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Sawyer's Hope

Page 21

by Shelby Lynn

  Trent nodded as if he was listening to everything his friend was saying, which he was, just not believing any of it. Ian had seriously had a break from reality. He needed help and quick. He knew Ian’s father would make the arrangements quickly. Then Trent was going to wait to call the police because he was going to beat the shit out of the guys who did this.

  He was not a small man, standing six foot three inches; he was huge to most people. Trent knew he could be intimidating if he wanted to, and he really wasn’t afraid to do it. His shoulders were broad and his thighs muscular from the exercises he did. Trent stayed fit and trim. He had a six-pack, which extremely impressed his boyfriends. When he played basketball or football, which he loved, he had no problem keeping up with the young bucks.

  “Trent, I am fucking serious, knock it off. I can see how your brain is working. You think I am nuts and you are trying to think how you can get to the phone and call someone. Then you are going to try to kick Blake’s ass for giving me drugs or something,” Ian said dryly.

  Trent paused and looked at his friend. He sounded sane when he said shit like this. Then Ian had to open his mouth again.

  “This is fucking real. I can show you if you stop being a pain in my ass for more than thirty seconds,” Ian said.

  “Really?” Trent said deciding to wait to defuse the situation, right, that is something he also read. Maybe if he calmed his friend down, and really talked to him, he would be able talk some reason into Ian. He did not want his parents to commit him, which would suck and not be helpful to his cause of proving his innocence. Although, a plea of insanity may work.

  Ian sighed and put his head down, “How long have we been friends?”

  “Fifteen years, give or take,” Trent said automatically.

  “In all those years, have I ever, ever taken a drug?” Ian asked calmly.

  “No, but you may not know they were doing it. Let’s just get your blood tested,” Trent argued.

  “Man, you are my best friend, I have already told the parents, call them. I showed them. Now calm the fuck down and listen. Logan is hot, nice and the best part, Blake’s brother, which means you will live in the Castle with me. We can hang out and work together like we have been. Beer night, everything. Just please listen and go. I don’t want to leave you, and I think Logan would flip out. We were only given a short period of time to be here,” Ian said. He then whistled loudly and the large men unlocked the door somehow and entered.

  Trent looked at them in surprise. He knew the door didn’t not have a key because it was only able to lock from the inside. Trent’s eyes instantly shot to the man who was staring at him again. Damn, his eyes, they were fucking amazing. They were the funkiest shade of blue he had ever seen, almost purple. His thick, light brown or dark blond hair was cut into a short high and tight, which Trent did love. It made him seem as if he was in charge. He was sexy too.

  Was he really thinking about one of the cult members as hot? Really, ‘cause it seemed like he possibly was being brainwashed right now. Shit, maybe they put something in his drink, or maybe they used hypnosis, thought Trent.

  Trent turned and closed his eyes, refusing to make eye contact with them, as well as throwing the drink Ian gave him away.

  Chapter One

  What in the hell had he gotten into to? After the men had come into the room, things had gotten out of control. It seemed like he wasn’t going to be able to get his friend alone for any period of time. All of Ian’s belongings had been packed, and as Trent argued and fought, they moved to his place. Trent only lived a few blocks from his friend. When they went out to walk to his place, Trent thought maybe they would be able to get someone’s attention. Nevertheless, the streets were quiet, while Ian and Blake held onto each one of his arms explaining things rapidly to him as they walked. It felt as if his head was fuzzy. It was disconcerting, and the only reason for it was the fact he had probably been drugged. Nothing else explained the ease in which he moved with the strangers. Trent knew he would have fought and kicked some ass if everything had been working correctly.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Trent said trying to stay focused on the task─to escape. However, he couldn’t help but think they were bat shit crazy as they explained how they would cross through some gate/doorway thing when they all touched this coin. At first, Trent would feel disoriented. His eyes would feel like they were playing tricks on him, the light, and then the dark. The feeling of falling, and his stomach would be ready to empty. Maybe he shouldn’t have finished the beer in the fridge, just in case they drugged him too.

  Ian joined him while they watched the packing of his pathetic life. He could feel the frustration. Trent had argued, but Ian pointed out that even if he didn’t believe what he was saying, Ian wanted him to move to his condo, so packing his shit and bring it back to Ian’s had been fairly simple. Only his books, which held First Editions of some of his favorite books, had been important. Trent had yelled at the overgrown bully who insisted he pack his ‘mate’s clothes’. Trent had rolled his eyes and then went to have a beer with his friend in the sparse kitchen. At least he never had gotten around to actually filling his cabinet with dishes and glasses.

  Trent didn’t have a family who came over to visit or a boyfriend since he hadn’t dated in a few years. He had been into getting his career off the ground. Now, it looked like he was going to have to make some room in his little world. Ian was explaining to him about the people who he had been living with. He wasn’t sure if Ian was still delusional because he spoke so intelligently about this thing called a Stratum. It was a different plane of existence, the possibility this could ever happen was overwhelming. Trent was asking some hard questions, and his friend was answering them honestly.

  “So, I don’t get it. We all have to hold on to this coin thing, so how does all of our stuff get back?” Trent asked and frowned. Ha, he had his friend on that one. There was no way Ian could explain that.

  Ian rolled his eyes and said, “Really, you are gonna try the logic thing on me? Okay, I will play along. This is what happens. We get all of this stuff together, packed and it will be in my apartment. They are opening a larger than normal door. Sasha, who is Blake and Logan’s sister, is the head of the Division of Transport. She hands out the coins that we use to travel. Many of the people use these coins to do their merchant business. There are many levels to the coin. If you have a bluish tinted coin, it is for people, making the yellow, which is what we have, open a larger door. Then Sasha will be able to transport our belongings into a large room in the Palace,” Ian said smugly.

  Trent frowned at his friend and tried to figure out if what he said was even possible. Why the hell was he even thinking about this? It was not possible! It was crazy.

  “Hey, we’re ready,” Logan said as Blake stood behind him grinning. Trent looked between his friend and the man who he called ‘mate’ now. He was so confused. Ian stood up and went to stand next to the man whom he said he was spending the rest of his extended life with. Trent rolling his eyes as his friend did just a few minutes ago, caused Ian to hold up his hands in surrender.

  “Fine, if I actually play along with this, you owe me. Then I am going to demand an apology for all this shit,” Trent muttered to his friend and then laughed when his friend flipped him off.

  Logan watched his mate step forward. He didn’t think he was being too demanding and overbearing. His mate seemed to be a little pissy about the way he was trying to take care of him. What in the hell?

  He watched his mate laugh and joke—why the hell was he ignoring him? He knew he had to feel the pull. It was nowhere as difficult as Blake had said it was to convince Ian they were from a different Stratum. All of it was pissing him off.

  Logan was the Head of Security for the Wizard Stratum, so he was no puss. In fact, he was one of the strongest wizards on the Stratum. His brother and sister were the only ones who were stronger, but they each had their own area of expertise. His was security, and therefore he
was the Head of the Security section. Simple as that. His mate should be proud to be at his side. He had no clue why it wasn’t going the way he envisioned it.

  He looked at his brother, Blake as he walked up to his mate and put an arm around him casually. If anyone were watching, they would think they were buddies from their relaxed posture. However, Logan knew in the short time Ian had been in the Stratum with them, the two had found love. They were perfect for each other.

  Thank goodness in their world no one really cared with whom you mated. Man, woman, two men with one woman, as long as the connection was there, it was acceptable. If someone tried to force a mating, the Advisor’s Council would see it and the connection proven before they allowed the formal mating.

  Logan could see the connection with Trent and he could feel it as if it were a live fucking wire that kept pulling him in. He was fighting himself from demanding his mate listen to him. The thought of leaving him here wasn’t an option. The man was gonna have to deal, although when Logan looked at him, he could feel the attraction. Trent was fucking gorgeous. Standing the same height as Trent, Logan knew it would be amazing when they kissed. Trent had a full mouth, Logan almost groaned aloud as he thought about what he wanted to do with his mate’s mouth. Shaking his head, Logan continued his appraisal.

  Trent had black hair, which hung loosely around his shoulders. His face was narrow and sharp. Logan could imagine wrapping his hand in his mate’s hair and holding him while he kissed him. Logan already knew his mate had flashing green eyes, because when he was pissed, which he had been since the moment Logan met him, his eyes seemed to come alive. They had the same build, so Logan knew Trent took care of himself, which made them the perfect match. Logan was happy his mate was going to be able to actually stand by his side and be a strong mate, as Ian was with Blake.

  Grinning, Logan walked to where his mate was, stopped just before he grabbed his arm and pulled him into an embrace. He knew he had to wait, let his mate get himself under control, but it wasn’t in Logan’s nature and it was proving to be difficult. Logan waited patiently, still staring intensely at his mate. They were opposite in looks. Logan had blonde hair, cut short to his head, and gray eyes. He was certain they were the exact same build when he got close to him like this. Logan had a rounder face, but it was just as stern looking. His mom used to say he was born with a frown and an inquisitive nature. Always protecting everyone.

  Trent looked at him and frowned. Logan having had enough, opened his mouth just as his brother apparently caught on, and grabbed his arm.

  “Hey brother, let’s go and get the room ready,” Blake said at the same time he was pulling on Logan’s arm.

  Logan allowed his brother to drag him away from his mate before he opened his mouth and stuck his foot into it. It was sad really.

  “Damn it, quit dragging me, asshole,” Logan muttered letting his frustration seep out.

  Blake chuckled and then said, “Dude, you are being high fucking maintenance. The look on your face is like that old human movie Conan! You had better chill. I think Trent is even more ballsey than my mate, you are gonna have a fight on your hands if you go all bossy on him.”

  “Hey, I don’t tell you how to deal with your mate, so don’t tell me. He needs to understand we are going back to a war, and he will need to follow directions,” Logan gritted out.

  Blake shook his head and smiled. ”Okay then, don’t come crying to me. Are we ready?”

  Logan looked around and nodded. They had their plan. Everything was finally in one room, and they were ready to open the gate and transport. Sasha should be on the other side waiting with his parents and more guards, just in case. They were entering into a storage room with all of this stuff. That way, the men would be able to go through their boxes when they wanted.

  Blake called to the men to come to where they were standing. The boxes were arranged in a large square. Neither of the men took furniture, only boxes, which helped, but even though Trent may not think he had much, he did—all kinds of books.

  Ian came, stood next to Blake, and the guards formed a semi-circle behind them. Trent still stood off to the side. Logan waited patiently for the man to make up his mind and step forward. He avoided Logan and stood next to Ian. Logan made a noise of displeasure but held out the coin. They all looked down as the coin began to glow. When Logan nodded, each man reached out to touch the coin.

  Logan looked up and saw his mate’s eyes widen as the room swirled around them. The color was bright as the first small swirl of gold began to form a doorway. Logan refused to let his gaze leave Trent’s eyes. He could see the panic when Trent began to realize this was real.

  “Don’t let go,” Logan ordered and Trent nodded briefly. The door got larger and Logan knew Trent was probably feeling the effects of the first time transport. When Logan did it the first time, it had made him sick also, but what a day it had been.

  His father allowed the Guards to bring Blake, Sasha, and him to the Human Stratum. They had a full day of shopping, a baseball game, and even rides on Long Island. It had been amazing to a twelve year old. He remembered every feeling from the day, including the one when they returned. His belly stuffed full of hot dogs, cotton candy, and other junk food. The twirling and motion had made him turn green. It was only when his little sister had teased him that it forced him to hold it in. Logan smiled at the memory from his youth.

  Finally, the room seemed to expand with the transport spell and Logan could see the figures of his family begin to appear. Blake pushed a little forward and they all seemed to move as one, that’s when Logan saw his mate stumble a little. Ian grabbed his arm, and he was wishing it were him helping Trent through this. Logan knew what the man was going to see would freak him out a little. He could see the room in the castle now, along with his father and mother more clearly. His sister was slowly making her way to the side, raising her hands and moving the boxes behind them. Her power was greater when transporting, something he could never quite get the hang of.

  It was probably because as their father said when they were growing up, ‘each of you are special in your own way. Because of that, each of you will lead a part of the Stratum. I was not graced with siblings, and therefore, I have been alone. You will be more powerful as the three of you share the powers.’

  They had entered the room and Logan slowly pulled the coin back as the glow faded until the coin looked normal again. He looked around to his mate who was staring intensely at the room where they were now standing, looking a little green around the edges.

  You have got to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Trent started speaking and ended up yelling loudly while gesturing to the room and looking at his friend.

  Logan wanted to laugh a little when he saw Ian’s expression. Apparently, his best friend was not normally so vocal.

  “Uh, Trent, can I introduce you to Blake and Logan’s parent’s, the King and Queen of the Wizard Stratum, and if I am not mistaken, your new in-laws,” Ian said, looking at Trent.

  Dion looked around the room. He planned to have more Rebels coming in the next few days. The ones he had were useless. They had lost the fight for him, this all could have been over with if they had listened to him. At least they'd done one thing right, they'd taken Chase. He would be invaluable when it came to getting Blake out in the open. Once they actually worked him over a little more, he would talk. Keeping him a secret was the clue, there were so many wards over the room he was hidden in that no one, not even the King of Wizards could fucking find him.

  For now, he had another plan. One that would certainly make sure Blake would be his. “You know what he looks like?” Dion asked.

  “Yeah, I got it. So I bite him and then what, leave? Like the Guards are going to actually let me waltz in there and hurt the King’s Consort,” the Wolf Shifter in front of him said.

  Dion learned long ago to tell them what they wanted to here, and then do what you had to do. Dion knew the wolf would be caught, he would be questioned, and then he would be k
illed. Not that he cared much one way or the other, because he would have outlived his usefulness when he bit the Consort. It would be awesome, whether or not the wolf knew it; he was the beginning of the New Rebellion. That is the name he gave his campaign, the idiots who were following him said they needed a purpose.

  Hell, the only purpose they needed was to make sure he got what he wanted. It was just sad. They thought he would use any of them once he was the ruler of all the Stratums. He would be able to pick the strongest of the Shifters, the smartest of the Fae, hell, he would even use the meanest of the Trolls. Right now he was scraping the bottom of the barrel, but at least they would stand between him and harm’s way long enough for him to kill the Consort, and claim Blake as his own.

  “Then, you will be captured. I have someone working in the palace who will leave the door open for you. Once you leave, you need to hurry back here, so I can give you another important assignment. We are right on the cusp of greatness. You will play an important part in all of this, so make sure you don’t get hurt,” Dion said slowly, and tried to add enough of the caring tone in his voice he heard others use.

  The stupid wolf nodded, looked at Dion, and asked, “What is the Guard’s name?”

  Perhaps not as stupid as he thought, Dion mused, “His name is Roderick. He is the Head of the Guards.”

  The wolf studied him closely, as if he would actually be able to smell his deceit. Dion practiced years for this, years. He knew how to make a lie believable to a Shifter. They were so in tune with their animals, trusting in them so much, as if the thing would ever make a mistake. Ha, well this time it had. He knew how to hide his lie behind confidence.


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