Sawyer's Hope

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Sawyer's Hope Page 11

by Shelby Lynn

  Chad came out of the shadows and said, “Slater, it’s time for your punishment.”

  Slater laughed, grabbed Chad, and teleported him to a cave that Slater was staying in while in town.


  Councilman Jackson called Alpha Blackwood. He asked to set up a video conference call with Alpha Cedarhill and Sawyer, along with his mate, Johnny, in about one hour.

  “Okay, Councilman Jackson. I will have everyone here in an hour. I will talk to you later,” said Alpha Blackwood.

  An hour later, everyone was in the conference room when Councilman Jackson called on the Video.

  “Well, guys, you were right. I spoke with Alpha Ozark, and he told me some disturbing things about Chad. He has been implicated with the beatings and torture of young men. The thing that disturbs me is the victims won’t say who tortured and beat them,” Councilor Jackson told them before continuing.

  “A few days ago, a young man was beaten within an inch of his life, and he won’t talk. Now the interesting part is Chad had an altercation in a bar tonight with a stranger. He was knocked on his ass, and he left the bar swearing revenge on this stranger! That was the last time anyone has seen him,” he told the men.

  Chapter Eight

  “What the fuck is going on? Where the hell am I? What are you?” Chad asked.

  “I told you I was your worst nightmare! You picked a fight with the wrong person! You want to know what I am. Well—I will tell you! I am a Demon sent to watch your sorry ass,” Slater said as his eyes glowed red.

  “Well—where the fuck are we?”

  “Okay, Chad, we are in a cave in the mountains where I have made a home while I’m here,” Slater said.

  “Well, I’m leaving,” Chad said.

  “No, you’re not!” Then Slater had Chad chained to the wall of the cave in a blink of an eye. “You are staying here while I go speak to my superior. Oh, Chad, you can’t break free of those chains, they have a spell on them,” and then Slater disappeared.

  “Fuck.” Slater thought, just how am I was supposed to work with this asshole? I hate this fucker, and how could he make my cock rock hard? Slater knew Chad would be mad as hell for him leaving him while he went to talk to his Superior.


  “Hello, sir, we have a problem. I had to chain Chad to a wall in a cave I made as my home while I am visiting Arkansas,” Slater told his Superior.

  “What? Why do you have Chad chained to the wall?”

  “Well, sir, I went into a bar this evening, and Chad picked a fight with me. Therefore, I punched him in the gut, and he swore he would get back at me as he was leaving. While I was leaving the bar, he came out of the shadows to attack me, so I teleported him to my cave.” For his own safety, as he went on to say.

  “Chad has no patience…if we bring him in, he will be a liability. We're Demons, and we wreak havoc on people but this Chad, I just don’t know if I can work with him. Maybe you should send someone else to do the job,” he told Devon.

  “No—Slater, you are perfect for this job, once you blood-bond with Chad, you will be able to control him better,” said his Superior.

  “What should I do?” asked Slater.

  “Go back to your cave and talk to him. Explain what we want to do! If he is not interested, we have interesting ways to make him disappear without consequences.”

  Over the next few months, the men came to an understanding. It only took a week of being chained to the wall before Chad was ready to listen to Slater.

  Chapter Nine

  Four months later

  The last four months have been incredible, as both a Mate and Doctor. The research that Shannon had allowed him to do went a long way in his discoveries. Along with his own information, Johnny was making progress.

  They had kept in close touch with Haven’s Pack throughout the time they were gone. The Alphas of the Haven Pack had been blessed by the Spirits, and had been given a daughter to love. Johnny was really looking forward to being around the baby once again. He had always wanted to be a part of a large family, and Sawyer had given him that as well.

  Johnny’s short visit over the Christmas and New Year holidays hadn’t been nearly long enough. He had felt at home from the first moment he set foot within the Haven Pack. When his mate had surprised him New Year’s Eve, it was the best Holiday ever!


  It had been unusually quiet on the Demon front for the last few months. They weren’t complaining, but it did seem odd after all the trouble they had gone through recently with them. Johnny really had all the information he could get at this point. He was ready to set up his own practice in Ashford, Washington.

  Sawyer and Johnny had discussed many times since he returned the advantages to just being a Weir Doctor. Johnny finally just told his mate, “I am opening it to the public. That will include humans as well!” He had been schooled in human medicine and would put it to use as well.

  This was really the only subject they had not agreed on in the last few weeks. Johnny had fallen hard for his mate, and cared about his opinion. Unfortunately, this wasn’t something he was willing to compromise on. Johnny felt he could handle both the human and the Weir side of medicine.

  Johnny watched his mate thanking the Alphas for their hospitality. Something he had just done himself. All of Johnny’s good-byes from the Blackwood Pack were over. It was hard to say good-bye to the people who took him in all those years ago.

  He would miss all of them, but especially Alpha Blackwood. He had become a father figure in his young life. They would always be close no matter the miles between them. Blackwood was someone he knew he would always be able to count on.

  Their plane was scheduled to leave in just under an hour, so they needed to hit the road very soon. All of Johnny’s things would be coming in a much slower route. Blackwood asked one of his wolves to drive the moving van, with his truck being towed behind the van, to Washington.


  The Holidays were over. There wasn’t anything tying Simon down at the moment. He was looking forward to seeing a different part of the country. Simon was happy to help his friend, Johnny. He had gotten to know him soon after the Alpha had brought him back to the Pack all those years ago.

  Simon knew Johnny was running from something because for the longest time he was always looking over his shoulder in caution. During the years that Johnny was in medical school, Simon had built up a thriving construction business. Lately though, seeing the happiness between his friends and their mates had been tough on him. He was feeling the loneliness of being without his True Mate.

  When the opportunity had come up to drive his friend’s things to Washington, Simon had jumped at the chance to see another part of the world. His business had tied him down to the general area for the last few years. Now it was running well with his crew manager taking on the bulk of the day-to-day hands-on work.

  Simon spent most of his days working on the next jobs coming up, making out bids, and meeting with the owners for specific details. The business was booked up all the way through the upcoming summer. He was at a perfect place to take off for a couple of weeks, and finally take a vacation he very much needed. He was driving Johnny and his mate to the airport, and they were waiting for him on the front porch when he pulled into the Pack house. “Simon, I was beginning to wonder if you forgot about us,” Johnny joked with his friend.

  “No—sorry for the delay. I got a phone call from the owner from one of my job sites. It took a little longer than I had counted on,” Simon told the men.

  “It’s fine, Simon. I was kidding anyway. We have plenty of time to catch the flight,” Johnny told his friend.

  “Thanks for giving us a lift, Simon. We know how busy you are,” Sawyer told the man.

  “It’s no problem. I’m really looking forward to the drive to Washington. That is a part of the country I’ve always wanted to visit, so it will be a great vacation for me.”

  “You may decide to stay after you see how alluring i
t is up in the mountains. It truly pulls you in and fills your soul with the feeling of coming home. Well, at least it did that to me,” Sawyer told him. It would be nice for his mate to have a friend from his home decide to stay.

  The ride to the airport was uneventful for them. It was only a fifteen-minute drive from the Pack house so they made it in plenty of time before their departure time. Simon wondered if they knew just how lucky they were to have found each other. Their love was plain for anyone to see. Each look and touch they shared was filled with tenderness and caring for each other.

  Simon waved good-bye to the couple as they headed into the airport terminal. He had decided to leave first thing in the morning. That way, he could get a full day of driving in before dark fell. He wanted to be able to see all the countryside as he drove then stop for the night, and enjoy himself along the way.


  Sawyer was very happy to take his mate finally home. He was still amazed at the generosity of the Spirits toward their Pack. It seemed little Jasmine already had the men wrapped around her small fingers. One small cry and one of them was jumping up to see what was wrong.

  When the Alpha had told them about Mandy, he was worried. Although Haven had assured him that she was already a member of the family. It seemed she was a miracle worker with Jasmine, and the other men as well. From the short time he had gotten to know her, he was impressed as well. In the time that she had come to live in the Haven Pack, she had endeared herself to all the men. Well, he guessed now they had two females in the Pack that ruled the Pack house.

  Sawyer had asked Haven if she had found out about their secrets yet. From everything he had said, Mandy wasn’t aware of their shifting abilities. It was his job to keep the Pack safe, and it was a job he took very seriously. With all the dangers that had entered their lives of late, Sawyer knew he would have to be even more vigilant to make sure nothing endangered their Pack.

  In what seemed like no time, they were landing just a few miles away from Ashford, Washington. They quickly gathered up their luggage they had brought along for the trip, and rented a truck to take them to the Pack house. Sawyer was ready for some alone time with his handsome mate. When he looked over at Johnny, he was taking in everything around him.

  “Oh, Sawyer, it is just as amazing as I remember,” Johnny told him.

  “It truly is an amazing place to live. I am so glad to have you alone, though,” Sawyer whispered to his mate. He had been waiting the whole plane ride to take his mate into his arms. The feel of Johnny’s firm lips under his was just what he needed.

  “Hmm…I really like the sound of that, my mate,” he growled, which was a major turn-on for Sawyer. Not even a second later Sawyer had him pinned against the cab of the truck, kissing him until he couldn’t even think straight. He loved it when he made Sawyer lose control. It was a major turn-on to him when the rough side of Sawyer came out to play.

  “I know just how to please you, my mate. Tonight, after we settle into our room, I will show you just how much I love you. In our room, I have a few surprises that I bought for you, and we haven’t had the chance to use them yet. I really think you are going to enjoy them,” he said as he kissed him one last time before easing away. He would have liked nothing more than to spread his mate out and make him lose control right this moment. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the time or place for that to happen.

  They had everything put into the back of the truck, and within thirty minutes, they were on the road. Sawyer looked across the cab at his handsome mate. He thanked the Spirits every day for their gift of this amazing man. All it took was one innocent look from his amber eyes, and he was truly a goner. Johnny didn’t even realize how much of a turn-on it was to him when he would look at him that way. He just had a way of pulling you in and surrounding you with the goodness that was so much a part of Johnny. It happened with so many people, but with Sawyer, it was with a sexual undertone meant only for him.

  Sawyer would harden just from one look from those expressive amber eyes. In a matter of moments, they would go from laughter to simmering fire for his mate. It was the strongest aphrodisiac imaginable to Sawyer. He knew that it would be hours before they could ease the hunger inside of them.

  Chapter Ten

  The drive back to the Pack house was a pleasure for the couple. It meant more than they could ever say just to be in each other’s presence. They were already so comfortable with each other that words weren't needed between them.

  As they drove along the National Park Highway to the small town of Ashford, it was the perfect place for them to live. With a population of only a little over two hundred, they were able to stay safe as they transformed into their wolf forms. Luckily, the Dream Weavers had the ability to go invisible in their second forms. It would be hard to explain a Dragon or a Phoenix in this day and age.

  There really was something magical about this place. Maybe it was being so close to nature. This place called to the wild side of their self. Having a place to run freely was paramount to their survival. As Sawyer once again looked over at his handsome mate, he was truly blessed, and he would make sure he showed him every day just how important he was to him. He knew how important opening the practice was to his mate. Supporting him in his endeavor was the right thing to do.

  “Johnny, I know you want to use your knowledge to help everyone. I just wanted you to know that I will support you with whatever you ultimately decide to do. I will always worry about you, Johnny. It is instinctual for our kind to want to keep our mates from harm,” Sawyer said.

  “Thank you, Sawyer. It means a lot for you to support me. Once I know a little more about the town, it will be easier determining how to handle the clinic properly. Just as soon as Garrett and Shannon have the network hotline set up for other Dream Weavers or abused Weirs to use, we will need a proper clinic available to them. So I think we need to coordinate with them as well,” Johnny said in a very serious voice.

  “I agree, we could have more serious situations coming our way if these Weirs are running away from bad situations as well. As the Beta, it is my job to see to the safety of my Pack and anyone within it,” Sawyer voiced his concerns to Johnny.

  “I think we should sit in on the next planning meeting. These are all very important issues we need to discuss with them both. Safety and health are paramount to the Pack and the Dream Weaver Sanctuary coming together.” Johnny was happy he could help even in a small way.

  “You’re right. I do have another subject to discuss before we get to the Pack house,” Sawyer said to Johnny.

  “Go ahead, Sawyer. You know you can tell me anything.”

  “How would you feel about building a home of our own with a small clinic?” he asked.

  “Are you serious? Oh, shit—Sawyer, you have already done so much.”

  “Johnny, I am just starting to take care of you. I am being a little selfish in my request. I want you to myself, and I know we will need a clinic at the Pack for our Refugees once it is set up.” Sawyer hoped he would like the idea.

  “I would love for us to have a home of our own. Do you think Alpha Haven will be okay with this?” He was still getting to know his new Alpha.

  “We have actually discussed building separate homes once we have found our mates. I know he will agree to the clinic. I wouldn't be surprised if the Alphas haven't discussed building one already.”

  They pulled off the highway onto the side road, which led to the Pack house. It was a couple of miles before the huge place came into view. It was one of the things Johnny had loved about the place—the peacefulness of the surrounding area. The Pack owned the four thousand acres surrounding the Pack house. There was so much freedom in the knowledge they were relatively safe from hunters who brought danger and death to their world.

  “I am excited to be going home. I have only been a part of the Pack for a short time, but I feel at home here,” Johnny told his mate.

  Sawyer clasped his hand within Johnny’s hand in understanding and love. As
he gently caressed his fingers, it was such a pleasure with just what that little contact brought him.

  “It has been a sanctuary to all of us, Johnny. We all have dealt with abuse and pain. Honestly, it’s the only place I have really felt accepted until I first held you within my arms. You are my home now, and as long as you are there, I will always be happy,” he told Johnny honestly.

  “Wow—I couldn't have said it better,” he told his mate. Johnny wasn't always great at talking about his feelings. Because of his unique abilities, he had always kept himself apart from others. His adopted parents and Alpha Blackwood were the only ones he let in. At least until he met this incredible man beside him. How he had ever gotten so lucky, he didn't know.

  They pulled up to the Pack house. It truly was magnificent in design. Johnny hadn't realized just how much he liked the log cabin rustic look. It fit in perfectly with the huge Evergreens that surrounded the home. Off to the right was a circle drive with a huge garage he knew could hold over thirty vehicles.

  Instead of parking in the garage, they parked close to the driveway, so they could carry in Johnny's things more easily. They had only brought three suitcases with them; everything else was in the moving van, which should arrive in a couple of days.

  Haven and Garrett came out to welcome the couple home.

  “How was the flight?” Garrett asked them.

  “Not bad, not bad,” Sawyer told the Alpha Mate. With his assignment directly after the mating, he really hadn't gotten the chance to know him. He made Haven happy, and that was all that mattered, he thought.

  “I am so glad to hear that,” Garrett told his Beta.


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