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Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

Page 8

by Maggie Ryan

  Rebecca found herself regretting for a moment that she had been too shy to attempt friendship. Perhaps if she had not chosen to isolate herself with her books, she might have learned something relevant to what she was now experiencing. She was lost in her thoughts when Mrs. Andrews returned. When she realized that the woman intended to dress her, Rebecca didn’t rebel, she no longer had the strength.

  “Poor little bottom, it looks just like a very ripe tomato,” Mrs. Andrews commented as she turned Rebecca around and lifted the gown over her head. “I see your Papa has a very hard hand. I hope you don’t make a fuss anymore tonight.”

  Rebecca looked at her feet, her shame intense and did as she was told, her aching bottom warning enough.

  Patrick stood in the downstairs hallway waiting for his bride.

  Eleanor was smiling as she piled yet another box on top of the rather large stack beside the door. “If you find I’ve forgotten something, please let me know. I’m sure we forgot something. This is just all so quick.”

  Patrick looked at the large stack. “There can’t possibly be something you’ve forgotten. In fact, are you positive she is going to need all this?”

  Eleanor laughed and squeezed his arm, “Oh believe me, Patrick, she will need every item. And,” she grinned, “Who says they are all for her? I tucked in a few of my special items just for you. I know you’ll find a good use for them.”

  Patrick laughed and had to agree. When it came to anything have to do with adult little girls, Eleanor was the professional. The house she ran was a special school where she had raised many of the little misses. Men often came to her to either find their own little girl or brought their wives for training. In fact, he was a little surprised that he hadn’t seen any of the sweethearts around. “Where is everybody anyway?”

  Eleanor laughed. “Patrick, it is late. All the little ones are in bed. You know they go down at eight. It is almost eleven now. I’d be surprised if your little one’s wails didn’t wake them though. How was her first trip across your lap?”

  Patrick looked startled and then recognized that it was indeed far later than he thought. He grinned and admitted, “Absolutely wonderful for me. I’m sure Rebecca would disagree. Her little bottom must be quite painful by now.”

  Eleanor smiled knowing that Rebecca had just received her first dose of many to come. Patrick would be a very strict Papa. She patted his arm as he looked back towards the stairs and mumbled as he wondered what on earth was taking so long. Eleanor laughed. “She’s fine. It usually takes a bit longer at first to properly outfit a little one. It would have been far easier for you Patrick if you had chosen one of my girls. Your Rebecca is exhausted and confused now. I dare to predict that inside that tiny little thing lays a demon that even you might find difficult to contain. I’m sure Catherine has her hands full.”

  Patrick grinned, “She is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. I knew it the moment she stood up to Danvers. She has a great deal of fight in her and, my dear, that will make her surrender all the more delicious.”

  Eleanor smiled knowing exactly what he meant. She reached out and patted his cheek. “Then stop fussing. Why don’t you start loading the carriage?”

  Patrick nodded and called the driver to help him. Some of the boxes fit into the interior but a great deal had to be handed up to be lashed to the carriage roof. The driver didn’t complain either about the lengthy wait or the extra work. He knew Mr. McGavin paid very well for good service and he was glad to have been available this evening.

  “We should be ready in just a few more minutes, Henry.”

  The driver nodded and tipped his cap. “No hurry sir. I’m yours for the evening.”

  Patrick absentmindedly nodded as he walked back into the house pulling out his pocket watch. It was going on towards midnight. He had one foot on the first stair in preparation of hurrying up the process, when he heard a noise. He looked up and his breath caught in his throat.

  Rebecca stood beside Mrs. Andrews, her hand captured in the older woman’s. She blushed as she saw Patrick looking her up and down. She felt embarrassed to be seen as she was but after getting her third spanking of the evening, she had finally relented and gotten dressed. She felt ridiculous. Her dress was short, barely reaching below her knees. It was sticking out because of the layers of stiff petticoats that she had been put into. Her feet were clad in slip-on shoes, her black stockings replaced with white ones that were held up by pink ribbons. Her hair was brushed out to hang down her back, a large pink bow holding it away from her face. She shifted her feet, the knowledge that the lace edging the hem of her bloomers was visible below the hem of her dress humiliating in itself. She had been mortified when Mrs. Andrews had told her to step into the horrid things. Only after the threat of her fourth spanking had she stepped into the frilly bloomers which seemed to be a size too small even for her. The material pressed against her sex and against her bottom which was still throbbing and burning making her long for the split crotch drawers she had grown accustomed to wearing.

  Her breasts were unbound inside her dress, she was no longer allowed any undergarments. Mrs. Andrews had explained that little girls did not need chemises or corsets. Rebecca had insisted that her breasts needed to be bound, that it wasn’t proper for them to bounce about. Mrs. Andrews had laughed as though Rebecca’s concern was silly and simply pulled the dress over the naked breasts without another word.

  Rebecca knew she looked like a very little girl instead of a newly married eighteen year old woman. This was definitely not what she had thought a new wardrobe would consist of and was hoping that her husband would insist she be allowed to change into something more appropriate for a wife. Seeing herself being dressed brought many questions into her mind but she was too tired and too confused and too afraid to voice them. Instead, she was now standing here with her brand new husband staring up at her as if she were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

  He held out his hand, “Come here Rebecca. You look absolutely perfect. Come to Papa.”

  She blushed at the command realizing he not only approved but was pleased at her childish appearance. Going to him wasn’t her choice either. Mrs. Andrews led her down the stairs and placed her hand in Patrick’s. Rebecca looked down at his huge hand that engulfed her own and realized she had been led around and passed hand to hand all evening.

  Her attention was brought back when Patrick spoke. “What do you say to Mrs. Andrews, Becca?”

  Wondering how he knew she’d gotten another spanking, she blushed and said, “I’m sorry I was naughty, Mrs. Andrews. Tha… thank you for spanking my bo… bottom.”

  Patrick smiled but wasn’t really surprised his little one had gotten another spanking. “I meant for you to thank her for helping you dress. However, we will discuss why you were spanked yet again.”

  Rebecca blushed furiously and wished she had not mentioned her spanking. She nodded and stammered, “Th… thank you for helping me dress.”

  Mrs. Andrews bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You are very welcome sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll come back to visit. I hope the next time I won’t have to redden your poor little bottom so much.”

  Rebecca felt as if she would constantly have a red face as well as a throbbing red bottom.

  Patrick chuckled and thanked the woman himself. He picked up a pink wool cape that was hanging over the banister and drew it over Rebecca’s small form. He tilted her head back and tied the silk pink ribbon under her chin after drawing the fur edged hood over her gleaming head.

  Eleanor handed the girl a small fur muff and watched as Rebecca placed both of her hands into it as if seeking comfort.

  Patrick turned to Eleanor and after thanking her and kissing her goodbye. Then he simply bent and scooped his bride off her feet. She yelped and one hand came free as she clung to his coat. Patrick smiled, holding her tightly in his arms as he walked down the porch to the waiting carriage.

  If Henry noticed the extreme difference in Rebecc
a’s appearance, he was smart enough not to say a word. He had been to Miss Eleanor’s establishment many times and knew what type of business she ran. Though he didn’t understand the needs of the men that favored this type of life, his wallet certainly appreciated the need. He simply opened the carriage door and then closed it after Patrick lifted Rebecca inside and then followed.

  Rebecca had seen the look on the driver’s face and seen his knowing smile and her mortification returned. She attempted to pull her dress down to cover her legs but the petticoats wouldn’t allow it. She looked up to see Patrick grinning at her. She blushed and looked way. She gaped at all the boxes that took up most of the room.

  Patrick grinned. “They are all for you sweetheart. Papa bought you many presents for your new life.”

  She didn’t know what to say but found herself terrified to even think about what they might contain though she sincerely hoped more age appropriate clothing filled some of the boxes.

  By the time the driver stopped the carriage, Rebecca was sound asleep, her head resting against the pile of boxes. Patrick enjoyed just watching her. She looked so young and innocent in her sleep, her face soft. He certainly enjoyed her new attire. He had thought she was a beauty but seeing her dressed as she was, her slim little ankles tucked up underneath her—the lace of her bloomers covering most of her shapely legs—confirmed it. He continued to gaze at her. Her breasts were much fuller than he had originally thought even covered as they were now. He remembered the sight of her little nipples puckered against her nightgown. Her bottom was absolutely the most beautiful sight in the world, full and round, the cheeks bouncing wonderfully under his hand. She had the palest skin, almost translucent. He grinned knowing that it would give him endless pleasure in watching the alabaster turn to crimson again and again. He suppressed a groan of need. He watched as she squirmed a bit as if she had heard the sound of need in his voice. She didn’t waken. She was obviously exhausted in more ways than one. It wasn’t long before the carriage rolled to a stop.

  Henry opened the door and also smiled. “She is a little beauty, sir.”

  Patrick climbed out of the carriage and passed a large stack of bills to Henry. “Thank you Henry. She is my wife.”

  Henry’s face didn’t show his surprise. He tipped his hat, “Congratulations sir, I wish you and the missus a lifelong of happiness.”

  Patrick couldn’t contain his smile. He patted Henry on the shoulder and then reached inside the carriage to pick up his bride. She turned her face into his neck, never even waking. “Thank you Henry. I guarantee I couldn’t be happier. Just bring the boxes inside the door. I’ll carry them upstairs tomorrow. I think it’s time this little one got to her bed.”

  Henry doffed his cap again and watched as the man carried the woman into the house. Once they had gone inside, he shook his head. It wasn’t for him to judge, but why on earth a young man like Mr. McGavin wanted a wife that looked like a child confounded him. He shrugged his shoulders, pocketed his earnings and had quickly unloaded the carriage finding himself anxious to return home to his own wife.

  Patrick gently laid his bride on his bed. She still slept. He undressed her quickly and when she began to stir, he simply shushed her. She didn’t fully awake even when he had her down to nothing but her drawers. He loved the sight of her on his bed, her sex almost visible through the thin silk of her drawers. He tugged her drawers down and found it difficult to breathe and almost decided to wake her up and claim her as his own.

  The look of exhaustion on her face and the tiny whimper she issued when she rolled off her bottom and onto her side stilled him. He gritted his teeth as he swiftly pulled the same nightgown over her head and then simply pulled back the covers and slipped her beneath them. She seemed to smile in her sleep as she curled up. He realized she must be cold as he saw her tightly puckered nipples and her red bottom through the gossamer fabric. Groaning again, he forced himself to pull the quilt up under her chin. She placed her hand under her chin and fell into an even deeper sleep.

  Patrick stepped away from the bed before he found himself doing something he’d regret. While it was true he now owned the girl, he didn’t want her first experience with sex to be one that would terrify her. He grinned knowing that more than concern for her fear he wanted her wide awake and fully aware of every single sensation when he took her virginity.

  He undressed quickly and after checking the fire, slipped into the bed beside her. She didn’t waken when he pulled her back to spoon against him. He might have decided to postpone his husbandly rights, but it didn’t mean he intended to deny himself the warmth of her body. She caused him to once again question his decision when she squirmed against him. His breath caught as her silk covered bottom pushed against his throbbing organ. He gritted his teeth until she settled, obviously now warm and comfortable. He felt her totally relax and knew that while she was sleeping peacefully, it would take him quite some time to either relax or sleep.


  Rebecca moaned and slowly opened her eyes. She was puzzled as to where she was and then froze. She was in a bed and though it was definitely the most comfortable one she had ever slept in, she realized she wasn’t alone. Memories of yesterday flooded her mind and the one foremost was that she was now married. She didn’t dare move and felt a heavy weight on her stomach. She cautiously looked down and saw a large tanned arm around her waist, the hand cupping her breast. She also realized she was practically naked! She blushed and wanted to bolt from the bed but didn’t dare wake the man pressed up against her. She saw that she wasn’t truly naked. She was wearing the nightgown she had worn after her bath. The memory of her bath and the horrible spankings caused her to bite her lower lip, the shame of it all flooding her senses. She froze again when the arm tightened around her.

  “Good morning, Becca,” she heard.

  Patrick’s voice filled the air and she thought of ignoring him and pretending to sleep. His hand moved from her breast to lie on her tummy and pulled her tighter against him and she realized she needed to use the bathroom. He chuckled and said, “I know you’re awake, Rebecca. Are you going to start the day out being naughty? Have you forgotten already what it feels like to have your little bottom spanked?”

  She blushed and stiffened as his hand moved from her stomach to pat the bottom under discussion. Just the light touch of his hand caused her to wince. Her bottom was still very tender. It also helped remind her of what he did to what he considered to be naughty girls. “No… no sir. I… I didn’t forget.”

  Patrick stroked her bottom, his cock once again hardening.

  “I…I need to use the bathroom please.”

  Patrick patted her bottom once again and then sat up. “Don’t you mean you need to go potty little one?”

  She blushed at the childish word but her need overrode her shame. “Um, yes sir. I need to use the potty.”

  “Try again Rebecca.”

  She hated him at this moment. She gritted her teeth. “Papa, I need to… to go potty please.” She closed her eyes as he climbed out of the bed and she realized he was truly naked. Her face was flaming. She had slept next to a naked man all night and not even realized it. She heard his laugh and then felt him pull the covers off her. She immediately felt the cool air across her body and it both tightened her nipples as well as caused her need to increase. She opened her eyes and saw him holding out his hand. She was extremely grateful that he had pulled on a pair of pants though his chest was still bare. She took his hand and covered her breasts with her other. He immediately used his free hand to smack her bottom.

  “You know better than that.”

  She dropped her hand, her face flaming. He led her downstairs and to a door next to the kitchen. She was about to balk at being led outside almost naked. Before she spoke, he opened the door and she gasped. It looked the same as the one in the house last night, complete with a large copper tub. She looked for the chamber pot but didn’t see it.

  Patrick chuckled as he saw the conf
usion on her face. Without a word, he bent and lifted the hem of her nightgown up and over her head.

  Though the gown had offered very little covering, she moaned at its removal. She desperately wanted to cover herself but remembering the pop against her bottom, didn’t dare. She watched as he opened a separate door and she saw that he had a chair identical to the one at Miss Summers, unusually large, especially to her.

  Patrick smiled and explained, “I don’t want my little one having to traipse outside to go potty, especially naked. It was easy enough to simply add walls around your potty chair.”

  She was horribly embarrassed. Obviously this strange man had extremely peculiar ideas of what was proper. “But….I…I can use a chamber pot.”

  Patrick laughed as if she was being silly.

  “No little one. Chamber pots are for adults when it is too late to go outside. You are just a little girl and now you have your own potty chair. Besides, a chamber pot doesn’t suit my needs.”

  She blushed at the conversation and then shrieked as she was lifted off her feet and placed on the seat. She wanted to beg him to leave or at least turn around but knew he would simply refuse. Trying to act like it didn’t bother her, Rebecca did what her body required without fussing.

  She was proud of herself until she heard, “That’s my good little one. Now spread your legs so I can clean you.”


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