulations are in order to you and your son. I assume Johnny is well now?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir. He actually found his mate tonight. Sawyer is his mate,” Tyler told him.

  “Congratulations are in order, gentleman. Man, I hate to do this, Sawyer, at a time like this, but I have no choice. A young one’s life is in danger, and I am beginning to think it may be your old Pack mate Jarrod, who’s behind it. A young boy was abducted tonight, and I have to pull Sawyer out of there to find him. Your mating is going to have to wait, I'm afraid, gentleman. There is no other tracker who can do what you do, Sawyer,” Councilman Jackson told him.

  “I understand, Councilman. I would like a few minutes alone with my mate since I have no idea when I’ll return. Is it radio silence on this mission as well, sir?” Sawyer asked his superior.

  “Yes it is, Sawyer. We can’t risk the Demons finding out about this. We are sure this little one is a Dream Weaver as well. If Jarrod is behind it, then he is out to exploit the young one in some way,” Jackson told them.

  “We do have one other very important thing to tell you, sir. The Warrior Spirits spoke to Timmy in a dream. They instructed him to let us know Garrett and Shannon are the Co-Leaders of the Dream Weavers, and they are to set up a Network to track down and help anyone who is in trouble. They spoke of many Dream Weavers who are in need of help,” Tyler told Councilman Jackson.

  “Wow, that will be a lot of work. The Councilmen are tied up until after the first of the year, but anything I can do to help just let me know. Sawyer, call me as soon as you leave. If you have any more attacks or run-ins with the Demons, call me immediately,” he told them before signing off the video call.

  “Damn, Sawyer, I am truly sorry you have to go out on such an important mission right now,” Tyler told his friend.

  Everyone in the room agreed. They all quietly left the room to give the two men a few minutes alone.

  “Johnny, I am so sorry to do this to you. I am blessed to have finally found you,” Sawyer told his newly found mate.

  “I understand duty, Sawyer. I'm a doctor, as you found out earlier. So I do understand. It doesn’t mean I have to like the situation,” Johnny told his mate.

  Sawyer took him into his arms holding him close. He didn’t know how long it would be before he could feel his mate against him again. Johnny leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “Please stay safe, my mate.”

  “I will, Johnny. I will be back just as soon as possible. I will not be able to call while I am gone. Please know you will be in my thoughts the whole time.” He pulled him close and kissed his lips for the first time. Saying a quiet good-bye before walking out of the room, Sawyer looked back with so much emotion in his eyes…

  Haven and Garrett made plans to travel back to their Pack with the holidays fast approaching. While Johnny decided to stay with his Pack until Sawyer returned for him. This thing would play through Johnny’s mind as each day passed.

  Chapter One

  Haven was enjoying the holiday season. Everywhere he looked the house was bright and cheerful from his own mate’s hands. Garrett had really opened up over the last couple of months, and he was finally coming into his own after everything he had been though.

  It was so fantastic to see his mate become the strong and independent person he was always supposed to be. He was excelling in his studies of architecture at the online school. Garrett loved creating things, and he would do anything to make his mate happy. Everyday Haven thanked the Spirits for his mate.

  It was so good finally to have a little quiet time to go along with the holiday spirit. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be the last throughout the holiday season. If we are all lucky anyway, thought Haven. Garrett was busy doing all the decorating with the help of his new friend and partner in crime, Lucas.

  When the two of them got together, no one knew just what might happen next.

  Haven was having fun watching his mate hang Christmas wreaths and garland throughout the Pack house. He watched his mate realize just how strong he really was. Haven had been more cautious after almost losing his mate such a short time ago.

  From the moment Haven had brought his mate home to Washington where their small Pack was located, Garrett had immediately gained all of the Pack’s respect. There wasn’t anything their members wouldn’t do for their Alpha’s mate.

  Haven wasn’t surprised because Garrett had done the very same thing to him without even trying. There was just something so caring about his amazing mate. He was always trying to help everyone around him. Now he’d even pulled Lucas into his antics around the Pack house. It was a pleasure just to watch the smile on Garrett’s face as he took in their handy work.

  The Christmas tree everyone had played a part in decorating this morning was amazing. No usual tree for his man, thought Haven. It was gigantic, standing at eight feet tall. This was the only way to express the monster of a tree. It was one of those trees everyone else would’ve walked right by. To Garrett though, it was the perfect tree.

  Garrett decided they were going to have homemade decorations on their very first tree. Everyone was helping for days just to make his first Christmas with the Pack great. There were some of the most pitiful decorations imaginable, but Garrett beamed at every single one.

  Happiness filled the Pack house with the coming Christmas season. Unfortunately, they couldn’t totally forget the dangers that seemed to follow their Dream Weaver Wolves. The Pack needed to be on guard against any kind of trouble that might come upon them, Haven thought.

  Garrett and Shannon also set up the Dream Weaver Hotline and Rescue for any of their kindred brothers or sisters to get help when needed. It had been a very busy couple of months if you considered the danger that seemed to surround their lives. Haven was always on guard.

  Dream Weaver was a unique type of wolf with the ability to turn into another animal form linked back to their ancestors from another Realm. They were forced from their homes by the evil in that time of their lives, that’s when they started to find their mates in this world, and began to create the new generation of shifters with incredible powers.

  With each new Dream Weaver revealed, the Spirits’ plans for them came further into the light. There was so much evil in the world that no normal person could face it alone. Destiny brought the couples together creating a force that was unstoppable against evil.

  It was times like these that made all the wolves appreciative of the gifts they were given. One person could make the difference in bringing peace to their w
orld. Garrett was the nucleus of the Pack. He was the heart and soul of the Dream Weavers.

  Between Garrett and Shannon, they were the beginning of something so much bigger than they were. The Spirits had so many plans for these very special men. This holiday season was just the beginning of the many exciting things to come in their lives…

  He watched his mate from the doorway—he never could resist that handsome smile. He made his way across the room to stand in front of Haven.

  “Wow, Haven, can you believe it’s only twelve days until Christmas?” Garrett told his mate as he kissed his lips under the mistletoe a Pack member had hung just for them.

  “I’ve got my very special present right here,” said Haven, as pulled his mate to him and took his mouth in a scorching kiss. He wrapped his arms around his mate and pulled him closer. Their arousals pressing against each other to the point of pain.

  “I’ll be your present any day of the year, my mate. Do you want to come and unwrap me?” Garrett teased his mate.

  “I want to slowly unwrap each layer and enjoy the presents I find along the way.” He kissed Garrett slowly down his neck until he got to the spot of his possession. He slowly licked the mark on his mate. The mark that showed the entire world this incredible man was his.

  Haven took Garrett’s hand, and he made his way up to their master suite. Garrett took great pleasure in decorating when they’d first arrived. When he opened the door to their room, the first object he could see was the huge bed that took up a good portion of the room.

  They slowly made their way to the bed. Haven was in control of the kiss as he slowly pushed his mate onto the sheets. Haven followed him down onto the other side of the bed.

  He stared over at his mate as he ran his fingers through the silky strands. Garrett truly was his gift in every way imaginable. Haven couldn’t wait to unwrap him very slowly and worship every inch of skin he uncovered.


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