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Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

Page 15

by Maggie Ryan

  Patrick nodded and saw Becca returning. She looked adorable in the sexy adult nightgown while bringing him the very large spoon that he would be using on her bottom. She was finally in front of him and held the spoon out. He didn’t simply take it. He gave her a warning look and she blushed.

  “Please, Papa… please spank me!” She yelped as another swat landed on her bottom.

  “Rebecca Louise McGavin. Ask your Papa correctly. You must want a very hot little bottom don’t you?” Catherine said.

  Rebecca shuddered at the thought and shook her head, her mouth trembling. “No… no ma’am Nanny.”

  “Then do as you were told Missy. Ask your Papa to spank your bottom with your spanking spoon.” Catherine knew how difficult it was when little ones were made to request their own chastisement. It was humiliating but also helped by making the miscreant feel that they deserved to have their bottoms spanked. It also reinforced the fact that when they chose to be naughty, they needed to be very thoroughly punished. Catherine’s experience had taught her that her adult little girls who were true submissives felt uneasy and very guilty until they had paid for their naughtiness with a good hard spanking. “Go ahead now, your Papa is waiting for you to be a good girl.”

  Patrick watched silently in appreciation at Catherine’s experience and obvious delight in teaching his little wife. He loved watching his wife’s face as she struggled to decide what to do. They all knew very well she didn’t want a spanking much less having to practically be made to beg for one. She whimpered and tears slid down her cheeks in humiliation. Catherine and Patrick remained still allowing her to make herself obey.

  They were delighted when Rebecca finally said, “Pl… please Papa. Please spank my bottom with… with my span… spanking spoon.”

  She sobbed as she finished and Patrick sat forward and put his hand over the one holding the spoon. He felt her trembling and loved every moment. He wasn’t going to make this easy for her either. “Why do you need your bottom spanked with your spanking spoon, Becca?”

  She felt her tears begin even before her spanking.

  He loved the sight of them rolling down her cheeks. “Answer me Rebecca.”

  She sobbed, her mind not understanding the guilt her heart felt. “I…I was naughty.”

  He didn’t allow her an inch. “Do you need your nanny to remind you to behave little one?” She shook her head. “Then answer me properly by telling me exactly what you did to earn your spanking.”

  She sobbed and gave in. “I was naughty and didn’t open my legs when Na… Nanny wanted to sha… shave me.”

  She was almost there. “Shave what sweetie?”

  Rebecca wanted to die.

  Patrick reached out and cupped her sex through her gown. “What’s this called, Becca? What will remain shaved for the rest of your life?”

  “My kit… kitty, Papa.”

  He squeezed her sex and heard her gasp. He knew he’d find a fresh dose of cream between her sweet lips. “That’s right honey. Your sweet little kitty. Okay, Rebecca, Papa will give you your spanking with your spoon.”

  Without further conversation, Rebecca was guided down over his knees. She felt her nightgown being lifted and realized that her nanny was baring her bottom for her spanking. She began to cry in earnest at the humiliation of it all. It was one thing for her husband/father to spank her in the privacy of their home, it was beyond humiliating knowing that someone was not only going to witness her spanking, she was assisting in it.

  The two ignored her and soon enough she was ready. “I can tell that Nanny had to spank your bottom as well. You will learn that punishment from your nanny guarantees that additional punishment from me will be much harder.”

  Rebecca began to sob just hearing his words.

  Catherine stepped back and watched as Patrick lit into his little one’s bottom with the heavy spoon. Rebecca was soon wailing and screaming for him to stop. The spoon burned into her bottom with a sharp slap every time he struck her.

  “Nooo… Papa… stop, nooo, please, please… it hurts!” Her feet began to kick up even though Catherine had guided them into the horribly exposed position she had learned earlier.

  “Rebecca, present yourself properly for your spanking. Now your Papa has to start your spanking over. Keep those legs wide and get up on your tiptoes. Turn those heels out more and lift that naughty bottom high. You earned a good roasting with your spanking spoon and your Papa is going to make sure you get one.”

  Rebecca sobbed at the instructions as well as hearing her spanking would begin again. The spoon was horrid and her bottom was already burning.

  Patrick was having the time of his life. He kept the spoon against her bottom until she finally obeyed. He watched her plant her feet, spread her legs further apart and lift up onto her little toes. Her position pushed her bottom up and out, a perfect target for his discipline, her sex glistening with her cream telling a much different story than her cries and pleas for him to stop her spanking.

  “That’s better! Stay in position and apologize to your Papa and ask him to spank your naughty bottom very, very hard.”

  Rebecca sobbed but the words filled the room, “I’m… I’m sorry Pa… Papa. Please… please spank my… my naughty… naughty bottom very, very ha… hard.”

  Patrick’s cock was rock hard under her tummy and thickened even more as she obeyed her nanny. He lifted his eyes to see Catherine smiling down at the scene. She nodded and he tightened his grip around his wife’s waist.

  “Arch your back and lift your naughty bottom higher Rebecca. You need to learn to behave when you are getting a good spanking.” He watched as Rebecca lifted her already red bottom higher almost as if asking it to be punished. Patrick smiled and began to fulfill her request. It was the hardest spanking Becca had ever gotten though admittedly for a very minor offense. Patrick didn’t particularly care if the punishment fit the crime. He was going to roast her extremely well and then fuck her just as well.

  By the time he allowed her off his lap, she was barely coherent. Her legs trembled as they did a little dance that Patrick loved to see. He knew she was desperate to rub the spanked skin of her poor bottom but was very proud of his little one when, in spite of her intense pain, she stood before her husband, her gown held up above her bottom and sobbed.

  “I’m so… sorry I was naughty, Papa,” she managed through her tears. “Thank… thank you for spanking my bottom.”

  Patrick leaned forward and kissed the tip of her runny nose. She looked absolutely adorable.

  Rebecca wanted for him to hold her, to tell her it was okay. Instead he added another layer of humiliation on her.

  “Tell Papa what you are going to do then next time your nanny needs to shave your kitty Rebecca.”

  Rebecca sobbed harder but managed to answer. “Be… be a goo… good girl.”

  “And what does a good girl do when she needs her kitty shaved?”

  “Sp… spreads her… her legs and is… is still.”

  Patrick smiled and reached around to cup her blazing bottom causing her to jerk and moan. “That’s correct, Becca. If you are a good girl and spread your legs really, really wide open for your nanny when she shaves your kitty, this,” he paused as he jiggled the roasted cheek in his hand, “won’t need to be spanked will it?”

  Rebecca sobbed both at the pain and the humiliating lecture. “No… Papa.” Her husband released her aching bottom and lifted his handkerchief to her nose.

  “Blow sweetie.”

  Rebecca found herself even more humiliated at the order but she complied.

  He removed the cloth and planted another kiss on the tip of her nose. He wiped her tears off her cheek with the tips of his fingers. “That’s my good girl. Now, I believe my little one needs her bed. Good night, Becca.”

  Rebecca desperately wanted to crawl onto his lap and cry her heart out. Instead, her nanny reached down to take her hand and Rebecca was led to bed. She was surprised to find herself in Patrick’s room, havin
g expected to be led back to her crib. She then remembered that she hadn’t been allowed bloomers and knew what he husband intended. She had felt the hardness of his sex pressing against her hip during her horrid spanking. She knew he’d soon be pressing himself into her aching body yet again. Though she refused to admit it, she found herself desperately hoping he would finally allow her to find her pleasure. The shame of her thoughts caused her to sob even harder when she was allowed to slip between the sheets on her tummy. Her cries increased when she felt her nightgown being lifted again.

  “Naughty red bottoms are displayed little one and yours is very, very red. Now, you just lay here and think about your behavior as your little bottom burns and throbs.” Catherine’s demeanor changed as she reached down and pulled strands of Rebecca’s hair off her wet cheeks.

  Rebecca continued to cry but didn’t fuss or pull away when the older woman placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “I know you are hurting little one but try to get some rest sweetheart. Your Papa will be in soon.”

  Rebecca didn’t know what she felt. She only knew that though she had just been horribly spanked yet again, the gentle kiss and endearment Catherine whispered made her want to throw her arms around her nanny and just be held.

  Catherine stroked her finger once more down the poor girl’s cheek and then she reached down and took Rebecca’s wrists and buckled them into the new cuffs. There was no reason to take a chance on Rebecca either trying to bolt from the bed or use her hands to try to rub any of the pain out of her posterior. Catherine reached down and slowly drew her fingers through Rebecca’s legs and found them immediately coated.

  Rebecca wailed at the contact and arched back, pulling against the restraints.

  Catherine just smiled knowing the girl was extremely conflicted. She patted the throbbing bottom and then blew out the lamp. She closed the door and grinned hearing Rebecca wail louder as she was left restrained to the bed, her hot bottom pulsing and the ache between her legs burning hotter than ever before.


  Catherine found Patrick at his desk enjoying a glass of brandy. He offered her one and she accepted. They spent the next couple of hours discussing the evening’s events as well as making some future plans. “She is going to make you a wonderful little wife, Patrick.” Patrick had insisted that Catherine use a less formal title unless their little one was awake. “She was simply stunning tonight. You are an extremely lucky man.”

  Patrick smiled and knew it was true. He had spent years indulging in his unusual desires but had never truly been satisfied until he had found Rebecca. She was everything he could have hoped for. She was absolute perfection. “She is wonderful, Catherine. I hope she never loses her spirit though. I want it to remain difficult for her to obey what she finds so humiliating. I want her to bend but never, ever to break.”

  Catherine nodded knowing that Patrick had no desire for some insipid wife. He was far too intelligent and passionate to desire that. “I don’t think she will, sir. She is a good girl but full of spirit and passion as well. If she was going to break, she would have done so at that awful school. She is such an innocent and extremely modest. It is adorable how she blushes every time she is undressed or touched. Poor thing was beet red the entire time I was bathing her. I know she is extremely confused about what her body is feeling. She will probably never admit that she gets aroused when she is being punished or made to do childish or embarrassing things, but we both know how wet she becomes. Even after that roasting you just gave her, she was thoroughly soaking. It was beautiful watching you stroke her before you spanked her.”

  Patrick grinned and nodded. “I thought I was going to come in my pants. God, she was trembling so hard. I love keeping her on the edge and don’t plan on allowing her much pleasure. Definitely none unless she is being held as you were just restraining her or, of course, in our bed. However, keeping her so close to her culmination will just add to her torment.”

  Catherine agreed, remembering how Rebecca responded with just the lightest touch on her privates.

  Patrick continued, “I have to leave in a few days. God, I hate having to leave her so soon but it can’t be helped. We will go over her schedule tomorrow but I have complete faith that you will be able to take care of our little one.”

  Catherine stood, knowing she was being dismissed. “Excellent sir. I agree with everything you’ve said. Your little one will find herself aching terribly by the time you return. I’m pretty sure I can guarantee her bottom will be throbbing probably just as much as that beautiful sweet kitty. We’ll have plenty of time to make further plans before you leave. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll retire.”

  “Good night Catherine and thank you again for taking the position. I’m sure Becca will grow to love you.”

  Catherine smiled, “I’m sure she will sir though it might take her a long time to admit it. Her little bottom will hate me for many different reasons as she learns her lessons. However, I will make sure she receives a bit of comfort along the way but not enough to spoil your little one.”

  He laughed and settled down to finish his brandy as Catherine went to her room. He finished the last swallow and stood. After making sure the house was secure, he went upstairs. He stepped into the nursery and smiled as he placed the discarded doll next to her new bunny. He was so glad he had finally found the perfect woman to occupy the crib. He looked at the small stool in the corner and imagined his wife sitting with her nose in the corner, her red bottom bright against the white of the stool. By the time he quietly opened his bedroom door his cock was once again straining against the constraints of his pants. He shut the door and quickly stripped. He stood over the bed and looked down at his wife. She was sound asleep, her arms over her head, her wrists limp inside the soft restraints. Her legs were spread slightly, her poor bruised bottom evidence of the hard day she had endured. He climbed up onto the bed and straddled her body. Rebecca didn’t stir until he had her hips lifted, his cock poised at her entrance. As he began to tease her, she woke and began to struggle. “Shhh, Becca, be still.”

  She froze and then whimpered as she realized what he intended.

  “That’s my good girl. Get up on your knees, Becca.”

  She blushed and with his help struggled into the requested position. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt his huge hands gripping her thighs, spreading her as wide apart as he could.

  “Lift your bottom sweetie. You know that Papa is going to fuck you. Show Papa your kitty, push it up for me.” He adored the sound of the whimper barely audible in the room. He watched as she arched her back and lifted her bottom towards him. He saw the glistening of her pussy and without any further words, gripped her hips tighter and drove into her in one huge thrust.

  Rebecca arched and screamed as he filled her, his girth stretching her as he relentlessly filled her, causing her to attempt to move away from his possession. Her restrained hands clawed at the mattress.

  He easily pulled her back towards him with one hand while he kept the other on her hip. “Stay!” he ordered as he pushed her shoulders down to press against the mattress causing her bottom to lift to him.

  Rebecca whimpered as she struggled to obey her husband. She laid her cheek down on the mattress as he pushed her legs even further apart and continued to thrust into her with long strokes.

  “Oh Becca, I do love fucking you. I love looking at your roasted little bottom while my cock is buried deep inside you. Your kitty is so nice and tight, so marvelously wet. You like it when Papa fucks you don’t you, Becca? You like it when you are stretched so widely around your Papa’s cock?”

  She whimpered and sobbed but even though she hated it, her bottom lifted higher, her legs spread a little wider as her body betrayed her mind. Patrick grabbed both hips and drove into her again and again, his cock buried to the hilt as he fucked her as hard as he could. She felt a tightening in her body, an infinite pause of intense expectation. She screamed as her body exploded seconds before he r
oared with his own completion. She convulsed around him again and again, the ache she had been feeling all day finally satisfied.

  Patrick bent over her and gently kissed her neck. She breathed hard under his weight, the scratch of his hair abrading the tender punished skin of her bottom. She whimpered, exhaustion flowing through her but the awful tension having disappeared.

  “That’s right, little one. You don’t want to admit it but your body loves it. The harder the better.”

  She sobbed, shame engulfing her.

  Patrick began to move inside her again, his cock already half hard. She moaned but when he ordered her to lift her bottom, she obediently did so. He slowly began to move inside her and pushed her gown up until the fabric was above her shoulders. He reached beneath her and cupped her breasts.

  Rebecca’s wrists ached in their restraints but she didn’t ask for him to remove them. He drug her up until she was on her knees again, her shoulders and head on the bed, her breasts hanging below her. He squeezed them and began to pull and twist her nipples. She moaned and squirmed beneath his administrations, her pussy tightening around his cock.

  “You like it when your Papa plays with your little nipples, your kitty is soaking wet and gushes even more when I pinch you like this.” He proved his point by tightening his fingers around each of her nipples and pinching them hard. Rebecca’s sex contracted around his cock and she screamed both in pain and pleasure.

  Patrick smiled as he pumped his hips, filling her, stretching her, fucking her until she came again screaming from the intensity of her full body contractions. He continued to torture her nipples loving it as she tried to pull away from his punishing fingers, knowing she’d go nowhere.

  “Ohhh, pl… please Pa… Papa, please…. it hur… hurts me.”

  Patrick just pinched her nipples flat and pulled her breasts away from her body until she bent forward no longer trying to escape. “It will always hurt, Becca. These titties belong to me Rebecca. These sweet little nipples are going to be pinched and pulled and slapped and spanked any time I decide. Your kitty is going to be fucked and licked. It’s going to be spanked and switched, paddled and caned.” He released one of her aching nipples and traced the cleft of her bottom until the pad of his finger rested against the puckered rosette.


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