Sawyer's Hope

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Sawyer's Hope Page 12

by Shelby Lynn

  “Do you need any help with the luggage?” Haven asked his friend.

  “No, these are the only ones Johnny brought with him. How is everything going? Have there been any signs of trouble while we were gone?” Sawyer asked his Alpha.

  “It has been quiet, too quiet if you ask me. From everything that has happened to us in the last few months and for it to go completely quiet, suddenly doesn’t make any sense. Personally, I think they’re planning something big, and we need to be ready for anything. We are having a meeting tonight at seven about the Dream Weaver Sanctuary, and I need both of you to attend. We are going to video conference with Tyler and Shannon for now and see whether it will work. It will keep the travel down, for the moment.

  “Not a problem, we will be there, Haven. While I have you for a moment, I have talked with Johnny about building our own home. He liked the idea, but I would like to take it one step further. I think we need a clinic close to the Pack house as well as for any of Refugees who will be coming here for help,” Sawyer told his Alpha.

  “Garrett and I were just talking about building a clinic here the other night. We’ll go over the specifics at the meeting tonight. As you know, Sawyer, you are welcome to build anywhere on the property. This is your home, as well as your mate’s home,” Haven told his Beta and friend.

  “Thank you, Haven. I think it needs to be close to the Pack house, for the clinic as well. That way, Johnny is close in case of an emergency. I know he would feel better being closer,” Sawyer said as he looked over at his mate for the agreement he knew was there on his face.

  “If you need any help with the design, I know Garrett would be happy to help out.” Garrett was a very talented student of Architect.

  “I will be sure to get this help,” Johnny told his new Alpha. He was really excited about the prospect of starting his mated life in this great Pack.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mandy looked over at Jasmine. She was the most amazing baby she had ever taken care of. She was growing so quickly, and already doing things much quicker than a normal infant does. Mandy didn’t know what to think of it. It was quite odd. Sometimes she could swear Jasmine knew exactly what Mandy was telling her. There was just so much intelligence in her bright blue eyes.

  Mandy decided she was just being ridiculous. There was no such thing as super-smart babies. She had been reading too many of those paranormal romances lately. It was all her best friend’s fault, too. Teddy had gotten her hooked on those paranormal books through his writing. How many times had she wished they were true? Too many times. To have the one person in your life who would love you despite all your many faults.

  It was a wish Mandy could only dream of having. Just who was she kidding, she was a practical young woman. She knew she wasn’t the picture of the “perfect stick thin woman.” Teddy was always telling her, ‘don’t pay attention to those stupid magazines and men who didn’t appreciate true beauty.’ He was sure beyond a doubt there was a special man out in the world for her.

  Mandy didn’t know what she would’ve done without him in her life. He was like the big brother she always wanted. She was so happy he was coming off the road. He would be home tomorrow, and they were having lunch at Lucas’s restaurant.

  She couldn’t wait for him to meet Lucas. He was going to be out of town for a little while, so she didn’t know when she would be able to introduce the two. There was just something heartwarming about the man, and she wanted her friend to meet the guys who live in the house. He always seemed to be so alone, except for her. It was time that her best friend got out a little more. She knew if Haven and the other men got to know Teddy, they would lift the “No Visitors Rule."

  Mandy could hear the men coming into the house. Haven had just gone outside to welcome Sawyer and Johnny back home. They had traveled to Johnny’s home and packed up his belonging to bring back here. She had a lot of fun getting to know him over the Holidays. It was so romantic how his partner had made it home right before the stroke of midnight. They had been so happy to be together once more. That was one of the things she loved about these men, they loved their partners and weren’t afraid to show it.

  She hoped her friend found a partner to spend the rest of his life with. He deserved just as much happiness, and if she pointed him towards these gorgeous men, well, what could it hurt, she thought. They were all really nice and hard-working men.

  They all adored little Jasmine, each one taking time to come talk, and play with her every day. Mandy watched as the men walked into the room. Jasmine immediately started gurgling and holding up her hands for one of the men to pick her up. It really was somewhat funny to watch all the guys walk over to the baby. It was funny how grown men and women could turn into little kids around babies.

  “Goodness, you really have grown, Jasmine,” Johnny said as he picked up the baby.

  He got the biggest smile from baby Jasmine.

  Sawyer looked over at the young lady. “Mandy, how are you doing?” Sawyer asked.

  “I’m doing great, Sawyer, thank you for asking. Jasmine is a delight to take care of. It doesn't seem like a job. Did you both have a good trip?” Mandy asked.

  “Yes, it was a nice flight home, but we are really glad to be home though,” Sawyer told Mandy.

  Mandy turned to Johnny. He was holding Jasmine in his arms. The baby was smiling and flinging up her arms to get his attention. She was quite a little flirt—and was always such a happy little baby. All the time Mandy had been taking care of her, she didn't think she ever saw her cry once.

  “Johnny, I think it's her dinner time. I better have her back so I can go get her a bottle,” Mandy told him.

  “Yes, we actually have dinner ready for everyone else in the kitchen. If you want to make your way into the kitchen, I think Wolfe is in charge of dinner today.”

  Mandy watched the men head into the kitchen after Johnny handed Jasmine to her. As she looked down at the baby, she could've sworn that Jasmine was pouting.

  “I know little one, but we can't keep them to ourselves all the time,” she teased the baby. Then Mandy headed into the kitchen to get the bottle ready for the baby as well. When she walked into the kitchen, Wolfe already had a bottle in his hand getting ready for Jasmine’s feeding time.

  “Thank you, Wolfe, you are the greatest,” Mandy told him. She didn't see how they remembered every feeding time if they happened to be the one in charge of the kitchen. It did seem like they kept a close eye on what was going on around them. No matter what they were doing, each and every one of them was very protective. Mandy guessed that was a good thing, they were caring men to all those around them.

  Mandy took the bottle and headed upstairs to rock Jasmine and put her down for her afternoon nap.


  As soon as Mandy left the room, they filled their plates and sat down at the dining room table. They knew she would be back in thirty minutes or so to get her own dinner, so they didn't waste time getting into the discussion.

  “Wolfe, I've already told the men we are having a seven o'clock meeting this evening. All the Pack will be included—this will involve all of us. Garrett and I think we need to make some final decisions before we get the Network up and going. Things will change around here drastically once we start taking in Refugees,” Haven told them.

  “I think it’s a great idea, Haven,” Sawyer told him. It was better to be informed. The more information they could determine about the situation, the safer he could make his Pack and home. His mate and the Pack's safety were his top priority. They had just finished their discussion as Mandy came back into the kitchen.

  Wolfe started to get up to help her with her lunch.

  “Please finish eating, Wolfe, I can get my own. Thank you for wanting to help though,” Mandy told him with a smile.

  Sometimes it still amazed her how gentlemanly these men were. They reminded her of Teddy in so many ways. She filled her plate and sat down at the table. Everyone was quiet, which seemed to happen a lot aroun
d her. If these men weren't so nice and accepting of her, she would think they were hiding something from her.

  “Johnny, how was your Pack family? I bet they were sad to see you move so far away,” Mandy asked him.

  “I will miss them all, but we are close, so we will keep in touch. I have already fallen in love with this wilderness home,” he told Mandy with a genuine smile while trying to not directly say anything about his family.

  ”I know exactly what you mean. I felt so welcomed from the first moment I stepped inside, and of course, all of you have made me feel at home as well. That means the world to me,” Mandy told them all.

  “Mandy, you are a vital member of our family. We already think the world of you as well,” Haven told her.

  “Thank you…you’ll never know just how much that means to me.” Only one other person had ever treated her so kindly.

  Chapter Twelve

  Teddy was on the last leg of his journey home. His publicist hadn’t been able to wrap up his promotional tours as quickly as she had first thought. She had already committed him to just too many places. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint his fan base out there. They had become his family in many ways over the last twenty years. He was wealthy enough now from his writing and investments that it was time to slow down. Teddy knew there were going to be big changes coming their way.

  Lance had been his best friend since they were cubs. He had been adopted into the Pack at a very young age. When they hit puberty and turned into their wolf counterparts, Lance also came into another power at that time. That very evening was the first of many visions. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone else in the tribe who would have believed the young men. Anything different was looked upon as wrong.

  He and Teddy did everything they could to prevent any of the tragic visions from happening. To the others, they just seemed lucky to have been in the right place at the right time. This worked until their Alpha, a mean brute of a man, started paying a little too close attention to Teddy. Since Lance was always together with him, Alpha Stan started to make both of their lives a living hell.

  Teddy had known from the time he was a teen he was destined to have a male mate. This didn’t bother his friend in the least. He had known Teddy was gay before he even knew it himself. Nothing would change their friendship. Especially not something like, who you were destined to love.

  Over the summer, the Alpha’s advances had become more violent in nature. To the Pack, he banished anyone who came forward with a gay Mate. Many of the Pack disagreed with this decision. A mate was a sacred bond, and it shouldn’t have been treated as a punishment.

  It was also the same summer Lance met Mandy’s mom. He had a vision after their first night together from the Spirits. A Weir should have never been able to have children with anyone other than their True Mate.

  During this dream, Lance found out he not only had a daughter on the way from one night of passion, but he wouldn’t even live long enough to see her born. This little girl would have a big part to play in the future. Lance needed to know his friend would watch over his little girl. It was a lot to ask of his friend. He knew Teddy would have to leave the Pack, and it wasn’t easy for a wolf to be Packless.

  Teddy didn’t want to believe his friend’s vision, it was insanity to him. He did agree in the end that if Lance was going to be a father, then he would watch over the little girl in his absence.

  It was not even two months later Lance found out he was going to be a father. He set up an agreement with the mother to send money every month if she agreed to have the baby.

  Teddy didn’t think she even saw Lance after that last meeting with a lawyer. It was only a week later that he died, protecting him from their Alpha. He had caught Teddy unaware, and after Teddy refused his sexual advance, the Alpha told him he would submit or die. The Alpha was in the process of trying to tear off his clothes. Teddy was trying to fight him off when Lance came in and attacked the Alpha.

  The Alpha was too strong for Lance, and even after the shocked Teddy tried to help his friend, the Beta was the one who came upon the fight and ended up taking down the Alpha. Lance only lived long enough to explain what happened. The Alpha had ripped out his throat in his insanity to kill him for daring to come between him and his obsession.

  Beta Tim hadn’t realized his Alpha was targeting another member of the Pack. He knew he was a major ass when he came to being different. He just never imagined he would go as far as this. He helped Teddy get away from the others in the Pack who would take vengeance for the killing, there were just too many wolves that hated gays.

  Teddy’s own adopted father didn’t want anything to do with him after he found out. He was Teddy’s only parent left, and he hated something so a part of him. It was the last time he had talked to his adopted father.

  It was the first time he was ever alone. Those first few months were very hard on him. He kept a very close eye on Jessica throughout the final months of her pregnancy. She took care of herself—at least as far as he could tell. Honestly, he was still pissed at losing his friend. His feelings were a mass of tumbled anger, loss, and happiness for the arrival of his Goddaughter. Teddy had already decided he would do everything in his power to keep this little girl safe.

  Teddy was in the hospital the night Mandy was born. When he saw her for the first time, he knew he’d done the right thing by staying close. There was just something so special about this little girl with the bright blue eyes and her blond curls cradling her head to form an adorable halo..

  It was the first of many times he looked in on her over the years. He stayed as close as he could over the years, without being too obvious, by showing himself to them. It wasn’t until Mandy’s mom met that ass of a man when Teddy truly was scared for Mandy’s welfare.

  Mandy’s mother was blinded by this new love. Nothing and no one else seemed to matter to her. It was as if Mandy no longer existed, and she no longer was her daughter. The final shoe dropped the night the stepfather attacked Mandy. Her mother sided with the son of a bitch.

  It was also the happiest day of his life. Mandy was finally in his life. If Teddy had anything to do with it, she would never have to see those people again. He finally could take care of his best friend’s daughter the way she should have been taken care of over the years. At least, that is what he had wanted.

  It should have been easy in his mind. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite happen that way. Mandy was stubborn just like her father in many ways. He shouldn’t have been surprised really. She was her father’s daughter, and she was a lot like him. It really shouldn’t have surprised him when she wanted to take care of herself. He did everything he could think of to get her to stay, without bringing about too many questions.

  'I refuse to take advantage of you,’ she told him, then moved into a small apartment and found a job. This brought him back to the here and now. He was scheduled on a flight tomorrow, and he couldn’t wait to get home. He knew the time was coming for the rest of his friend’s vision to come true. Now he just had to get home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sawyer took his mate’s hand after lunch, and they headed up to their room. It had been a long day already, and it wasn’t even half over. All he wanted was to spend a little alone time with his Johnny. It seemed like it had been hours since he’d last touched his skin. Those hard muscles rippling under his fingers were enough to make him hard as steel.

  Who was he kidding, all it took was one look at his mate and he was in this condition. He really had worried about hurting his mate those first few times. Hell, all he had known was abuse from his sick bastard of a stepfather. The best thing that had ever happened to him and his mother was Haven finding him that day.

  Sawyer knew his mate was a strong man himself, but that didn’t stop the worry of somehow hurting his mate if he was too rough. Johnny’s patient nature and kindness helped him. He truly didn’t know if he would ever completely lose these feelings but trusted his mate to keep him in check. />
  “You are thinking really hard,” Johnny said as he entered into their room.

  “I was thinking just how amazing you are, and how lucky I am to have you in my life,” Sawyer said as he pulled his mate against his hard chest. The feel of those defined muscles were intoxicating to him. All he wanted to do was rip off the clothing between them.

  “Sawyer, I feel the same way,” Johnny whispered into his ear then kissed his way down his neck to the buttons of his mate’s shirt. He slowly loosened the buttons, kissing every inch he uncovered. It always turned him on to bring his mate’s nipples to hard peaks. The answering groan from Sawyer’s throat was music to his ears.

  He continued until he reached the waistband of his mate’s jeans. He pulled his shirttails out and tossed the shirt to the floor. Johnny continued his exploration of his handsome mate. It wasn’t often Sawyer would let him take control like this, and he was reveling in the feeling. He slowly released the snaps of his jeans, leaving him completely naked underneath. This brought out a deep groan of his own as he saw his mate’s hard, pulsing cock.

  Johnny was all but salivating to taste his mate’s essence again. It was in slow motion as he lowered the jeans to the floor though, uncovering inch after inch of muscled perfection of Sawyer’s magnificent body for his sight only. He groaned at the sight of his cock thrust out as if reaching for him. Johnny slowly went to his knees, looking up into his mate’s eyes. They were shimmering with sensual heat. They only burned brighter as he took his hard cock into his mouth.

  As he watched his mate’s eyes close in pleasure, Johnny ran his tongue over the sensitive slit on the end of his cock over and over as his hand played with his hardening balls. He picked up the rhythm as he deepthroated his mate, and slowly eased his finger back across his perfect star, waiting to make sure his mate was acceptable to this. The answering groan was all the acceptance he needed.


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