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Papa’s Joy: Little Ladies of Talcott House, Book 3

Page 14

by Lyndon, Sue

  “Naughty, naughty little girl,” he said as he spanked her kitty, and his faux scolding heightened her desire. If this was what happened every time she instigated a game of tag with her papa, she would challenge him to such a game at least once a day for the rest of her life.

  Her thoughts of future naughtiness were interrupted when he paused spanking her and started rubbing her moisture over her swollen clitty. It didn’t take long for her to reach a soaring climax, and she moaned and whimpered through the wondrous release as Papa held her firmly in place over his lap.

  To her delight, after he righted her skirts, he turned her over in his lap and held her close. She loved sitting on Papa’s lap, and she found herself blinking against a sudden burn in her eyes. No one had ever made her feel as special as her new papa and it still took her breath away whenever she realized she was indeed Lady Kensington. There were moments when her great turn in fortune felt as if it were a dream.

  Hiding her face in Papa’s chest, she blinked rapidly to keep herself from crying. She didn’t wish for Papa to think she hadn’t enjoyed their playful banter and naughtiness in the library. His cock still felt thick and hard beneath her, and once she had her emotions under control she peered up at him and stroked her hand along the center of his chest. “Papa, would you, um…” Her voice trailed off and her face heated as she felt suddenly shy.

  “Yes, my sweet? What is it?” he asked as he brushed a lock of hair behind her ears.

  “Would you like me to assist you...with...with your hard cock?”

  One corner of his lips turned up and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Let us finish the tour of the second floor first, Daisy, and then I shall escort you back to my bedchamber where I will take my time thoroughly ravishing you.”

  “Oh, Papa, you always have the best ideas.”

  Chapter 15

  “I beg your pardon, my lord,” the butler said, stepping tentatively into Edward’s study.

  Edward looked up from the stack of papers on his desk. He had neglected a number of things in his pursuit of enjoyment during his newly married status. A full week had passed since his wedding and today he was determined to finally get caught up and return to normal. He had spent too much time indulging in pleasures of the flesh and it was time to get back to business, though he still intended to make good use of his wife's willing body upon completion of his tasks. It would be a satisfying reward for a day spent at tiresome duties.

  He looked up at the interruption from the butler and nodded. The servant continued, “My lord, Lady Hamilton and Lady Millicent are downstairs. They have come to call.”

  “And why is that of concern to me? Have they not come to see Lady Kensington?” He felt a bit of pique rise within him. The butler had been in his employ long enough to know he did not care to be interrupted unless absolutely necessary, particularly when he worked in his study. Besides, he had invited only Lady Millicent to call and she was expected a week from today. Of course, the tiresome Lady Hamilton would not be put off from inspecting his new bride, he ought to have expected as much.

  “I believe that is correct, sir, but,” the servant stammered and looked away before returning his gaze to his master, “it seems Lady Kensington is not on the premises.”

  Alarmed, Edward stood, emotions conflicting within him. He had guests—guests who had come at his invitation to call upon his wife, though apparently a week early—waiting downstairs. And he had a missing wife. Propriety won out and he followed the butler down the stairs into the drawing room where Lady Hamilton and her daughter sat.

  He greeted them both and Lady Hamilton spoke, “Edward, my dear, it is lovely to see you. It appears marriage suits you well.” Her gaze took in every detail of his appearance and he imagined her running a mental tally of the costs of each article of clothing he wore. Though he had admiration for Lord Hamilton and his daughter, there was an artifice about Lady Hamilton which Edward had never been able to look past. “Lady Millicent and I have called upon your new bride. Where are you keeping her? Is she locked in a room upstairs?” She gave a mirthless laugh and Lady Millicent paled at her mother’s bold comment.

  “I do apologize for my bride,” he said, “it appears she has gone out. I was not aware of her plans, I am embarrassed to say, though I can assure you she will be here next Thursday, which is when we both expected your visit.” Despite his concerns for his wife, he was also irked by his neighbors’ brash, unscheduled visit, particularly since they had an appointment a week from today, or rather, Lady Millicent did. He steeled his features to mask his annoyance. “I hope I can prevail upon you fine ladies to return then and I shall make the introductions. I am quite eager for all of you to get to know one another as I am sure she will be glad to have such distinguished ladies as yourselves among her acquaintances.”

  “Why of course, Edward. These things cannot be helped,” Lady Hamilton said.

  They could be helped if you did not appear a week ahead of schedule. For as much as he admired Lady Millicent, he found her mother contemptuous to an equal degree. Though he had taken over his father’s title and estate, she pointedly refused to use his title and insisted upon addressing him by his Christian name. It was no accidental oversight, as Lady Hamilton did nothing without a motive, usually a selfish one.

  A gentleman to his core, however, he kept his thoughts to himself. He bowed to them both and took Lady Millicent's proffered hand. It was delicate and ladylike as was she, though she did have a mischievous streak, as he well knew. Although he would never have eyes for a woman other than his beloved Daisy, it did strike him once again and he wondered why he had never felt the same attraction for Lady Millicent which he suspected she held for him. She was a perfectly agreeable and acceptable young lady from an upstanding family with a proper upbringing. She was pleasant and genteel and certainly an attractive young woman. Yet despite the best efforts of herself and her mother, he simply did not succumb to her charms.

  He did hope, however, she and Daisy would become friends as he believed Lady Millicent could be a good influence to assist his wife in maneuvering the social setting of London. In recent years he had spent very little time mingling with those of the ton, but after a week of marriage and the constant company of his darling Daisy, he began to see the possibility once again. He managed to escort the two ladies from his house swiftly and hopefully without offense and reassured them that a call next Thursday would be successful.

  No sooner had the lock clicked on the large front door of Kensington Manor when Edward turned and called for the butler.

  “Tell me everything you know about your search for Lady Kensington. Are you certain you looked everywhere for her? She is, as you know, unfamiliar with this area so could have easily become lost.”

  “I have little to report, my lord. I spent my morning with my own duties and it was not until I was summoned to the front door and then went in search of Lady Kensington that I became concerned at not being able to locate her. When I could not locate her, I immediately informed you, my lord. I assumed you would have information on her whereabouts. In addition, if I may speak boldly, I am well aware of Lady Hamilton’s propensity to, shall we say, investigate rooms in which she is left unattended and therefore I hurried to find a suitable companion for her before continuing my search. I asked the servants and learned none of them have seen Lady Kensington since breakfast.”

  A groan of frustration escaped Edward’s lips. In addition to the embarrassment of having to explain to Lady Hamilton and Lady Millicent that he did not know where his new bride was, he now had the added worry of her safety. Had she wandered outside and gotten lost in the neighborhood? She had never been to London and he feared for her safety in the large city.

  The idea of harm befalling someone he loved while he was not there to protect her set his pulse racing as he recalled another time he had failed to shield a loved one from unexpected danger.

  * * *

  Daisy's heart fluttered in her chest as she glanced aro
und the large field on the edge of town. When she had seen an advertisement in Papa's newspaper that morning announcing a fair, her hopes of finally finding an answer to her problems rose. She had no friends in town, though perhaps she could have called upon Cammie, or maybe even Cynny, but her situation was so dire, so utterly horrible, she feared even her dear friends from Talcott House would turn their backs on her.

  When she saw the advertisement for the fair, she was reminded of Lady Miselda’s prophesy that she and her husband were soul mates, which most assuredly was true for she and Papa were of a like mind on so many things and their desire for each other was constant. Perhaps the wise woman could help Daisy with the egregious problem of the Hamiltons, if only she could find her.

  After breakfast, while Papa worked in his study, she had slipped out the back door of Kensington Manor and headed for the large field where the fair was to be held. Though it would have been faster to travel past Hamilton Manor, she scrupulously avoided that property and went around the block in the other direction. It had been many years since she had lived in London, yet Daisy found her sense of direction returned quickly and she located the field without getting lost, though it was a further distance than she had expected. She would need to hurry in order to get back to Kensington Manor before Papa noticed her absence.

  What she had not anticipated was the vast number of tents which would be set up. This gathering was many times larger than the one she had attended near Talcott House. How would she ever find Lady Miselda in a sea of bright colored canvas? Sighing, she set one foot in front of the other and started down a long row of festive booths.

  The fair she had visited on her wedding day was the first Daisy had ever had the good fortune to attend and even then it had been so early in the morning, few of the booths were open. It had been a stroke of luck when she had found Lady Miselda. Perhaps the same luck would hold for her now.

  It would have been easy to become distracted by the many wares available and Daisy did stop once or twice to admire some particularly beautiful fabrics. Perhaps, if she was not found out by the Hamiltons and, in turn, by Papa, she could return here one day soon and even bring Papa with her. She imagined walking arm in arm with her dear papa as they shopped for items for Kensington Manor or sampled the sweet treats which abounded.

  With a resolve heretofore unknown to her, she shook off those fantasies and set herself to work finding Lady Miselda. “Pardon me,” she said to one particularly exotic appearing woman, “would you happen to know Lady Miselda?”

  “Aye,” the woman paused and gave Daisy a semi-toothless smile, “she’s set up just beyond the large tree over there.”

  With a happy sigh, Daisy thanked her and hurried off toward the tree which promised to direct her to Lady Miselda. Daisy could hardly believe her luck and felt certain she had made the right decision—even if it meant disobeying her papa—to come to the fair and find Lady Miselda.

  Rounding the tree, she saw yet another sea of tents and vendors. She could feel time running out and envisioned Papa’s stern expression when he learned she had not been at home. Ought she to return to Kensington Manor? But, she told herself, what would be the point if all would soon be exposed and Kensington Manor would be her home no longer? Worse, she would no longer have a papa. Her papa.

  You ought not to think so poorly of Papa. He loves you.

  He won’t love me when he learns the truth.

  Determined to find the only person who could help her, Daisy pushed on, her eyes searching each tent for Lady Miselda.

  Oh please, she prayed, help me find Lady Miselda. When she opened her eyes, sunlight glinted off a shiny piece of jewelry and caught her attention. Lady Miselda and her large earrings sat not ten feet away from Daisy. Joyfully, she ran toward the fortune teller and into the tent which smelled of the familiar incense.

  Rushing to the table where Lady Miselda sat, Daisy pulled up short. Someone else was having their fortune told. Daisy’s heart lurched. She did not have time, but what else could she do but wait for Lady Miselda to finish? Striving to be polite, she stood as still as possible, though she made sure to remain in Lady Miselda’s peripheral vision. Her toes wiggled in her shoes and she clenched her fingers together to prevent her arms from flapping in near hysterics. Hurry, please hurry.

  Lady Miselda had been focused on the palm of the woman seated across from her but when she caught a glimpse of Daisy, she startled for a moment then returned her focus to her customer.

  Please, I need your help. My whole life depends upon it. If Lady Miselda could read minds, Daisy did not want to leave her in any doubt of her message.

  Miraculously, Lady Miselda looked up from the other woman’s hand and said, “My dear, I see nothing else in your palm. Your future is bright and filled with promise. Only happiness awaits you.”

  Lady Miselda stood and escorted the other woman from the tent before turning her curious gaze on Daisy.

  “Child,” she said, “what are you doing here? I thought you were to be married.”

  “I am married,” Daisy said with a smile. Despite her worries, her heart warmed at the thought of her papa.

  “Then why on Earth are you here instead of at home with your husband?” Lady Miselda resumed her seat and gestured for Daisy to take the recently vacated chair across from her. “And why are you so desperate for my help? Your whole world depends upon it?”

  “You can read my mind!” Daisy said, excited and relieved. She knew Lady Miselda had special powers and could help her. She took her seat and gazed at the fortune teller with renewed adoration and hope. “Things are such a mess, Lady Miselda, and you are the only one who can help me. You are my last hope.”

  “Oh dear, child. I hate to think what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself into in such a short time.”

  “It is nothing I have done since my marriage,” Daisy said. “I know that usually I do cause a lot of problems for myself but this could not be helped. It is not my fault, but I must bear the burden of it. How was I to know they lived around the corner from my papa?” She gazed at the fortune teller, her heart aching with the misery of her situation.

  “Who are you talking about?” Lady Miselda asked, pouring a cup of tea for herself and handing one to Daisy. “Who are these people you fear?”

  “Oh, Lady Miselda, it is such a horrible tale. Please, may I tell you and will you promise not to think poorly of me because of it?”

  “Of course, dear. Please unburden yourself.”

  Daisy took a sip of the tea and commenced her story. “My mother was a governess for the Hamilton family and for many, many years I believed my own father had died in the war and that the Hamiltons had kindly taken us in and given my mother the position of governess to their daughter, Lady Millicent. It was often difficult to believe they had been charitable to us because Lady Hamilton seemed to particularly dislike both my mother and myself. I could understand why she might have disdain for me, as I was as a child—much as I am now—constantly into some sort of mischief or trouble, though I rarely intended to be. It seems I simply cannot help it.”

  “I understand, dear. Please go on.” Lady Miselda’s kind words and calm demeanor gave Daisy the courage she needed to continue.

  “Lord Hamilton was amiable, and even his daughter. Lady Millicent, who was near my own age, was a friend to me. My only friend before I went to Talcott House.”

  “Ah, but the lady of the household still did not care for you, is that correct?”

  “Exactly,” Daisy said. “And it only got worse. On her deathbed, my mother confirmed what I had begun to suspect—Lord Hamilton was, in fact, my real father and the reason Lady Hamilton had been so cruel to both of us was because of her feelings of hatred toward my mother and anger and betrayal toward her husband. Of course, I was a living reminder of their relationship so it is no wonder she particularly despised me. I had even felt somewhat sorry for her, until she kicked me out of the house.”

  “How awful.”

s, it was. After my mother died, Lord Hamilton insisted I remain in residence at their home until I came of age. He said he would try to find a suitable husband for me and if not, some kind of arrangement for employment. I trusted him, and even in those dark days after my mother's death, I felt somewhat optimistic that I would not be completely alone in the future. Though we never spoke of it, I knew for certain he was my father and I sensed he realized I knew the truth. As much as he could, he protected me and when we were alone, he sometimes touched my cheek in a fatherly way.” Daisy had not allowed herself to recollect those tender times for many years and telling the story to Lady Miselda brought her heartbreak to the surface. Her throat tightened and she fought back tears.

  Lady Miselda remained silent while Daisy sipped her tea and took a few deep breaths before continuing her story.

  “But one day, Lord Hamilton and his daughter went on a short holiday to the seaside. I was to go along with them but I was not feeling well and they went without me. I was very disappointed as I had never been to the seaside before, but Lady Hamilton had insisted I was too ill for the journey. I had foolishly believed she had come to care for me and my wellbeing, but no sooner had the carriage pulled away from the house than Lady Hamilton barged into my room, ordered the maid to start packing my trunks and hurried me off and out of the house.”

  “But, you were ill,” Lady Miselda said, shock written across her face.

  “Yes, I was feverish and somewhat delirious so I did not clearly understand what was happening. I had foolishly thought she was taking me to see a doctor to get medical help, though why my trunks needed to be packed, I had no idea. Again, I was weak and unwell. But instead of taking me to see a doctor, she remained at Hamilton Manor and sent me off with the steward, Vickers. I still hoped we might be seeking medical care, but instead we rolled up to a large house in the country and that's how I came to live at Talcott House with Miss Wickersham and everyone else.”


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